История архитектуры

История архитектуры

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Germano Celant
ID: 938
Издательство: Skira

Architecture & Arts documents the innovations brought about by painters, sculptors, designers, writers, photographers, and filmmakers, as well as creators from the widest variety of artistic circles and expressive styles, into the field of architecture. At the same time, it reveals the digressions of architects into the visual arts, a discipline that has shared with architecture a common project of a radical, at times visionary, aesthetic transformation of reality. The volume includes works by Malevich, Cartier-Bresson, Steichen, Terragni, Depero, Fritz Lang, Le Corbusier, Gehry, Rossi, Piano, and Oldenburg, to name a few. This richly illustrated volume offers a complete overview of architects and artists from the historic avant-gardes (Futurism, Suprematism, Constructivism, Dadaism, Neoplasticism, Expressionism, Surrealism, and the modern movements until the postwar period) to the contemporary world, starting from Informal-Spatialist work and continuing with Situationism, Brutalism, Pop Art, Minimalism, and Post modernism to the present day.

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ID: 5844
Издательство: L'Aventurine

Collection of constructions, both civil and sacred buildings, ranges from pre-Christian basilicas to buildings dating from the early 19th century, and includes such gems as the cathedrals of St. Peter and Chartres, the Paris Opera House, and the Taj Mahal. Fully illustrated.

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Véra Traimond
ID: 4469
Издательство: Hermann

L'art de la Russie Ancienne s'épanouit durant plus de 700 ans, du Xème au XVIIème siècle. Profondément marquée par l'empreinte religieuse, son évolution est étroitement liée au christianisme et aux finalités du culte orthodoxe. Très vite, les bâtisseurs russes manifestent un authentique génie créateur, marqué par l'élégance et l'harmonie des proportions. Il ne faut pas attendre longtemps pour voir surgir les principaux chefs-d'œuvre de l'époque kiévienne (Xe-XIIIe siècles), à commencer par les cathédrales Sainte-Sophie de Kiev et de Novgorod, puis la Dormition de Vladimir.
Au XIIIe siècle, l'irruption des Mongols oblige les Russes à se replier sur eux-mêmes. La renaissance artistique s'amorce au XVe siècle, sous l'égide du prince de Moscou qui impose son autorité à l'ensemble du pays et fait de sa ville une métropole aussi bien politique qu'artistique et culturelle. Le XVIIe siècle est marqué par un essor remarquable de l'architecture civile, dont témoignent encore de nombreux palais et demeures princières. Le règne de Pierre le Grand signe la rupture avec l'art traditionnel : le tsar impose les modèles occidentaux et enracine définitivement la Russie dans l'histoire architecturale du reste de l'Europe.
La présente étude se propose de recenser les caractéristiques nationales de l'architecture de la Russie ancienne et de présenter les chefs-d'œuvre de tous ordres produits jusqu'à la fin du XVIIe siècle. L'iconographie, somptueuse et entièrement inédite, témoigne avec éloquence de la maîtrise et des dons artistiques des Russes. Une attention particulière est apportée aux bâtiments de bois, dont il subsiste de nombreux exemples dans les régions du Nord.

Véra Traimond est docteur en Histoire et maître de conférences à l'Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales, où elle enseigne l'Histoire de l'Art Russe.

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Véra Traimond
ID: 4470
Издательство: Hermann

L'art de la Russie Ancienne s'épanouit durant plus de 700 ans, du Xème au XVIIème siècle. Profondément marquée par l'empreinte religieuse, son évolution est étroitement liée au christianisme et aux finalités du culte orthodoxe. Très vite, les bâtisseurs russes manifestent un authentique génie créateur, marqué par l'élégance et l'harmonie des proportions. Il ne faut pas attendre longtemps pour voir surgir les principaux chefs-d'œuvre de l'époque kiévienne (Xe-XIIIe siècles), à commencer par les cathédrales Sainte-Sophie de Kiev et de Novgorod, puis la Dormition de Vladimir.
Au XIIIe siècle, l'irruption des Mongols oblige les Russes à se replier sur eux-mêmes. La renaissance artistique s'amorce au XVe siècle, sous l'égide du prince de Moscou qui impose son autorité à l'ensemble du pays et fait de sa ville une métropole aussi bien politique qu'artistique et culturelle. Le XVIIe siècle est marqué par un essor remarquable de l'architecture civile, dont témoignent encore de nombreux palais et demeures princières. Le règne de Pierre le Grand signe la rupture avec l'art traditionnel : le tsar impose les modèles occidentaux et enracine définitivement la Russie dans l'histoire architecturale du reste de l'Europe.
La présente étude se propose de recenser les caractéristiques nationales de l'architecture de la Russie ancienne et de présenter les chefs-d'œuvre de tous ordres produits jusqu'à la fin du XVIIe siècle. L'iconographie, somptueuse et entièrement inédite, témoigne avec éloquence de la maîtrise et des dons artistiques des Russes. Une attention particulière est apportée aux bâtiments de bois, dont il subsiste de nombreux exemples dans les régions du Nord.

