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Кит Уайт
ID: 8613
Издательство: Питер

Кит Уайт – профессор живописи Института Пратта, Бруклин, а также известный художник, чьи работы выставлены во многих музеях мира. Его лаконичные и полные глубокого смысла уроки изобразительного искусства будут полезны всем будущим художникам и дизайнерам. Что такое искусство? Что значит быть художником и как достичь истинных высот в творчестве?

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Ann Sutherland Harris
ID: 2754
Издательство: Laurence King Publishing

This excellent introduction to the major developments in art and architecture that emerged from seventeenth century Western Europe bridges the gap between the specialized study and a more general survey. Seventeenth-Century Art & Architecture encompasses the socio-political and cultural background of the period. In the process it examines the careers of the most significant painters, sculptors and architects, and those of less well-known artists. Major artists covered include Bernini, Borromini, Caravaggio, Carracci, Claude, Girardon, Guercino, Hals, Jones, Le Brun, Le Vau, Murillo, Poussin, Rembrandt, Reni, Ribera, Rubens, Ruisdael, Steen, van Dyck, Velzquez, Vermeer, Wren and Zurbarn. The seventeenth century also witnessed the emergence of successful women painters such as Artemisia Gentileschi and Clara Peeters, who receive due attention here.

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ID: 6512
Издательство: Slovart

The Visual Encyclopaedia series provide up to 300 beautiful photographic and artwork images, illustrating subjects of perennial cultural interest. Images are accompanied by narrative providing background, brief criticism, and details on relevant museums, brief biographies and time lines.

The 19th century was a pivotal period in Western history, market by revolutionary phase involving not only politics but art and, more broadly speaking, taste. The roots of things change date back to the 1740s, when there was a call for a new kind of art, one that would be useful and educational, both aesthetically and morally, in contrast to the frivolous and "uncommited" tendency of the Rococo. The new model identified with ancient Greece and Rome; it was believed that through the imitation of antiquity, art could aspire to the ideal beauty of true nature.

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Gail Marsh
ID: 8444
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

In the 19th century, the craft of embroidery became a pastime for ladies of leisure. This beautiful new book explores the shift from industry to hobby and how embroidery was crafted and displayed in the home.

Each chapter is packed with a close look at the techniques that were used, detailed illustrations and unique photographs of original 19th century embroidered pieces. Interweaved into the book are snippets of social history, historical facts and quotes from ladies and gentlemen of the period.

This delightful book is a must for any student studying embroidery, fashion and textiles, craft persons interested in historical embroidery techniques, collectors of textiles, plus any needlework enthusiast wanting to extend their knowledge.

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Richard Lebram
ID: 3360
Издательство: Dover
Finely detailed illustrations of all kinds of jewelry will inspire both novice and experienced crafters. Bracelets, men's and women's rings, watches, charms, and many other baubles are featured in this collection from the turn of the 20th century. The royalty-free images can also be used in other design projects.
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Museum Ludwig Köln (ED)
ID: 809
Издательство: Taschen

The Museum Ludwig in Cologne possesses one of the most interesting collections of 20th-century art in the world. With particular strengths in its Modernist, Pop Art and contemporary holdings, it attracts gallery-goers from all over the world. This volume features 720 paintings by over 350 artists, affording a unique overview of a supreme collection. Arranged alphabetically, with biographical details and commentaries on the works, it is also an important reference work on 20th-century art. It is published under the auspices of the Museum Ludwig, Cologne, under the editorial supervision of Marc Scheps and Evelyn Weiss.

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ID: 6180
Издательство: Slovart

XX век в искусстве начался в 1907 году картиной Пикассо Авиньонские девицы. Эта работа ознаменовала разрыв с прошлым и обозначила одно из важнейших направлений творческого поиска в будущем. Примерно в то же самое время представители первых авангардных движений начали экспериментировать с формой, языком, техникой и материалом, что будет характерно для всего столетия, в котором кубизм, экспрессионизм, абстракционизм, футуризм и дадаизм открыли новые выразительные возможности. Появились новые взаимоотношения между искусством и реальностью: художники экспериментировали с формой, предметами и материалами, считая при этом изобразительное искусство формой языка. К началу 1940-х годов центр художественного мира переместился из Парижа в Нью-Йорк. Здесь язык искусства полностью обновился: главным героем в искусстве Поллока становится действие. За несколько лет художники, с одной стороны, глубоко проникли в реалии общества потребления, с другой - достигали изощренных результатов, зачастую непонятных для широкой публики. Это привело к рождению поп-арта, концептуального и минималистского искусства.

Другие книги серии Visual Encyclopedia of Art:

Art Nouveau. Арт Нуво

Baroque. Барокко

Renaissance. Ренессанс

Islam: Visual Encyclopedia of Art

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John Peacock
ID: 3237
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

The most comprehensive and detailed history and sourcebook of twentieth-century jewellery ever published

John Peacock charts the development of every kind and style of twentieth-century jewellery for both women and men: earrings, necklaces, pendants, bracelets, and bangles, brooches, rings, buckles and clasps, dress clips, hair and hat ornaments, watches, cufflinks, tiepins. . . Precious jewellery, costume and novelty jewellery are all included, and every style from Art Nouveau to Pop Art and retro.

