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Charles Jencks
ID: 3429
Издательство: Rizzoli
Charles Jencks, the leading architectural critic and writer, takes on "trendiness" in architecture: namely the rise of the "iconic building," instantly famous and distinctively recognizable structures like Norman Foster's "Gherkin" in London or Daniel Libeskind's Ground Zero designs in New York. Although there have always been buildings built to be instant icons such as palaces and cathedrals, Jencks sees this latest trend as being fueled by the real estate industry's thirst for profit and architects' outsize egos. Since the debut of Gehry's Guggenheim Bilbao, a roster of international architects has created iconic buildings that court publicity and controversy in equal measure. Some iconic buildings are successful creations that fulfill their contradictory requirements, while others make the public and the critics wince. In addition to Foster, Gehry and Libeskind, Jencks also discusses recent works by Peter Eisenman, Zaha Hadid, Rem Koolhaas, and Renzo Piano.Anyone interested in contemporary architecture and the direction of urban design will be interested in Jencks' witty, irreverent and sympathetic insights into how buildings can become good architecture that enhances the cityscape-and are truly iconic.
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ID: 1197
Издательство: Page One

With every generation pat, ther are a few icons that carve out a legacy of their own and set the bar for the rest of the industry. lconic Design Hotels offers a glimpse into the some of the world's best establishments, defined by their stunning designs and distinguished service. Enter a world of designer accommodations and top-class amenities, where design is king and distinction rules. With exquisite phoutographs,comprehensive drawings and enlightening text, iconic Design hotels offers a glimpse into the hospitality icons of the twenty-first century that define the high life and are, in every sense, destinations of a lifetime.

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Xu Bin
ID: 4790
Издательство: Links

Take a look at some of the most amazing storefronts in the United States! Author Xu Bin has traveled the country to find the best, the most alluring, the most sophisticated shops including branches of such top retailers as Louis Vuitton and Chanel, as well as unexpected smaller stores that no reader would ever find without this indispensable guide. From New York to Los Angeles, these are the storefronts that define the American shopping experience.

Xu Bin lives in Shenzhen China. He is a freelance writer, photographer and editor. His successful books include Brand & Print (2006), Illustration Design (2007), He contributes to Top magazines in China such as Packaging Design magazine, 360 degrees, Art & Design etc.

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Joseph Lluis Mateo (Editor)
ID: 5450
Издательство: Actar

In the past, buildings and other constructions representing singular moments for the community were called monuments. Their origin was expression of power, celebration of ritual or collective affirmation. In the contemporary world, a project that aspires to be exceptionally expressive is commonly called an icon. This book claims that star-architects and their “iconic” architecture are no longer valid today, as these projects are all driven by marketing machineries. Architecture should re-emerge as a credible artefact and fulfill the transcendent demands of our time.The publication begins with a series of general texts on themes that vary but all share a common critical look at the role of the iconic on the recent architecture scene.

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Sabine Thiel-Siling (Editor)
ID: 2769
Издательство: Prestel

Now in a new flexi edition that is more affordable than ever, this breathtaking volume highlights the world's best modern architecture, the people behind the buildings, and the impact they have had on their surroundings. From New York City's Chrysler Building to the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain; from the Sydney Opera House to Kansai International Airport, the buildings profiled here have proved enduring monuments to their architects' visions and the hopes and dreams of their eras.

Presented in full-color, double-page spreads, these buildings represent nearly every continent on the globe and almost every architectural trend of the past century. The double-page spreads provide numerous photographs and plans, a summary of the architect's career, and fascinating anecdotes about building sites, materials, and construction. For architectural students, travelers, and the general reader, this insightful book is the next best thing to visiting the buildings themselves.

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George Lam
ID: 6488
Издательство: Pace

The intriguing intent of this book is to document projects as yet unbuilt, or still on the drawing board, in a dashing and stylish attempt to capture the spirit of the future. Plans, projections and technical details from over 40 housing projects worldwide are featured, employing a multitude of differing design styles.

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Tim Abrahams
ID: 7396
Издательство: Birkhauser

The HawkinsBrown architectural firm in London, founded in 1988 by Roger Hawkins and Russell Brown, is one of the up-and-coming offices on the international architecture scene. The spectrum of the firms works ranges from residences and interior design by way of office buildings and various public buildings such as theaters and university buildings all the way to urban planning, such as designs for squares and subway stations. HawkinsBrown strives to come to an optimal result in a process that integrates all of the players. HawkinsBrown has received numerous awards for various projects, such as the RIBA Award for its Wysing Arts Centre (2008), the New Chemistry Building of the University of Oxford (2009), and the New Art Exchange art center in Nottingham (2009) and the BREEAM Award for Eltham Hill Technology College (2008). This book documents some twenty-five buildings from the past five years. The projects presented include the Tottenham Court Road Underground Station, one of the busiest Tube stations in London with a hundred thousand passengers daily (to be completed in 2011); the Stratford Regional Station in London, an access platform for one of the major sites for the Olympic Games (to be completed in 2010); Park Hill, the master plan for a neighborhood in Sheffield (to be completed in 2011), and the Dubai Arts Pavilion in the United Arab Emirates.

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Paul Corbineau, Jean-Michel Flandin, Marc Auroy
ID: 5586
Издательство: Vial

Ce livre présente plus de 400 essences d’arbres issus de bois d’oeuvre, de parcs et de jardins, d’ici et d’ailleurs. Deux collections, l’une en bois de fil l’autre en bois de bout, se complètent dans une approche originale fondée sur la botanique. Les bois se dévoilent sous leur plus joli aspect. Ce livre offre un autre regard sur le bois, une invitation à mieux le connaître et à s’inspirer de son veinage, de ses couleurs de ses singularités en mémoire de l’arbre.

