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Joachim Fischer
ID: 4855
Видавництво: Ullmann

This work presents an insight into important developments in 21st-century concrete architecture. International examples clearly illustrate the possibilities this building material provides for creative use, as well as its versatility.

In diesem Band zeigt sich eindrucksvoll, wie wichtig die Anordnung oder das Gefüge eines Materials wie Beton ist. Dies wird besonders deutlich, wenn man bedenkt, dass ein und dasselbe Material durch eine veränderte Struktur eine völlig andere Anmutung erhält. Neben der visuellen Wahrnehmung ist dabei die Haptik eine unmittelbar spürbare Komponente.

Les matériaux nous passionnent, nous les rencontrons partout, à chaque pas, nous les touchons, nous les sentons, ils font partie intégrale de notre vie. La série Architecture compact présente des matériaux qui ont leur charme à l'état brut mais qui produisent aussi des créations surprenantes quand ils sont traités et associés à d'autres éléments.

Barbara Linz
ID: 4857
Видавництво: Ullmann

Materials inspire and arouse emotions, they surround us everywhere, we possess them and feel them. Similarly to people, our formative first impression of them is provided by the visual perception they create. Containing around 250 full colour illustrations, the Architecture Compact series presents materials that on the one hand convey a unique impression through their inherent physical characteristics, and on the other hand achieve surprising results when used in association or combination with each other.

In der Reihe Architecture Compact werden Materialien vorgestellt, die einserseits durch ihre Beschaffenheit eine ganz eigene Anmutung mit sich bringen, anderseits in der Verarbeitung und Kombination mit- bzw. untereinander überraschende Ergebnisse erzielen.

Les matériaux nous passionnent, nous les rencontrons partout, à chaque pas, nous les touchons, nous les sentons, ils font partie intégrale de notre vie. La série Architecture compact présente des matériaux qui ont leur charme à l'état brut mais qui produisent aussi des créations surprenantes quand ils sont traités et associés à d'autres éléments.

Joachim Fischer
ID: 4859
Видавництво: Ullmann

After an amazing abundance of colours and form in the 1960s, high-quality wall covers were increasingly substituted by the ubiquitous woodchip paper. In the meantime, though, wallpaper has evolved into one of the trend topics in materials. Traditional manufacturers are now employing renowned designers to create new patterns which are clearly inspired by current trends or even evolve into trend setters of their own right. This book explores wallpaper designs by individual designers and studios around the world. Patterns and textures are brought to life through a vast array of full-colour illustrations throughout.

Nach der unglaublichen Vielfalt an Farben und Formen in den 60er Jahren des 20. Jahrhunderts wurde in den letzten Jahrzehnten die hochwertige Wandbekleidung von der allgegenwärtigen Raufaser-Tapete zurückgedrängt. Inzwischen ist Tapete zu einem der Trendthemen bei Materialien geworden. Traditionelle Hersteller engagieren namhafte Designer zur Gestaltung neuer Muster, die sich deutlich an aktuellen Trends orientieren oder gar selbst zu Trendsettern werden.

Les matériaux nous passionnent, nous les rencontrons partout, à chaque pas, nous les touchons, nous les sentons, ils font partie intégrale de notre vie. La série Architecture compact présente des matériaux qui ont leur charme à l'état brut mais qui produisent aussi des créations surprenantes quand ils sont traités et associés à d'autres éléments.

Barbara Linz
ID: 4861
Видавництво: Ullmann

Materials inspire and arouse emotions, they surround us everywhere, we possess them and feel them. Similarly to people, our formative first impression of them is provided by the visual perception they create. Containing around 250 full colour illustrations, the Architecture Compact series presents materials that on the one hand convey a unique impression through their inherent physical characteristics, and on the other hand achieve surprising results when used in association or combination with each other.

In der Reihe Architecture Compact werden Materialien vorgestellt, die einserseits durch ihre Beschaffenheit eine ganz eigene Anmutung mit sich bringen, anderseits in der Verarbeitung und Kombination mit- bzw. untereinander überraschende Ergebnisse erzielen.

Les matériaux nous passionnent, nous les rencontrons partout, à chaque pas, nous les touchons, nous les sentons, ils font partie intégrale de notre vie. La série Architecture compact présente des matériaux qui ont leur charme à l'état brut mais qui produisent aussi des créations surprenantes quand ils sont traités et associés à d'autres éléments.

