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Beth Browne
ID: 5876
Издательство: Images

Contemporary commercial interior design at its very best - fitouts for offices, hospitality, hotels, cultural and entertainment, retail and showrooms, and for research - everything from large-scale corporate headquarters to intimate restaurants

21st-Century Interiors is a new compendium of more than 50 examples of the world’s best contemporary commercial interior design. It showcases cutting-edge commercial interiors from a range of categories including offices, hospitality, hotels, cultural/entertainment and research laboratories.

Illustrating the primary trends in contemporary commercial interior design, the spaces featured in this volume include offices and corporate headquarters, restaurants, spas and salons, private art galleries, hotels, retail stores, showrooms, theatres and cinemas in a vast array of styles, from neo-Baroque to Industrial.

Features Yabu Pushelberg, Elliot Associates, Rockwell Group, SCDA, M Moser Associates, Bohlin Cywinski Jackson, Rottet Studio and more.

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Dean Herald
ID: 8910
Издательство: Images

- Dean Herald has achieved the pinnacle of the landscape design industry: a gold medal at the prestigious Royal Horticultural Society Chelsea Flower Show in London

- Between 2003 and 2011 Dean Herald and his highly skilled team have built seven show gardens and been awarded a gold medal on each occasion, together with three design excellence awards at the Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show

- Herald has been awarded Australian Landscaper of the year

This beautifully illustrated book takes the reader on a journey through a number of outstanding gardens that have been landscaped by one of Australia's leading landscape designers, Dean Herald of Rolling Stone Landscapes. 21st Century Residential Landscape Design showcases over 20 designs produced by Dean, who specializes in integrating garden design with the living space of the modern home and includes projects for the mediterranean and for cold climate.

The modern residential landscape has changed so dramatically over the last 20 years with the indoor-outdoor concept becoming a living space of the family home. Mixed with entertaining areas for alfresco cooking/dining and the added excitement of a swimming pool design, you have a relaxing atmosphere and a private retreat in your own backyard - this is 21st Century Residential Landscape Design.

 Dean Herald has achieved the pinnacle of the landscape design industry in winning a gold medal at the prestigious Royal Horticultural Society Chelsea Flower Show in London by the Queen

Between 2003 and 2011 Dean Herald and his highly skilled team have built seven show gardens and been awarded a gold medal on each occasion, together with three design excellence awards at the Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show

Also Australian Landscaper of the year

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ID: 8566
Издательство: Design Media Publishing

The everchanging and renewing life concept and lifestyle of people bring about more and more requirements for the overall qualities of houses and the demands for residences have marched towards the psychological dimension and cultural sphere. Consequently, there arise new design trend and new requirements for environment, material selection and design concept. The design projects in this book lead readers to perceive the comfort and cosiness of the natural space. The designers of these projects have created more natural, and convenient living spaces in the most natural and purest design languages, giving them a comprehensive and vivid explanation of the architecture design concept that buildings are born for human.

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Mark Cleary
ID: 9080
Издательство: Images

The global necessity of facing the challenges of climate change has unleashed the inventive powers of architects around the world, many of whom are tackling the problem in original and highly creative ways. As the selection of projects contained in this volume attest, the sustainable home has progressed far beyond a theoretical idea or unlivable research project, becoming an increasingly common reality requiring no sacrifice of lifestyle, comfort or style.

With lush full-colour photography, detailed floor and site plans, and informative descriptions of each house’s sustainable design elements, Sustainable Homes takes the reader on a round-the-world journey, traversing a range of climates, to see how today’s architects are using a combination of simple, traditional design elements and cutting-edge technologies to create more energy-efficient and environmentally-friendly houses.

From the comprehensive technological sophistication of the Margarido House in the US and the Solar Active House in Germany, to the more passive designs of Brazil’s Bahia House and India’s Palmyra House, Sustainable Homes proves that sustainability can be affordable, comfortable and beautiful.

