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Philip Jodidio
ID: 3536
Издательство: Taschen

"The array of buildings by Renzo Piano is staggering in scope and comprehensive in the diversity of scale, material, and form. He is truly an architect whose sensibilities represent the widest range of this and earlier centuries." Such was the description of Renzo Piano given by the Pritzker Prize jury citation as they bestowed the prestigious award on him in 1998.Whereas some architects have a signature style, what sets Piano apart is that he seeks simply to apply a coherent set of ideas to new projects in extraordinarily different ways. "One of the great beauties of architecture is that each time, it is like life starting all over again," Piano says. "Like a movie director doing a love story, a Western, or a murder mystery, a new world confronts an architect with each project." This explains why it takes more than a superficial glance to recognize Piano's fingerprints on such varied projects as the Pompidou Center in Paris (1971-77), the Kansai airport in Osaka, Japan (1990-94), and the Tjibaou Cultural Center in Nouméa, New Caledonia (1993-98). This stunning monograph, illustrated by photographs, sketches, and plans, covers Piano's career to date.

The updated publication includes new photographs of projects completed since the previous edition, such as his The New York Times Building in New York, the Zentrum Paul Klee in Bern, Switzerland, The Morgan Library in New York, as well as some sneak peeks at his current projects, including the 66-story London Bridge Tower, which is set to be Europe's tallest building.

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Peter Buchanan
ID: 40
Издательство: Phaidon
Volume 1 features numerous case studies including the Bari Sports Stadium in Italy and the first stages of the Kansai Airport International Terminal in Japan. Widely acclaimed on publication, the book includes an authoritative introductory essay as well as specially redrawn drawings and plans.
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Peter Buchanan
ID: 41
Издательство: Phaidon
As Peter Buchanan has shown in the first three volumes of Renzo Piano’s complete works, he follows no fashions of form or theory, nor is he limited to a personal idiom. Instead he concerns himself with the specifics and potential of a particular situation and moment, meeting the challenges of the programme, pushing the limits of technology, but always responding sensitively to the topography or urban fabric of the building’s site. This fourth volume on Renzo Piano provides an illuminating study of the architect’s working method, in particular his regard for context, followed by a presentation of his projects from 1989 to 2000. These range from urban works such as the Potsdamer Platz masterplan in Berlin, a science museum in Amsterdam and high-rise towers in Rotterdam and Sydney, to the acclaimed Beyeler Foundation and the Jean-Marie Tjibaou Cultural Centre in New Caledonia, which exemplifies the architect’s sensitivity to site and local tradition, combining traditional materials and techniques with those from the cutting edge of technology.
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Peter Buchanan
ID: 42
Издательство: Phaidon
As Peter Buchanan has shown in the first three volumes of Renzo Piano’s complete works, he follows no fashions of form or theory, nor is he limited to a personal idiom. Instead he concerns himself with the specifics and potential of a particular situation and moment, meeting the challenges of the programme, pushing the limits of technology, but always responding sensitively to the topography or urban fabric of the building’s site. This fourth volume on Renzo Piano provides an illuminating study of the architect’s working method, in particular his regard for context, followed by a presentation of his projects from 1989 to 2000. These range from urban works such as the Potsdamer Platz masterplan in Berlin, a science museum in Amsterdam and high-rise towers in Rotterdam and Sydney, to the acclaimed Beyeler Foundation and the Jean-Marie Tjibaou Cultural Centre in New Caledonia, which exemplifies the architect’s sensitivity to site and local tradition, combining traditional materials and techniques with those from the cutting edge of technology.
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Philip Jodidio
ID: 35
Издательство: Taschen

"The array of buildings by Renzo Piano is staggering in scope and comprehensive in the diversity of scale, material, and form. He is truly an architect whose sensibilities represent the widest range of this and earlier centuries." Such was the description of Renzo Piano given by the Pritzker Prize jury citation as they bestowed the prestigious award on him in 1998.

