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ID: 5810
Издательство: Слово

Перед вами мировой бестселлер, который прочитали и оценили более семи миллионов человек

В книге представлены: 500 разных авторов всех времен и народов – таланты, провидцы, гении; 500 произведений искусства – от классической живописи до современных экспериментов с проволокой и неоном; 500 поводов для обсуждений и горячих споров.

Книга дает возможность одним взглядом окинуть все многообразие и богатство мировой культуры. Нарушая традиционное для истории искусства деление на периоды, книга объединяет воедино блестящие примеры разных эпох, школ, стилей и техник. Здесь можно сравнить Микеланджело и Миллеса, Пикассо и Пьеро делла Франческа, Родченко и Родена.

Каждый мастер представлен одной цветной иллюстрацией характерного для него произведения в сопровождении объяснительного текста.

Статьи снабжены ссылками на ближайшие аналоги из настоящей книги, а в приложении можно найти словарь терминов и художественных направлений.

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ID: 9291
Издательство: CYPI Press

5000 Years of Chinese Art is a full-size, splendidly illustrated volume offering a vista of five thousand years of Chinese art.

Nearly eight hundred colour plates have been arranged chronologically, just one to a page in order to ensure sufficient space for each work of art. Brief text below explains its features and the story behind it. Paintings, works of calligraphy, sculptures and fine handicrafts alternate throughout, lending an almost musical rhythm to the read.

The choice of compositions, both systematic and comprehensive, spotlights art treasures from every era of Chinese history. The evolution and achievements of each domain of the fine arts are also displayed, guaranteeing that the selected works are true classics and artistically representative. This approach will help the reader gain an overall picture of Chinese art while experiencing the unique appeal of art from the East in a leisurely manner.

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Paul Levitz
ID: 11490
Издательство: Taschen

The Crown Jewel of Comics. The DC universe as never seen before

In 1935, DC Comics founder Major Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson published New Fun No. 1 — the first comic book with all-new original material — at a time when comic books were mere repositories for the castoffs of the newspaper strips. What was initially considered to be disposable media for children was well on its way to becoming the mythology of our time — the 20th century’s answer to Atlas or Zorro.

More than 40,000 comic books later, TASCHEN has produced the single most comprehensive book on DC Comics. More than 2,000 images — covers and interiors, original illustrations, photographs, film stills, and collectibles — are reproduced using the latest technology to bring the story lines, the characters, and their creators to vibrant life as they’ve never been seen before. Telling the tales behind the tomes is 38-year DC veteran Paul Levitz, whose in-depth essays trace the company’s history, from its pulp origins through to the future of digital publishing, alongside year-by-year timelines and biographies of DC legends.

The original XL edition of 75 Years of DC Comics was winner of the 2011 Eisner Comic Industry Award for Best Comics-Related Book of the Year. This new edition brings you all the same DC glory in a more compact format.

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Paul Levitz
ID: 13514
Издательство: Taschen

The crown jewel in any comics fan s library: Our award-winning XL edition was too heavy for you? Here s the smaller version with its own book stand

In 1935, DC Comics founder Major Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson published New Fun No. 1, the first comic book with all-new, original material at a time when comic books were mere repositories for the castoffs of the newspaper strips. What was initially considered to be disposable media for children was well on its way to becoming the mythology of our time the 20th century s answer to Atlas or Zorro.

More than 40,000 comic books later and in honour of the publisher s 75th anniversary, TASCHEN has produced the single most comprehensive book on DC Comics. More than 2,000 images covers and interiors, original illustrations, photographs, film stills, and collectables are reproduced using the latest technology to bring the storylines, the characters, and their creators to vibrant life as they've never been seen before.

Telling the tales behind the tomes is 38-year DC veteran Paul Levitz, whose in-depth essays trace the company s history, from its pulp origins through to the future of digital publishing. Year-by-year timelines and biographies of the legends who built DC make this an invaluable reference for any comic book fan. The 2010 original XL edition of 75 Years of DC Comics was winner of the 2011 Eisner Comic Industry Award for Best Comics-Related Book of the Year! But as even Superman might have trouble lifting the XL, here is the chance to enjoy the title in a smaller format. And if it is still too heavy for you, the slipcase converts into a book stand, so you can delight in your favourite comic stories and characters book on display.

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ID: 6853
Издательство: Slovart

999 шедевров.  Вы должны знать. Вам стоит знать. Зная, вы будете впечатлять других

Великолепно иллюстрированный альбом содержит в себе 999 шедевров мирового искусства.