John Peacock’s research, using not only paintings and photographs but also the jewellery itself, has allowed him to reproduce in meticulous detail a host of representative pieces from every year of the century. All the great twentieth-century designers and houses are featured – among them Lalique, Cartier, Chaumet, Georg Jensen, Fulco di Verdura, Schlumberger, Miriam Haskell, Harry Winston, Van Cleef & Arpels and Tiffany & Co. – as well as the mass-produced jewellery their designs inspired.

The pictures are accompanied by full descriptions, including details of materials, stones, designs, fastenings, mounts and surrounds.

An invaluable reference section includes a time chart summarizing the development of jewellery through the century, biographies of the leading international jewellers, and a concise bibliography.

This encyclopaedic survey is destined to become the unrivalled reference work in its field, indispensable to any jewellery enthusiast, designer, student or collector.

About the Author:

John Peacock has worked as a fashion and costume designer and lecturer in fashion history. He was for several years senior costume designer for BBC Television, and is the author of many books on costume.

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Maria Mitoglou (Editor)
ID: 3560
Издательство: Taschen
The photographic collection of the Museum Ludwig Cologne is one of the most important collections of contemporary photography in the world. This book provides a fascinating insight into its rich diversity: conceptual art, abstraction, reportage - about 200 works by around 100 of the 20th-century ’s most famous international photographers, from Ansel to Joel Peter Witkin.
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Museum Ludwig Cologne (Editor)
ID: 3544
Издательство: Taschen

The history of photography began some 150 years ago, but only relatively recently has it been fully recognised as a medium in its own right. Cologne's Museum Ludwig was the first museum of contemporary art to devote a substantial section to international photography. The L. Fritz Gruber collection, from which this book is drawn, is one of the most important in Germany and one of the most representative anywhere in the world, constituting the core of the museum's holdings.

This book provides a fascinating insight into the collection's rich diversity; from conceptual art to abstraction to reportage, all of the major movements and genres are represented via a vast selection of the century's most remarkable photographs. From Ansel Adams to Piet Zwart, over 850 works are presented in alphabetical order by photographer, with descriptive texts and photographers' biographical details, providing a comprehensive and indispensable overview of 20th-century photography.

Taschen 25th Anniversary Series

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Antoine De Moor
ID: 8496
Издательство: Lannoo

For the first time ever the highlights of a world renowned private collection are bundled in a book: over 300 tapestries and textile related objects such as hairpins and jewellery are showcased in this beautifully illustrated book. Much of the focus is on Coptic textiles. Coptic art is a term used either for the art of Egypt produced in the early Christian era or for the art produced by the Coptic Christians themselves.

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Birgit Krols
ID: 8208
Издательство: Tectum

3D anamorphic pavement art, invented in the 1980s by Master street painter Kurt Wenner, is the very latest street fashion and is spreading all over the world. These illusionary 2-dimensional images (which appear to become 3-dimensional when viewed from a fixed point through a camera lens) represent a new way of combining the mastery of Renaissance art techniques with the ephemeral qualities of street paintings. This book introduces you to the most important 3D street artists, their work and their views on this young and trendy art form. See how their creations transform everyday locations into alternative realities and behold the mysterious worlds that lie hiddenA" beneath the surface of the street!

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Brad Finger, Christiane Weidemann
ID: 8284
Издательство: Prestel

This survey of great contemporary artists is the perfect introduction to the exciting world of art today.

Artists working after World War II faced a confounding array of challenges, as stylistic barriers were broken, technology advanced, and issues of sexuality and race came to the forefront. From painters and photographers to sculptors and performance artists, fifty of the most influential contemporary artists are profiled in this colorful and engaging book that traces the various artistic movements and radical changes of the second half of the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. Presented chronologically, each artist is featured in 2 or 4-page spreads that include brilliant reproductions of their most important works, an illuminating biography, key dates in their career, and informative background on major developments in the art world. Throughout the volume a timeline places each artist within the context of contemporary art. As diverse and inspiring as the artists themselves, this book is a voyage of discovery into art’s cutting edge.

Другие книги серии

50 Photographers You Should Know

50 Photos You Should Know

50 Contemporary Fashion Designers You Should Know

50 Fashion Designers You Should Know

50 Designers You Should Know

50 Buildings You Should Know

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Brad Finger
ID: 8930
Издательство: Prestel

This collection of world-renowned photographs offers a stunning visual history of photography and photojournalism.

The birth of photography opened the doors to a new kind of art, one that recorded events with the immediacy not possible with painting and drawing. This volume is a chronologically arranged compendium of memorable images of unforgettable people, places, and moments. Including images recording humankind conquering the air, Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay climbing Mount Everest, and the attack on the World Trade Center, this volume features double-page spreads that create a visual timeline. From war to nature, movie stars to artists, the surface of Mars to the devastation of Katrina, this thoroughly up-to-date record captures historical moments such as the horror of the Japanese tsunami and the excitement of the political revolution in the Middle East. Recording moments both intimate and earth-shaking, these photographs speak volumes about where we’ve been and the direction we’re headed.

Другие книги серии

50 Photographers You Should Know

50 Contemporary Artists You Should Know

50 Fashion Designers You Should Know

50 Contemporary Fashion Designers You Should Know

50 Designers You Should Know

50 Buildings You Should Know

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Gavin Wilson
ID: 9020
Издательство: Grange Books

The guitar is undoubtedly the world's favourite musical instrument. This guide takes you through the originals, the best and the weirdest guitars ever made, in a convenient A-Z guide.

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