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Dona Z. Meilach
ID: 9726
Издательство: Schiffer

Here is an exciting foray into the world of the artist-blacksmith.

Dona Z. Meilach discovers the growing numbers of men and women who revel in lighting up a forge and shaping hot, malleable iron into beautiful, useful objects. Blacksmiths today make both monumental and modest architectural accompaniments, from public art to an infinite number of items we encounter every day. With this book, you will gain an appreciation of the medium and its creators, and realize that blacksmiths do much more than shoe horses.

Over 480 color photographs highlight objects for indoor and outdoor use, including fences, railings, gates, doors, sculpture, furniture, lighting fixtures, candleholders, and more. Some are truly modern in style while others are inspired by historical references, such as Art Nouveau, Art Deco, Craftsman, and Victorian styles.

Todays blacksmiths, designers, artists, and homeowners will find unparalleded inspiration for creating unique yet practical surroundings.

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ID: 2508
Издательство: L'Aventurine

Многообразие металлических орнаментов в оградах, перилах, дверях и окнах, балконах и балюстрадах, навесах, верандах и крышах, садовых пристройках, городских конструкциях, замках, домашней и церковной утвари, что ярко отображает иллюстрированный альбом-каталог.

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Markus Hattstein, Peter Delius
ID: 5347
Издательство: Ullmann

This book follows the historical development of the Islamic dynasties and regions, showing the variety of their forms of artistic expression from the beginning until today. From decorative elements of buildings to calligraphy and the embellishment of everyday objects, ornamentation, that most characterise Islamic art form, displayed in an extraordinary rich range of ways. The contributions of important scholars bring to life before our very eyes this culture, which belongs next to Greek and Roman antiquity as one of the pillars of our modern society.

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Markus Hattstein
ID: 10558
Издательство: Ullmann

Islam, the second largest and the youngest of the major world religions, has changed the world and left its mark on human history since the appearance of the prophet Mohammed in the seventh century.

This book follows the historical development of the Islamic dynasties and regions, showing the variety of their forms of artistic expression from the beginning until today. From decorative elements of buildings to calligraphy and the embellishment of everyday objects, ornamentation, that most characteristic Islamic art form, is displayed in an extraordinary rich range of ways.

The contributions of important scholars bring to life before our very eyes this culture, which belongs next to Greek and Roman antiquity as one of the pillars of our modern society.

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Mark Fletcher
ID: 4880
Издательство: Ullmann

Islands - real, artificial, and metaphoric - have always fascinated people. Buildings near, or even in water transcend boundaries and merge concrete, familiar structures with flowing visions to create symphonies of water, light and stone. Examples of the mastery of this interplay of elements are provided by Abu Dhabi's Saadiyat museum island, artificial city suburbs such as Crystal Island in Moscow, and even entire new cities such as Island City in Japan. Apart from such dynamic urban centres, Dubai's luxury islands or the world's most expensive hotel, the Burj al Arab, are also architectural highlights. Visions of the future by renowned architects such as Jean Nouvel, Frank O. Gehry, Zaha Hadid, and Foster & Partners are also presented. This illustrated work is a fascinating journey through the island worlds of today, tomorrow, and the day after.

• Einleitung zur Historie der Insel-Architektur
• Detaillierter Überblick über Entwicklung und Trends im 20. Jahrhundert
• Umfassende Bestandsaufnahme der spektakulärsten Projekte
• Ausblick auf zukünftige Projekte
• Qualitativ hochwertige Foto-Aufnahmen
• Informative Begleittexte


Inseln – tatsächliche, künstliche und metaphorische – faszinieren die Menschen seit jeher. Gebäude am oder gar im Wasser überschreiten Grenzen und verschmelzen feste gewohnte Strukturen mit fließenden Visionen zu Sinfonien aus Wasser, Licht und Stein. Dieses Spiel der Elemente beherrschen beispielsweise Mur Island in Graz, Abu Dhabis Museumsinsel Saadjat Island, künstliche Stadteile wie Crystal Lake in Moskau oder komplett neue urbane Entwicklungen wie Dubais Luxusinseln meisterhaft. Neben solchen spektakulären Zentren bilden das Oslo Opera House oder das teuerste Hotel der Welt, das Burj el-Arab, architektonische Glanzpunkte. Vorgestellt werden auch die Zukunftsvisionen renommierter Architekten wie Herzog & de Meuron, Waterstudio.NL, Zaha Hadid und Foster + Partners. Dieser Bildband ist ein faszinierender Streifzug durch die Inselwelten von heute, morgen und übermorgen.