Whereas some architects have a signature style, what sets Piano apart is that he seeks simply to apply a coherent set of ideas to new projects in extraordinarily different ways. "One of the great beauties of architecture is that each time, it is like life starting all over again," Piano says. "Like a movie director doing a love story, a Western, or a murder mystery, a new world confronts an architect with each project." This explains why it takes more than a superficial glance to recognize Piano’s fingerprints on such varied projects as the Pompidou Center in Paris (1971-77), the Kansai airport in Osaka, Japan (1990-94), and the Tjibaou Cultural Center in Nouméa, New Caledonia (1993-1998).

This stunning monograph, illustrated by photographs, sketches, and plans, covers Piano’s career to date. Also included are sneak peeks at Piano’s current projects, including the New York Times Tower, a 52-story skyscraper to be built in Times Square, and the 80-story London Bridge Tower, which is set to be Europe’s tallest building.

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Jean Nouvel by Jean Nouvel, Complete Works 1970-2008

Микеланджело: Полное собрание произведений

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Renzo Piano, Victoria Newhouse
ID: 2211
Издательство: Hatje Cantz

Ein spektakulärer Überblick über die schönsten Museumsbauten des Pritzker-Preisträgers.

Pritzker-Preisträger Renzo Piano gilt als der führende Architekt für Museumsbauten, herausragende Kunstinstutionen weltweit haben ihm ihre Sammlungen anvertraut. 18 seiner Museumsentwürfe aus den letzten 35 Jahren stellt der großformatige Band anhand von atmosphärisch dichten Fotos und präzisen Architekturzeichnungen und Grundrissen vor.

Der Bogen spannt sich vom damals revolutionären Centre Pompidou (1977), bis hin zu noch nicht fertig gestellten Projekten, etwa dem Los Angeles County Museum of Art, dem Art Institute of Chicago (Eröffnung 2009) oder dem geplanten Museum für zeitgenössische Kunst in Sarajevo. Meilensteine der Museumsarchitektur werden ausführlich präsentiert: die Menil Collection in Houston, die Fondation Beyeler in Riehen bei Basel, das Zentrum Paul Klee in Bern, das Nasher Sculpture Center in Dallas und die Erweiterung der Pierpoint Morgan Library in New York. Eine Einführung von Victoria Newhouse diskutiert zentrale Elemente von Pianos Ästhetik – natürliches Licht, Transparenz und die Piazza als öffentlicher Treffpunkt.


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Sanford Kwinter
ID: 9745
Издательство: Actar

In this small, but sharply-pointed book, renowned theorist Sanford Kwinter addresses the sometimes subtle, sometimes brutal transformations that characterized the modernization processes set into motion at the turn of the millennium.

From the strange appearance of the 'Trojan Horse' that was the Centre Pompidou which served as the harbinger and template of the new idea of "Europe", through the dot.com bubble of the late 1990s, to the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers in New York, a new world came into being that design thinking has yet to fully take into account.

The City is here seen not only as the last frontier of human history currently under threat of total eclipse, it is the indomitable form of collective experience upon which one can count as assuredly as one can on death and taxes.

Requiem, to quote from Thomas Daniell's introduction, is first and foremost redemptive: "Kwinter's most negative assessments of the city are driven by a deep commitment to its sublime potentials--a desire to sacralize the most profane and fecund of human creations"

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Neil Appleton
ID: 10418
Издательство: Design Media Publishing

Research building is a very comprehensive architectural structure, and it must meet requirements on aspects of functional area, technical equipment, economic cost and law. They represent innovative means of production - that is why the design of research building is always changing.

According to the changes in the field of scientific research, the challenges faced by research architecture are how to make the high-tech equipments merged into the environment with better communication and how to integrate the institution itself into the atmosphere of communication and interaction through design. The former strictly functional organization is bound to be replaced by the beneficial communication cycle.

This book presents us that technical improvements are not necessarily the key to the design of great research buildings. The best research buildings position the researchers as the most creative agents in the process of scientific experiments. The building is not a machine which the scientists manipulate but a tooth at the macroscopic level. Meanwhile it is also a cultural construction with collaborative cohesion and creating imaginative.

