Дизайн мебели

Книги по дизайну мебели

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Jean-Pierre Barette
ID: 7144
Издательство: Vial

Ce livre permet de réaliser 20 objets d’usage domestique de difficultés variées. Pour chacun l’auteur présente les plans détaillés et les dimensions des différentes pièces.

Sommaire :
Banc d’intérieur, banc rustique, chevalet, coffre banc, dessous de plat, étagère, meuble escalier, miroir campagnard, planche à pain, porte-CD, porte-fruits, porte-revues, psyché, repose-pieds, table à rallonges, table basse à tiroirs, table de ferme, table ronde, tréteau, vitrine.

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Jean-Pierre Besenval
ID: 2203
Издательство: Vial

Cet ouvrage illustre les réalisations de l’auteur. Il présente des armoires peintes et de nombreux décors d’inspiration vénitienne. Une large place est donnée aux décors et aux motifs ornementaux. Chaque meuble bénéficie d’un traitement particulier. Le format du livre permet de mieux montrer les détails et facilite l’explication de la technique employée.

Sommaire :

La démarche personnelle, histoire du meuble peint, la renaissance, les produits, les préparations, la gamme des couleurs, les fonds et mouluration, les modulés, la technique, comment utiliser ce livre, les meubles (60 modèles), glossaire.

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Edla Colsman
ID: 5996
Издательство: Arnoldsche

Das Museum für Angewandte Kunst in Köln besitzt eine umfangreiche Sammlung mitteleuropäischer Möbel aus vier Jahrhunderten. Diese besticht durch eine weitgehend vollständige Dokumentation der wichtigsten Möbeltypen und der maßgebenden künstlerischen Formen. Auch die Veränderungen handwerklicher Fähigkeiten im Wandel der Zeit lassen sich an den Objekten nachvollziehen.

Gotische Truhen, Tische und Schränke stellen die frühesten Stücke dar. Einen Schwerpunkt bilden die Möbel der Renaissance, die durch ihre reichen Formen und perfektionierten Handwerkstechniken von den hohen Ansprüchen der Auftraggeber zeugen. Dem höfischen Zeremoniell der auf Paris ausgerichteten Barockfürsten entsprachen kunstvoll gestaltete und mit vergoldeten Bronzen verzierte Möbel. Der Wandel vom Rokoko zum Klassizismus wird durch Möbel aus der weithin bekannten Werkstatt von Abraham und David Roentgen deutlich. Ob die Gestaltung im 19. Jahrhundert historisierenden Tendenzen oder neuem Gedankengut folgte, ob sie eine Hinwendung an vergangene Epochen darstellt oder mit schlichten, werkgerechten Sitzmöbeln neue Wege geht, stets unterlag sie dem Einfluss ihrer Zeit. Die jüngsten Objekte stammen aus dem Jugendstil, der in seinen verschiedenen nationalen Ausprägungen belegt ist.

Dieser erste Bestandskatalog zeigt die Vielfalt der gesammelten Möbel; die lokale und zeitliche Einordnungen wird ausführlich begründet. Die Eingebundenheit in eine übergeordnete Geschichte verleiht den Möbeln über ihre Funktion als Gebrauchsgegenstand und ihren Wert als Kunstwerk hinaus den Rang eines Zeugnisses ihrer Zeit.

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Roger Chetail
ID: 1644
Издательство: Vial

Les marqueteries peuvent être l’objet d’utilisations diverses. Ce livre présente des modèles destinés à recouvrir les boîtes. Ces marqueteries peuvent aussi être réalisées sous forme de tableau. Les photos sont accompagnées d’un dessin du sujet et de plans pour réaliser différents modèles de boîtes.

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Dominique Ciamarone
ID: 1645
Издательство: Vial

Les cent modèles de marqueterie présentés dans ce livre sont tous réalisés par l’auteur. Certaines de ces pièces sont simples et peuvent être facilement reproduites, d’autres nécessitent un véritable savoir-faire. Le thème des oiseaux, des villages, du portrait figurent parmi les dix sujets choisis. Ce livre offre au marqueteur débutant ou chevronné des sujets variés réalisables quelle que soit la technique de marqueterie employée.

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Jacqueline Lelevé
ID: 2204
Издательство: Vial

Ce livre présente des réalisations de peintures polychrome sur meubles. Il décrit les méthodes utilisées. Pour chaque meuble une vue d'ensemble et des détails permettent d'apprécier les possibilités qu'offrent ses techniques. Une large palette de motifs ornementaux est proposée au lecteur qui pourra facilement les reproduire.

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Fiona Baker, Keith Baker
ID: 7347
Издательство: Welbeck Publishing

"Modern Furniture Classics" is an authoritative, passionate and beautifully illustrated guide to the multifarious talents of international furniture designers and manufacturers of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, and revels in the intrinsic beauty of skilfully crafted pieces. The explosion in styles, initiated by technical progress and fashions in architecture, design and interiors, is catalogued in this chronological overview of the century's masterpieces, from the handmade vernacular styles of the Arts and Crafts Movement and Art Deco, through the early Modernists to the colourful and chaotic world of Pop Art, and finally to today's innovative and experimental designs. With over 240 classics of modern design, "Modern Furniture Classics" features the work of the world's most influential and talented designers, including Philippe Starck, Henry van der Velde, Marcel Breuer, Le Corbusier, Alvar Aalto, Carlo Mollino, Charles and Ray Eames, David Linley, Matthew Rice, Frank Gehry, Tom Dixon and Ron Arad. Written by Fiona and Keith Baker, experts in the field of furniture design, and richly illustrated with over 250 photographs, the book is an accessible and authoritative celebration of over 100 years of design.

