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Рябцев Д.
ID: 5009
Издательство: Питер

В этой книге рассказывается о разработке проектов интерьера в редакторе трехмерной графики 3ds Max 2009, начиная с моделирования предметов интерьера и мебели и заканчивая визуализацией качественных эскизов и созданием небольшого презентационного ролика будущего помещения. Книга будет полезна начинающим энтузиастам трехмерной графики, желающим освоить проектирование и визуализацию интерьеров. Также она станет прекрасным подспорьем для практикующих дизайнеров, которые хотели бы перейти на новый уровень представления своих работ.
Цветные иллюстрации, размещенные в издании, помогут читателю проконтролировать правильность выполнения уроков и заданий. На прилагаемом к книге DVD записаны файлы упражнений, анимационные последовательности, а также библиотеки материалов к описываемому в книге проекту.

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Верстак Владимир Антонович
ID: 5165
Издательство: Питер

Узнайте секреты профессиональной работы в 3ds Max 2009 от настоящего мастера своего дела! Автор — профессионал трехмерного дизайна. Его оригинальный подход к созданию объектов и сцен, к моделированию и визуализации будет полезен и специалисту, и начинающему пользователю. Вы узнаете обо всех возможностях новейшей версии лучшего 3D-пакета, в том числе и скрытых от непосвященных. Особое внимание уделено моделированию: вы начнете с простейших объектов и завершите созданием трехмерного автомобиля.

На прилагаемом DVD — файлы сцен упражнений, иллюстрации из книги в цвете, видеоролики, показывающие результат выполнения некоторых упражнений, а кроме того, пробная версия 3ds Max 2009.

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ID: 11300
Издательство: Питер

Для работы в 3ds Max 2017 понадобится многое - моделирование, разнообразные материалы, постановка источников света и, наконец, визуализация.

Уникальная система обучения, предложенная автором книги, была проверена на тысячах студентов, поэтому вам не придется обращаться к другим источникам в поисках дополнительной информации. Продвигаясь от простого к сложному, вы не только освоите технические навыки, но и научитесь действовать осознанно, четко понимая, что вы делаете и для чего. Вся основная информация - сплайновое и полигональное моделирование, материалы и развертки, камеры и свет - представлена в новом интерфейсе.

Начинающие пользователи смогут легко ориентироваться в обновленной программе, а тем, кто уже имеет опыт работы с 3ds Max, будут особенно интересны главы про современные движки рендера: NVIDIA Mental ray, V-Ray, Corona, Autodesk Raytracer.

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Верстак Владимир Антонович
ID: 5169
Издательство: Питер

Данная книга является первым полноцветным изданием по 3ds Max на русском языке. Ее автор — опытный трехмерщик, имеющий более чем восьмилетний стаж работы в программе.
Издание построено на едином проекте — создании, текстурировании и визуализации модели автомобиля. Выполняя приведенные упражнения, вы сможете не только создать описанную модель, но и понять общий принцип моделирования автомобилей в 3ds Max. На прилагаемом к книге компакт-диске есть видеоуроки, наглядно показывающие ход выполнения самых сложных задач, файлы сцен, описанных в книге, и полнофункциональная демо-версия 3ds Max 8.

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Arthur Gao
ID: 7370
Издательство: Design Media Publishing

With fifty distinctive award-winning projects carefully selected, the book covers seven categories of architecture: commercial, office, culture, religious, sports, science and technology, and industrial. Each featured project is shown with plenty of images, plans, drawings, diagrams, and an explicit description. The book looks into the current situation faced by international architects and inquires into the possibility of architecture implementation in different cultural contexts, providing a sensitive visual experience as well as sources of inspiration.

The book features the following 50 winning architecture projects:

Liljeholmen shopping mall
Bahrain World Trade Centre
Shanghai World Financial Centre
John Lewis Department Store and Cineplex
Jinso Pavilion
Scandinavian Golf Club
Casa Club Bosque Altozano
Neiman Marcus at Natick Collection
19 George Road
Harley Davidson Headquarters
Oklahoma City Federal Building
Rubner Haus AG Headquarters
Walden Studios
Paju Book City
Pall Italia Headquarters
Lamar Construction Company Corporate Headquarters
Colorado Convention Centre
Trade Fair Graz, Hall A
Agora Building – New GeneralBuilding – Council of Europe
Baiyun International Convention Centre
Kielder Observatory
Mora River Aquarium
Home.Haus — Home for Children and Adolescents
Beth Sholom
Salvation Army Chelmsford
Viikki Church
Šiluva Pilgrim Information Centre
AGSO Troonstraat
Gymnasium 46o09'N 16o50'E
The Ring Football Stadium
Century Lotus Sports Park
Sports Facilities, Universidad de los Andes
Broad Institute
Perimeter Institute for Research Perimeter Institute for Research
Merck Research Laboratories Boston
Highfields Automotive and Engineering Training Centre
Samundra Institute of Maritime Studies
LITE Technology Centre
Goldener Engel
Vitali Park
Paykar Bonyan Panel Factory
CUSWC — Central Urban Solid
Roseisle Distillery
Rossignol World Headquarters

