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Владимир Паперный
ID: 8648
Издательство: Татлин

Фраза, вынесенная в заголовок, была произнесена Ремом Колхасом в 1995 году в его книге S, M, L, XL и с тех пор многократно цитировалась в архитектурной прессе, как правило, совсем не в том смысле, какой имел в виду автор. Само понятие контекста в архитектуре появилось, когда архитектуру начали рассматривать как текст, а это связано (по крайней мере, хронологически) с возникновением архитектурного постмодернизма. Новый текст, утверждали борцы с модернизмом, должен быть вписан в существовавший раньше, по возможности не разрушая его. О том, так ли это, с какими проблемами приходится сталкиваться архитекторам, помимо пресловутого контекста, а также о взгляде на город «сверху» и «снизу», Владимир Паперный побеседовал c Фрэнком Гери, Ричардом Мейером, Сезаром Пели, Чарльзом Гватми, Стивеном Холлом, Рикардо Легорретой, Томом Диксоном, Робертом Вентури и Дениз Скотт-Браун, Вольфом Приксом, Томом Мейном, Антуаном Предоком, Фернандо Ромеро и Ремом Кулхаасом.

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Arnold Lyongrun (Illustrator)
ID: 3184
Издательство: Dover
114 gorgeous designs, most created by the noted German artist Arnold Lyongrün, display marvelous creatures of land, sea, and air; graceful female figures, and other delightful configurations. Handsomely reproduced in pastel tones, the organic, curvilinear designs dramatically capture the Art Nouveau style dominant at the turn of the century.
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Nick Christians
ID: 10256
Издательство: Wiley

The new edition of Fundamentals of Turfgrass Management introduces the principles of turfgrass management, covering everything from basic turfgrass science to fertilization, mowing, turfgrass diseases, irrigation topdressing, pest management, as well as career paths, and much more.

With an emphasis on explaining why certain management practices are handled as they are, this new edition:

  • Incorporates updates throughout with special emphasis on pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, and soil testing
  • Contains expanded coverage of physiology, water quality and seed production, seed certification, and seed buying
  • Offers step-by-step advice on the selection and maintenance of turfgrasses
  • Includes the latest information on cutting-edge fertilization research, mowing techniques, and sports field management practices
  • Features a full-color identification guide that covers the most common grasses and weeds

Written on a level suitable for students, but with a wealth of information useful to experienced turfgrass managers, Fundamentals of Turfgrass Management, Fourth Edition provides a solid yet flexible grounding that readers can apply and adapt on the job to nearly any situation.

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Afra Schick
ID: 1969
Издательство: Arnoldsche

263 illustrations.

Anton Pössenbacher (1842–1920), cabinet-maker to the Bavarian court in Munich, was head of one of the largest late 19th-century German makers of luxury furnishings. His furniture, especially those for King Ludwig II of Bavaria (1871–1886), represent German Historicism at its zenith. Pössenbacher created almost all the furniture for the royal apartments at Linderhof, Herrenchiemsee and Neuschwanstein. Intricately carved and lavishly upholstered in gold brocade and dazzling embroidered pictures, these furnishings are highlights in the sumptuous interiors of Bavarian castles. Made to the specifications of an exacting monarch, these masterpieces of the cabinet-maker’s craft have lost nothing of their original fascination.

One of Pössenbacher's clients was King Charles I of Romania, for whom he designed an elegant palace library in Bucharest (1887). Pössenbacher’s clients also included industrialists, merchants and landed gentry, whose town houses and manors he provided with entire rooms.

The present book introduces the full range of furniture by Anton Pössenbacher viewed in their historical context. Numerous new photographs of the interior decoration of the Bavarian royal castles and hitherto unpublished designs for private commissions as well as a scholarly catalogue which also incorporates all relevant invoices from the ledgers kept by the cabinet of Ludwig II make this a standard work on the luxury furniture of Historicism.

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ID: 3823
Издательство: Taschen

Дизайн мебели от Рококо до Арт Деко. Это издание, содержащее более 1300 (в основном цветных) иллюстраций, представляет собой сборник, позволяющий как знатокам, так и любителям в полной мере оценить трехвековую историю европейского дизайна мебели.