Véra Traimond est docteur en Histoire et maître de conférences à l'Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales, où elle enseigne l'Histoire de l'Art Russe.

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Peter Gossel, Gabriele Leuthauser
ID: 9383
Издательство: Taschen

The must-have architecture manual. A century of great buildings and their creators

This is the be-all-end-all reference work for architecture in the 20th century. From Frank Lloyd Wright to Antoni Gaudí to Frank O. Gehry to Shigeru Ban and all the best stuff in between, it’s all here. The chronologically organized chapters put it all into perspective, illustrated by hundreds of large-format photos as well as a plenitude of drawings and floor plans. The biographical appendix covers all of the century’s greatest architects, including today’s new talents. An indispensable reference work and an absolute must for all lovers of architecture!

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Gabriele Leuthauser
ID: 3549
Издательство: Taschen

This is the be-all-end-all reference work for architecture in the 20th century. From Frank Lloyd Wright to Gaudi to Frank O. Gehry to Shigeru Ban and all the best stuff in between, it's all here. The chronologically organized chapters put it all into perspective, illustrated by hundreds of large-format photos as well as a plenitude of drawings and floor plans. The biographical appendix covers all of the century's greatest architects, including today's new talents.

This special expanded edition, presented in two volumes packaged in a slipcase, brings our classic title up to date with coverage up until the present day, more colour photos, more architect biographies, and new insights on recent architectural trends and movements.

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Slobodan Curcic
ID: 10076
Издательство: Yale University Press

This book is the first of its kind to discuss the history of the Balkan Peninsula from late antiquity to the height of the Ottoman era by focusing on architecture as its principal gauge. In doing so, it transcends various established conventions in scholarship to present the architectural heritage in the Balkans in a manner that is accessible and comprehensible.

Throughout the book architecture is viewed as a function of distinctive needs (social, political, religious), distinctive means (economic, technical know-how, material availability) and distinctive goals (aesthetic, propagandistic, protective). As a result, the book covers the full range of architectural enterprises, from simple residential buildings, to public monumental structures; from fortifications, to utilitarian buildings (cisterns, bridges, etc).

The urban context of architecture is emphasized, while its role in rural settings is used as a gauge of other distinctive phenomena.

Illustrated with several hundreds of photographs and drawings, most of them specially commissioned, the book presents a generally unknown body of material in a distinctive, unprecedented manner.

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Isabel Kuhl
ID: 9099
Издательство: Prestel

From the pyramids to the Guggenheim Museum, discover how these groundbreaking structures changed the course of architecture through the ages.

Architecture evolves in response to man’s technological advances and environmental demands. Driven by these developments, architects can be seen as the most innovative of artists. In twenty-five beautifully illustrated chapters, this volume for general readers and architecture lovers alike identifies the most important advancements in the field of architecture, and demonstrates how these innovations influenced the development of architecture. Chapters focus on topics such as monuments to the dead and places of worship; domes; pillars and arches; towers from Pisa to Eiffel; stadia and theaters; palaces and skyscrapers. Readers will learn about the introduction of glass, steel, iron, and concrete; how buildings express ideas; and the rediscovery of antiquity. Arranged chronologically, these chapters can be studied individually to deepen our understanding of particular aspects of architecture or as a whole—to appreciate the ever changing patterns of architectural advancement.

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Людмила Токменинова
ID: 8646
Издательство: Татлин

Водонапорная башня УЗТМ – один из самых известных в мире образцов промышленной архитектуры советского конструктивизма. Архитектурный образ башни создан уральским архитектором Моисеем Рейшером. Башня запланирована ключевой градостроительной доминантой в проекте рабочего поселка Уральского машиностроительного завода (УМЗ) архитектором Петром Оранским в 1928 году. Высота башни 35 метров. Книга повествует об истории создания башни, ее конструктивно-технологическом решении, истории ее строительства и жизни до сегодняшнего дня. Издание призвано актуализировать значимость проекта и найти возможные пути сохранения и преобразования значимого объекта мирового культурного значения.

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Людмила Токменинова
ID: 8645
Издательство: Татлин

Дом физкультуры является одним из лучших образцов спортивного сооружения начала 1930-х годов, возведенного в формах конструктивизма, оригинальная объемно-пространственная композиция которого характеризуется единством функционального и образного решения. Книга повествует об истории создания комплекса, конструктивно-технологическом решении, истории его строительства и жизни до сегодняшнего дня. издание призвано актуализировать значимость проекта и найти возможные пути сохранения и преобразования значимого объекта мирового культурного значения

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Людмила Токменинова
ID: 8647
Издательство: Татлин

Городок чекистов – неофициальное название «Жилкомплекса НКВД», бытовавшее среди горожан, которое, однако, точно отразило тенденцию, существовавшую в европейском зодчестве с конца XIX века и распространившуюся на территории Страны Советов в виде многообразия советских способов расселения, таких как соцгород, город-сад, индустриальный город. В объемно-пространственной композиции Городка чекистов прочитываются принципы европейского градостроительного функционализма.

