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Dirk Meyhofer
ID: 3272
Видавництво: Braun

The poetic aspect of a construction material – about 70 projects from the last five years present how architects “knead” concrete structures, which amazing qualities can be developed by exposed concrete and that concrete does not need to be grey. In this book, it is shown that the popular material has more to offer than it is usually assumed.

Gilbert Delcroix, Michel Pagnoux
ID: 7112
Видавництво: Vial

Ce très important ouvrage d’érudition aborde l’ensemble des constituants matériels et immatériels de l’oeuvre peinte. Sous forme de dictionnaire, il s’adresse à tous les publics autour de la peinture et de l’histoire de l’art. Les sujets sont approfondis et offrent des connaissances multiples dans les domaines suivants : les techniques et pratiques de la peinture ; les matériaux et leur chimie ; l’histoire de l’art, de l’esthétique et de la philosophie.

Bernard Daude
ID: 7135
Видавництво: Vial

Ce livre est un ouvrage d’apprentissage et d’initiation. Pour un bon apprentissage du métier d’ébéniste, l’auteur insiste sur la nécessité d’assimiler les bons gestes et les bonnes attitudes. Les nombreux schémas et photographies contenus dans l’ouvrage appuient le propos pédagogique. Ce manuel est un support destiné aux débutants pour l’exécution des travaux en ébénisterie.

Sommaire :
Les bases du dessin. Les assemblages. Les techniques de placage. Les usinages à la toupie. Le montage. L’ajustage. La finition. L’affûtage. La sécurité. Glossaire. Bibliographie.

Patrick Loughran
ID: 9779
Видавництво: Birkhauser

Concrete and stone seem made to last forever. But the fact is they develop problems. It is not always as dramatic as the collapse of a section of the roof of the Paris Charles de Gaulle airport in 2004. Gradual changes also occur that may compromise the appearance and structural soundness of buildings constructed with these materials. These changes can be created by efflorescence, thermal stress, weathering, leakage and corrosion.

This book explains how to avoid typical kinds of failure. With this in mind, it systematically analyzes cases of damage in contemporary international architecture. It also offers strategies for minimizing the risk of damage. Examples include such high-visibility structures as Finlandia Hall in Helsinki, Parco della Musica in Rome and Vontz Center for Molecular Studies in Cincinnatti. In eight chapters, typical kinds of damage are explained and illustrated with examples.

Daab (Author)
ID: 2007
Видавництво: Daab
Floor is more than just a surface that serves the other parts of a building as foundation. Recently the classics of floor coverings like carpet, wood, tile or linoleum have experienced a renaissance: modern techniques, new colors, patterns and ornaments are applied and various materials are combined. In this volume about 50 designers and manufacturers are introduced with their outstanding projects and innovative designs. The projects range from carpets for the interior to the paving of broad plazas. This books shows that the design of a floor is a demanding task which influences distinctively the effect a room or place creates. An index with the contact information of the designers is enclosed
ID: 113
Видавництво: Daab

Glass protects from sunshine, warmth, noise and radiation. It can be self-cleaning, energy storing, regulating and supporting. Glass can do more than encase and illuminate, it can expressively put on display and so accompanies light on its way in both directions. It is provided every time again, what phenomenal qualitites glass contributes as an architectural building block. Glass primarily offers design options by the various styles of treating its surface. Layering, printing, colouring, marking and etching create in isolation or in combination a wide range of the most diverse appearances, which allow the designer a free hand in the process of applying his ideas. This book introduces notable objects from the areas of private living, public and sacred buildings. With numerous illustrations, portraits are presented of hotels, restaurants and bars, togehter with concincingly designed projects of renowned architects.

Alexandra Druesne, Jo Pauwels
ID: 5276
Видавництво: Beta-Plus

The new "Home" series from Beta-Plus invites you to take a fascinating journey through the most beautiful and inspiring interiors. The thirty volumes in this series are thematically divided by room (living rooms, bathrooms, kitchens and so on), and also by style (including designer homes, country houses and contemporary interiors). The reports in these books combine to create a unique voyage of discovery through modern trends in decoration and architecture, reflecting the lifestyle and outlook of people who live in these beautiful homes. "Home" series is a unique collection of thirty titles, eclectic and stylish, devoted to interior design and decoration, and presented in a handy format. Every book shows the finest projects by leading architects and interior specialists, in a kaleidoscope of styles and genres, and is packed with ideas for your own home. This volume examines all the ingredients that come together to produce breathtaking interiors - how colours, textures, fittings and much more, contribute to the decor as a whole.

