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Andrew Bolton, Jan Giler Reeder, Jessica Regan, Amanda Garfinkel, Theodore Martin, Michael Cunningham, Nicholas Alan Cope
ID: 13375
Издательство: Yale University Press

Traces fashions from 1870 to the present along a conceptual, disruptive, and nontraditional timeline of fashion history

By Andrew Bolton with Jan Glier Reeder, Jessica Regan, and Amanda Garfinkel; introduction by Theodore Martin; short story by Michael Cunningham; photographs by Nicholas Alan Cope

About Time: Fashion and Duration traces the evolution of fashion, from 1870 to the present, through a linear timeline of iconic garments, each paired with an alternate design that jumps forward or backward in time. These unexpected pairings, which relate to one another through shape, motif, material, pattern, technique, or decoration, create a disruptive fashion chronology that conflates notions of past, present, and future.

Virginia Woolf serves as "ghost narrator," and excerpts from her novels reflect on the passage of time with each subsequent pairing. A new short story by Michael Cunningham, winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction for The Hours, recounts a day in the life of a woman over a time span of 150 years through her changing fashions. Scholar Theodore Martin analyzes theoretical responses to the nature of time, underscoring that time is not simply a sequence of historical events. Fashion photographer Nicholas Alan Cope captures 120 fashions with sublime black-and-white photography. This stunning book reveals fashion's paradoxical connection to linear notions of time.

About the Author:

Andrew Bolton is the Wendy Yu Curator in Charge of The Costume Institute.


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Ruth Hanisch
ID: 2764
Издательство: Prestel

Flagship stores for famous fashion designers have become showcases for high profile architects as well as destinations for style-conscious shoppers.

Absolutely Fabulous! looks at the collaboration between architecture and fashion from numerous perspectives, including recent developments in fashion, branding, shopping, individualization, and globalization. It also shows how designers themselves are flexing their architectural muscle with cutting-edge display concepts and websites, and stores that double as galleries, theaters, and communal spaces. Designed to be as dynamic as its subject matter, Absolutely Fabulous! travels the world to feature the most innovative, revolutionary, and influential examples of the synergies between fashion and architecture.

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Philipp Meuser
ID: 12664
Издательство: DOM Publishers

Accessible architecture is about much more than wide doorways and low-placed light switches. Accessibility means independent and self-determined living and mobility for people of all ages and in any situation in life. Achieving this requires a clear awareness of the related concepts and principles, which need to be adopted into the planning process at an early stage. This manual presents both accessibility design for public buildings and orientation systems for culture, transport, and education, as well as examples from the world of work and health. Informative essays provide an insight into the theory of signage, while selected projects are described from the perspective of Design for All.

- Large-scale images and drawings illustrate ten design parameters
- Best-of collection of the practical handbooks about accessible architecture and wayfinding
- Combined thinking about two areas of design to ease our daily lif


Доступная среда – это то, чему необходимо уделить внимание еще на ранней стадии планирования объекта. «Дизайн для всех» – не просто слова, а возможность быть самостоятельными и мобильными для людей всех возрастов и в любой жизненной ситуации.

В книге на примерах показаны основные идеи организации доступной среды. Избранные реализованные проекты; теория систем навигации в культурных, образовательных, медицинских учреждениях, а также офисах и транспорте; дизайн вывесок; подборка справочников по архитектуре доступной среды.

- Качественные крупноформатные иллюстрации станут дополнением к перечню из 10 лучших примеров «дизайна для всех».
- Лучшая подборка справочников по архитектуре доступной среды, вывескам и указателям
- Анализируются две сферы дизайна для улучшения условий повседневной жизни.

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Aneta Genova
ID: 8356
Издательство: A&C Black

This comprehensive introduction to accessory design gives the aspiring designer an overview of the history of fashion accessories, including a look at important contributions by brands both classic and contemporary. It presents a model for accessory design, from inspiration through manufacturing, and relates that process to the design of handbags and small leather goods, footwear, hats, gloves, belts, neckwear, and pocket squares. For each accessory, the text explains how the designer's creativity can be channeled into the development of styles that enhance a brand's appeal to its target market.

  • Expansive, full-color art program including 200 sketches and photographs from professional designers
  • Process-based photos taken in actual manufacturing facilities around the world
  • Chapter projects for a design studio course allowing students to practice a complete set of accessory design skills
  • Chapter objectives, profile boxes featuring major designers & companies
  • Profiles of renowned designers, such as Reed Krakoff and Marie Havens, offering real-life perspective
  • Appendix with examples of technical packets
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Matteo Vercelloni
ID: 8366
Издательство: 24 ORE Cultura

Minimum Design: An indispensable compendium on important designers of the modern era
An ideal and accessible introduction suitable for students and lovers of design today

Pier Giacomo Castiglioni (1913-1968) and Achille (1918-2002) are the eldest and the youngest of the three Castiglioni brothers who all studied architecture at the Milan Polytechnic. The two Castiglioni brothers were interested in both technology and art and in the 1940s began their original professional partnership, "Castiglioni Brothers". The company was especially successful with their lamps for Arredoluce, Flos, and Artemide. The brothers worked from the viewpoint that design must restructure an object's function, form and production process, a philosophy they applied to every work they produced.