Taschen (Author)
ID: 3527
Видавництво: Taschen
Concrete is the most widely-used building material in the world today. Some seven billion cubic meters of concrete are used in construction each year, more than one cubic meter per person. Concrete is stone created by human hands in which the human creative spirit is reflected together with the timelessness and serene appeal of an 'everlasting' material. This volume presents 25 contemporary buildings from all over the world in more than 300 illustrations and architectural drawings: particularly interesting examples of the interior and exterior use of concrete in construction.
ID: 3528
Видавництво: Taschen
The use of glass as a building material was encouraged in particular by garden design, as the protection of exotic plants required the construction of greenhouses and orangeries. In a record time of just five months, Joseph Paxton, himself a garden designer, put up the Crystal Palace in London's Hyde Park for the Great Exhibition of 1851. A totally glazed exhibition hall, of gigantic proportions by the standards of the time, it was a milestone in the history of building in glass. The result was a totally new spatial quality and a new aesthetic, as interior and exterior could now enter into a quite unique mutual relationship. Since then, architecture without glass has been inconceivable, and glass has been used as a construction material by renowned architects worldwide for industrial buildings and private houses. Glass masterpieces, erected in particular in combination with other materials, for example, wood, stone or steel, demonstrate the potential and variety of glass architecture.
Simone Schleifer (Editor)
ID: 3582
Видавництво: Taschen
Wood is organic, it is regarded as warm, as making human surroundings cosy. In addition, it can compete with any hi-tech material: wood has an extraordinarily good weight-to-strength ratio, has outstanding acoustic and insulation properties, and when properly deployed and looked after, it is also durable. Timber buildings have always achieved low-energy standards, they are climate-neutral to erect, and environmentally friendly to demolish. Those who recognize and exploit the natural qualities of wood have a wonderfully versatile material which can be brought to life in the hands of a creative designer and builder. With the help of more than 300 illustrations and architectural drawings, this book presents 25 proprojects from all over the world which exemplify a whole variety of forms and applications of wood both for interiors and exteriors.
Vidiella Sánchez Álex
ID: 7555
Видавництво: Frechmann Kolon

Bamboo has gained the name of plant steel in the field of construction. Since ancient times, it has been widely used in Asia and Latin Ameica.

Jean Giuliano
ID: 7095
Видавництво: Vial

Ce livre présente cent vingt essences de bois d’œuvre choisies parmi les plus disponibles dans le commerce et les plus utilisées. Chaque variété est présentée en couleur avec deux échantillons issus d’un débit sur dosse et sur quartier ; une introduction détaille les caractéristiques de ces deux manières de scier les grumes, et leur influence sur l’aspect du bois. Pour chaque essence sont indiqués le nom usuel, le nom latin ainsi que les appellations anglaises, allemandes, et les noms autochtones des bois étrangers. Une carte permet de visualiser l’origine géographique de l’arbre. La densité, l’aspect (couleur, fil) et les caractéristiques techniques du bois (domaine d’utilisation, réactions au séchage et à l’usinage) sont ensuite brièvement exposées. L’auteur présente également un dessin de la feuille et du fruit de l’arbre, ce qui permet, pour les variétés locales, de reconnaître le bois sur pied.

Sommaire :

Public : Le nombre d’essences illustrées et décrites (120) en fait un livre réservé aux amateurs éclairés ou aux professionnels du bois désireux d’avoir une iconographie de référence pour l’identification.
La prolongation naturelle de ce livre est Bois commerciaux, les résineux, plus spécialisé mais plus poussé sur le plan de la description du bois, de ses qualités technologiques et de ses utilisations.
Les lecteurs voulant se contenter des espèces les plus courantes choisiront le livre 72 essences de bois.
Enfin, Identification des bois, esthétique et singularités présente les photographies de plus de 400 essences, bois commerciaux ou arbres d’ornement.

William Hall
ID: 13573
Видавництво: Phaidon

An unrivalled exploration of the world's most surprising and inspiring brick architecture – in a stylish, compact new format

In this reimagined and easy-to-use size, Brick takes a fresh look at one of the world's most familiar and popular building materials. Presenting 180 diverse and fascinating examples, from the Ziggurat of Ur dating from 2100 bc to modern and contemporary masterpieces by Mies van der Rohe and Kazuyo Sejima, Brick beautifully illustrates how this humble material has been an architectural staple for centuries.