Другие книги серии Home Series:

Home Series 1: Living Rooms

Home Series 2: Kitchens

Home Series 3: Classic Homes

Home Series 4: Bathrooms

Home Series 5: Living with Colour

Home Series 6: Apartments

Home Series 7: Small Spaces

Home Series 8: Children's Rooms

Home Series 9: Floor & Wall Coverings

Home Series 10: Designer Houses

Home Series 11: Urban Spaces

Home Series 12: Spaces for Leisure

Home Series 13: Contemporary Houses

Home Series 14: Bedrooms

Home Series 15: Storage Space

Home Series 16: Spaces for Work

Home Series 18: Designer Bathrooms

Home Series 19: Contemporary Kitchens

Home Series 20: Compact Spaces

Home Series 21: Dining Rooms

Home Series 22: Contemporary Livng Rooms

Home Series 23: Modern Classic Homes 

Home Series 24: Details in Architecture

Home Series 25: Fusion Interiors

Home Series 26: Cosy Living

Home Series 27: Timeless Interiors

Home Series 28: Architect's Houses

Home Series 29: Cosmopolitan Living

Home Series 30: Seaside Living

Georgina Foley
ID: 5298
Видавництво: Images

Living Steel is a worldwide, collaborative program designed to stimulate innovative and responsible housing design and construction.

This book presents the winning and finalist schemes from the three competitions held to date. Each project is presented with a description, drawings, sketches, plans and renderings of the submitted projects and is an inspirational source of information about sustainable steel homes and low-cost housing. The projects presented are at the vanguard of international architectural design for a world suffering from a critical housing shortage; this is a unique and valuable guidebook to state-of-the-art design and construction techniques.

Features projects in Kolkata and Warsaw, as well as in Brazil, China, the UK, and Russia.

Paul Corbineau, Jean-Michel Flandin, Marc Auroy
ID: 5586
Видавництво: Vial

Ce livre présente plus de 400 essences d’arbres issus de bois d’oeuvre, de parcs et de jardins, d’ici et d’ailleurs. Deux collections, l’une en bois de fil l’autre en bois de bout, se complètent dans une approche originale fondée sur la botanique. Les bois se dévoilent sous leur plus joli aspect. Ce livre offre un autre regard sur le bois, une invitation à mieux le connaître et à s’inspirer de son veinage, de ses couleurs de ses singularités en mémoire de l’arbre.

Sommaire :
Première partie : Connaissance du bois : l'arbre, le cycle de la sève, de la feuille au bois, voyage de l'écorce au coeur du tronc, les plans d'observation de la structure du bois, voyage au coeur du bois, esthétique des bois, les singularités des bois.
Deuxième partie : Identité et esthétique des bois : préambule, les gymnospermes, le ginkgo, les conifères, les angiospermes, les dicotylédones, les monocotylédones. Répertoire du classement par ordre alphabétique.

This is a large hardcover book with 336 full color pages with great pictures is entirely dedicated to wood.
Over 420 woods are presented and each wood is described with its name in French, in English and in Latin
together with a very high quality color picture from Marc Auroy.
This book is an invitation to contemplate the coloured and figured landscapes
scribed in the wood fibres, marks of the trees' life and memory.

The English and French texts are written by Paul Corbineau and Jean-Michel Flandin.

Contents :

* Knowing about wood
* Identity and aesthetics of Woods
* Index of families
* Wood alphabetical index
* French - English - Latin

Jacques Dubarry de Lassale
ID: 7099
Видавництво: Vial

Le livre présente 164 photos de marbres, surtout des marbres de France et des marbres anciens, mais aussi d’autres en provenance du bassin méditerranéen, de Belgique, d’Italie, etc. Ces photographies en couleurs, grandeur nature et la plupart en pleine page, permettent d’apprécier l’aspect, la couleur et la texture des marbres pour en aider l’identification. Chaque image de marbre est accompagnée d’un bref descriptif avec les principales dénominations, la localisation de la carrière d’origine, une description pétrographique et la mention de quelques utilisations remarquables.

