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Jean-Louis Roger
ID: 7123
Издательство: Vial

Les livres techniques consacrés à la menuiserie historique sont rares. Grâce aux nombreuses croisées d’époque que l’auteur a pu examiner, copier ou restaurer, il nous présente ici le fruit de sa longue étude des châssis de fenêtre datant du XVe au XVIIe siècle. Jean-Louis ROGER est en effet un des rares artisans dont les recherches historiques et techniques ont été couronnées par une thèse de doctorat passée en Sorbonne au titre des métiers d’art. 
À partir d’exemples de châssis anciens, l’auteur présente leur conception et leurs techniques de construction telles qu’elles étaient pratiquées depuis la Renaissance. C’est en effet à partir de cette époque que l'on commença à demander aux menuisiers de construire des fenêtres plus confortables : meilleure étanchéité à l’air et à l’eau, meilleur passage de la lumière, esthétique plus recherchée. L’assemblage, la mouluration et le montage des cadres, les ferrures, les volets, les systèmes de fermeture, tout y est présenté sous forme de plans cotés et commentés par l'auteur, classés par époques.
L'ensemble constitue un document unique sur la menuiserie et son évolution. Il permet ainsi de restaurer des châssis anciens en connaissance de cause ou de les refaire dans l’esprit de l’époque. Si vous ne voulez pas entendre parler de joints en silicone, de fermeture hermétique ou de double vitrage, vous trouverez dans ce livre tout pour réaliser vos fermetures à l'ancienne

Sommaire :
Préfaces (d’Henri Enguehard, Architecte des Monuments historiques, et de P. Levêque, président d’honneur de l’U.N.A.) Avant-propos. Le nom de menuisier ébéniste. Le menuisier.
Aperçu historique depuis les origines. Principes des fenêtres au Moyen-âge.

Début du XVe siècle : Châssis d’une baie quadrangulaire, description du châssis bas (cadre, volet, ferrures), reconstitution du châssis haut. Remarques historiques.
Milieu du XVe siècle : Étude de la fabrication d’un châssis.
Fin du XVe siècle : Description des châssis haut et bas d’une baie quadrangulaire.
Extrême fin du XVe siècle : Étude du châssis de fenêtre du château de Martigné-Briand.
Conclusions sur les châssis du XVe siècle.

Étude de la fabrication d’un châssis du Manoir de la Roche-Thibault. Détail de construction. Conclusion sur la fabrication.
Autres châssis du XVIe siècle. Leur reconstitution.
Deux solutions pour la fabrication suivant la largeur de la baie.
Conclusions sur les châssis du XVIe siècle.

Texte de lois établissant la contribution sur les portes et fenêtres.
Le manoir de la Chappe : Étude de la fabrication d’un châssis du XVIIe siècle reconstitution d’après des éléments d’époque : bâti dormant, châssis ouvrant, volet intérieur ouvrant et pliant, ferrages et fermetures.
Châssis à petit bois avec meneaux en bois. Étude de sa fabrication, détails de construction, charnières.

L’étanchéité des châssis anciens et de leurs copies : Conclusions et mise en garde.
Lexique des principaux termes et mots techniques employés dans la menuiserie jusqu’à nos jours.
Les outils traditionnels

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Author John-Paul Stonard, Foreword by The Duke and Duchess of Devonshire, Photographs by Victoria Hely-Hutchinson
ID: 14819
Издательство: Rizzoli

This stunning volume provides an enchanting visit to one of the most storied and beautiful English country houses.

No place embodies the spirit of the English country house better than Chatsworth. From best-selling books such as Georgiana: Duchess of Devonshire and Chatsworth: The House by Deborah Mitford, the late Dowager Duchess of Devonshire, American audiences have long been transfixed by this remarkable place and its extraordinary collection of art and decorative objects.

Today, Chatsworth’s facade is newly cleaned and its windows freshly gilded. The forward-looking current Duke of Devonshire, who likes to say that “everything was new once,” has redone the public and private rooms. This tour-de-force volume is his telling of the story of Chatsworth through seven historical periods accompanied by stunning photographic portraits of the house, its collections, and the grounds.

