Дизайн мебели

Книги по дизайну мебели

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David Linley, Charles Cator and Helen Chislett
ID: 4846
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

We engage with furniture in a very physical way.

We sit on it, lie on it, eat from it and work at it. Furniture has no secret meanings that need explaining in the way fine art might. It is rooted in natural materials and processes, which means you can use your own eyes and trust your own instincts. Appreciation of furniture comes from understanding what has gone before and keeping that line going forward.

The authors, with a passion for furniture, share their knowledge of why it matters from an intellectual and emotional perspective, and how best to assess it from an aesthetic one, exploring styles, techniques and materials.

They introduce twenty golden ages, from the ancient world to 20th-century American Studio Furniture, by way of such rich moments as Ming in China, Italian and French Baroque, Chippendale in England, the designs of Newport and Philadelphia in America, Neoclassicism in France, Russia and Sweden, Biedermeier, Shaker and Art Deco.

In ‘The New Golden Age’, they spotlight the most brilliant contemporary international designers of furniture, both those who see it as akin to art and those who enjoy the craft involved. Finally, they explain how your own star piece can enrich an interior with glamour, drama and personality.

The rich and varied illustrations include details of carving, ornamentation and upholstery, views of different styles of furniture used in historic and contemporary interiors, original drawings, and spectacular pieces, both antique and contemporary.

Advice on commissioning a unique handmade piece, and on buying antique furniture, comes from experts. David Linley, Chairman of Christie’s UK, is also the Chairman of Linley, the bespoke furniture company. Charles Cator, Deputy Chairman of Christie’s International, is in addition a respected furniture historian. Helen Chislett is a writer on interiors and decorative arts.

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John Andrews
ID: 1660
Издательство: Antique Collectors' Club

This concise yet wide-ranging survey of collectable antique furniture, illustrated throughout in full colour, guides the new collector through almost three centuries of Western Furniture with clarity and authority.

Invaluable as a reference tool, it offers collectors the means to identify key features of a wide variety of pieces, ranging from the Gothic and Renaissance period to Art Nouveau, and the beginning of the twentieth century. The book is structured chronologically by century and, within each time period, by country. Existing collectors will find all titles in the series act as a handy and portable reference, and beginners will welcome a reliable, accessible starting point from which their interests can develop.

Readers will find succinct sections detailing all major phases in Western Furniture, with full-colour coverage of English, American, French, Italian, German, Austrian, Low Countries, Spanish and Portuguese pieces. The work of important furniture designers is discussed, from the French ébénistes and Chippendale, through key 19th century figures such as Biedermeier, Pugin and Stickley and the mass producers of bentwood such as the Austrian Thonet, to the Belgian and French Art Nouveau designers.

 - Clear, relevant information on Western furniture from 1660 to 1900 by a leading authority

 - Comprehensive, full-colour illustrations throughout

 - Succinct details of all important design features, styles, terminology and historical context

 - Features country and provincial furniture, including Windsor, Alsatian and Shaker pieces, as well as the work of all major designers of the period

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Claude Ossut
ID: 7131
Издательство: Vial

Ce livre est une importante étude historique et technique rassemblant l’essentiel des savoirs du métier de tapissier. Il est devenu un véritable ouvrage de référence qui comporte un très grand nombre d’informations illustrées par des photographies, des dessins et des schémas.

Sommaire :
Les différentes garnitures. L’outillage. Les matières premières. Aspect des sièges. La composition de la carcasse. La garniture classique. Le guindage. La garniture des sièges de style. Les lits de style. Les sièges à bois recouvert. La garniture capitonnée. Le fauteuil confortable. La finition du siège. La coupe des étoffes. Les matériaux modernes. La couture. Les décors de fenêtres. Les décors drapés. Les housses de lit. Les housses pour le mobilier. La tenture. Les sols.

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Claude Ossut
ID: 7132
Издательство: Vial

Ce livre, destiné aux débutants, a pour but de faire connaître les rudiments du garnissage traditionnel et du garnissage avec les mousses courantes. La description
des travaux est appuyée par des croquis ou photographies.

Sommaire :
Historique. Conditions de garnissage. La garniture à pelote. La garniture en plein. Les coupes. La garniture piquée sur ressorts. Dossier en cabriolet. Dossier à la reine. Les manchettes. La garniture à mi-bois. Les étoffes de couverture. La couverture. La couverture empochée. Le dégarnissage. Phase du dégarnissage. La garniture capitonnée. La garniture en mousse. Le paravent. Lexique.

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Monique Riccardi-Cubitt
ID: 3290
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

All of us have the desire to organize and store the multitude of items that fill our lives - a desire that is not unique to our century.

King Tutankhamen's 14th century B.C. tomb contained over 30 chests for storing his possessions. Here, the author traces the evolution of cabinets - including such variations as secretaires and caskets - that date from ancient Egypt and the classical world through the 19th century. (Coverage of the 20th century is slight.)