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ID: 2353
Издательство: Daab
In Istanbul, East meets West, old meets new, culminating in inspiring and unique trendsetting symbioses in architecture and design and resulting in an exciting cityscape. This book presents interiors and exteriors of shops, restaurants, hotels and public buildings which feature amongst the most interesting projects in this city.
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ID: 2323
Издательство: Daab

Italian Design presents about 50 projects on new and innovative design and architectural projects of italian designers.  The focus is not only on architecture but also on furniture and product design. 

The designers are introduced with a short characteristic and some of their best projects. An index with contact information of the architects and designers is enclosed.

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Alessandra Burigana, Photographs by Mario Ciampi
ID: 6327
Издательство: VerbaVolant

Every day we use objects designed to make our lives easier and more pleasant. Chairs, tables, lamps, and drinking glasses all form part of our domestic routine. Many of the most eye-catching examples of these objects were created by Italian industrial designers. But what happens when these designers turn their creative energy toward their own homes?

Italian Designers at Home opens the doors to the homes of architects and designers and discovers their routines, idiosyncrasies, and original stories. Like Enzo Mari who cultivates bonsai trees, or Michele De Lucchi who carves miniature houses out of wood, or Dino Gavina who slept in a small cubic structure, in the center of a sixteenth-century room, because it reminded him of the cozy atmosphere of a passenger-train sleeping compartment. Every house has a unique story; every house is a surprise.

Beautifully illustrated with 280 color photographs, Italian Designers at Home offers an unprecedented look at more than twenty homes styled by the hand of celebrated Italian design professionals including: Andrea Branzi, Cleto Munari, Alessandro Mendini, Dino Gavina, Mario Bellini, Riccardo Dalisi, Cini Boeri, Stefano Giovannoni, Enzo Mari, Michele De Lucchi, Bob Noorda, Vico Magistretti, and Ettore Sottsass.

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Georgina Masson
ID: 6442
Издательство: Garden Art Press

Originally published in 1961 as a complementary study to Geoffrey Jellicoe's architectural work Italian Gardens of the Renaissance, this book is intended to present a layman's point of view on the subject, providing immediate first impressions of the countless pleasures that are a feast to the senses, whilst providing a comprehensive background to the gardens, their antecedents and history. Tracing a line through the history and topography of Italy, Mary Johnson - writing under the pseudonym of Georgina Masson - picks out the finest examples of gardens dating from the Renaissance, Mannerist and Baroque periods. Primarily, it is a masterpiece of photography, evoking memories for those who have already visited the gardens and persuasive to those who have not. Secondly, it is a very able study of the history of Italian gardens from their inception in ancient Rome, followed by the medieval and early Humanist gardens, as well as the later ones of Tuscany, Rome, Veneto and Northern Italy.

This new edition contains Georgina Masson's classic text alongside her original photographs. It includes many previously unpublished images and the layout has been revised to show the gardens in their full glory. There is also a new chapter showing the plans and sections of some of the most famous gardens, enabling readers to fully comprehend their careful design. The introduction by Margherita Azzi Visentini places Masson's work in context amongst other studies of the subject and gives important insights into the author and her research. This book uniquely captures the flavour of a beautiful and gracious time and place.

1: Roman Gardens; 2: Medieval and Early Humanist Gardens; 3: Tuscan Gardens; 4: Roman Renaissance Gardens; 5: Gardens of the Marche and Veneto; 6: The Gardens of Northern Italy.