Chatsworth contains countless treasures from Nicolas Poussin’s Et in Arcadia Ego and Antonio Canova’s Endymion to seminal modern works by Lucian Freud and David Hockney. Though filled with works from different time periods, the collection represents the very best of the “new” from each artistic era.

About the Authors:

John-Paul Stonard is an art historian educated at the Courtauld Institute of Art and contributes to the London Review of Books and Times Literary SupplementThe Duke and Duchess of Devonshire reside at Chatsworth, home to the family since 1549. Victoria Hely-Hutchinson is a photographer whose work has appeared in Dazed & ConfusedNew York, the New YorkerVanity FairVogue, and the Wall Street Journal Magazine.

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Samuel Roger
ID: 7089
Издательство: Vial

Par une approche stylistique, cet important ouvrage s’attache à présenter les cheminées françaises depuis l’époque gothique jusqu’à la première moitié du XXe siècle. Essentiellement en pierre et en marbre, mais aussi en bois, elles témoignent des constantes recherches des architectes, ornemanistes, tailleurs de pierre et sculpteurs pour sublimer le décor de la cheminée.

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Ellie Tennant
ID: 11908
Издательство: Ryland Peters & Small / CICO books

Without the expenses of a retail space, smaller independent brands can set up and start trading with ease, giving us access to a wider range of chic boutiques than ever before. The growth of online shopping also means that we can buy from brands that are based abroad, many of which have introduced international shipping at competitive prices to attract a global customer base.

In 'Chic Boutiquers at Home', interiors journalist and stylist Ellie Tennant meets the characters and creative forces behind leading online stores around the world, from the US to Europe, and explores their beautiful homes in a series of inspiring case studies.

The result is part-decorating book, part-shopping directory – a smorgasbord of fascinating interiors from a new generation of online style gurus who do much more than just sell homewares – they inspire and delight their customers, too, offering glimpses into their gorgeous homes and covetable lifestyles.

Packed with plenty of ideas to use in your own home and a wealth of tempting new shops to explore, this is the perfect book for browsing but, if you dream of selling online yourself, the final ‘How to Launch Your Own Online Shop’ chapter is crammed with invaluable practical advice, comparing popular platforms such as Big Cartel and Etsy and containing advice from the online shopkeeper experts as well as plenty of insider top tips. Now we can shop and sell for our homes wherever we want, whenever we want.

About the Author:

Ellie Tennant is a London-based interiors journalist, specialising in design, vintage, home shopping, style, and trends. She was among the first in the UK to start blogging about interiors and wrote the award-winning HomeShoppingSpy blog for Ideal Home before going freelance. Her features are regularly published in Livingetc, Grand Designs, Homes & Antiques and Country Homes & Interiors and she has worked for commercial clients including Heal’s and Cath Kidston.

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Ana G. Canizares
ID: 505
Издательство: Tectum

Chillout-cafes, bars and clubs; for example the legendary 30-year-old Helsinki Club, located in Helsinki, Finland. The "chillout" concept lies somewhere between space and music, architecture and sound. Ever since the electronic music boom, chillout spaces became a common feature inside of clubs and raves, offering a place in which to relax from the hectic beats and enjoy more mellow tunes, which became baptized under the general term ambient. This encounter between space and sound opened up a whole new field in architecture and design that not only stimulated the evolution of this music genre, but also inspired a rich variety of lounge spaces around the world in which to wind down and chill out in style. Is a book on the most interesting lounges and chill out places of the world, with an additional lounge music CD included.

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Guang Guo
ID: 7804
Издательство: CYPI Press

The oversized volume "China" is sheer beauty from cover to cover, with 238 magnificent photos depicting sites obscure and well-known across the vast, ancient country.

We see scenes from such popular tourist sites as the Forbidden City, the terra-cotta soldiers of the Emperor Qin and the Great Wall. But we also get to see the lakes of Huanglong Valley, the Yungang Grottoes, vast gardens and the spectacular countryside; the imperial palace; the earthen houses of Fujian province; the skylines of China's thriving and modern cities, mountainside temples rising through the mist and much more.

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Guang Guo
ID: 7805
Издательство: CYPI Press

The oversized volume "China" is sheer beauty from cover to cover, with 238 magnificent photos depicting sites obscure and well-known across the vast, ancient country.