...from the following 48 design firms:

Equator Stockholm AB
Foreign Office Architects
Architectenbureau cepezed b.v.
Henning Larsen Architects
Parque Humano
Elkus Manfredi Architects
Tony Owen
Stan Allen Architects
Progetto CMR
Integrated Architecture
Mei Architecten
Fentress Architects
Riegler Riewe Architekten
Art&Build Architects
Charles Barclays architects
Stanley Saitowitz / Natoma Architects
Hudson Architects
JKMM Architects
G.Natkevičius, E.Spūd
Andrea Klimková, Peter Kručay
OFIS arhitekti
MGP Arquitecturay Urbanismo
Elkus manfredi architects
Saucier + Perrotte architectes
Hawkins Brown
Christopher Charles Benninger Architects Pvt. Ltd
5+1AA Alfonso Femia Gianluca Peluffo
Franken Architekturbuero
Picco architetti
ARAD Architechrural Research & Design
Hérault Arnod

Посмотреть избранные развороты книги 50 Awarded Architecture

Посмотреть ролик издательства о книге 50 Awarded Architecture

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Isabel Kuhl
ID: 8925
Издательство: Prestel

Attractive, useful and entertaining, this collection of great buildings is a course in architectural history for readers of all ages.

The fifty buildings presented here in chronological order represent the most compelling, intriguing, and awe-inspiring structures from all over the world. Along with the Pyramids of Cheops, the Parthenon, and the Colosseum, readers will learn about other masterpieces such as the Hagia Sophia in Turkey; Cambodia's Temple Complex at Angor Wat; the Potala Palace in Lhasa; and the Jewish Museum in Berlin. Each entry features full color photographs of the structure along with informative text presented in a dynamic format. Readers can find basic information about each building's artistic relevance, style, and contextual history while timelines and sidebars offer additional notes about architectural periods and techniques. From ancient Jordan and Guatemala to modern-day Manhattan and Munich, this world tour of great places offers a mini-course in architecture that will satisfy even the most passionate student's lust for learning about why and how we continue to create amazing buildings.

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50 Contemporary Fashion Designers You Should Know

50 Designers You Should Know

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Diane Maddex
ID: 3197
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

Houses were Frank Lloyd Wright’s favourite building type from the beginning to the end of his seventy-year career as an architect. To him, the house was the centre of family life, symbolized by a warming hearth and, above all, a place of repose. As 50 Favourite Houses by Frank Lloyd Wright shows, his ideal home took on an amazing variety of forms.

Here, from the architect’s first period, is his own home and studio in Oak Park, Illinois, an architectural laboratory for him over two decades. His 1920s California works, built of textured concrete blocks, were revolutionary, his 1930s houses, Fallingwater and Taliesin West, internationally renowned. From then until his death in 1959, Wright took on the designed simplified residences, such as the honeycomb-shaped Hanna House, that helped change the look of the modern home.

Each of the examples shown exemplifies Wright’s never-changing principles that a house should be built with nature, achieve harmony through unity and be a work of art — not just a house.

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Diane Maddex
ID: 2678
Издательство: Thames & Hudson
Frank Lloyd Wright is a one-man phenomenon - between 1887 and 1959 he completed more than 400 commissions in the USA as well as writing numerous books and giving frequent lectures. Thousands of visitors annually flock to the fifty Wright buildings in America that are open to the public and he is an inspiration to countless architects and designers everywhere.

50 Favourite Rooms by Frank Lloyd Wright showcases his very best work in interior design. Here are the most glorious living rooms, dining rooms and kitchens, public spaces and more from the buildings that Wright designed over his prolific seven-decade career. Exemplifying the architect’s unfailing principles of unity, simplicity and respect for nature, these rooms also present a chronological picture of his stylistic development. Stunning photographs highlight furniture, fireplaces and lighting, carpets and fabrics, stained glass and china.

A visual delight, this is the perfect gift for lovers of this most famous and popular of architects.

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Aisha Hasanovic
ID: 984
Издательство: Images
The bathroom is a haven for relaxation, grooming, and total privacy. Today's bathroom still features the basic bathtub, shower, wash basin, and mirror, along with traditional materials, and while it serves its original purpose, its look and feel can be interpreted in a number of ways. 50 Great Bathrooms by Architects is a collection of recent interior projects by the worlds leading established and emerging design talent. Stunning full-colour photographs with personal quotes from the architect and client result in a very personal and private glimpse into this delightful room.
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Aisha Hasanovic
ID: 985
Издательство: Images

In the lifetime of a single house or apartment, the kitchen can undergo countless renovations. Many a homeowner has dismissed a purchase owing to an outdated kitchen, yet despite this need to move with the times the kitchen remains a warm and nurturing place, where food is served, and family and friends gather after a day at work or school to discuss the day just passed. 50 Great Kitchens by Architects examines the role of the architect and the influence of the client in creating a visually pleasing and functional kitchen. Colorful photography and personal quotes portray the kitchens within the context of their surrounding rooms, as well as their most important design features.

