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Wolfgang Sonne
ID: 13933
Издательство: DOM Publishers

In the writing of urban design history of the twentieth century, functionalist and avant-garde models of the dissolution of the city are dominating. In contrast this book presents projects whose goal is the ideal of a dense and urbane city. Drawing on plans, built examples and theories of dense and urban cities and city districts in the twentieth century, modern examples of urban design are analyzed and highlighted, which until now have been evaluated more as fringe phenomena. These include examples characterized by functional mixture, social openness, spatially defined public spaces, urban architecture, historical reference and a cultural understanding of the city. The book's new evaluation of modern urban design history creates opportunities for current planning by offering best-practice models, which better reflect the striving for urbanity and density.

Цена: 4000 грн
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Herbert Dreiseitl, Dieter Grau
ID: 10668
Издательство: Design Media Publishing

Working with urban water presents one of the most fundamental and rewarding challenges in our cities today.

After realizing Asia is heavily in need of flood protection and improvement of water quality and urban quality, we feel delighted to present our ideas for those issues in this book. After the three editions of Waterscapes, we made a conscious decision to publish our most current work now in an English/Chinese bilingual version for Asia.

As the urbanisation process has reached an enormous speed, the consideration of clean water, blue sky and quality of life for people in dense cities has reached utmost importance. This has to be seen also in the light of harsh competition between cities and their abilities to attract investment and talent.

About the Author

Herbert Dreiseitl, born in 1955, is a sculptor, water artist and landscape architect. After his studies, he founded Atelier Dreiseitl in Überlingen on Lake Constance in 1980. He has realized numerous projects in the fields of stormwater management, water art and landscape architecture. He is active in lecturing worldwide and his work is widely published. He is guest professor at NUS Singapore and director at Ramboll LCL.

Цена: 1500 грн
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BIG: Bjarke Ingels Group
ID: 5219
Издательство: Taschen

Yes is more is the title of an exhibition and a book presenting B.I.G. in solo format for the first time in Denmark at the Danish architecture centre.

Unlike a classic architectural monograph, this book is more of a popular cultural manifesto, which is also literally the first actual documentation of B.I.G.'s trailblazing practice. As the book demonstrates, this is a practice where method, processes, instruments and the approach to the concept of architecture is precisely as wild, unfettered and result-producing as the world it is part of and greets with an unqualified Yes. Bjarke Ingels attracts highly talented co-workers, but also gifted and ambitious clients from all over the world. He does so because his own talent is above all to swiftly create intelligent synergies out of indomitable "movements", wild energies and unforeseen dynamics and transform them into hitherto unseen, surprising, functional, valuable and beautiful solutions to the specific and complex challenges in each task.

The results of B.I.G.'s practice has already won awards from the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, the Special Jury Prize at the Venice Architecture Biennale, the prize for "The World's Best Housing Project", "Best Building in the Nordic Countries" as well as many other international kudos.

The project and the title Yes is more is a double-edged wordplay on the dogma in modern architecture that "less is more". Less is only more as far as dimensions go - the ability to encompass as many dimensions as possible (more) with as few expenses as possible (less). As a design parameter for an aesthetic retro minimalism this only amounts to idiosyncratic architectural idiocy.

Цена: 1500 грн
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Карстен Полссон
ID: 18247
Издательство: DOM Publishers

10 принципів міської трансформації. Європейський шлях відбудови міст (Том 1)

Ця книга є практичним посібником, у якому на прикладі великих європейських міст демонструється, як може виглядати міський розвиток, орієнтований на людей. Такий підхід передбачає оновлення та розвиток саме гуманних міст з урахуванням їхньої історії та створенням масштабної людині архітектури. Книга дотримується традиції, започаткованої Яном Гейлом, яка розглядає міський простір як середовище  для життя та спілкування людей. Відправною точкою для цієї книги європейська традиція щільного класичного міста. Особлива увага приділяється фізичним і просторовим параметрам, моделям розвитку забудови та типам будівель, а також керівним принципам, які регулюють доступність і взаємозв’язки із дорогами загального користування. Усе це є основою безпечного міського життя. Книга поділена на десять тематичних розділів, у кожному з яких подано визначення та загальний опис основних проблем разом із пропозиціями щодо їхнього вирішення.