Sommaire :
Première partie : Connaissance du bois : l'arbre, le cycle de la sève, de la feuille au bois, voyage de l'écorce au coeur du tronc, les plans d'observation de la structure du bois, voyage au coeur du bois, esthétique des bois, les singularités des bois.
Deuxième partie : Identité et esthétique des bois : préambule, les gymnospermes, le ginkgo, les conifères, les angiospermes, les dicotylédones, les monocotylédones. Répertoire du classement par ordre alphabétique.

This is a large hardcover book with 336 full color pages with great pictures is entirely dedicated to wood.
Over 420 woods are presented and each wood is described with its name in French, in English and in Latin
together with a very high quality color picture from Marc Auroy.
This book is an invitation to contemplate the coloured and figured landscapes
scribed in the wood fibres, marks of the trees' life and memory.

The English and French texts are written by Paul Corbineau and Jean-Michel Flandin.

Contents :

* Knowing about wood
* Identity and aesthetics of Woods
* Index of families
* Wood alphabetical index
* French - English - Latin

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Jacques Dubarry de Lassale
ID: 7099
Издательство: Vial

Le livre présente 164 photos de marbres, surtout des marbres de France et des marbres anciens, mais aussi d’autres en provenance du bassin méditerranéen, de Belgique, d’Italie, etc. Ces photographies en couleurs, grandeur nature et la plupart en pleine page, permettent d’apprécier l’aspect, la couleur et la texture des marbres pour en aider l’identification. Chaque image de marbre est accompagnée d’un bref descriptif avec les principales dénominations, la localisation de la carrière d’origine, une description pétrographique et la mention de quelques utilisations remarquables.

Dans son texte, l’auteur commence l’étude des marbres par leur aspect géologique : origine marine, formation, transformation d’un calcaire en marbre, composition, origine de la couleur du marbre, de sa texture et de ses veines. Il passe ensuite en revue l’histoire de l’exploitation, de l’antiquité jusqu’à nos jours, depuis l’extraction jusqu’à sa mise en œuvre en passant par l’outillage des carriers et le transport des blocs, sans oublier les techniques d’extraction et de polissage les plus modernes. Les principales carrières de marbre en activité à chaque époque sont passées en revue. Un chapitre est consacré à l’utilisation du marbre ancien par les menuisiers et les ébénistes du XVIIe au XXe siècle, avec une liste des carrières et des marbres utilisés à chaque période, ainsi qu’une description des moulures typiques de chaque période..

Une bibliographie et un index complètent le livre qui se veut un guide technique pour l’identification et la provenance des marbres, mais aussi une fête pour les yeux grâce aux photographies de marbre blanc ou noir, marbre rose, vert ou rouge. Griotte, brèche, Rance, Levanto, Campan, rouge du Languedoc, Cipolin, Sarrancolin, Caunes, travertin, turquin, jaune de Sienne, brocatelle, poudingue, onyx, fleur de pêcher, Carrare, Portor, lumachelle et coquiller font partie des nombreux types de marbres représentés. 
Le second livre de Jacques Dubarry de Lassale, L’utilisation des marbres, est un complément bienvenu.

Jacques Dubarry de Lassale, Maître ébéniste, expert en mobilier et objet d'arts organise des stages d'expertise de mobilier ancien.
Petit groupes de 4à8 personnes
Stage très pratiques qui permettent une application immédiate des connaissances.

Sommaire :
Formation des marbres, études géologiques.
Histoire de l’exploitation et du transport.
L’utilisation par les menuisiers et les ébénistes.
Les techniques d’extraction contemporaines.
Exemples de marbres rouges, jaunes, violets, verts, blancs, polychromes, noirs.

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iF International Forum Design GmbH
ID: 9787
Издательство: Birkhauser

Outstanding design deserves a distinctive presentation – the iF product design award yearbook 2010 introduces all of the winners of the coveted iF product design award. In 2010, the publication provides an exciting look at the sixteen categories Transportation Design, Leisure / Lifestyle, Audio / Video, Telecommunications, Computer, Office / Business, Lighting, Furniture / Home Textiles, Kitchen / Household, Bathroom / Wellness, Buildings, Public Design / Interior Design, Medicine / Health+Care, Industry / Skilled Trades, Special Vehicles / Construction / Agriculture, and Advanced Studies.

Each award-winning entry is presented in images and text. A detailed index of manufacturers and designers facilitates the search for particular products. Thanks to striking and authentic photographs, the yearbook offers impressions of the jury’s deliberations as well as expert opinions on the award-winning products themselves.

The iF product design award yearbook 2010 is a user-friendly reference work for anyone with an interest in design and an informative archive for manufacturers, designers, and opinion makers from media, economy, and politics.

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ID: 9788
Издательство: Birkhauser

The iF product design award 2011 yearbook presents the crème de la crème of international product design in two large volumes. The documentation of the 2011 iF Product Design award winners, one of the most important design awards in the world, takes the reader on a journey into the world of well-designed objects. In total. Hundreds of products that have received the iF label for their excellent design are spectacularly presented. The products in the 16 catedories - automobiles, computers, mobile phones, textiles, furniture, bathroom equipment, medical devices, industrial machines, style items, bicycles and many more - are a source of inspiration both for amateurs and professionals. The iF product design award 2011 yearbook is a benchmark in the form of a comprehensive reference book and information archive for manufacturers, designers and distributors in the field of economy, media and politics. The opinions of the jury members that precede each category provide a current picture of the corresponding sector.

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