Книга повествует об истории создания комплекса, его месте в истории проектирования соцгородов, о каждом объекте комплекса, истории его строительства и жизни до сегодняшнего дня. Издание призвано актуализировать значимость проекта и найти возможные пути сохранения и преобразования значимого объекта мирового культурного значения.

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Людмила Токменинова
ID: 8833
Издательство: Татлин

Книга посвящена ансамблю институтов Физиотерапии и Профзаболеваний, также известному, как «Медгородок».

Этот комплекс является памятником архитектуры эпохи конструктивизма. Сложная система междуэтажных связей и сквозных коридоров, оригинальные решения внутреннего пространства, атрибуты строительных приемов и оформления интерьеров в стилистике конструктивизма обусловили включение ансамбля в «Мировой каталог архитектуры современного движения». Книга повествует об истории создания ансамбля, его уникальности, и градостроительной значимости.

Издание призвано привлечь внимание к жизни памятника сегодняшнего дня и найти возможные пути сохранения объекта мирового культурного значения. 

Издание продолжает книжную серию ARCHIVE в рамках которой, редакция планирует публикацию выдающихся произведений архитектуры советского авангарда. Стратегические партнеры проекта «Уральский центр архитектуры современного движения» и Do.Co.Mo.Mo.Ural.

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Dr. Dorothea Eimert
ID: 6802
Издательство: Parkstone

The global upheavals that took place over the course of the 20th century provoked an incredible metamorphosis of western art. The abundance of creative productivity during this century revolutionised the art world, breaking down barriers and resulting in an extraordinary proliferation of artistic currents. In this brilliant work, the author presents the essential disciplines and different artistic movements that accompanied the political, cultural, ideological, and social upheavals of the 20th century.

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Patricia Bayer
ID: 608
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

By the time of the Paris exhibition of 1925 from which Art Deco took its name, the idea that an interior and its furnishings should form a complete design - a "total look" - dominated the thinking of both designers and their clients. Studios began to emerge to serve the needs of a design and style-conscious middle-class. This text displays the flourishing design ingenuity through contemporary photographs and illustrations of selected interiors complemented with modern photographs of individual pieces. It traces the sylistic evolution and dominant motifs of Deco, the triumph of the 1925 exhibition and the pure "high style" of the Paris ensembliers; the growth of Streamline Moderne offshoots in the US; the international revival of Deco as a decorative style for a new generation of post-modern designers; and the restoration of many Art Deco interiors to their original state.

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David F. Travers
ID: 4360
Издательство: Taschen

Ten years, ten boxes, 118 issues, 6,076 pages!

The seminal architecture journal resurrected in facsimile

The first part (1945-1954) of our facsimile edition of John Entenza's groundbreaking magazine, which launched the Case Study House Program; in ten boxes, each containing one year's worth of magazines

From the end of World War II until the mid-1960s, exciting things were happening in American architecture: emerging talents were focusing on innovative projects that integrated low-cost materials and modern design. This trend was most notably embodied in the famous Case Study House Program, which was championed by the era’s leading American journal, Arts & Architecture. Focusing not only on architecture but also design, art, music, politics, and social issues, A&A was an ambitious and groundbreaking publication, largely thanks to the inspiration of John Entenza, who ran the magazine for over two decades until David Travers became publisher in 1962. The era’s greatest architects were featured in A&A, including Neutra, Schindler, Saarinen, Ellwood, Lautner, Eames, and Koenig; and two of today’s most wildly successful architects, Frank Gehry and Richard Meier, had their debuts in its pages. A&A was instrumental in putting American architecture - and in particular California Modernism - on the map. Other key contributors to the magazine include photographers Julius Shulman and Ezra Stoller, writers Esther McCoy and Peter Yates, and cover designers Herbert Matter and Alvin Lustig, among many luminaries of modernism.

This collection comes with ten boxes, each containing a complete year’s worth of Arts & Architecture magazines from 1945-1954. That’s 6,076 pages in 118 issues reproduced in their entirety - beginning with Entenza’s January 1945 announcement of the Case Study House Program. Also included is a supplement booklet with an original essay by former A&A publisher David Travers, available in English, German, French, and Spanish; plus a master index and tables of contents for the magazine from 1945-1967. Arts & Architecture 1945-1954 will be followed in autumn 2009 by a second set, 1955-1967, bringing together all the existing issues of the modern era.

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