Історичний нарис міського розвитку та практично організована тематична структура, що лежить в основі обговорюваних концепцій, дозволяють наведеним прикладам значно розширити розуміння цієї теми.

Цена: 1980 грн
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Карстен Полссон
ID: 18248
Издательство: DOM Publishers

10 принципів сучасного планування. Європейський шлях відбудови міст (Том 2)

Що таке квартальні міста? Це щільні, органічні міста із взаємопов’язаними будівельними структурами та доступними міськими просторами. Міста, які пропонують різноманітність, яскравість і високі архітектурні якості, що спонукають досліджувати їх пішки або на велосипеді. Вони створюють відчуття відкритості, дають можливість мешканцям почуватися в безпеці, пропонують місця для спілкування і сприяють культурній єдності. Міста, що поважають традиції та культурну спадщину. У цій книзі архітектор Карстен Полссон розглядає міські квартали як структуру, яка найкраще підходить для сприяння розвитку сталого міського життя. Він досліджує появу певних якостей завдяки використанню міських кварталів як основних елементів забудови, беручи приклади з вибраних європейських міст, а також старих і нових міських районів у столиці Данії Копенгагені. Він окреслює ключові елементи квартального міста і досліджує його широкий потенціал. Нарешті, Полссон пропонує десять принципів сучасного планування, що є основою підходу до трансформації старих міських районів та планування нових.

Цена: 1980 грн
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Ricky Burdett, Deyan Sudjic
ID: 12301
Издательство: Phaidon

An in-depth and multidisciplinary examination of our rapidly urbanizing world

In 2050, over three quarters of the world’s population will live in cities. This follow-up to Phaidon’s successful The Endless City is a close look at the issues that affect cities, and thus human life across the globe in the twenty-first century. Based on a series of conferences held by the London School of Economics, Living in the Endless City examines Mumbai, Sao Paolo and Istanbul through a series of essays by global scholars and thinkers, photographs illustrating key aspects of life in the three cities, and compellingly presented analytical data.

About the Authors:

Ricky Burdett is Professor of Urban Studies at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), director of LSE Cities and the Urban Age programme. He has worked as Chief Adviser on Architecture and Urbanism for the London 2012 Olympics, as architectural adviser to the Mayor of London and currently advises the Olympic Park Legacy Company. He was Director of the 2006 Architecture Biennale in Venice and currently advises the cities of Genova and Parma, and is a member of the Milan Expo 2015 masterplan team. 

Dejan Sudjic is Director of the Design Museum, London and a former Dean of the Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture at Kingston University. He was previously editor of Blueprint and Domus magazines, and Director of 'Glasgow 1999: UK City of Architecture and Design' and the Venice Architecture Biennale (2002). Former architecture critic for the Observer, he has written several books, including The 100 Mile City (1992), and John Pawson Works and Future Systems, published by Phaidon.

Цена: 2800 грн
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Benoît Jallon, Umberto Napolitano, Franck Boutté
ID: 18636
Издательство: Park Books

First published in 2017 in conjunction with an exhibition at the Pavillon de l’Arsenal in Paris, this widely praised and much sought-after book becomes available again in a new edition. It offers an analytical review from today’s perspective of the French capital’s profound transformation during the late 19th century under the direction Georges Eugène Haussmann.

Paris Haussmann: A Model’s Relevance explores and analyses the characteristics of Paris’s homogenous yet polymorphous cityscape, the result of a lengthy process of changes and evolutions, even in recent times. Research was conducted at all levels to classify and compare roadways, identify public spaces, and organize the blocks and buildings according to their current geometry. For the first time, the qualities of the Haussmann model have been set forth to show how they grapple with the challenges that contemporary cities face.