Fiona Baker was a valuer and cataloger of 20th-century applied arts for Phillips Auctioneers, London, where she specialized in furniture. She has made television and radio appearances, and has contributed to The Antique Collector (UK).

Keith Baker is an independent consultant, valuer, and international lecturer on 19th- and 20th-century decorative arts. He was the head of the Art Nouveau and Decorative Arts Department at Phillips Auctioneers, and has also worked at Sotheby's, London. Keith is a regular expert on BBC's perennially popular Antiques Roadshow (UK).

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Andrea Mehlhose, Martin Wellner
ID: 4870
Издательство: Ullmann

Modern Furniture presents an overview of the most important developments and highlights in furniture design. Beginning with the latest trends for 2009 the book covers the past 150 years. The spotlight focuses on several individual gems of design, from the most contemporary Heaven series of the Italian manufacturer Emu back to the famous cantilever chair, but also on creations such as laminate and chipboard. Materials that we no longer regard as design innovations but which have nevertheless greatly influenced the home decor of our times.

Concise texts accompany the individually featured designs, whilst essays on selected themes and styles, written by experts round off this benchmark illustrated book.

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FremdkÖrper Studio, Andrea Mehlhose
ID: 10674
Издательство: Ullmann

Modern Furniture presents on 720 pages a retrospective of the most important developments and highlights in furniture design of the past 150 years, beginning with the latest trends for 2011.

The spotlight focuses on several individual gems of design, from the most contemporary Heaven series of the Italian manufacturer Emu back to the famous cantilever chair, but also on creations such as laminate and chipboard that we no longer regard as design innovations but have nevertheless greatly influenced the home décor of our times.

Concise texts accompanying the individually featured designs, as well as excurses on selected themes and styles written by experts, round off this benchmark illustrated book.

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Velma Susanne Warren
ID: 10073
Издательство: Schiffer

Velma Susanne Warren's latest book on golden oak is an important addition to every oak furniture collector's bookshelf.

Using over 700 color photos and related graphics, the author leads us through room after room of fabulous antiques. With detailed commentary on the pieces in the photos that the reader is seeing, the author describes, instructs, and amuses as we follow her guided tour.

Faithful readers of Ms. Warren's first book, Golden Oak Furniture, now in its third revised edition, will be enthusiastic about More Golden Oak. With pleasure, they will turn page after page of photos of beautiful golden oak tables, chairs, bedroom sets, desks, and other handsome, sturdy glowing furniture, none of which they have seen before. New readers are in for a delightful experience.

All will value the price guide and descriptions as useful tools for many years to come. So settle in for a good read-preferably in a golden oak rocker-and enjoy!

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Thomas King
ID: 10137
Издательство: Dover

A Reprint of Thomas King's "Modern Style of Cabinet Work Exemplified", 1829

Influential guide displays over 300 Grecian designs: fire screens, sofas, couches, chairs, footstools, commodes, sideboards, washstands, bedsteads, and many other items.

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Hakan Groth
ID: 2882
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

When Crown Prince Gustaf returned from Versailles in 1771 to ascend the throne of Sweden, he was determined to give his country a leading place in Europe culturally as well as politically. He fostered the international movement of Neoclassicism, which in Sweden took on a freshness distinctive to the country, alongside the influences of France, England and Germany.

Neoclassicism in the North presents twenty houses and apartments in marvellously evocative, specially commissioned photographs, alongside plans and original drawings. From royal salons with exquisite Pompeian ornament to modest spatter-painted Biedermeier halls, the beautiful Neoclassical houses of Sweden are of unique value today not only because of their superb craftsmanship but also as a stimulus to contemporary decorators.

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ID: 7450
Издательство: Design Media Publishing

Table of Contents

New Art Deco in Designers' Eyes
-New Art Deco Style, the story of people and their lives
-New Art Deco, New and Surprising Experiences
-New Art Deco Style, A variation of the circular theme
-New Art Deco Style, Aesthetic Details
-New Art Deco Style, to Characterise a Space
Art Deco
-Furniture & Furnishings
-Materials & Textures
-Implementation in Projects
Mix & Match
-Tradition & Modernity
-East & West
-Implementation in Projects
Eastern Classicism
-New Eastern Elements
-New Chinese Classic Furniture
-Implementation in Projects
New Baroque
-Luxury Styles
-Implementation in Projects

Participating firms:-

Alberto Pinto
Andrew Onraet
Cheryl Rowley Design, Inc.
Department of ARCHITECTURE Co., Ltd.
Elia Felices interiorismo
Hashimoto Yukio Design Studio
HBA/Hirsch Bedner Associates
II BY IV Design
ISA STEIN Studio, Jacinta Mössenböck
Joey Ho
Joseph Wong Design Associates
Kelly Hoppen
Louis Kahn Architect
MVE & PartnersPTang Studio Ltd
Seyhan Özdemir & Sefer Çaðlar
Sixx Design- Robert and Cortney Novogratz
Tsao Studio
Tarfa Salam

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ID: 869
Издательство: Daab

In the constant search for individuality, the modern man strives to differentiate and imbue the monotonous residential blocks common to large urban centres with personality through the use of interior design. Contemporary designers conceive furniture not only based on functional criteria, but also through the experimentation with fluid forms, strong colors and stimulating contrasts. Their vision is built upon an eclectic fusion of familiar elements that are innovatively combined to provoke new sensations: Solid, polished wood is combined with matte metal, glass surfaces are supported by lacquered wood, and plastic is combined with leather.

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ID: 1633
Издательство: Monsa
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