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ID: 3451
Издательство: Ca Press
Aprtment Housing, which take the largest proporyion of modern living spaces, have been influenced by changes in lifestyles and concepts of welldeing to develop into the space for nature and men and the city amongst nature. APARTMENT HOUSING divides its complex into several theme spaces in terms of landscaping, interiors, and details to enhance quality of life. Its apartment units organically combine men, nature, and design and harmoniously organize the space based on professionalism and practicality. It will be a new example of changes happening to apartment spaces.
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Carles Broto
ID: 1930
Издательство: Links

Step inside an exciting world of stunning apartments

* Small, dark apartment? These light, airy designs miraculously overcome obstacles
* Color photos, floor plans, and commentary from architects and designers for each project

 In styles ranging from urban chic to classic, from Asian-inspired minimalism to funky profusion, the rooms featured in Apartment Interiors are as unique as a fingerprint. This beautiful volume presents top-of-the-line case studies in the creation of magical, bright, spacious interiors--even in spaces where light and space are limited. These amazing apartments, shown with radiant color photos accompanied by floor plans and commentary from the creators, offer inspiration and ideas for any architecture or design professional.

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ID: 2022
Издательство: Page One
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ID: 1186
Издательство: Page One
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Eva Dallo
ID: 1269
Издательство: Harper Collins Publishers

A part of the DesignSource series, this book presents a selection of apartments that aims to serve as a source of inspiration to both the average homeowner and architect in search of ideas on how to design or improve their own apartment space. The manipulation of light, surface area, and ceiling height, combined with an adequate choice of materials and use of colors and textures can transform a dull and inanimate space into a luminous, spacious, and attractive interior. By introducing multifunctional furnishings and layouts, apartments can also easily integrate an office or studio space, or provide all the necessary domestic functions within a very limited area. The wide variety of apartments shown here displays an ample range of design solutions that suit an extensive number of apartment types, from single-room studios to loft style residences. Featuring the work of designers and architects from around the world, the selection takes the reader on a visual journey through stunning private interiors located in the world's major cities, exhibiting the latest trends in contemporary design.

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Beth Dunlop
ID: 2657
Издательство: Rizzoli

The revitalization of Miami's South Beach Art Deco district is one of architecture and urban design's great success stories. A Modernist building boom now complements the existing Art Deco gems, and the Aqua development is the culmination of this transformation. The brainchild of developer Craig Robins, Aqua is the first New Urbanist community that features exclusively Modernist work-with a star roster of architects, such as Alison Spear, Hariri & Hariri, and Alexander Gorlin. Specifically commissioned artworks by renowned artists Richard Tuttle and Guillermo Kuitca add visual interest to the public spaces. Combining the best of neo-traditional urbanism with cutting-edge Modernist designs, Aqua provides a compelling model for the future of growing communities worldwide.

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Jean-Marc Castera, Francoise Peuriot, Philippe Ploquin
ID: 9370
Издательство: ACR Edition

Cet ouvrage a pour objectif de faire mieux connaître l’art qui s’exprime dans l’habillage de l’architecture marocaine, en donnant à voir un grand nombre de réalisations mais aussi, et c’est là son originalité, en délivrant des clés pour une meilleure compréhension de l’arabesque géométrique et un accès facile à la pratique créative de l’art. Nous souhaitons ainsi contribuer à la diffusion d’un savoir rare et précieux élaboré par le travail obstiné de générations d’artistes anonymes. Après un rapide exposé historique destiné à cerner la spécificité de l’art islamique au Maroc, nous étudions les trois principales familles du décor dans l’architecture : la calligraphie, l’arabesque florale et, surtout, le décor géométrique qui fournit la matière la plus originale et approfondie du livre. L’exposé technique s’appuie sur le dessin - sans ou avec l’ordinateur - et est accompagné de nombreuses photographies prises dans les plus beaux sites (monuments, palais royaux, cités) du Maroc. Pour le plaisir des yeux... et de l’esprit.

This volume throws light upon an art expression to be found clad in the garments of Moroccan architecture. This work provides keys to the understanding of geometrical arabesques. This art of a rare and precious mastery was elaborated through the determined efforts of generations of anonymous artists. A brief historical survey defines the specificity of Islamic art in Morocco.

Three principal styles of decorative architecture are studied: calligraphy, floral arabesque, and geometrical arabesque. Illustrations and photographs of some of the most beautiful sites of Morocco (monuments, royal palaces and cities) are a pleasure for the eye.


Посмотреть англоязычное издание Arabesques: Decorative Art in Morocco

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Christiane Niemann (Editor)
ID: 1706
Издательство: Daab

This book shows the progression of Interior Design of the Arabian countries. In contrast to many countries modeled according to the Western traditions, the Arabian culture is closely tied to religious and social values. The current discussion regarding contemporary architecture broaches the subject of the importance of tradition and deals with the Arabian identity. The architects have various viewpoints on the subject: Besides those who represent an international and global architectural language, there are also numerous planners that incorporate historical elements such as arches, domes and columns into their designs and interpret them in a contemporary fashion. Arabian Design presents the projects of renowned offices and young architects and shows the exciting process, in which a new, modern presence is developing out of tradition and ideas for the future are resulting. all projects are listed in alphabetic order of the designers and architects. Plans of the projects are shown as far as available. An index of contact information of the designer and architects is enclosed.