Dans son texte, l’auteur commence l’étude des marbres par leur aspect géologique : origine marine, formation, transformation d’un calcaire en marbre, composition, origine de la couleur du marbre, de sa texture et de ses veines. Il passe ensuite en revue l’histoire de l’exploitation, de l’antiquité jusqu’à nos jours, depuis l’extraction jusqu’à sa mise en œuvre en passant par l’outillage des carriers et le transport des blocs, sans oublier les techniques d’extraction et de polissage les plus modernes. Les principales carrières de marbre en activité à chaque époque sont passées en revue. Un chapitre est consacré à l’utilisation du marbre ancien par les menuisiers et les ébénistes du XVIIe au XXe siècle, avec une liste des carrières et des marbres utilisés à chaque période, ainsi qu’une description des moulures typiques de chaque période..

Une bibliographie et un index complètent le livre qui se veut un guide technique pour l’identification et la provenance des marbres, mais aussi une fête pour les yeux grâce aux photographies de marbre blanc ou noir, marbre rose, vert ou rouge. Griotte, brèche, Rance, Levanto, Campan, rouge du Languedoc, Cipolin, Sarrancolin, Caunes, travertin, turquin, jaune de Sienne, brocatelle, poudingue, onyx, fleur de pêcher, Carrare, Portor, lumachelle et coquiller font partie des nombreux types de marbres représentés. 
Le second livre de Jacques Dubarry de Lassale, L’utilisation des marbres, est un complément bienvenu.

Jacques Dubarry de Lassale, Maître ébéniste, expert en mobilier et objet d'arts organise des stages d'expertise de mobilier ancien.
Petit groupes de 4à8 personnes
Stage très pratiques qui permettent une application immédiate des connaissances.

Sommaire :
Formation des marbres, études géologiques.
Histoire de l’exploitation et du transport.
L’utilisation par les menuisiers et les ébénistes.
Les techniques d’extraction contemporaines.
Exemples de marbres rouges, jaunes, violets, verts, blancs, polychromes, noirs.

Christian Schittich
ID: 9791
Видавництво: Birkhauser

Architecture is defined by its materials and surfaces. Not infrequently, it is their look and feel that determine whether a project succeeds or fails. For this reason, it is crucially important that planners choose the right materials and use them correctly, a task that is especially challenging today, when they are confronted with an almost dizzying variety of design possibilities and almost unlimited industrial production techniques.

In Detail: Materials for Interiors provides detailed and specific information on the use of appropriate materials in interior design. The book leads off with an overview of the range of available products for interior design, including large-format photographs of each material and interiors that use them. This is followed by detailed discussions of relevant aspects and production methods of the individual material groups, including selected examples. The processing of the materials is illustrated by production photographs from the construction site and numerous detail drawings. In the accompanying texts, expert planners who specialize in the various materials share their practical knowledge of how to use them. The technical articles and example projects focus on the surface of the material and how it is produced or comes to be and contain corresponding decision support for planners. Additional technical information on the materials used and a list of manufacturer and vendor addresses round out the volume.

Pierre Lefumat
ID: 7129
Видавництво: Vial

Pierre Lefumat a marqué toute une génération de peintres en décors par son goût sûr et l’excellence de sa technique. Il nous montre sa vision de l’art du faux-marbre et nous livre en quelque sorte son héritage.

Trois grands classiques de l’imitation du marbre sont étudiés à travers des pas à pas techniques très détaillés, étayés chacun par plus de 20 photographies retraçant les étapes de la réalisation. L’imitation de la brèche grise, du jaune de Sienne et du vert de mer n’auront ainsi plus de secret pour le lecteur.

L’auteur présente ensuite 26 panneaux qui représentent autant de marbres divers, brèches ou brocatelles, des pièces où « la modestie côtoie au plus près l’ambition d’une œuvre d’art. » Pour chaque réalisation, on voit d’abord l’ensemble du panneau, puis des photographies de plusieurs détails avec une brève description technique et le temps qui a été consacré à l’exécution, qui varie de quelques heures à plusieurs jours. Il s’agit de commandes particulières ou d’autres spécialement exécutées pour l’exposition Pierre Lefumat au Musée du trompe l’œil de Périgueux en 2007.


