
Книги по антологии в архитектуре

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ID: 4449
Издательство: Rebo

Using both text and superb color photography, this book describes the most famous and impressive museums in the world: Prado in Madrid, National Gallery in London, Muse"e du Louvre in Paris, Museum of Modern Art in New York and many more.

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Dr. Manfred Leier (Editor)
ID: 4450
Издательство: Rebo

They form the hustling centre of the big cities: the famous square in the heart of the city. They function as diverse meeting places for the local inhabitants, tourist attractions, end-stations for pilgrimages, open-air museums or normal market squares where traders can sell their goods. The one hundred unique squares described in this book are surrounded by fine architecture. They proudly display their fountains and statues and seductively lure tourists to their galleries and coffee house terraces. The journey begins on the beautiful Campo van Siena and goes via Vrijthof in Maastricht and the lovely Place des Vosges in Paris to the fairy tale-like Rigestan square in Samarkand and much more.

Squares are the bustling centers of big cities, functioning as meeting places for traders and tourists, lovers and friends. They are tourist attractions, destinations for ardent pilgrims, open-air museums and busy market places full of traditional or exotic goods. The 100 unique squares described here are the results of fine architecture, rich history and proud citizenry. Magnificent fountains and statues, as well as abundant, colorful markets, lure tourists into the hearts of famous cities. Our journey takes us from the beautiful Campo van Siena through Lujubjana"s Preseren Square, to Riga"s Town Hall and the Place des Vosges in Paris. We explore urban centers on other continents as well: the Djemaa el-Fna in Marrakech, Iran"s Imam Square, Plaza de la Catedral in Havana and many more.

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Thomas Veser, Silvia Jonas, Martina Handwerker
ID: 4451
Издательство: Rebo

Many people are familiar with Russia"s most visible landmarks, particularly those in Moscow: the Kremlin, Red Square and St Basil"s Cathedral. Yet these are only three of Russia"s architectural, cultural, and historical treasures. With this book, discover the rich heritage of Russia"s fortresses, palaces, cathedrals, museums, monasteries, and cities. From the era of the Kievan Rus in the 9th century, the Tatars in the 13th and 14th centuries, to the 16th through 18th centuries, the time of the Tsars and of Imperial Russia, Russia"s treasures predating the 20th century are examples of sheer elegance. The Grand Palace of Peterhof and the Peterhof Fountains, for example, in St. Petersburg, embody the Tsars" appreciation for Classicism, while Trinity Cathedral, in the Sergiyev Posad monastery, dating to the 14th century, shows reverence for the Orthodox Church in shining onion domes.

Russia"s 20th-century treasures are towering examples of beauty on an awe-inspiring scale. The vast stretches of the All-Russian Exhibition Center, for example, and the "seven sisters" skyscrapers illustrate the Soviet ideals of beauty. The book"s journey begins in Moscow, where these 20th-century structures are balanced by an array of cathedrals, churches, and monasteries. Beyond Moscow, the Golden Ring (the circle of culturally and artistically significant churches, monasteries, and towns) expands on Russian traditions and architectural heritage. In addition, the treasures of St Petersburg are fully catalogued here, as well as those in other parts of the country. From start to finish, this is a book to savor, as you discover the true range and depth of Russia"s riches.

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Catherine Slessor
ID: 6907
Издательство: Images

An international best-seller featuring superlative contemporary houses redesigned in a chic, compact form, 100 of the World's Best Houses is sure to appeal to the general public and design connoisseurs alike. Created by an impressive selection of architects, there is an incredible variety of architectural styles represented here - from exquisite urban villas and resplendent country homes, to sprawling ranches and breathtaking beach houses. The picturesque surroundings of these homes are often as remarkable as the houses themselves. Featuring exciting contemporary houses from some of the greatest architects, including Hugh Newell Jacobsen (Buckwalter House), Daryl Jackson Architects (Jackson House), Glenn Murcutt (Southern Highlights House), Kisho Kurokawa (Residence), Eric Owen Moss (Lawson-Western House), Ray Kappe (Shapiro Residence), Harry Seidler Hamilton House), Steven Ehrlich (Canyon Residence), Sean Godsell Architects (Carter/Tucker House), Rick Joy (Tyler Residence), and Alberto Campo Baeza (De Blas House). Many of this these inspirational structures are accompanied by detailed plans.