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George Li, Cathy Cao, Welly Hu
ID: 7453
Издательство: Design Media Publishing

This title succeeds in providing a platform for the communication between clients, designers and the supply sources of their material. It also includes 50 outstanding home designs complete with floor plans. In total it reflects the expanding aspiration and demand in China for designers to offer higher quality living environments.

Пролистать книгу  Residence Awards: 50 Works of the 50 Most Influential Chinese Designers

Посмотреть ролик издательства о книге Residence Awards: 50 Works of the 50 Most Influential Chinese Designers

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ID: 451
Издательство: Links

At the end of the 20th century, the longevity of modern man and the lack of time of the younger population to take care of elderly people led to a profound analysis of the new environments and the search for a suitable habitat for the elderly. The new architectures and building technologies offer a wide range of specific solutions that help to improve the living conditions of the elderly. This book presents several models of architecture for the elderly, with details of schemes for geriatric homes, reception centres and special residential projects by architects from different countries as Toyo Ito, Mahler, Gunster & Füchs, MVRDU, Wiel Arets, Vicens and Ramos, Architecture Studio.

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Chris van Uffelen
ID: 8398
Издательство: Braun

Citizens in retirement age are becoming an ever greater but also more active part of society.

Architects and designers have discovered that this requires a new way of thinking and detected nursing homes and senior citizens’ residences as a new area of professional interest. They apply creative concepts and intricate designs to increase the comfort and quality of life for the elderly.

The projects presented in this volume are outstanding examples of architectural and interior design solutions that meet the complex and special needs of senior citizens. It presents newly constructed and converted buildings that contradict the common perception of "old folks' homes". They show that it is possible to reconcile nursing and medical requirements with an attractive design, skillfully combining functionality and aesthetics.

  • Skyline at First Hill in Seattle, USA (Perkins+Will)
  • Elbschloss Residence in Hamburg, Germany (feddersenarchitekten)
  • Apartments for Life in Sydney, Australia (PTW Architects)
  • Aging in Africa in Lagoon Aby, Ivory Cost (HWKN)
  • Sun City Park Machida in Tokyo, Japan (BAR Architects)
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Helen Liu
ID: 10282
Издательство: Design Media Publishing

Residential Skin & Details provides analysis of both the technical and the aesthetic importance of details in modern residential architecture.

Featuring the work of renowned architect from around the world, this book presents 32 of the most recently completed designs for residential architecture. Each project is presented with colour photographs, plans, sections and elevations, as well as numerous construction details. There is also a descriptive text, detailed captions and in-depth information for each project.

Residential Skin & Details is an excellent reference work for practising architects as well as architecture and design students.

Посмотреть избранные развороты книги Residential Skin & Detials

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Andrea Boekel
ID: 1926
Издательство: Images
Residential Style is the new-format International Spaces title that explores the trends and talented designers shaping residential interiors around the world. It follows on from the success of IMAGES' informative Residential Spaces series of books. 
The mere mention of the word 'home' evokes feelings of warmth and belonging, suggesting places of refuge, retreat and personal space that are as much a personal statement of the resident's enjoyment of life, as testament to the skill of the designer. Residential Style is a sourcebook of inspired kitchens, bathrooms, bedrooms, dining rooms, living areas, office and studio spaces, and even meditative areas, that can be adapted to suit the reader's own environment. 
The lavish array of fashionable interiors featured in this book, in styles that range from formal to casual, are accompanied by comprehensive captions that make this book useful to professional designers and the interested home designer. Interiors, from eclectic and eccentric to classic and elegant, are all included. Space planning, flooring features, lighting, furniture, window treatments and other areas of design, are vividly captured, making this an invaluable sourcebook on how to incorporate every element of décor to the best advantage. 
The new format includes a section dedicated to plans and drawings. Captions are purposeful and provide information on the materials selected by the material selected and individual features incorporated into each design. 
Other residential lifestyle IMAGES books by Andrea Boekel, include the internationally successful 50+ Vacation Homes and Outdoor Living.
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Eduard Broto
ID: 453
Издательство: Links

The "home away from home" must be flexible and agile, prepared to accommodate any number of uses at any given time. Here, an international sampling of resort houses shows the very best solutions in the field: programs which are at once conducive to the feeling of "getting away from it all", while discretely covering the comforts and necessities (a second office, for example) that inevitably arise. A well-rounded presentation has been guaranteed by the inclusion of construction details, listings of materials and finishes (both inside and out), floor plans and sketches. All documentation has been provided by the designing studios, who thereby contribute their own proven expertise in this specialized field of architecture.