Topical essays feature alongside rich illustrative material, comprising photographs by celebrated photographer Cyrille Weiner, site plans and maps, floor plans and sections, axonometric projections, and various graphics.

Text in English and French.

_A unique research on Baron Haussmann's extensive rebuilding of Paris in the late 19th century
_Demonstrates how Haussmann's vision and concepts continue to influence urban design in the 21st century
_Features comparisons with other international metropolises
_Lavishly illustrated with photographs, site plans and maps, floor plans and sections, axonometric projections, and various graphics

About the Authors:

Benoît Jallon, born 1972, graduated as an architect from Ecole d'Architecture de Paris-La Villette and is a founding partner of LAN (Local Architecture Network) in Paris. Umberto Napolitano, born 1975, studied architecture at Università Federico II in Neapel and at the Ecole d'Architecture de Paris-La Villette. He is a founding partner of LAN (Local Architecture Network) in Paris. Franck Boutté, born 1968, is an architect and civil engineer and principal of Paris based engineering firm FBC Fanck Boutté Consultants.

Цена: 2500 грн
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Ricky Burdett, Philipp Rode
ID: 18380
Издательство: Phaidon

An authoritative – and fascinating – investigation into the spatial and social dynamics of cities at a global scale

Shaping Cities in an Urban Age is the third addition to Phaidon's hugely successful Urban Age series, published in collaboration with the London School of Economics (LSE) and the Alfred Herrhausen Gesellschaft (AHG).

Generously illustrated with photographs, visual data, and statistics, and featuring a series of essays written by leading people in their fields, Shaping Cities in an Urban Age addresses our most urgent contemporary and future urban issues by examining a set of key forces that have combined to create the city as we know it today.

From the publisher of The Endless City and Living in the Endless City.

About the Authors:

Ricky Burdett is professor of Urban Studies at the London School of Economics (LSE), and director of LSE Cities. He curated the International Architecture Exhibition at the 2006 Venice Biennale, was architectural adviser to the mayor of London from 2001–06, and was chief adviser on architecture and urbanism for the London 2012 Olympics.

Philipp Rode is executive director of LSE Cities and an associate professorial research fellow at LSE.

Цена: 3200 грн
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Chris van Uffelen
ID: 7346
Издательство: Braun

"Public art is one of the most important elements that define a city. Public installations echo the character and spirit of a time and place, and remind us all of the imperative need for creativity and imagination in our daily lives."
(Carole Feuerman)

Art has always made a substantial contribution to cultural identity. This impact is considerably enhanced when a work of art is created for a public place and takes on a space-defining function. Whatever the shape, size or medium, art in public, accessible to all, attracts attention. Its presence provokes thought, questions assumptions, expresses values, and adds new qualities to communities and cities.

In this volume, selected works introduce the history of public art over 4,500 years of historical eras and styles, including world-famous landmarks such as the Great Sphinx of Giza, the Trevi Fountain or the Statue of Liberty. The majority of art works presented here are from modern times, allowing an in-depth look at contemporary works by important artists like Alexander Calder, Nam June Paik, Jeff Koons, Eduardo Chillida or Ai Weiwei.

Цена: 1500 грн
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William Chambers, Frank Salmon, Clive Aslet
ID: 16550
Издательство: Stolpe Publishing

Sir William Chambers (1722–96) was a Swedish-British architect with an unusual track record. He designed imaginative castle buildings and luxurious interiors as well as simple and rational utilitarian architecture. After growing up in Sweden, he worked mostly in England, where he became a favorite of King George III. But throughout his life he emphasized his Swedish background and also designed buildings in Sweden. A Treatise on Civil Architecture is a handbook in architecture, where Chambers wanted to explain the basics of the art of building in a pedagogical way. Even today it serves as an excellent guide to the secrets of classical architecture with concise texts and beautiful plates with both details and overviews of different building types and their functions.