We see scenes from such popular tourist sites as the Forbidden City, the terra-cotta soldiers of the Emperor Qin and the Great Wall. But we also get to see the lakes of Huanglong Valley, the Yungang Grottoes, vast gardens and the spectacular countryside; the imperial palace; the earthen houses of Fujian province; the skylines of China's thriving and modern cities, mountainside temples rising through the mist and much more.

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Chen Ci Liang
ID: 539
Издательство: Page One

16 restaurants are showcased to reflect the changing trends in Chinese design and architecture.

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Sharon Leece
ID: 6858
Издательство: Tuttle

With photographer Michael Freeman and author Sharon Leece, visit formal, more traditional metropolitan apartments featuring priceless antique furniture, see examples of Shanghai Art Deco and the unique Peranakan shop house, as well as modern manifestations of China Style-clubs sumptuously furnished with glittering fabrics and Chinese design motifs, minimalist glass houses, restaurants with a cultural-revolution flair, the China doll interior, and many more. The images were photographed in locations as diverse as Shanghai and Anhui in China, New York and Minneapolis in the USA, in Hong Kong, Singapore and other Southeast Asian destinations.

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Angelika Taschen (Editor)
ID: 3071
Издательство: Taschen

A traditional Chinese temple mingles with a minimalist Shigeru Ban villa, a Shanghai hotel that holds the world record for the tallest hotel, and a luxurious Beijing club in this compact tour of China’s most exceptional interiors. Proposing a refreshing blend of antiquity and modernity, these images exude feelings of simplicity, Zen, and wellbeing.

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James Kynge, Karen Smith, Liu Heung Shing
ID: 9385
Издательство: Taschen

This is a sweeping portrait of China, its people, and its history since 1949. It is presented as seen by China's most prominent photographers and edited by Pulitzer-winning photojournalist Liu Heung Shing. This book brings together a vast selection of images by Chinese photographers since 1949, giving readers a visual journey across the great People's Republic; edited by esteemed photojournalist Liu Heung Shing, longtime "Associated Press" correspondent and "Time" magazine contributor. In post-Mao China, late Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping urged his one billion countrymen to "seek truth from facts." Taking its cue from Deng's overture, China today is the leading economic story of the 21st century. The process by which China navigated the path from periphery to a central position in world affairs dominates the debate about Asia and China's relationship to the western world. Pulitzer-winning photojournalist Liu Heung Shing charts the visual history of sixty years of the People's Republic (1949 to 2008), and along the way aims to illustrate its humanistic course. Via work by 88 Chinese photographers, this collection of images shows how the Chinese people have blossomed in spite of enduring previous decades of extraordinary hardship. When China opened the curtain at the summer Olympics in 2008 and the world's focus fell upon Beijing, these photographs served to map out the remarkable road the Chinese had travelled to rejoin the rest of the world. To help place the images in context, also included is a chronology listing all the major political events in China.

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Ronald G. Knapp, A. Chester Ong
ID: 4868
Издательство: Periplus Publishing Group

Illustrations: over 400 full-color & archival photos and drawings

Bridges, the least known and understood of China's many wonders, are one of its most striking and resilient feats of architectural prowess. Chinese Bridges brings together a thorough look at these marvels from one of the world's leading experts on Chinese culture and historical geography, Ronald G. Knapp.
While many consider bridges to be merely utilitarian, the bridges of China move beyond that stereotype, as many are undeniably dramatic, even majestic and daring. Chinese Bridges illustrates in detail 20 well-preserved ancient bridges, along with descriptions and essays on the distinctive architectural elements shared by the various designs. For the first time in an English-language book, Chinese Bridges records scores of newly discovered bridges across China's vast landscape, illustrated with over 400 color photographs, as well as woodblock prints, historic images, paintings and line drawings

Ronald G. Knapp has been carrying out research on cultural and historical geography in China's countryside since 1965. Currently SUNY Distinguished Professor Emeritus at the State University of New York, New Paltz, he is the author or contributing editor of more than a dozen books, including the award-winning Chinese Houses: The Architectural Heritage of a Nation.