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Kenneth Powell
ID: 6793
Издательство: Merrell Publishers

This book presents a selection of the most exciting building projects in London since the year 2000. The first decade of the twenty-first century has marked out London as arguably the pre-eminent international city for innovative and ambitious architecture, with the design and construction of imaginative buildings of all types. Projects range in size and budget from such landmark structures as the ‘Gherkin’ (30 St Mary Axe) and the forthcoming ‘Shard’ (London Bridge Tower) to such cultural projects as the Young Vic theatre and the new Tate Modern extension; from offices, schools and hospitals to shops and private houses. With more than 650 stunning photographs, drawings and renderings, and critical texts by well-known architecture writer Kenneth Powell, this is a detailed and authoritative portrait – indispensable to professionals and the public alike – of a world city avid to embrace the best of the new.

_Profiles over 150 architectural projects of all types and sizes across the whole of London
_Authoritatively written by a leading architecture critic, and lavishly illustrated throughout with plans, renderings and photographs
_An essential reference for anyone interested in the changing urban landscape of one of the world's most vibrant cities

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James Grayson Trulove
ID: 6883
Издательство: Harper Collins Publishers

The apartments and lofts featured here highlight the latest architecture and design innovations, with an emphasis on open space and materials such as glass, plastic, steel, and stone. The book explores the joy of living in carefully designed spaces, showcasing a range of styles from modern to traditional. This exciting collection includes innovative and exciting designs sure to inspire and amaze.

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James Grayson Trulove
ID: 6885
Издательство: Harper Collins Publishers

Following up on the successful book 25 Houses under 2500 Square Feet, this title will continue to explore, though case studies, the joys of living in compact, well designed homes. The 25 houses presented in the book offer an extraordinary range of architectural solutions for designing functional yet exciting, dramatic living spaces within a small envelope. The houses will range in size from a few hundred square feet up to 1500 square feet of heated space. As with 25 Houses, projects will be located throughout the United States with some coming from Europe, South America, Asia and Australia.

Readers interested in building a primary residence, a weekend getaway, or a guest house will discover how architects, through the innovative use of common building materials and careful attention to space and light, are able to create dwellings that belie their small size.

The projects were selected for their excellence in design, innovative use of materials and methods of construction, each house comprises a case study that includes interior and exterior photography by some of the finest architectural photographers working today; drawings including site plans, details, and floor plans; and concise, informative text that highlights the design and technical aspects of the house.

Architects and architectural firms to be featured include: Lake/Flato, Olson Sunberg Kundig Allen, Archi-Tonics, Via Architecture, Dean/Wolf, Belmont Freeman,Hanrahan and Meyers, AC2, Frank Harmon.

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James Grayson Trulove
ID: 6884
Издательство: Harper Collins Publishers

Following the successful 25 Houses Under 2500 Square Feet and 25 Houses Under 1500 Square Feet, this book continues to explore the joys of living in compact, well-designed spaces. The twenty-five homes presented here, all recently constructed, offer an extraordinary range of architectural solutions for designing functional yet interesting, dramatic living spaces, ranging from a few hundred to 3,000 square feet.

Each of the projects illustrates an innovative use of materials and careful attention to space and light. The informative text highlights the design and technical aspects of each house, and accompanying photography, architectural drawings, and site plans provide even further insight.

25 Houses Under 3000 Square Feet presents homes from coast to coast that everyone can relate to -- an abundance of exciting designs that are sure to inspire and amaze.

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Antoine De Moor
ID: 8496
Издательство: Lannoo

For the first time ever the highlights of a world renowned private collection are bundled in a book: over 300 tapestries and textile related objects such as hairpins and jewellery are showcased in this beautifully illustrated book. Much of the focus is on Coptic textiles. Coptic art is a term used either for the art of Egypt produced in the early Christian era or for the art produced by the Coptic Christians themselves.

