Contemporary commercial interior design at its very best - fitouts for offices, hospitality, hotels, cultural and entertainment, retail and showrooms, and for research - everything from large-scale corporate headquarters to intimate restaurants
21st-Century Interiors is a new compendium of more than 50 examples of the world’s best contemporary commercial interior design. It showcases cutting-edge commercial interiors from a range of categories including offices, hospitality, hotels, cultural/entertainment and research laboratories.
Illustrating the primary trends in contemporary commercial interior design, the spaces featured in this volume include offices and corporate headquarters, restaurants, spas and salons, private art galleries, hotels, retail stores, showrooms, theatres and cinemas in a vast array of styles, from neo-Baroque to Industrial.
Features Yabu Pushelberg, Elliot Associates, Rockwell Group, SCDA, M Moser Associates, Bohlin Cywinski Jackson, Rottet Studio and more.
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