Helpful appendixes include several pages of notes on the color plates; brief biographies of cabinetmakers, architects, craftsmen, and designers of furniture; a glossary of some of the technical terms used; and a chronological guide to styles of cabinetry.

This guide, which includes a time line of pertinent dates and almost 200 small photographs, identifies pieces by country of origin, date, materials used, and dimensions. Recommended for both general collections and specialized art libraries.

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Nancy N. Schiffer
ID: 6333
Издательство: Schiffer

Fine details of carving and construction are highlighted to demonstrate the best golden oak furniture from American makers at the end of the nineteenth century. China cabinets, bookcases, chairs, tables, and accent forms are shown in various styles with detailed descriptions and price ranges to reflect their values in the furniture market today. This book will become the standard reference by which dealers, collectors, decorators, curators, and historians can judge the field.

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Daniela Santos Quartino (Editor)
ID: 10810
Издательство: Loft

A fully illustrated introductory guide to classic furniture characteristics organized according to style, era and country of origin.

Furniture design has always reflected the style of the period, but these days, eclecticism is one of the characteristics of interior design that creates varied and original rooms. Currently, eclecticism is one of the most important characteristics of design. Today, an intelligent combination of pieces, different in style, put together with good taste, creates original rooms that are utterly charming. The greater the contrast, the more impressive the result. Today you can find furniture from the 18th and 19th centuries in vintage or antique stores, or new items from contemporary manufacturers.

Whether original or replica, the options are immense and can be found in this book offered as a source of inspiration to achieve customized, original and surprising interiors.

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ID: 14895
Издательство: Beta-Plus

The International Interior Design Exhibition (iide) came to Brussels with heritage.  First launched in London by Fleur Rossdale as The British Interior Design Exhibition (BIDE) during the 1980's and 1990's, the event was highly acclaimed as a ground breaking showcase for the design industry.  With 30,000 international visitors to each, the exhibition helped propel interior design into the limelight, receiving worldwide press coverage and an insatiable demographic of private clients, hoteliers, designers and developers.  Fleur says ‘Good design has a vital role to play in our everyday lives.  It can improve how we live and function, be it at home, in the workplace, in education or on holiday.  Interiors set a mood, portraying an identity that should feel enhancing and harmonious.’  Fleur, an active interior designer herself, chose Brussels for the re-launch due to the cultural heritage, not least as founders of the Art Nouveau movement. 'Decoration is all about bringing together skilled workmanship, colour, texture and fine art to create a melodious interior to enhance our everyday lives', she says.  

Fleur received much fan mail from visitors in the early days, in particular praising how they found a particular design style they related to, previously unknown to them.  

IIDE follows the ethos of past experience.  Showcasing Belgian and international designers, presenting their interior design vision which inspired private and trade visitors in November 2018 and in September 2019 at Tour & Taxis Brussels:

Michel Penneman, Christophe Remy, J. Phine with Kaye McGarva, Erik Dhont, Christophe Gollut, Gert Voorjans, Carter Tyberghein, Jessie Lecomte, Henrietta Spencer-Churchill, Olivier Lapidus, Luxus, Vanessa Bruffaerts with Pol Quadens, Diego Fortunato with Dedar, Fleur Rossdale, A.Dem Interiors, Dominique Rigo, Designers Guild, Gerald Watelet, Guimar Urbina Interiors with Kinetura and Technogym, Johan Van Mullem, Benedetti Interieur with Evolution21, LDécoration Internationale with Catherine Nyssen, Houlès, Jean Duruisseau and Coup-de-Foudre, Maria Westerberg with Johan Patricny, Isabelle Thiltgès, Casamance, Masureel and Aristide.

But the book also pays homage to the previous exhibitions held in London, with a selection of press coverage of these exhibitions :

BIDE 1982: Fox Linton Associates; John Siddeley International, Simon Playle

Limited, George Cooper as Samuel & Cooper, Charles Hammond, George Spencer Decorations, Bill Bennette Design, Herbert Nevile, Dargie Lewis Designs, Siddeley Landscapes, Galleria Monte Carlo with catering by The Admirable Crichton.

BIDE 1988: Parish-Hadley Associates, Parke Interiors, Machin Designs, David Hicks International, Borland Interiors, Blasé Design, Bennison, Rory Ramsden, Woodstock Designs, Spencer-Churchill Designs, Gordon Lindsay, Mercier - London, Anna Tatham, Thorp & May, Anthony Paine, Wiltshire Interiors, Alidad Limited, Beckett & Graham with David Linley, Jonathan Hudson Interior Decorations, Indiaworks by Robin Guild, Sudeley Design, Joanna Trading, Christopher Nevile Design Partnership, Simon Playle Limited, Rossie Designs, Ian G. Shaw and The Chelsea Gardener.

