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ID: 995
Издательство: Images
Hugh Newell Jacobsen set up an independent practice in Washington, DC more than 40 years ago. Since then he has become one of America's finest architects and his projects have been built and published worldwide, earning him numerous national and international design awards. First published in 1988 by the AIA Press, this current edition has been reprinted on high quality art paper with enhanced imagery.
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Julius Panero, Martin Zelnik
ID: 10768
Издательство: Random House

"Основы эргономики" - первый  справочник по проектным нормам для всех, кто занимается проектированием помещений: для дизайнеров интерьера, архитекторов, дизайнеров мебели, строителей, специалистов по промышленному дизайну и учащихся, изучающих дизайн.

Сравнительное изучение параметров человеческого тела называется антропометрией. С помощью антропометрии обеспечивается качественное физическое взаимодействие человеческого тела и различных элементов интерьера. Книга Дж. Панеро и М. Зелника "Основы эргономики. Человек, пространство, интерьер" - первый справочник по проектным нормам для всех, кто занимается проектированием помещений: для дизайнеров интерьера, архитекторов, дизайнеров мебели, строителей, специалистов по промышленному дизайну и учащихся, изучающих дизайн. Антропометрические данные не заменят продуманный проект предметной среды или веское профессиональное суждение, однако их можно рассматривать как один из множества инструментов, необходимых для проектирования.

Этот всеобъемлющий справочник по проектным нормам состоит из трех частей.

В первой излагается теория и применение антропометрии, в отдельной главе речь идет об инвалидах и пожилых людях. Здесь рассматриваются основы антропометрии, и дизайнер получает общее представление о том, как устанавливаются нормы и стандарты.

Во вторую часть входят иллюстрированные антропометрические таблицы с самыми современными данными о размерах человеческого тела, классифицированными по возрасту и процентным группам. Кроме того, приводятся сведения об амплитуде движения суставов и размерах тела у детей.

Третья часть содержит сотни масштабных схем, планов и разрезов, построенных с учетом антропометрических соотношений между человеком и окружающим пространством. Рассматриваются все виды помещений - от жилых до коммерческих, предназначенных как для отдыха, так и для учебы, все размеры указаны в метрических единицах.

В эпилоге авторы приводят все данные, которые требуются профессиональным дизайнерам, строителям и производителям мебели, а также обсуждают самые насущные проблемы современного дизайна. Они объясняют, насколько опасно принимать за основу размеры так называемого среднестатистического человека, которого не существует в природе. Используя данные правительственных организаций, в том числе исследований доктора Ховарда Стодта, доктора Альберта Деймона, доктора Росса Макфарланда, а также Джин Робертс из Службы общественного здравоохранения США, Дж.Панеро и М.Зелник разработали справочную систему стандартов и норм для дизайнеров интерьера, изложив ее в виде таблиц и ситуационных схем. Благодаря книге "Основы эргономики. Человек, пространство, интерьер" эти стандарты теперь доступны всем дизайнерам интерьера.


The study of human body measurements on a comparative basis is known as anthropometrics. Its applicability to the design process is seen in the physical fit, or interface, between the human body and the various components of interior space.

Human Dimension and Interior Space is the first major anthropometrically based reference book of design standards for use by all those involved with the physical planning and detailing of interiors, including interior designers, architects, furniture designers, builders, industrial designers, and students of design. The use of anthropometric data, although no substitute for good design or sound professional judgment should be viewed as one of the many tools required in the design process. This comprehensive overview of anthropometrics consists of three parts.

The first part deals with the theory and application of anthropometrics and includes a special section dealing with physically disabled and elderly people. It provides the designer with the fundamentals of anthropometrics and a basic understanding of how interior design standards are established. The second part contains easy-to-read, illustrated anthropometric tables, which provide the most current data available on human body size, organized by age and percentile groupings. Also included is data relative to the range of joint motion and body sizes of children. The third part contains hundreds of dimensioned drawings, illustrating in plan and section the proper anthropometrically based relationship between user and space. The types of spaces range from residential and commercial to recreational and institutional, and all dimensions include metric conversions.