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Edited by Jane Alison, Marie-Ange Brayer, Frederic Migayrou
ID: 3224
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

For millennia, architects and builders have attempted to rationalize cities into well-functioning and liveable places. While many aspects of a city evolve naturally, other facets result from human interventions and radical imagination. Future City celebrates the visionary urban schemes that have preoccupied architects trying to create a better world from the 1950s to the present.

This ambitious publication assembles several generations of utopian architecture in a single volume. With the city serving as the context and catalyst for the works, the book provides and indispensable resource for contemporary architectural and urban development and innovation in the third millennium.

• Features hundreds of seminal works by some sixty architects, ranging from the groundbreaking experiments of Rem Koolhaas, Zaha Hadid, Peter Cook, Daniel Libeskind and Coop Himmelb(l)au, alongside a new generation of rising stars, including Asymptote, NOX, UN Studio and Greg Lynn.

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Tim Richardson
ID: 7175
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

Greater sensitivity to climate change has already made this century one of the most productive periods in landscape and garden design. Designers and clients are increasingly committed to innovative outdoor spaces: in cities, the country and private gardens.

Like its successful predecessor Avant Gardeners, this lively volume contains inspiration for everyone from amateur gardeners to urban policy-makers, from plant enthusiasts to hardscape designers. The fifty innovative design firms presented offer a fresh and highly informed overview of today’s leading practitioners, profiling each studio’s work through texts, up-to-date projects, plans and photographs.

The selection spans well-established names, such as Patrick Blanc (France), Fernando Caruncho (Spain), Dan Pearson (UK) and Stephen Stimson (US), to smaller, lesser-known studios, such as Ossart & Maurières (France), Wette + Künecke (Germany) and Landscape India (India).

Thematic essays identify the preoccupations and practices of today’s designers – ranging from creating new landforms to the trend towards landscape urbanism.

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Michael Gabellini
ID: 8709
Издательство: Rizzoli

Pared to programmatic essence, Michael Gabellini’s work emanates a serenity that belies an underlying complexity. His spaces unfold as intricately crafted, yet subtle stages for the interaction of volume, light, and materials. Initially recognized for his work for major fashion brands such as Giorgio Armani, Salvatore Ferragamo, and, especially, Jil Sander, Gabellini set a new aesthetic standard in retail design. Equally innovative is Gabellini’s approach to the design of private residences and spaces for contemporary art, including both internationally-known galleries and special exhibitions. Gabellini’s luminous aesthetic will be the centerpiece of this monograph, his first ever, featuring the alluring retail interiors and provocative art installations together with his highly sought-after residences and large-scale, public spaces, such as the recently reopened and widely acclaimed Top of the Rock at Rockefeller Center. Revealing photography and insightful text contributions by Paola Antonelli and Hans-Ulrich Obrist, among others, will make this one of the most anticipated design monographs of the year.

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Anna Yudina
ID: 11699
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

A spectacular global survey of the buildings 'greening' the world's cities, whose conception and realization bring architecture and horticulture into a sustainable whole

Concrete horizons, urban sprawl, high-density living: never have our cities and their buildings been in greater need of greening. Yet what’s required is more than an occasional vertical garden or living roof. Featuring seventy projects from around the world – some built, some ongoing, some from the future – Garden City looks at the increasingly inventive ways in which architects and designers are incorporating nature into the built environment, transforming the city for the benefit of all.

About the Author:

Anna Yudina is co-founder and editor-in-chief of Monitor magazine. She has curated a number of international architecture and design exhibitions, including shows on Zaha Hadid and Jakob & MacFarlane, both represented in this book. Yudina is also the author of Phase: The Architecture of Jakob & MacFarlane and Eske Rex: Silent Action.

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Dawn Isaac
ID: 9134
Издательство: Ryland Peters & Small / CICO books

Garden Crafts for Children is crammed full of inspirational ideas to get kids excited about gardening and nature. A wheelbarrow vegetable garden, cress caterpillars, a sunflower alley and an insect hotel are just some of the fun and creative ideas in this invaluable book. There are chapters on using creative containers from teapots to rain boots, windowsill gardening with foods such as cress and beans, and beautiful nature crafts such as picture frames and mobiles that can be made indoors. Whether your garden is big or small, and even if you don't have a garden at all, Dawn Isaac's wonderful garden crafts will keep kids entertained, with plenty of projects to fill every season.