Пролистать книгу 100 of The World's Best Houses на Google books

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ID: 1588
Издательство: БММ

Из семи чудес света до наших дней дошли только египетские пирамиды. А какие чудеса нашего времени увидят потомки? О ста самых значительных архитектурных сооружениях последних десятилетий расскажет эта книга.

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Robyn Beaver
ID: 982
Издательство: Images
1000 Architects is one of IMAGES' most ambitious and successful projects to date. A comprehensive directory of the world's leading architects, this double-volume boxed set has established its place as a must-have resource. Each individual architect or firm is represented with a stylish full-page entry, comprising complete contact details, a brief profile, and images of projects. 1000 Architects contains entries from architects in Europe; North, South and Central America; Asia-Pacific; the Middle East and Africa, delivering extensive international coverage.
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Alex Sanchez Vidiella
ID: 8206
Издательство: BooQs

This book offers a visual, technical and theoretical analysis of detail in modern architecture. Construction and technical detail is fundamental in architectural study as this minutae reflects the thought and vision of the architect. The 1000 details in this book are shown through colour photographs and drawings, accompanied by descriptive captions.

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Sergi Costa Duran and Mariana R. Eguaras Etchetto
ID: 5521
Издательство: Rockport

Architecture is an art form that provides both function and beauty. Each architect brings something uniquely distinct to his or her work. Learning what makes an architectural work or the body of an architect's work unique is difficult to deconstruct. This book provides behind the scenes insight into the work of 100 top international designers through the deconstruction of 1000 architectural details and projects. An unrivaled sourcebook for ideas, this collection also provides details and information that are not available on this level through any other source.

Sergi Costa Duran is the author of the architectural books Green Homes, New Prefab, High Density and Earth. He lectures frequently on environmental subjects for the Catalan Government (Generalitat de Catalunya) and the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). He lives in Barcelona, Spain.
Mariana R. Eguaras Etchetto is an architecture and interior design editor. She lives in Barcelona, Spain.

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Christopher E. M. Pearson
ID: 5551
Издательство: Parkstone

Since the mythical Tower of Babel, humans have continuously tried to erect monuments to match their oversized egos. With ancient ziggurats, the Taj Mahal or the Empire State Building, man has for centuries demonstrated his force by raising structures for purposes both religious and profane.
As international cultural statements without words, symbols of a people’s values - devotion, patriotism, power - symbols of a civilisation’s grandeur, these monuments still fascinate and attract an ever-growing public who is captivated by the creativity and ingenuity of these architects and stonemasons.
Their historical message goes far beyond mere art history, for they tell us of the lives and evolution of the peoples of the past, as does the Parthenon in Athens, many times destroyed, rebuilt, reused, attacked, pillaged and restored once again today.
This work, featuring 1000 monuments chosen from around the globe, retraces human history, the techniques, styles and philosophies necessary for the construction of so many splendours over the centuries, providing a panorama of the most celebrated monuments while evoking the passion of their makers. The reader can explore the changing values of humanity through the edifices it has built and understand these structures as triumphs of humankind.

About the author
Historian of art, architecture and urbanism, Christopher E. M. Pearson is a specialist in twentieth century visual culture. Born in Vancouver, Canada, he holds a degree in art history from the Courtauld Institute of Art and defended a thesis in architectural history at Stanford University. He has taught courses in art and architectural history at Stanford, the University of California, Davis, Santa Clara University, Arizona State University, the University of Oregon and Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas. In 2006, he was one of the founders of Quest University Canada. His publications number many studies of modern art and architecture.

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ID: 3522
Издательство: Braun

From the contents:

  • Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto, Canada (Daniel Libeskind)
  • Repairs and Renovations to the Louisiana Superdome in New Orleans, USA (Billies Architecture)
  • La Purificadora in Puebla, Mexico (Legoretta + Legoretta)
  • Ibirapuera Auditorium in Sao Paulo, Brazil (Oscar Niemeyer)
  • Arthur Lok Jack Graduate School of Business in Champs Fleurs, Trinidad & Tobago (Gillespie & Steel Ltd)

Outstanding buildings have been constructed in the Western Hemisphere; acclaimed as well as emerging architects are contributing today with their work in North, South, Central America and the Carribbean to the definition of tomorrow’s architecture.

This comprehensive compendium provides a unique opportunity to explore the powerful diversity from Canada to Chile, from the United States to Barbados based on the inimitable conditions in each of the countries by featuring the best recent projects. At the same time it also reveals what unites the architecture of the Americas. Airports, stadiums, churches, museums, houses and lots of other building types – all projects are presented by means of concise text, outstanding photos and informative drawings.