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Meg Nolan, David Cicconi
ID: 4061
Издательство: Rizzoli
Every traveler wants to feel as if they are the first to discover their destination—that’s why staying somewhere fresh, somewhere that is still a well-kept secret, is so important. And the only thing more important than visiting the right town is staying in the right room at the right place. Travel journalist Meg Nolan has combed Italy for the most wonderful, off-the-beaten-path places to stay, from the to-die-for luxury of Ca Maria Adele, a magnificently renovated sixteenth-century palazzo in Venice, to the modest rustic charm of Hotel La Villa on Lake Bracciano, from the lush country villa La Quercia, nestled among private gardens and olive groves on the Mediterranean, to a spectacular rustic castle in the Tuscan hills. Featuring thirty destinations from around the country, and with more than 150 lavish photographs of stunning interiors and unforgettable Italian vistas, Italian Hideaways is an invaluable guide and the perfect book for anyone with a discerning eye for the classical beauty of Europe.
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Massimo Listri, Nicoletta del Buono
ID: 8538
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

A sumptuous selection of some of Italy's most beautiful houses, captured by renowned photographer Massimo Listri

The stunning photographs range over sweeping panoramas of the houses in their country settings right down to close-ups of rooms, furniture and design details, highlighting the merging of traditional and modern comforts that epitomizes Italian style.

From the Tuscan home of Colombian artist Fernando Botero to the enchanting Baroque palazzo in Sicily, home to Milanese designer Luisa Beccaria, the images evoke every mood from timeless simplicity to the delights of decorative excess. All of the featured homes offer inspiring sources of ideas that will bring a touch of Italy to any interior.

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Laura Andreini, Nicola Flora, Paolo Giardiello, Gennaro Post
ID: 340
Издательство: teNeues

Italian design has an extraordinary reputation worldwide, but is there such a thing as an Italian aesthetic? In the worlds of fashion, cars, buildings and furniture, the answer is a resounding yes. For decades, Italian designers and architects have been applauded for their elegance, originality, and perfection. Names such as Studio Archea, Paolo Deganello, Alessandro Mendini, and Ettore Sottsass are synonymous with a fascinating formal vocabulary and are known far beyond the borders of their native country. Italian Interior Design presents 34 remarkable interiors, each created within the past decade, by some of Italy's most admired designers. Illustrated with brilliant photographs, sketches, plans and including a highly informative text, this guide to the best in Italian design offers a window into a culture that places a high value on beauty, simplicity, and utility.

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Michelle Galindo
ID: 5115
Издательство: Braun

This new series about the diversity of regional interior design starts with two volumes, one about French, and the other about Italian interiors.

Both titles open the doors to the inner worlds of these two European countries to reflect how they inhabit the private and public realms. They are showing the similarities as well as the differences between and within both countries in terms of their interior styles. The typical is preserved and blended with the contemporary. Each book is a compilation of interior inspiration, from classic to contemporary looks.

From the contents:

* Offices
* Hotels, Bars, Restaurants
* Culture & Leisure
* Home & Living
* Shopping

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Giulio Ferrari
ID: 9733
Издательство: Schiffer

Italian ironwork from Roman times, through Medieval centuries, and up to Neo Classical designs of the early nineteenth century comprise this collection of 100 photographs from Italian sources. They depict trellises, grilles, gates, fencing, household lighting, fireplace accoutrements, and door hardware that will inspire today's designers. Their origins in hill towns of Ialy are recorded for many images. This is authentic ironwork for contractors, decorators, and homeowners to enjoy.

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ID: 7560
Издательство: Frechmann Kolon

From the places of the Colonna, Farnese, Orsini and Altemps where, whitin their secret rooms, the papal throne was disputed over the course of centuries, to the magnificent ducal palaces of Venice and Genoa, manifest symbol of the political and economic power of the maritime republics, to the royal splendour of the Bourbon and Savoy palaces where bauty and history wonderfully and indissolubly merged.

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