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David B. Stewart, Arata Isozaki
ID: 3213
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

Arata Isozaki is one of Japan’s greatest architects and a commanding presence in international architecture, as demonstrated in such buildings as The Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles., the Disney Building in Lake Buena Vista, Florida, and the New Tokyo City Hall. This pioneering book features twenty of his most arresting projects, including the new designs for Toyonokuni Libraries for Cultural Resources and the Kyoto Concert Hall. Each building is illustrated with full colour photographs, drawings and plans, and analysed in text by Isozaki himself.

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Oscar Riera Ojeda
ID: 2658
Издательство: Rizzoli

The architecture firm Bohlin Cywinski Jackson believes that “the sensuality of place, the emotive qualities of materials, and the ability to give pleasure and insight, to comfort and to transport can produce humane and spirited architecture.” Whether designing corporate headquarters for Pixar Animation Studios, the Software Engineering Institute for Carnegie Mellon University, the new Apple Stores in New York, Chicago, and Tokyo, or the twelve wooded retreats shown in this book, the firm’s architecture is alive to the subtleties of place, man-made or natural, and to the rich possibilities of materials and the means of construction.

The houses in Arcadian Architecture are exquisitely crafted of wood and stone and other natural materials, and are all sited within beautiful wooded, mountainous, or lakeside locales, from New York State to Washington State, and from the woods of Connecticut to the mountains of Montana. One of the highlights of this book is that it publishes, for the first time, the extraordinary, huge, extremely private and secluded, residential complex in Washington State that was built for Bill and Melinda Gates. Each house is presented on at least thirty pages, and is depicted by sumptuous new color photography, richly detailed conceptual sketches, presentation drawings, and construction documents.

About the Author:

Oscar Riera Ojeda is the author of The New American House and Contemporary World Architects, and editor of several other volumes. Peter Bohlin is principal in the firm of Bohlin Cywinski Jackson. James Cutler, formerly with Bohlin Cywinski Jackson, now practices architecture in Washington State. Thomas Fisher is Dean of the College of Architecture at University of Minnesota, and former editor of Progressive Architecture magazine.

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Стив Боукетт
ID: 10889
Издательство: Питер

Эта необычная книга порадует профессиональных архитекторов, дизайнеров и студентов.

На каждой странице — прекрасный рисунок с творческим заданием: например, изобразить небоскреб, мост или виллу на острове. Каждый пейзаж задает собственный стиль и настроение. И разумеется, придется также подумать о конструкторских решениях, строительных материалах, гармонии сооружения с окружающим ландшафтом и прочем, без чего немыслима современная архитектура.

Издание адресовано всем, кому нравится рисовать и кто любит архитектуру.


Посмотреть оригинальное издание Archi-Doodle: An Architect's Activity Book

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Wim Pauwels
ID: 5538
Издательство: Beta-Plus

In two volumes (Vol. II will appear in September 2010) a few of the most beautiful, recently finished private homes are presented, from across the five continents and selected with a single common factor: the close relationship between architecture and nature.

These are architectural tours de force, situated in the most remove and breathtaking places in the world: in the middle of the desert in Phoenix (Arizona), in the mountains of Sun Valley (Idaho), on Yzerfontein beach (West coast of South Africa), on a magnificent golf course near Port Elizabeth.

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Winka Dubbeldam
ID: 6759
Издательство: Daab

With her progressive architectural office Archi-Tectonics, Winka Dubbeldam has advanced to the very top of the New York architecture scene. Her innovative projects are grounded within the context of urban planning, society and technology and attest to a unique interplay of materials and methods. This monograph presents an impressive overview of the projects that have endowed her with international prestige.

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Столяровский Сергей
ID: 5187
Издательство: Питер

В книге описывается работа с прикладной архитектурной программой ArchiCAD 12 и на основании конкретных примеров рассказывается о возможностях создания архитектурных объектов.
Просто и доступно излагаются эффективные приемы и методы проектирования в ArchiCAD 12, даются пошаговые описания всех действий, что позволит работать в программе даже начинающим архитекторам. Легкость изложения материала сделает ArchiCAD понятным и для многих «узких» специалистов — ландшафтных архитекторов, дизайнеров интерьеров, декораторов.

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Орлов А.
ID: 5433
Издательство: Питер

Коротко о главном — такова особенность этого издания, которое может стать настольной книгой для начинающих пользователей ArchiCAD. Лаконично, доступно и популярно излагаются основные сведения об этом прикладном архитектурном пакете: описываются интерфейс, команды, базовые операции.
Книга предназначена для тех, кто хочет получить знания в области проектирования и создания архитектурных объектов, научиться решать реальные практические задачи. Издание будет полезно новичкам, желающим быстро освоить инструментарий ArchiCAD, а опытным пользователям книга пригодится в качестве краткого справочника по программе.





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