Préambule de Michel Nadaï
Entretien avec Pierre Lefumat
Trois pas à pas détaillés :
Brèche grise
Jaune de Sienne
Vert de mer
Réalisations :
Brèche de Médous jaune
Brèche sanguine d’Algérie
Diaspro giallo venato
Diaspro duro grognolato
Diaspro giallo Agatato turchiniccio
Brèche de Saint-Maximin
Brèche de Bohème
Brèche grise
Brèche du Bénou verte
Cipolin sanguin d’Oran
Fluorite Murrha
Fleur de pêcher
Diaspro giallo e rosso verdastro
Diaspro giallo venato agatato
Brèche d’Alep
Brèche du Bénou jaune et Levanto rouge
Levanto, Brocatelle violette d’Espagne et Blanc veiné
Brèche Médicis et pierre de Paris
Vert de Mer, Rouge du Languedoc et Grand Antique
Sarrancolin d’Antin et Campan rubané
Onyx, Lapis lazuli et Malachite
Campan vert et Jaune de Sienne
Jaune de Sienne et Portor

Christiane Sauer
ID: 8452
Видавництво: Gestalten

A detailed guide to innovative materials and their applications in today’s architecture and design.

Today’s innovative architecture would be inconceivable and unbuildable without the rapid development of new building materials and technologies. Against this background Made of… not only presents a comprehensive overview of unconventional approaches to the use of materials in architecture and design but also describes the current state of research and rediscovered technologies.

Made Of… shows possibilities for using new building materials for sophisticated building concepts. The content of the chapters reflects practice-oriented architectural themes – for example structurally efficient building materials, free form or ornamental surfaces, protective building layers, energy generating and luminous surfaces, or renewable and recycled resources. Made Of… not only collects a broad spectrum of fascinating materials and examples of international projects, it also provides in-depth explanations of relevant technologies and applications including technical details.

Today, the demands on planning a building in terms of its structural, functional and energy efficiency are constantly rising. With them, the demands on building materials and on the architects who use them are rising as well. Made Of… gives architects both valuable insight and practical advice as to how they can work with innovative building materials today in a way that is also viable for the future. The book is an inspirational reference for all architects, designers, and artists who are looking for a specific material, who would like to expand their design palettes with further cutting-edge possibilities, or who can use an overview of current developments in this area.

Made Of... is comprised of five chapters:
Light and Strong (Reinforced, Sandwiches, Foams)
Material follows Form (Solidified, Shaped, Digitized)
Coats and Covers (Protective, Insulating, Visual)
Powered Surfaces (Energetic, Illuminated, Responsive)
Re-Materialization (Re-cycled, Re-used, Re-grown)

The architect Christiane Sauer, who has established herself as an international expert in the field of building materials, has written the texts for and edited Made of…. In addition to her practical work, she advises the industry and architecture offices the world over on the subject of new building materials and their application in an architectural context.

Dirk Meyhofer
ID: 3271
Видавництво: Braun

394 illustrations

Magic Metal in Architecture – no other material develops so many different facets in the application. Whether in the form of “skin and bones” or as a high-tech façade, brilliant constructions always bring the quality of metal into focus. On the basis of about 70 projects, the publication presents how steel and aluminum have been developed for constructional purpose and how archaic materials such as copper create future potentials.

Barbara Stoeltie, René Stoeltie
ID: 7016
Видавництво: Thames & Hudson

Explore the medina and the dusty, narrow streets, whose high walls conceal splendid riads; profuse souks, redolent with the perfume of exotic spices’ and the lovely Palmeraie, where luxury villas offer shelter from the sun and inquisitive eyes.

In this enchanting volume, the owners of nineteen private homes have thrown open their doors to Barbara and René Stoeltie. They invite you discover with them the city’s most sumptuous, original and surprising interiors.

A host of glorious photographs make this a book to relish, and the detailed commentary of Marrakesh’s houses and interiors make it a valuable resource for anyone involved in interiors or design, as well as anyone who loves Marrakesh and Morocco.

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