Другие книги серии:

1000 x European Architecture

1000 x European Architecture - 2nd edition

1000 x European Hotels

1000 x Landscape Architecture

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Joachim Fischer (Editor), Chris van Uffelen (Editor)
ID: 1148
Издательство: Braun

From the contents:

  • Jewish Museum in Berlin, Germany (Daniel Libeskind)
  • Tiscali Campus in Cagliari, Italy (Arassociati – Studio di Architettura)
  • Kupla – The Bubble, Korkeasaari Zoo Lookout Tower in Helsinki, Finland (Ville Hara)
  • Sports Stadium in Santander, Spain (J. Franco Arquitectos)
  • Swiss RE Headquarters in London, UK (Foster and Partners)

 All the important themes of our present time are put into the European perspective – it‘s time to do this with architecture as well! Projects from all parts of the continent have been selected to create a representative overview of the latest European architecture.

The great variety of European architecture is guaranteed because there is only one project presented per architect – with high-quality pictures and plans. Particular emphasis has been placed on making sure that many small creative and surprising buildings are presented alongside much-quoted “musts”.

Другие книги серии:

1000 x European Architecture - 2nd edition

1000 x European Hotels

1000 x Architecture of the Americas

1000 x Landscape Architecture

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ID: 7319
Издательство: Braun

New Edition - 100% New Projects!

The selected works in this volume provide a cross-section of contemporary European architectural culture in the current context of the building boom, financial crisis and economic recovery. These diverging developments combined with significantly increased ecological awareness have sustainably and creatively influenced the world of architecture between the North Cape and the Mediterranean Sea, the Atlantic Ocean and the Ural Mountains during the past five years.

It is, therefore, time for a new edition of 1000 x European Architecture. The 1000 buildings featured, of all types and sizes, are a comprehensive overview of how differently architects and building owners have reacted to the challenges. This compendium brings together on 1000 pages the latest works of the world’s leading architects as well as great projects by up-and-coming future stars. Across all countries, there are fascinating examples of a wide variety of buildings types and sizes that substantially enrich the exciting diversity of European architecture.

From the content:
- Turning Torso in Malmö, Sweden (Santiago Calatrava)
- Zénith Music Venue in Saint-Etienne, France (Foster + Partners)
- Nordpark Cable Railway in Innsbruck, Austria (Zaha Hadid)
- Madinat al Zahra Museum in Cordoba, Spain (Nieto Sobejano Arquitectos)
- Swedbank Headquarter in Vilnius, Lithuania (Audrius Ambrasas Architects)

Другие книги серии:

1000 x European Architecture

1000 x European Hotels

1000 x Architecture of the Americas

1000 x Landscape Architecture

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Франческа Прина, Елена Демартини
ID: 7487
Издательство: Омега

Книга представляет собой богато иллюстрированное руководство по истории западноевропейской и американской архитектуры последнего тысячелетия. Она содержит обширные сведения о художественной специфике и эволюции этого искусства, истории архитектурных стилей, многообразии их региональных вариантов и отдельных направлений, знакомит с творчеством великих зодчих. Издание включает 600 цветных иллюстраций, воспроизводящих фасады и интерьеры известнейших архитектурных сооружений; каждая из 148 статей, расположенных на отдельном развороте, имеет свое название и посвящена определенному периоду или стране; кроме того, анализируются особенности 36 шедевров мировой архитектуры. Текст дополнен приложением, включающим краткие биографические сведения о 180 ведущих архитекторах мира, а также словарь использованных в тексте архитектурных терминов.

Издание рассчитано на самый широкий круг читателей, интересующихся историей мировой художественной культуры.

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ID: 3447
Издательство: Магма

«1001 здание, которое вы должны увидеть» – полный и, в то же время, доступный путеводитель по архитектурным шедеврам мира – краткий сборник статей об известных достопримечательностях и нераскрытых жемчужинах, знакомство с которыми доставит удовольствие и случайно заглянувшим, и опытным знатокам архитектуры.

Каждая статья содержит существенную информацию об описываемой структуре: кто ее спроектировал, по чьему заказу, ключевые даты строительства и т.д. Раскрываются исторические и географические факторы, оказавшие влияние на проект, в то время как потрясающие фотографии иллюстрируют техническую изобретательность и эстетическую гениальность архитекторов прошлого и настоящего.