Published in the same style as the successful Minimum Architects series, the Minimum Design series includes books about the major figures in the field of design, creators of objects that have become a part of our daily lives. The lamp on our desk, the chair we are sitting on or the glasses we are wearing have a genius behind them to be discovered. These volumes will introduce in a practical manner the personalities and the works of the world's major designers by way of an historical-critical introduction to the work and life of each individual designer. An accurate selection of the designer's most famous objects arranged in chronological order and a critique of his or her work summarising the most significant reviews published in magazines and newspapers will complete the subject.

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Amanda Mansell
ID: 5055
Издательство: Laurence King Publishing

460 illustrations

This showcase of new jewellery offers a global view of exciting work from nearly 200 cutting-edge jewellery designers. It highlights the diverse forms that contemporary jewellery takes, from simple wedding or commitment rings, to elaborate body jewellery that blurs the boundaries between art and adornment, to catwalk jewellery specially commissioned for couture collections. Adorn includes pieces made using the latest industrial technologies and processes, as well as more traditional methods and materials. Because most jewellers’ work crosses themes, categories and styles, and is produced using a variety of techniques, the chapters are arranged by type of jewellery and each designer might feature in several chapters. In this way, from headpiece to toe ring, the book takes the reader on a visual journey around the body and provides a rich source of inspiration for anyone looking to design, commission or buy their own jewellery.

Amanda Mansell graduated from the Royal College of Art, London with an MA in Goldsmithing, Silversmithing, Metalwork and Jewellery. She has been a designer–maker for 10 years, working from her workshop in Hatton Garden, London’s famous jewellery quarter. She manages the jewellery archives at the Royal College of Art and is the owner and director of a contemporary jewellery gallery in London.

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Christian Esquevin
ID: 5859
Издательство: Monacelli Press

This book highlights and showcases many of Adrian great costume and fashion designs from the 1920s through the 1950s. Not only are his timeless glamour gowns, period costumes, and amazing show-girl costumes shown from the movies, but also his impeccable suits and beautiful gowns from his private label. The ten years of Adrian Ltd. are summarized year-by-year, and his life with Janet Gaynor and his taste for decorating and art are described.

Adrian's great fashion influence is disproportianate to his name recognition. At his peak as head costume designer at MGM in the 1930s his looks for the film goddesses influenced how women wanted to look throughout the modern world. For the first time, even the Paris couture emulated his looks and those of the other Hollywood designers. And American women entering the workplace for the first time took their fashion cues from Adrian-dressed stars like Joan Crawford. When Adrian left MGM and opened his own business as the U.S. entered WWII, many thought he was crazy. He succeeded in using his endless creativity in the designs for his couture and ready-to-wear business, and American women could now aspire to be dressed by the designer to the stars. His attraction to contrast and polarity, his myriad uses of beauty, his centered design philosophy, ethnic influences, and his keen wit, informed most of his design. Adrian closed his own business rather than have any other designer involved, and his name was almost forgotten. But we have many great films to remind us now of his stunning creations, and which serve as endless inspiration for modern designers.

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Bil Donovan
ID: 6050
Издательство: Laurence King Publishing

Advanced Fashion Drawing is a practical book showing not only how to draw the figure but also how to illustrate it in today’s fashion and lifestyle market.
Designed specifically for those interested in illustrating fashion and lifestyle commercially, Bil Donovan demonstrates how to create an illustration with a sense of fashion, rather than one that concentrates solely on the fashion figure.

A series of demonstrations and exercises help the advanced illustration student hone their skills and increase their level of draughtsmanship while establishing their own personal style.

About the Author:

Bil Donovan is a fashion illustrator who has worked and lived in New York, Paris and Milan. He has recently been appointed Dior Beauty’s first artist-in-residence, and his work has appeared editorially in various publications and promotional advertorial campaigns throughout the world. He currently resides in New York where he teaches at the Fashion Institute of Technology.

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ID: 6680
Издательство: Pepin Press

The Pepin Press introduces a new series of packaging books – Structural Package Design – consisting of 4 new titles. Each volume is jam-packed with 100% structurally accurate, scalable packaging templates. All of the designs are tested, working models, ready for immediate use. Every design template is illustrated with a photograph of the final product and a 3-D structural drawing that clearly shows how the package is constructed – more complicated designs include intermediate steps in the folding or construction process.

Advanced Packaging, the second title in this series, contains 200 designs which build on and expand the collection provided in the first title in the series.

All designs are stored in various formats on the CD that accompanies this book. The CDs also included a demo version of packaging software which folds and tests two-dimensional templates in 3-D.

Apart from their immediate practical use, these books are a great source of inspiration for graphic, product and packaging designers alike.