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Hywel G. Harris
ID: 3361
Издательство: Dover
Finely rendered line drawings, based on photographs of authentic Victorian and Edwardian era designs, depict lovely floral and foliate motifs, a remarkable array of geometrics, transitional designs showing Art Nouveau influence, and much more — all in a wide range of sizes and shapes.
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Рита Семак
ID: 5171
Издательство: Питер

Данная книга предназначена для начинающих дизайнеров трехмерной графики, желающих освоить создание виртуального интерьера с помощью редактора 3ds Max. На примере моделирования предметов интерьера вы изучите технику и способы создания трехмерной графики.

В издании изложены общие сведения о работе с 3ds Max, рассматриваются инструменты для создания и редактирования объектов, описаны настройки стандартных источников освещения и камер, даны приемы по созданию и применению материалов, а также приведены основы визуализации. Изюминка книги — упражнения, которые находятся после теоретического раздела каждой главы и позволяют закрепить на практике полученные знания. Вы научитесь моделировать различные предметы интерьера с помощью примитивов и модификаторов, логических операций, лофтинга, полигонального моделирования.

На прилагаемом компакт-диске находятся файлы упражнений, рассмотренных в издании, а также полнофункциональная триал-версия 3ds Max 2008.

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Верстак Владимир Антонович
ID: 5162
Издательство: Питер

Эта книга откроет вам мир 3ds Max 2008 — самой популярной программы для редактирования 3D-графики. Вы научитесь быстро создавать реалистичные трехмерные изображения из самых разных виртуальных материалов (текстур). В этом вам поможет DVD, прилагаемый к книге. На нем находятся файлы упражнений, описанных в издании, итоговые видеоролики некоторых уроков и триал-версия 3ds Max 2008.

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Верстак Владимир Антонович
ID: 5163
Издательство: Питер

Узнайте секреты профессиональной работы в 3ds Max 2008 от настоящего мастера своего дела! Автор — профессионал трехмерного дизайна. Его оригинальный подход к созданию объектов и сцен, к моделированию и визуализации будет полезен и специалисту, и начинающему пользователю. Вы узнаете обо всех возможностях новейшей версии лучшего 3D-пакета, в том числе и скрытых от непосвященных. Особое внимание уделено моделированию: вы начнете с простейших объектов и завершите созданием трехмерного автомобиля.
На прилагаемом DVD — файлы сцен упражнений, иллюстрации из книги в цвете, видеоролики, показывающие результат выполнения некоторых упражнений, а кроме того, пробная версия 3ds Max 2008.

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Верстак Владимир Антонович
ID: 5164
Издательство: Питер

Это издание — очередная книга из серии «Трюки и эффекты», которая давно полюбилась пользователям благодаря своей практической направленности. «3ds Max 2008. Трюки и эффекты» — не исключение. Вас снова ждет масса оригинальных примеров, которые наверняка захочется повторить. Издание содержит множество упражнений, которые раскрывают возможности работы с различными инструментами 3ds Max 2008.
На прилагаемом DVD — готовые сцены примеров, видеоуроки, цветные иллюстрации к книге и триал-версия 3ds Max 2008!

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Маров М.Н.
ID: 5170
Издательство: Питер

Это издание умещает под своей обложкой весь 3ds Max 2008 со всей необъятной широтой его возможностей в части трехмерного моделирования и анимации. Книга одинаково полезна и новичкам, и профессионалам трехмерной графики.
Новички найдут в ней подробные описания элементов интерфейса программы, а также основных средств и приемов выполнения всех этапов работы над анимацией.
Пользователи, уже имеющие определенный опыт работы с 3ds Max, смогут углубить свои знания по таким разделам, как работа с кривыми и поверхностями типа NURBS, использование многочисленных модификаторов и контроллеров анимации, создание материалов на основе различных карт текстур и др.
Наконец, искушенные специалисты по 3ds Max предыдущих версий смогут почерпнуть из энциклопедии сведения о новшествах, появившихся в этой программе.

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