A. Chester Ong, born in the Philippines and currently based in Hong Kong, has photographed widely throughout Asia. His photography appears in magazines, exhibitions, as well as books, including China Modern, Chinese Houses and China Living.

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ID: 8569
Издательство: Design Media Publishing

Sixteen outstanding contemporary Chinese architects/teams, which come from state-owned large-scale design firm, private-owned design firm and individual studios, are selected in this book. Contemporary Chinese architectural languages and form, which connect history and today, with fusion of Chinese and western cultures and elements, are directly presented in it. It records the developing road of contemporary architecture in China with continuous effort by Chinese architects.

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Bokai Culture
ID: 6455
Издательство: Design Media Publishing

This book seeks to introduce many forms of Chinese gardens in various cities from a unique professional perspective. Presenting the exceptional traditionalqualities of delicacy and grace it demonstrates the skills involved in their design and formation. The selection offered here fall into three categories: traditional private gardens, historic gardens in modern times and newly-built gardens, each of which in turn shows the innovative use of materials and technologies.


Traditional Chinese Private Gardens
14 Garden of Contentment (Yu Yuan) , Shanghai
26 Garden of the Master of the Fishing Nets (Wangshi Yuan), Suzhou
36 Blue Waves Pavilion (Canglang ling), Suzhou
44 Garden of Retreat and Reflection (Tuisi Yuan), Suzhou
52 He Garden (He Yuan), Yangzhou
62 Garden of Ancient Splendour (Guiyi Yuan), Shanghai
70 Garden of Meandering Streams (Qushui Yuan), Shanghai
Chinese Gardens for Modern Life
78 The China Club (Zhongguo Hui). Beijing
84 Imperial Delicacy Restaurant (Guozong Yuxiang Zhai) . Beijing
90 Changpu River Scenic Area (Changpuhe Jingqu), Beijing
98 Confucian Temple (Wen Miao). Shanghai
108 Tanzhe Temple (Tanzhe Si). Beijing
114 West Garden Temple (Xiyuan Si), Suzhou
122 Square Pagoda Garden (Fangta Yuan), Shanghai
128 Garden of Contemplation (Jingsi Yuan) , Suzhou
138 Panmen Scenic Area (Panmen Jingqu), Suzhou
144 West Lake Park (Xihu Gongyuan). Fuzhou
150 West Lake Landscape (Xihu liandi), Hangzhou

Chinese Gardens in Modern Design
Chinese Style Courtyards and Landscapes in Public Places
164 Palace Wu-Sheraton Hotel (Wugong- Xilaideng Jiudian), Suzhou
176 Suzhou Museum (Suzhou Bowuguan), Suzhou
186 Xiayang Lake & Qingpu Library (Xiayang Hu & Qingpu Tushuguan), Shanghai
192 China Academy of Fine Arts (Zhongguo Meishu Xueyuan), Hangzhou
200 Dragon Hotel (Huanglong Fandian), Hangzhou

Chinese Style Courtyards in Residential Areas
208 Mandarin Palace (Jiujian Tang), Shanghai
220 Chinese Home (Zhongguo Renjia). 1'-lanjing
232 Cambridge WaterTown (Kanqiao Shuixiang). Shanghai

Private Courtyards of the Modern Literati
238 Story of Nanshipi Garden (Nanshipi Ji), Suzhou
248 Stone Obsession Resort (Zuishi Shanzhuang), Suzhou

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Ronald G. Knapp
ID: 4869
Издательство: Periplus Publishing Group

Illustrations: over 300 color photos; b&w plans & diagrams

Exquisite examples of traditional dwellings are scattered throughout modern-day China. Chinese Houses focuses on 20 well-preserved traditional homes, presenting examples from a range of rural and metropolitan areas throughout China.
The photographs of each are accompanied by extensive background information and historical content. An introductory essay examines the different types of Chinese homes and provides an overview of the rich regional variety of Chinese dwelling forms. It also provides insights into little-known design concepts that emphasize the flexibility, adaptability, and versatility of traditional building forms and the work of traditional craftsmen.
Richly illustrated with photographs, woodblock prints, historic images, and line drawings, Chinese Houses portrays an architectural tradition of amazing range and resilience.

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