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ID: 254
Издательство: Images

Is apartment living the way of the future? According to some, it's the only way to live. For most apartment- dwellers, beautiful views, functional floor plans, low maintenance and convenient, inner-city locations far outweigh the attributes of the traditional quarter-acre suburban block. This book presents, through text, superb photographs and floor plans, 50 of the best apartments from around the world.

Focusing on fabulous interiors, this book is a digest of the myriad ways to fit out spaces that often begin as concrete shells, but are transformed, through the talents of the best interior architects and designers, into luxurious penthouses, funky lofts, hip apartments, sleek bachelor pads and sumptuous family homes. An inspiring sourcebook for all lovers of beautiful interiors.

 Пролистать книгу 50 of the World's Best Apartments на Google books

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ID: 1292
Издательство: Images
This book celebrates the holiday home, traditionally a place of rest, relaxation, and escape from the pressures of the 'real' world. Its many incarnations include beach shacks, mountain-top chalets, country estates, ranches and hobby farms, lakeside villas, and isolated cabins. The unique styles reflect their owners' very personal approaches to what it means to be 'on vacation'. The architecture of holiday homes reveals the shift in lifestyle that defines a vacation; architects are required to work closely with their clients to achieve just the right spirit. The results of this collaboration can be breathtaking.
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ID: 6913
Издательство: Белый Город

Книга "50. Самые известные шедевры мировой архитектуры" знакомит читателя с самыми знаменитыми шедеврами мировой архитектуры. Большое количество иллюстраций, дополненное интересными фактами поможет читателю ближе познакомиться с самыми красивыми соборами, храмами, дворцами и другими памятниками мировой архитектуры.


Собор Святого Стефана 2
Кентерберийский собор 4
Букингемский дворец 6
Вестминстерское аббатство 8
Собор Святого Павла 10
Тауэрский мост 12
Венгерский пардамент 14
Дворец Шарлоттенбург 16
Кёльнский собор 18
Замок Нойшванштайн 20
Луксорский храм 22
Храм Гроба Господня 24
Тадж-Махал 26
Золотой храм 28
Храмы Кхаджурахо 30
Боробудур 32
Саграда Фамилия 34
Кафедральный собор 36
Дворец Альгамбра 38
Эскориал 40
Алькасар 42
Дворец дожей 44
Собор Святого Марка 46
Миланский собор 48
Пизанский собор 50
Колизей 52
Собор Святого Петра 54
Собор Санта Мария дель Фьоре 56
Ангкор-Тхом 58
Великая Китайская стена 60
Запретный город 62
Храм Неба 64
Теотиуакан 66
Музей-заповедник «Кижи» 68
Петродворец 70
Капитолий 72
Большой дворец 74
Голубая мечеть 76
Собор Святой Софии 78
Крепость Арк 80
Мечеть Биби-Ханым 82
Версаль 84
Замок Шамбор 86
Монастырь Мон-Сен-Мишель 88
Базилика Сакре-Кёр 90
Дом инвалидов 92
Опера Гарнье 94
Собор Парижской Богоматери 96
Костел Девы Марии перед Тыном 98
Собор Святого Вита 100

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Douglas Keister
ID: 1829
Издательство: Taunton Press

500 Color Photos.

Discover the enduring charm and artistry of the bungalow by touring hundreds of examples, from prairie- and Spanish-style, to Craftsman and beyond. Douglas Keister, renowned architectural photographer takes you on a visual tour of Americas favorite house style. He has beautifully photographed bungalows from across the country, and presents them here in crisp detail. Whether youre looking to build or improve your home, or just want enjoy this architectural forms casual elegance, 500 Bungalows is a delight!

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Daniela Santos Quartino
ID: 2948
Издательство: Taschen
Color is one of the mosl effective tools in architecture and interior design. One of its most important aspects is the effect it has on a person's mood: color has the power to contribute to the mental well-Being of the occupants of a house. Harmonious and welcoming surroundings can be obtained with one or two colors, or combinations of color. This may be a matter of personal taste, though color, and how it is applied, cannot be left to chance. It is important to understand the language of color in order to be able to create one's own environment. This book focuses on color and how to make the most of it in reduced spaces. Readers will no doubt find this book a great source of inspiration and will turn to the ideas and hundreds of illustrations within when making decisions about decoration. Concentrated on small spaces, the ideas presented in this book offer practical solutions for visually enlarging spaces and also demonstrate that 3 contemporary, stylish house is not necessarily a matter of size.
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