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Ben She
ID: 8800
Издательство: Tang Art

Project Introduction:

P24 Charming Resort-Stowe Mountain Lodge

P40 Energy-saving Innovation-VILLA Upama

P48 Celestial Hall-The St. Regis Lhasa Resort

P60 Ideal Habitat-One & Only

P74 Luxury & Dissipation-The Fairmont Banff Springs

P86 Wandered Aimlessly-Echo Valley Resort and Spa

P98 Resplendent & Majestic-Resort at Squaw Creek

P106 California Style-Miramonte Resort & Spa

P118 Tremendous Momentum-Badrutt’s Palace

P130 Wonderful Holiday-Suncadia Resort

P144 Passion Collision-The Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise

P156 Exert Intelligence-Hotel Toriba

P164 Beyond Compare-The Fairmont Jasper Park Lodge

P172 Love Castle-Chateau Mcely

P184 Inspired Collision-Thorngrove Manor Hotel

P190 Nature Touch-Monmouth Plantation

P198 Vibrant Life-Arizona Grand Resort

P206 Fresh Excitement-Faimont Mount Kenya Safari Club

P216 Imaginary Plateau-Pacific Highlands Ranch Recreation Center

P226 Serene Beauty-Ritz Carlton Dove Mountain

P234 Serene Beauty-Royal Palms Resort and Spa

P242 Titled Family-Angsana Riads Collection Morocco

P270 Hunting Time-Fairmont Mara Safari Club

P278 Camping Holiday-Exploreans Ara Rianta Camp

P284 Unique Vision-The Kirawira Luxury Tented Camp

P288 Mystery Landscape-Larsens Camp

P294 Surrealist World-Hoshinoya Kyoto

P304 Inspiring Experience-Hoshinoya Karuizawa

P316 Secret Place-Rosewood San Miguel de Allende

P330 Romantic Heaven-Les Jardins D Ines

P334 Verdant Valley-Montis Resort

P340 Taste Temptation-Sankara hotel&spa Yakushima

P346 Miracle Place-Naked Stables Private Reserve

P358 Spiffy Time-Castle Hill Resort and Spa

P366 Perfect Swing-Heritage Le Telfair Gelf and Spa Resort

P378 Wild Journey-Diamonds Star of the East

P390 Underwater Journey-Coco Palm Bodu Hithi

P400 Magic City-La Sultana

P410 Eternal Charm-The Tongsai Grand Villas

P424 Sindu Spirit-Sivory Punta Cana Boutique Hotel

P432 Tribe Exploration-Orange County Kabini

P440 Memory Freeze-Monterey Plaza Hotel & Spa

P450 Infatuated Ball-W Retreat & Spa Bali-Seminyak

P464 Gorgeous Sea view-Zeavola Resort

P478 Affectionate Sea-Sea Island (The Cloister)

P488 Secluded Grance-The Fairmont Royal Pavilion

P498 Snorkeling Heaven-The Fairmont Southampton

P512 Distinct Flavor-The Oyster Box

P526 Fantasy Holiday-The Fairmont Orchid

P536 Happy Family-The Twelve Apostles Hotel

P552 Blowing Green-Taman Ahimsa

P562 Traditional Modern-Acqualina Resort & Spa

P570 Fabulous Indulgence-Ganga Kutir Resort and Spa

P574 Island Resort-InterContinental Sanya Resort

P582 Tropical Harbour-Park Hyatt Goa Resort and Spa

P592 Great Meditation-Rosewood Mayakoba

P606 Heaving Billows-Rosewood Tucker’s Point

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