BIDE 1989: Bonetti & Garouste, Designers Guild, Blasé Designs, Rory Ramsden, George Spencer Designs, Scarisbrick & Bate, Nicholas Glover Associates, Fox Lindon Associates, Beaudesert, David Hicks International, Mercier - London, Jameson Designs, Meltons, Pawson Silvestrin, Rosemary O de C Hamilton, Morrow Reis Designs, Robina Cayzer, Alidad Limited, MC Squared, Parke Interiors, Broosk Interior Design, The Royal College of Art, Ian G. Shaw, Christopher Nevile Design Partnership and Helen Cooper Associates and Pimlico Print Rooms.

BIDE 1990: David Hicks International, Harrods with David Linley for Harrods, Joanna Trading, Christopher Nevile Design Partnership, Nicolas Glover Associates, MM Design, Anthony Paine Limited, Christophe Gollut, Nick Allen Consultancy, Kensington Designs, Charles Rutherfoord & Nobby Clarke, Broosk Interior Designs, Miriam Cobrin Designs, Derek Frost Associates, Jenny Armit Interiors, Pavillion Designs, Melissa Wyndham Limited, Smallbone & CO of Devizes, Suddeley Castle Furniture and Paula Durante Interiors.

BIDE 1997: Sybyl Colefax & John Fowler, Woodstock Designs with Ian Walton Associates, Victoria Waymouth Interiors, Clifton Interiors, Lecchini Way Architects, Joanna Trading, Peter Wadley Architects, Atrium Limited, KLC School of Interior Design, Clarke & Thomas Interior Design, Ashton Products with Peter Wadley Architects, Charles Chesshire Landscape & Garden Design, Charles Rutherfoord with Brian Everest, G.A. Design International, Dargie Lewis Designs, Christophe Gollut, Baker Nevile Design Partnership, Jenny Armit Interiors, Omega Interiors, Stephen Ryan Design & Decoration, Alidad, Graça Viterbo, Tessa Kennedy Design, Charles Bateson at IDC, Jane Wolley Dod Garden Design with Lloyd Christie. 

This luxury coffee table book is a tribute to both new Brussels exhibitions, with a short history of all previous exhibitions in London.

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Romeyn Beck Hough, Charles Sprague Sargent
ID: 1858
Издательство: Taschen

Culled and assembled by Romeyn Beck Hough between 1888 and 1913 in what still remains a stunning and unparalleled achievement, American Woods - originally published in 14 volumes, with actual specimens mounted on card stock - is a work of breathtaking beauty that has set the standard for the study of trees and wood.

TASCHEN`s Wood Book reproduces, in painstaking facsimile, all of the specimen pages from the original volumes; for this purpose, we have obtained the use of an extremely rare original set of volumes in very good condition, with minimal damage to the woodcuts. For all trees, now arranged in alphabetical order, three different cross-section cuts of wood are represented (radial, horizontal, and vertical), demonstrating the particular characteristics of the grain and the wealth of colours and textures to be found among the many different wood types. Also included in this special edition are lithographs by Charles Sprague Sargent of the leaves and nuts of most trees, as well as texts describing the trees` geographical origins and physical characteristics.

Interior designers, craftsmen, nature enthusiasts, and artists alike will enjoy this beautiful collection of wood samples which includes many trees that are now very rare or completely extinct.

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Danielle O. Kisluk-Grosheide, Jeffrey Munger
ID: 9464
Издательство: Yale University Press

The Metropolitan’s holdings of late 17th- and 18th-century French decorative arts, unrivaled outside Europe, are on display in nine magnificent paneled period rooms and three galleries. This suite of spaces is named for Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wrightsman, whose extraordinary generosity made the installations possible and who also donated many of the furnishings from their own celebrated collection. The first book on the Wrightsman Galleries since 1979, this beautifully illustrated volume presents detailed descriptions of the period rooms and 116 of the most important artworks on view, including wood paneling and furniture, chimneypieces and fireplace furnishings, textiles and leather, portraits, gilt bronze, porcelain, silver, and decorative boxes, many of which have a royal provenance. The text incorporates the results of recent research and conveys the illuminating comments of contemporaries as expressed in diaries, travel guides, craft manuals, and correspondence.

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D. Colaci, A. Rui
ID: 8370
Издательство: 24 ORE Cultura

Minimum Design: An indispensable compendium on important designers of the modern era
An ideal and accessible introduction suitable for students and lovers of design today

Tunisian- born designer Tom Dixon's career took off in the 1980s when, as an ex- musician and a self-taught welder, he began working for Italian design giant Cappelini. His iconic 'S' chair design produced for Cappelini, and, later, his 'Jack light' created for his own company, Eurolounge, made him an iconic househood name. Dixon's creative process is unusual in that his ideas originate from the tools and materials he has selected, rather than vice versa, creating unique contemporary objects.