Дгугие книги Structural Packaging Design Series

Basic Packaging. Structural Packaging Design Series

Complex Packaging: Structural Packaging Design Series

Fancy Packaging: Structural Packaging Design Series

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ID: 8099
Издательство: Laurence King Publishing

This is a book by a company that dislikes advertising as much as anyone. Nevertheless, it makes adverts. It has worked with global brands to produce fashion collections and promoted a town with a mass wedding. It creates advertising with more human, truthful communications. The company's name is KesselsKramer.

This book describes how to make something you like out of something you don't. As well as drawing on its own experiences, KesselsKramer listens and learns from those who doubt the advertising industry. Stefan Sagmeister explains how quitting work makes you better at working; Hans Aarsman discusses authenticity in image-making; and Alex Bogusky looks at ways to help capitalism grow up.

Advertising for People Who Don't Like Advertising is partly a creative handbook and partly an attempt to make the world a very slightly better place. It's intended for anyone who has ever hated a web banner or zapped an ad break

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Tom Himpe, Will Collin
ID: 2278
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

Twenty years ago an advertiser could reach 80 per cent of the US population with just three television commercials. Today it takes 150. Advertising is suffering because of the sheer amount of it, the lack of innovation within traditional advertising formats and the power that media fragmentation and technology give to consumers to tune out the noise.

The new buzzwords are guerilla, stealth, ambush, buzz, viral, grassroots, wildfire and ambient. This book is the first to harness them into an integrated communications approach, as Tom Himpe explains and illustrates:

• The four driving forces for getting closer to the consumer:
be personal, go where the competition isn’t, make the brand invisible, be unpredictable.
• The eight techniques – from consumer involvement to channelling the power of the senses – for employing these driving forces, illustrated with campaigns from across the world.
• The four types of campaign that make use of this new knowledge.

Advertising is Dead is the only complete survey of a global shift affecting all kinds of business, and is vital reading for all advertising, marketing and communications professionals.

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Julius Wiedemann
ID: 1467
Издательство: Taschen

This second installment in TASCHEN’s advertising series joins Advertising Now! Print and the forthcoming Advertising Now! Films to provide a complete study of commercial communication in the world today. Divided into chapters by subject (from food and beverage to electronics, clothing, and more), this tome examines the most effective and important online ad campaigns by exploring the work of the globe’s top award-winning agencies, including DM9, Tribal DDB, OgilvyOne, LOWE Tesch, and 2020 London. With each chapter containing an article from one of the agencies, you’ll learn not only what the biggest campaigns are, but also what it takes to create them. From Nike to Coca Cola, FIFA, and the WWF, these are the ads that are defining the face of online advertising. The book will come with a DVD featuring the navigation of most of campaigns as well as interviews with creative directors and films produced for the internet.

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Julius Wiedemann
ID: 737
Издательство: Taschen

The world's sharpest creative minds are in high demand in the advertising world, because making effective ads takes a whole lot more than just marketing know-how. A great ad grabs the viewer’s attention and gets the point across in an original, surprising, funny, touching, or even shocking way. Because ads reflect global and regional mentalities, studying them is interesting not only for their selling points but also for what they have to say about their clients and target audiences. This mega-roundup of the world's best contemporary advertisements highlights the work of agencies in over 40 countries. Organized by subjects, such as socio-political, food and beverage, cars, technology, and media, the ads are dated and annotated with information on the design agencies, clients, and products. Also included are essays written by top creative directors including members and presidents of the jury in advertising Festivals such as the Cannes Advertising Festival and Clio Awards. This guide is a must-have for managers, advertising students and professionals, graphic designers, and anyone who’s interested in the different ways products are advertised around the world.

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Julius Wiedemann (Editor)
ID: 4315
Издательство: Taschen

The very best TV commercials are masterpieces of the art, 30- or 60-second films that make us think, and rethink our attitudes towards a certain brand, product or service. Whether it’s selling the latest Nike sneaker or raising awareness about the danger of speeding, a commercial must communicate its message in under a minute, and only the sharpest creative minds achieve the perfect balance of novelty, entertainment, information and emotional impact. This book-and-DVD package gathers many of the world's best commercials of recent years, in chapters are organized by subject, such as food & beverage, health & beauty, social & political, technology, and transport. Also included are screenshots, descriptions of each spot, and a credit list.

Over 80 commercials featured in the book are included on the accompanying DVD

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Uwe Stoklossa
ID: 8336
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

The second glance is key to successful communication.

Advertisers are constantly searching for new ways to grab the interest and appetites of consumers. Often they use words to provoke interest. But just as often, they use eye-fooling, mind-bending images to pull the viewer up short and force them to look again. Images that can do that are magical, and one of the indispensable tricks of the advertising trade.

Uwe Stoklossa knows the secrets behind the second glance.

He shares this knowledge here, both in the countless examples of ads he has collected from around the world, and also in the accessible, intriguing essays he writes on perception, optical tricks and illusion.

This book will heighten your awareness and arm you with a myriad of new techniques for visual seduction, acting as a springboard for a whole host of startling new concepts. It’s a must-read and an indispensable source of ideas for anyone involved in advertising or the business of communication.

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