About the Authors:

Frank Salmon is Associate Professor of the History of Art at the University of Cambridge and a Fellow of St John's College, Cambridge. Since 2021 he has been Director of the Ax:son Johnson Centre for the Study of Classical Architecture at Cambridge. He is an architectural historian specialising in British and European architecture of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Among his many publications are the book Building on Ruins: The Rediscovery of Rome and English Architecture.

Clive Aslet is an award-winning architectural historian and journalist. During a long association with Country Life, he was editor for 13 years. As author of The Edwardian Country House, The American Country House, Landmarks of Britain and Villages of Britain, he is an authority on the countryside, British history and architecture, and life at the turn of the twentieth century on both sides of the Atlantic. A lifelong advocate of Classicism, he helped establish the Ax:son Johnson Centre for the Study of Classical Architecture at Cambridge in 2021.

Цена: 4000 грн
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Chris van Uffelen
ID: 7018
Издательство: Braun

Since Carl Benz’ 1886 patented three wheeled motorcar the automobile has changed public space more than any other invention. New building types had to be created to house the car when immobile, so when it is purchased, serviced or parked. From the beginning architects have transformed the purely functional buildings into landmarks, places of wonder and experience.

Automobile Architecture presents the most interesting contemporary showrooms, gas stations and parking structures. It becomes clear that a new paradigm has emerged, one that places functionality, aesthetics and sustainability at the center of the conceptualization of automobile architecture. The most interesting design concepts are featured from prominent as well as upcoming architects.

From the contents:

- C42 Showroom in Paris, Frankreich (Manuelle Gautrand)
- Abu Dhabi Automotive, UAE (ONL)
- Civic Center Parking in in Santa Monica, USA (Moore Ruble Yudell)
- Shinjuku Gardens in Tokyo, Japan (Cheungvogl)
- Gloucester Gateway Services, Great Britian (Glenn Howells Architects)

Цена: 3000 грн
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Christopher Beanland
ID: 17128
Издательство: Batsford

A visually stunning and beautifully written celebration of park life around the world.

Parks are an absolutely essential part of modern life. From the author who brought you Lido, here are 50 of the world’s greatest parks – but not just a list of the examples we already know. Yes, we’ll tell you about those storied greats such as Central Park in New York and Phoenix Park in Dublin, but we’ll also take you to the Philippines, to Australia, to provincial Britain and around the world to show you the most historic and the most interesting, the newest and most cutting-edge that mix the best of nature and architecture. We’ll explore what you can find there, who goes there, why they are important, and how parks respond to their environments, including ones over a road, on old rail lines or in Berlin’s former airport. Examples include:

- Freeway Park, Seattle, USA: a bizarre and brilliant brutalist park over a motorway.
- Ibirapuera Park, São Paulo, Brazil: this one contains amazing galleries and theatres.
- Holyrood Park, Edinburgh, UK: mountains within a city.
- Adelaide’s parks, Australia: unique in that the entire city centre is enclosed by parks.

and many, many more. Illustrated with glorious photographs throughout, this book is a fascinating record of the world’s most interesting and innovative parks, and the people who use them – you’ll want to visit them all.

About the Author:

Christopher Beanland is a journalist, comedy writer and author who specialises in architecture and travel writing. He is the author of Unbuilt: Radical Visions of a Future that Never Arrived and Lido: A dip into outdoor swimming pools: the history, design and people behind them. He writes regularly for the Guardian, Independent and The Telegraph and is the creator of Park Date – a podcast where he interviews celebrity guests in a park. Christopher lives in London.


Пролистать книгу City Parks: A stroll around the world's most beautiful public spaces на Google Books.

Цена: 1500 грн
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Aldo Aymonino, Valerio Paolo Mosco
ID: 3967
Издательство: Skira

Un-volumetric architecture expresses a new condition acquired in dealing with and designing open and public space from the nineties to today.