In the Epilogue, the authors challenge the interior design profession, the building industry, and the furniture manufacturer to seriously explore the problem of adjustability in design. They expose the fallacy of designing to accommodate the so-called average man, who, in fact, does not exist. Using government data, including studies prepared by Dr. Howard Stoudt, Dr. Albert Damon, and Dr. Ross McFarland, formerly of the Harvard School of Public Health, and Jean Roberts of the U.S. Public Health Service, Panero and Zelnik have devised a system of interior design reference standards, easily understood through a series of charts and situation drawings. With Human Dimension and Interior Space, these standards are now accessible to all designers of interior environments.


Пролистать книгу Human Dimension & Interior Space: A Source Book of Design Reference Standards

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Pierre Restany
ID: 4049
Издательство: Parkstone

Friedrich Stowasser (1928, Vienna – 2000, New Zealand), better known by the name of Friedrich Hundertwasser, was a painter, thinker, and architect, or rather a “doctor of architecture", as he declared in his manifesto of the 24th of January 1990.

His architectural creations, organic and full of imagination, may have been influenced by the works of Antoni Gaudí. Yet, Hundertwasser was more radical in his philosophy. As expressed in his remarkable eco-artistic manifestos, and other achievements (paintings, posters, stamps, houses, and architectural designs), his message remains profoundly and viscerally ecological.

His pictorial work is characterised by an organic abundance of forms and by the brilliance of its colours.
Hundertwasser is an artist who is difficult to classify. With his tremendous love of nature, he is one of the pioneers of humanist and environmentalist architecture, which attempted to reconcile creativity and ecology. This vision has been shared by many young artists all over the world and by the founders of eco-villages.

The Author:

Pierre Restany remains the most influential French art critic of the second half of the 20th century. A witness to the dynamic New York art scene, he founded, along with Yves Klein, the “New Realism" an artistic movement created in reaction to Pop Art, which expressed the distress of the post-war period.
Always alert and on the look-out for a new artistic creation, this eminent art critic became interested in Hundertwasser’s fascinating work and ecological theory. They met on several occasions: in Paris in 1957, and also in Vienna, where they spent three days together. This text is an account of the encounters between two exalted giants of the artistic scene, as well as the homage of a critic to the great Austrian artist.

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Friedrich Hunold
ID: 3027
Издательство: Taschen

Our epoch has found in the painter-king the most formidable accuser of totalitarian thinking, from nuclear energy to the organization of our living environment. He lives up totally to his way of seeing things, against the contradictions of our post-industrial society.

His trump card is his art, the creator of beauty: of natural harmony, peace and joy. The extra-lucid power of his analytical sensitivity makes him the perfect decoder of global culture and its guided information. Hundertwasser reveals the prodigious quality resources of naturist empiricism against the abusive uniformity of rationalist totalitarianism, against the tyranny of ugliness and the iron rule of its straight line.

It is all inscribed in his painting, which is the revelation of sensitivity, the open book of destiny; it translates intuition into images, and those images inspire the major orientations of his thinking and action. When concretized moreover, those orientations fit perfectly into the practical norms of his aesthetic. Based on the empirical, artisan and organic intelligence of man-nature relations, his project for society is a cry of hope in beauty, a sine qua non-condition for human development.

Images included:
The Small Way, Kaurinui, 1991
European Twirling his Moustache, Bürgeralm hut, Aflenz, 1951
Yellow Ships - Sea of Tunis and Taormina, Tunis - Taormina, 1951
Yellow Houses - It Hurts to Wait with Love if Love is Somewhere Else, Venice, 1966
Hommage au Tachisme, La Picaudière, 1961
Winter Painting - Mister Snow, Venice, 1966
The Third Skin, Venice, 1982
Mourning Schiele, Lugano, 1965
Water Fire, Venice, 1991
Rain of Blood Dropping into Japanese Waters Located in an Austrian Garden, Tokyo, 1961
The 30 Days Fax Painting, Vienna, 1994
The Beard is the Grass of the Bald-Headed Man, La Picaudière, 1961
Original poster Hundertwasser House, Vienna

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Harry Rand
ID: 1851
Издательство: Taschen

Viennese-native Friedrich Stowasser (1928-2000) called himself  Hundertwasser Friedensreich Regentag Dunkelbunt. True to the colorful variety of his names, he pursued many activities as a painter, architect and ecologist, and as "one who awakens identities." This presentation of Hundertwasser's work in all of its different facets is guided by the artist's own view of himself and his purpose. And, because his work is virtually inseparable from his personal life and political activity, a vivid portrait of the artist takes shape before the reader's eyes. Excerpts from conversations between the author and the artist lend a sense of immediacy and authenticity to the narration.