In 1998, Dixon was appointed Head of Design by household furnishing retailer Habitat, later becoming Creative Director until 2009. The Tom Dixon brand has gone from strength to strength, expanding to house an interior design arm that has taken on projects such as top restaurants in the UK and abroad. He has been recognised with a plethora of awards and nominations, including most notably an OBE.

Published in the same style as the successful Minimum Architects series, the Minimum Designers series includes books about the major figures in the field of design, creators of objects that have become a part of our daily lives. The lamp on our desk, the chair we are sitting on or the glasses we are wearing have a genius behind to be discovered.

These volumes will introduce in a practical manner the personalities and the works of the world's major designers by way of an historical-critical introduction to the work and life of each individual designer. An accurate selection of the designer's most famous objects arranged in chronological order and a critique of his or her work summarising the most significant reviews published in magazines and newspapers will complete the subject.

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Guy Jouberton
ID: 7150
Издательство: Vial

Ce livre complète et approfondit le précédent volume. La démarche pédagogique proposée consiste à étudier des cas concrets de tracés et coupes de pierre. Chaque exemple est coté et fait l’objet d’un exercice de traçage à compléter. La démarche est détaillée et aboutit à une représentation en couleur de la pièce achevée.

Sommaire :
Pénétration et vue déformée de moulure (boudin, tore et corbeau). Exemples de construction : appuis, chapiteaux et bases de style gothique. Cônes, cylindres et pyramides. Méthodes et exercices.

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Lucien Chanson
ID: 4852
Издательство: Vial

Cet ouvrage, devenu un livre de référence, expose de façon claire et précise l’ensemble des connaissances techniques permettant de concevoir et de réaliser les principaux meubles de style. La première partie traite des points techniques nécessaires au dessin. La deuxième partie est consacrée à l’étude des styles. Pour chaque style sont indiqués les caractéristiques du mobilier, le tracé des moulures, les ornements et les plans de construction du meuble le plus représentatif.

Sommaire :
Première partie :Tracés et constructions. Géométrie plane. Les ordres en architecture.La géométrie descriptive. Perspective. Les assemblages. La mise au plan.
Deuxième partie : études des styles : le Gothique, la Renaissance, Louis XIII, Louis XIV, la Régence, Louis XV, Transition, Louis XVI, le Directoire, L’Empire.

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Steve Bisco
ID: 9557
Издательство: GMC (Guild of Master Craftsman)

This wonderful collection of inspirational period carving projects ranges from the quick and simple to the long and complex, so caters for hobby carvers of all abilities. The new carver can start with the simplest project and, over a period of time, work through to the intermediate and advanced levels, while experienced carvers will find pieces to challenge and engage them. Each project is designed to capture the spirit and style of a particular period throughout history and at the end of each project readers will have developed new skills, gained an understanding of another style, and created a carving to proudly display in their home. Projects each have an introduction, setting it in historical context, a tracing pattern, an inspirational picture of the finished carving and comprehensive, easy-to-follow step-by-step instructions and photographs.

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Edited by Laudomia Pucci, Introduction by Suzy Menkes, Text by Angelo Flaccavento and Piero Lissoni
ID: 15852
Издательство: Rizzoli

A book for fashion and design lovers detailing Emilio Pucci's creativity beyond fashion, expressed through his interior design projects, rugs, and porcelain.

The brightly colored printed fabrics that twist around in a kaleidoscope created by Emilio Pucci recount an important period of Italian fashion history dating back to the 1960s.

This volume celebrates Emilio Pucci's creativity, which he expressed through his interior design projects, rugs, and porcelain, as well as in his fashion. Pucci's patterns and designs have been used in collaboration with other brands to create designer and collector objects.

Emilio Pucci focused on the creation of rugs that were presented in 1970 at the Museo Nacional de Arte Decorativo in Buenos Aires. The production of exclusive rugs continues upon the request of selected clients, whose houses have been photographed for the book. Currently, Pucci collaborates with Cappellini, Kartell, Bisazza, Illy, and many others on their interior design projects.eation of rugs that were presented at the Museo Nacional de Arte Decorativo in Buenos Aires. The production of exclusive rugs continues upon the request of selected clients, whose houses have been photographed for the book. Currently, Pucci collaborates with Cappellini, Kartell, Bisazza, Illy, and many others on their interior design projects.

About the Author:

Laudomia Pucci graduated in business and economics at LUISS University in Rome. After the death of her father,
Emilio Pucci, in 1992, she became head of the Emilio Pucci company. Suzy Menkes is a British journalist and fashion critic. Angelo Flaccavento is a contributing editor to the Business of Fashion. Piero Lissoni is one of Italy's leading Italian architects and designers, known for his contemporary furniture design.

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