Книга выстроена в хронологическом порядке - она начинается с чудес древнего мира, за которыми следуют шедевры каждой последующей эпохи вплоть до сегодняшнего дня. Перед глазами всплывают алмазные копи самых замечательных образцов мировой архитектуры, от византийских и готических жемчужин через невероятное богатство эпох

Возрождения и Барокко к сокровищам нынешнего столетия. Кульми национный момент книги – значимые достижения прошедшего десятилетия, такие как перестроенныйРейхстаг от Нормана Фостера в Берлине и Пекинский стадион от “Herzog de Meuron”.

В книге представлены великолепнейшие и самые важные общественные и жилые здания мирового значения, начиная с дворцов, музеев, новаторских проектов жилья, и кончая необычными конструкциями, вроде древних скальных жилищ «пуэбло» и первобытных южно-итальянских «трулли».

МАРК ИРВИНГ, главный редактор, писал на темы искусства и архитектуры для многочисленных газет, включая “The Times”, “Financial Times”, “Independent on Sunday”, “Guardian” и “Scotsman”, и таких журналов, как “Domus”, “Blueprint”, “Prospect”, “Time”, “L’Espresso”, “The New Statesman” и “Knack Weekend”. Он написал сценарий и был ведущим телевизионного сериала «История Ар-деко», публиковал эссе в многочисленных книгах и каталогах.

ПИТЕР СЭЙНТ-ДЖОН получил первые знания по архитектуре в архитектурной школе Барлетта (Университетский колледж Лондона), а завершил образование в Архитектурной ассоциации. В 1990 году вместе с Адамом Карузо он открыл свою собственную фирму, а до того работал на Ричарда Роджерса, Флориана Бейджела, Диксона Джоунса и “Arup Associates”. Публика заметила “Caruso St. John” благодаря проекту Новой художественной галереи в Уолсалле, а международное признание фирма получила за искусную, в высшей степени «умную» архитектуру.

Другие книги серии:

1001 вино, которое нужно попробовать

1001 еда, которую нужно попробовать

1001 историческое место, которое нужно посетить

1001 книга, которую нужно прочитать

1001 фильм, который Вы должны посмотреть

1001 чудо природы, которое нужно увидеть

1001 альбом, который нужно услышать

1001 сад который нужно увидеть

1001 картина, которую нужно увидеть

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10 critics, 100 architects
ID: 36
Издательство: Phaidon
10x10 is a kaleidoscopic view of new architecture in the world today. 100 emerging architects have been selected to appear in the book by 10 leading international architecture curators and critics: Haig Beck + Jackie Cooper, Aaron Betsky, Roger Connah, Kristin Feireiss, Jorge Glusberg, Tom Heneghan, Mohsen Mostafavi, Terence Riley, Jaime Salazar, and Neil Spiller. The book is unique in architectural publishing and provides a truly global view of the most imaginative and important architects of today and of the future. This giant square chunk of a book is even architecturally designed, with a plastic lenticular three-dimensional cover and an innovative shifting grid page design, which packs in over 1,500 striking images into 468 pages. Presented alphabetically by architect/architecture firm. Eresulting in arresting sequences with the turn of each page. 10x10 is an invigorating examination of contemporary architecture and culture. The book features over 250 buildings and projects dating from 1990 to the present. These consist of recently-built works, as well as projects currently under construction. 10x10 journeys throughout the globe, visiting multi-million dollar schemes such as the Yokohama International Port Terminal in Japan by Foreign Office Architects, and on to much smaller projects such as the tiny timber summer house in Risor, Norway designed by Carl-Viggo Holmebakk, then moving into the digital world of the Guggenheim Virtual Museum by Asymptote Architecture. From traditional to conceptual, this book mirrors the diverse factors that currently influence architectural practice and experimentation and illustrates some of the most innovative responses to changing technologies and social conditions. Encompassing environmental, industrial, urban, technological, and virtual factors, this book showcases an abundance of homes, workplaces, religious centers, and places of entertainment. It is a vigorous battlefield of architectural ideas as each curator/critic has been specially commissioned to write an essay supporting his/her selection of architects, in some cases challenging the selections of other curators/critics, and also giving his/her own view on contemporary trends in architecture. In addition, each critic has chosen and listed 10 cultural references. Eincluding designed objects, books, films, themes, and movements. Erevealing a dynamic range of influences in today’s design environment. Not only is 10x10 an essential source book, but it is the ultimate design object celebrating the future as architectural.
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