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Wieland Schmied
ID: 7263
Издательство: Taschen

The dream of a world of peace

"A world full of color," says Friedensreich Hundertwasser, "is synonymous with paradise." With his demonstrations and actions, his manifestos for nature, for more human-oriented architecture and for the improvement of the quality of life and living conditions, Friedensreich Hundertwasser is one of the most fascinating artists of the 20th century. He became a symbolic figure, not only as a painter but also as an architect, ecologist and philosopher, in particular for all those who are searching for a life tuned to the natural and the human.

This anniversary edition consists of the first volume of TASCHEN’s limited edition Friedensreich Hundertwasser, 1928–2000, and offers a complete presentation of Hundertwasser's work, personality and life, with detailed texts by Hundertwasser's longtime friend Wieland Schmied.

The author:
Wieland Schmied has been President of the Bavarian Academy of Fine Arts in Munich since 1995. He has organised over one hundred art exhibitions and is the author of many books on 19th- and 20th century art, including monographs on Caspar David Friedrich, Alfred Kubin, Giorgio de Chirico, Edward Hopper and Francis Bacon.

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Pierre Restany
ID: 3411
Издательство: Parkstone

Friedrich Stowasser (1928, Vienna – 2000, New Zealand), better known by the name of Friedrich Hundertwasser, was a painter, thinker, and architect, or rather a "doctor of architecture", as he declared in his manifesto of the 24th of January 1990.

His architectural creations, organic and full of imagination, may have been influenced by the works of Antoni Gaudí. Yet, Hundertwasser was more radical in his philosophy. As expressed in his remarkable eco-artistic manifestos, and other achievements (paintings, posters, stamps, houses, and architectural designs), his message remains profoundly and viscerally ecological.

His pictorial work is characterised by an organic abundance of forms and by the brilliance of its colours.
Hundertwasser is an artist who is difficult to classify. With his tremendous love of nature, he is one of the pioneers of humanist and environmentalist architecture, which attempted to reconcile creativity and ecology. This vision has been shared by many young artists all over the world and by the founders of eco-villages.

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Kathryn Masson, Paul Rocheleau
ID: 4060
Издательство: Rizzoli

Wood-paneled libraries, sumptuously appointed interiors, mudrooms, paddocks, and stables are all signature elements of an equestrian-based style that is aspired to across the country, from Lexington, Kentucky, to Potomac, Maryland, and Greenwich, Connecticut.

The beginnings and epitome of this style of interiors and architecture are to be found in Middleburg, Virginia, where for centuries a lifestyle and architecture have been honed to produce some of the most beautiful homes anywhere. This luxurious volume ranges from c. 1730 Oakland Green Farm in Loudon County - a quintessential Virginia homestead originally constructed of hand-hewn wood that has evolved to incorporate fieldstone, limestone, and locally fired brick - and historic Castle Hill in Keswick - a stately Federal mansion of brick set on more than 1,000 acres of farmland and forests - to the 1941 Henchman’s Lea, an outstanding example of American Revival architecture in Fauquier County and a working farm created to allow for the enjoyment of beauty inherent in rural Virginia living.

Through all-new, color photography, Hunt Country Style showcases twenty-five houses that wonderfully epitomize this tradition and evoke its most inviting and beloved features.

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Francesco Alberti, Daria Ricchi, Photographs by Mario Ciampi
ID: 6328
Издательство: VerbaVolant

Hybrid Interiors presents a collection of the most innovative and imaginative homes culled from the world of contemporary interior design. Each interior defines a new formula for projecting living spaces; they are not unlike laboratories where sophisticated combinations of styles emanating from different cultures and centuries are created. Design cues from the forties to the seventies are seamlessly blended in an apartment in an eighteenth-century building in London, a modern residence in Florence functions as an art gallery and living space, each of the interiors included has its own unique personality and share only one thing: they fit the description “hybrid.” The simplicity and visual coherence of the combinations of styles and functions shown belies the fact that each interior is the fruit of complex and considered architectural elaborations. Richly illustrated with more than three hundred color photographs, Hybrid Interiors proposes a tour, in twenty-five stages from Amsterdam to Rome, from Berlin to Beijing, of settings that give rise to a studied dialogue between contemporary design and historic preservation, living space and working space, and classic style and popular culture.

Пролистать книгу Hybrid Interiors: Combining Styles - Combining Functions можно на сайте издательства.