The 35 projects, perfect for children from ages 3 to 11, are designed to be achievable and affordable with simple-to-follow, step-by-step photographs and clear advice, and there is help on growing and gardening for children and adults alike.

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Alejandro Bahamon
ID: 2073
Издательство: teNeues
Ever since the birth of architecture the domestic garden has played a key role in defining a home. The large, ostentatious gardens of the nobility, now converted into urban parks, were echoed on a smaller scale by attempts to reproduce a piece of nature and incorporate it into a structured living environment. A series of innovative interpretations of the domestic landscape has led to an enormous range of patios, terraces and gardens, all of which are illustrated here in hundreds of photographs (with floor plans included) that enable the reader to investigate the present-day function and form of these spaces all over the world. With contributions from renowned architects and landscape gardeners, this book serves as a useful introduction to the ideas that have inspired the design of the modern garden and to the forms and materials that have made it unique.
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Haike Falkenberg
ID: 3663
Издательство: teNeues

184 color photographs

A new edition of the teNeues classic takes us on a tour of the best modern gardens. With stunning illustrations of about 30 examples, this volume is a pleasure to browse. Unequalled in its scope, we find many innovative ways to deal with climate, terrain, shade and light. The gardens shown here are living, complex works of art and each one is unique. Already a masterpiece, this comprehensive global reference highlights the versatility of contemporary horticulture.

* Showcasing about 30 of the finest in contemporary private gardens worldwide
* A must-have for amateur and professional gardeners

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Peter McHoy, Tessa Evelegh
ID: 6557
Издательство: Bookmart

A comprehensive practical guide to creating a garden that suits your needs, personality and budget. Packed with advice, ideas, hints and tips on designing and adapting your garden plans as well as practical considerations for dealing with difficult sites.

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Emma Reuss
ID: 10644
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

From modernist to Mediterranean, and from jungle to Japanese, Garden Design Close Up is a font of inspiration for those looking to give their garden a contemporary makeover.

Focusing on 100 real gardens of diverse types around the globe, the book provides in-depth information about contemporary styles. The featured selections are designed by leading lights of British landscaping, such as Christopher Bradley-Hole, Anthony Paul and Dan Pearson, alongside internationally recognized names like Luciano Giubbilei, Paolo Pejrone, Robert Irwin and Martha Schwartz.

This illustration- led compendium will delight even armchair gardeners those who prefer to admire gorgeous gardens rather than get their green fingers dirty but it is equally well-suited to those looking for ideas for their outside spaces. Serious gardeners will find within its pages a tremendously detailed resource, with plenty of helpful, practical advice.

Table of Contents

Chapter One: Art
Chapter Two: Landscape
Chapter Three: World
Chapter Four: Plants
Chapter Five: Composition
Chapter Six: Lifestyle
Chapter Seven: Close Up on Colour
Chapter Eight: City Space
Chapter Nine: Environment
Chapter Ten: Atmosphere

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Arne Maynard
ID: 4776
Издательство: Conran Octopus

Whether you want a wall, or a pond, a new look for your lawn or an inventive way to pave your patio, "Garden Design Details" is packed with hundreds of images and ideas. With practical information about what materials and designs will work in harmony with your garden, this book will open your eyes to the possibilities at hand. All the ideas are attainable and durable, with options for different styles and sizes of garden. Divided into four main chapters - Verticals; Horizontals; Punctuation; and Casework - the book discusses the main visual elements of a garden and then shows them in context through a selection of international case studies.In Verticals you'll find walls; hedges; fences; railings; trellis work; entrances and openings; gates; doors; level changes; feature plants and trees; woods; orchards; and land sculpture. Horizontals covers beds; borders; edging; paths; terraces; lawns; meadows; wild flower planting; knots; parterres; mazes; lakes; ponds; water features; natural swimming pools; stepping stones; land sculpture; and bridges. Punctuation discusses eye-catchers; seating; planters; pots and urns; statues; sculpture; fountains; arches; pergolas; tunnels; plant supports; and garden buildings. A final chapter of case studies shows the bigger picture with vertical, horizontal and punctuation design elements together in situ to show how they can be used to best advantage.The case studies illustrate a range of styles and settings including traditional, contemporary, minimal and international. Arne Maynard gives useful and practical advice for every type of garden from country acres to town courtyard. With over 350 photographs and design information covering everything from walls to paving, and fences to ponds, "Garden Design Details" is packed full of ideas.

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