This volume is therefore intended to offer a theoretical reflection conducted through 100 construction projects worldwide that have faced the difficult challenge of delineating and building a new identity for that transient and continually metamorphosing category that is the contemporary open space.

The considerable creative freedom, the low budget, the sophisticated relationship with the landscape and geography, the dialogue with new metropolitan realities, the possibility of offering temporary solutions, all make these projects among the richest, freest and most stimulating collections currently available, through the work of major protagonists and many emerging authors on the international scene.

The volume is divided into 10 sections: Surfaces, Vertical, Enclosures, Design, Shelters, Environment, Earthworks, Figures, Technique and Events, which attempt to accompany the reader around a complex world of solutions and projects ranging from the traditional public space to the landscape, from the rock concert to the provisional space for cultural and artistic events, from the design of infrastructures to the most sophisticated garden.

Each section is introduced by a small essay, written by such important authors on the contemporary scene as Denise Scott Brown, James Wines, Pippo Ciorra, Wes Jones, Enrico Morteo, Alberto Ferlenga, Ilhyun Kim, Kengo Kuma, Arie Graafland, Juan Purcell and Bernardo Secchi, who attempt to tackle the theme of the contemporary open space, offering unprecedented stimuli for theoretical reflection.

Цена: 900 грн
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Chris van Uffelen
ID: 9544
Издательство: Braun

Protecting human beings has always been one of the most genuine purposes of architecture. Due to the increase in global warming in recent years, protection from the sun is becoming one of its most important functions. This challenge has resulted in numerous trendsetting technological innovations and amazing design concepts, which have been collected in this book. Shade is mainly created in three ways: while opaque constructions block off all light, perforated devices as well as translucent materials reduce the exposure to light.

Creating Shade presents all conceivable types and forms of shade-providing design made of a host of different materials such as wood, fabrics, concrete, and a great number of synthetic materials. The collection includes elegant pergolas, extravagant pavilions, and roofed piazzas, as well as a fascinating solution for a canopy over a Roman excavation site and the spectacular Metropol Parasol in Seville. Outstanding serial products are presented along with individually constructed creations.

- Solar Carport in Las Vegas, USA (SunPower Design)
- Fresh Flower in London, UK (Tonkin Liu)
- Panyaden School in Chiang Mai, Thailand (24H architecture)
- Oval Shade in Gorky Park, Moscow, Russia (Bureau Alexander Brodsky)
- On the Way to the Sea in Bat-Yam, Israel (Derman Verbakel Architecture)

Цена: 2300 грн
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Nadia Amoroso, George Hargreaves
ID: 8812
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

An entirely new language of design is reshaping our gardens, public squares and business parks

Despite its importance to urban planning and the environment, landscape design has often played a subsidiary role to architecture but, now, new social sensitivities, advances in materials, mapping techniques, digital technologies and construction methods are driving landscape design and producing a new wave of work around the world.

A vital publication, Digital Landscape Architecture Now presents work by the 50 most innovative practices across the globe. From dedicated landscape designers to architects turning their hand to the horizontal.

A successor to Digital Architecture Now, this large format, highly visual book is packed with inspiration and new ideas for a world of more beautifully designed outdoors.

Includes work by:

Ballistic Architecture Machine
Bradley Cantrell
Fletcher Studio
Freise Brothers
Paulo Guerreiro
Kathryn Gustafson
Zaha Hadid
Hargreaves Associates
Hood Design
Andrés Jaque Arquitectos 
Laboratory for Visionary Architecture
Land-I Archicolture
Landworks Studio
Lateral Office

Meyer & Silberberg
MLZ Design
O2 Planning & Design
Philip Paar
Jörg Rekittke
Paisajes Emergentes
PEG Office of Landscape & Architecture
PYO Arquitectos
Chris Speed Stoss
West 8

Цена: 1500 грн
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