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ID: 9006
Издательство: Archiworld

"I Hotel & Shopping Mall" offers a chance to look into domestic and international  trends of today by introducing recently built hotels and shopping malls. It also covers conceptual design solutions that would be completed in the future. The volume
features a total of 75 works including 43 hotels and 32 shopping malls.

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ID: 9007
Издательство: Archiworld

'I-HOUSING' introduces the multi-family housings recently completed in Europe,America,Oceania and Asia. Thus they would provide a great chance to grasp the modern architecture trends of Korea and abroad

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ID: 9008
Издательство: Archiworld

004 Blub Lounge Club
012 FANTASY CAFE DINING Alice of magic world
022 What Happens When
038 PizzaExpress
054 Rue d"or
062 Meltino Bar & Lounge
072 Haiku Sushi
082 Jardin de Jade, Hangzhou
092 Jin Xiang Yu Restaurant
100 Chariman"s Suites Private Members Lounge
108 La Seine Restaurant
118 Jamie"s Italian
128 TREE Restaurant
134 Garden Restaurant
140 Salon de Bricolage
152 Tse Yang Qatar
158 Bar Rouge
168 MI-SHA
174 Salon des saluts
182 LA NONNA Restaurant
188 Johnny Smalls
198 Nuba Restaurant Lounge Club
204 Barbecoa
210 Club MUSEE
218 Cave Restaurant
224 OCA restaurant
232 Opa
238 Lapiaz Restaurant
244 Moscara Restaurant
262 The MOOSE
270 CHAA
278 Il Buco restaurant
284 DN Innovacion
290 The Wright, Guggenheim Museum
296 Autostrada
304 The Forge

312 Designer"s Profile

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ID: 9009
Издательство: Archiworld

004 Casa Micheli
018 Apartment 67
046 Henley Street Residence
058 House 2
070 Brent Knoll
080 The Front and Back Apartment
086 Art Collector's Loft
096 Casa Son Vida
108 Charred Cedar House
120 House in Madrid
130 New Kyoto Town House
152 Mash House
170 The piano was drinking, not me...
182 VilLA NM
194 House in Paco de Arcos
202 Villa 3s
218 Roof on the Hill
226 Linear House
238 Loft 24/7
278 Openhouse
288 House VVDB
298 Wrap House

306 Designer's Profile

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Michelle Galindo
ID: 9583
Издательство: Braun

Glaciers, snow and perpetual ice have always fascinated human beings; this is reflected in the exceptional architecture of frigid regions. The task of building in the coldest parts of the world represents both a bare necessity and a special challenge.

Ice Architecture presents the most innovative projects that illustrate the success of contemporary architects in mastering the challenges of building in extremely cold zones. The volume presents the work of architects working in this field, graphically accompanied by numerous photographs and plans, providing a fascinating glimpse into the world of ice architecture.

From the contents:

_Indian Research Base, Arctic (BOF Architekten)
_Nordpark Cable Railway in Innsbruck, Austria (Zaha Hadid)
_School of Nursing and Health Care Practice in Jagtvej, Greenland (Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects)
_Huski Hotel in Falls Creek, Australia (Elenberg Fraser)
_Svalbard Science Centre in Spitsbergen, Norway (Jarmund / Vignæs Architects)

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Charles Jencks
ID: 3429
Издательство: Rizzoli
Charles Jencks, the leading architectural critic and writer, takes on "trendiness" in architecture: namely the rise of the "iconic building," instantly famous and distinctively recognizable structures like Norman Foster's "Gherkin" in London or Daniel Libeskind's Ground Zero designs in New York. Although there have always been buildings built to be instant icons such as palaces and cathedrals, Jencks sees this latest trend as being fueled by the real estate industry's thirst for profit and architects' outsize egos. Since the debut of Gehry's Guggenheim Bilbao, a roster of international architects has created iconic buildings that court publicity and controversy in equal measure. Some iconic buildings are successful creations that fulfill their contradictory requirements, while others make the public and the critics wince. In addition to Foster, Gehry and Libeskind, Jencks also discusses recent works by Peter Eisenman, Zaha Hadid, Rem Koolhaas, and Renzo Piano.Anyone interested in contemporary architecture and the direction of urban design will be interested in Jencks' witty, irreverent and sympathetic insights into how buildings can become good architecture that enhances the cityscape-and are truly iconic.
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