About the Author:

William Hall runs his own design practice in London, working with clients such as Calvin Klein, MoMA and Tate. Hall is the author of Concrete and Wood, also published by Phaidon.


  • This new edition of a much-loved book is the latest addition to Phaidon’s most successful architecture series – with all of the extraordinary and insightful content of the original edition, in a tactile new format, now available at a very affordable price
  • The best brick architecture, from ancient times to the present day, featuring contributions by both celebrated and lesser-known architects
  • Each project is beautifully illustrated over double-page spreads and is accompanied by an engaging and informative extended caption
  • Textured covers enhance the tactile experience of enjoying each book in this series
  • Now available in a new mini-format edition, perfect for gift-giving, that sits beautifully alongside its sister volume in this format, Concrete
Eva Marin (Editor)
ID: 3601
Видавництво: Daab
From the Neolithic age on ceramic material was used as a building material through out the world: in the Empire of China as well as in the Islamic and Mesopotamian civilizations. With its natural qualities and adaptability to various circumstances combined with technical innovations in the manufacturing process, ceramic is regarded even nowadays as a superb material. It is fire resistant, waterproof and hypo-allergenic. Ceramic ages with dignity and its style is timeless. In this book around 40 Designers and manufacturers are presented with outstanding projects and innovative designs on ceramics which range from exterior solutions such as facades to interior design on walls and floors. The content is arranged in alphabetical order of the designers. An index with the contact details of the designers and manufacturers is enclosed.
Maarten Meijs
ID: 9770
Видавництво: Birkhauser

Every building is composed of parts, or components, that may be organized in various ways.

For example, there are different ways to configure walls so that they perform their primary functions – bearing, dividing, and sheltering – in an optimal manner.

This book presents the most common load-bearing systems, such as plate, massive, and skeleton construction, and describes their impact on the structure as a whole. It explains how spaces can be vertically or horizontally connected and assembled into larger wholes. The individual elements, such as floor slabs, roofs, openings, and foundations, are described together with their functions and the various possibilities for connecting them.

The book goes beyond the wealth of possible detail to demonstrate the basic principles of detailing. Numerous specially prepared drawings set forth the principles of components and then illustrate them with reference to realized projects.

Catherine Croft
ID: 3253
Видавництво: Laurence King Publishing
After a long period of being synonymous with urban deprivation and dreary stained surfaces, concrete is is now chic. A favourite material of fashionable style magazines, it is becoming ubiquitous in shops, restaurants and even homes. Concrete is in fact a fabulous material, which can be used in a huge range of techniques and situations. Its colour, texture, and constituents vary, it may be cheaply mass produced, or meticulously crafted, and new developments and increased understanding of its possibilities are inspiring contemporary architects and designers. Concrete Architecture begins by asking questions like: What is concrete? What is its history? How is concrete used? The book goes on to look at recent architectural projects that use concrete for an enormous range of building types. All the examples chosen celebrate the intrinsic qualities of concrete and how they work to make the places in which we live, work, and play. A range of projects from around the world includes for example a private house in the Netherlands by UN Studio and Canary Wharf Underground Station in London by Foster and Partners.
Manuela Roth
ID: 8728
Видавництво: Braun

Concrete is the building material of our time. Celebrated on the one hand, stigmatized on the other, hardly any other material combines such contradictory associations. Its vast potential cannot be overestimated, ever new applications and possibilities make it a very popular and valuable building material today. When combined with other materials in particular, concrete displays a seemingly limitless flexibility in texture, utilization and shape.

The contemporary projects from around the world presented in this volume provide impressive testimony to the many faces of concrete and the great design potential it possesses. The book features images, drawings, facts and texts that highlight the continued relevance and inimitable fascination of this unique building material.

From the contents:

_Clyfford Still Museum in Denver, USA (Allied Works Architecture)
_Celosia Residence in Madrid, Spain (MVRDV)
_Bridging Tea House in Beijing, China (Fernando Romero)
_Stone Sculpture Museum in Bad Münster, Germany (Tadao Ando)
_Peres Peace House in Tel Aviv, Israel (Massimiliano and Doriana Fuksas)

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