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Érik Desmazières, Patrick Mauriès
ID: 8967
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

For bibliophiles, connoisseurs of contemporary printmaking, and everyone whose imagination is fired by the macabre

With breathtaking virtuosity and a unique, dreamlike vision, Érik Desmazières – a master of contemporary printmaking – re-creates interiors, cityscapes and fantastical compositions.

For this book - the first to include the artist's rare work in colour - Desmazières has delved deep into the arcane theme of cabinets of curiosities. Taking as his starting point the melancholy musings of the seventeenth-century antiquary Sir Thomas Browne, he has reinterpreted these shadowy collections of the recondite, rare and bizarre – precious corals, shrunken heads and magical artefacts – as a series of meditations on the vanity of earthly life. Death and decay are never far below the surface, as a depiction of Sir Thomas Browne’s own skull, disinterred and displayed in a museum until the 1920s, reminds us.

The erudite text by Patrick Mauriès traces the preoccupations of Browne and his fellow collectors through history, showing how abstruse objects and spectres of death - subject matter once considered the preserve of specialists - have now entered the cultural mainstream.

Rich in atmosphere, refreshingly strange and exquisitely produced, A Cabinet of Rarities is a bibliophilic treasure for anyone whose imagination is fired by the esoteric and macabre.

Contents List:

The Artist-Engraver • The Virtuoso • Reawakenings

About the Authors:

Erik Desmazières is a French engraver and printmaker, who is represented in numerous important public and private collections all over the world.
Patrick Mauriès is a writer and publisher of many notable titles on fashion and design, including Jewelry by ChanelA Cabinet of RaritiesThe World According to Karl and Fashion Quotes to name a few, all published by Thames & Hudson.

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Quentin Buvelot, Hans Buijs
ID: 8355
Издательство: Daedalus
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Ian Haydn Smith
ID: 14386
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

The story of film, told as never before

This visual timeline for film enthusiasts makes the history of cinema – from the earliest moving images to the latest blockbusters – newly accessible by organizing it chronologically.

• A large format makes it easy to trace the complex links between technological innovations, social changes and artistic interventions.
• An easy-to-read timeline identifies key films, together with commentaries and contextual information about the social, political and cultural events of the period in which they were produced.
• In-depth essays explore a variety of film genres and styles, break down the technical advancements of the last 150 years, and highlight pivotal figures who have shaped the development of filmmaking.

With A Chronology of Film, film is an open book…

Contents List:

Introduction • 1. Genesis of Film, to 1900 • 2. 1900-1950 • 3. 1950-1975 • 4. 1975-2000 • 5. 2000 to present

About the Author:

Ian Haydn Smith is the author of Selling the Movie and Cult Filmmakers, and is also the update editor on 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die. Haydn Smith is also the editor of BFI Filmmakers Magazine and Curzon Magazine.

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John E. Bowlt, Zelfira Tregulova
ID: 5842
Издательство: Skira

Каталог представляет историю «Русских балетных сезонов» во всём богатстве красок и деталей. Его структура отвечает хронологической последовательности и этапам развития «Русских Балетов». Каждый этап соответствовал подготовке и премьере очередного балета и знаменовался привлечением к работе над постановками всё новых именитых художников и дизайнеров, Невероятно динамичный, «Русский балет» Дягилева нередко претерпевал полную смену направления – от классики к ориентализму, от восточного направления к русской теме и, наконец к авангардным постановкам.

Этот увлекательный процесс смены этапов и направлений отражен в каталоге с использованием богатого иллюстративного материала, в него вошли более 500 произведений знаменитых французских и российских художников XX в: Л. Бакста, А.Бенуа, Н.Гончаровой, М. Ларионова Ж. Брака, А. Матисса и других. Работы, предоставленные музеями и частными коллекциями различных стран, впервые объединены в одном издании.

Составителям удалось превратить каталог в увлекательное повествование. Творческий подход к подаче иллюстративного материала позволил использовать различные неординарные приёмы для более наглядной демонстрации костюмов, театральных эскизов и т. д.


In May 1909, Sergei Diaghilev astonished the world of dance with his first ballet presentations in Paris that demonstrated an unprecedented combination of vitality and grace, originality, and technical sophistication. This catalogue of over three hundred artworks related to the Saisons Russes between 1909 and 1929 is the official companion to an exhibition in Monte Carlo. The legendary productions are brought to life through stage designs, costumes, paintings, sculptures, photographs, and programs. The artwork comes from a wide variety of public and private collections, including the Fokine collection in the St. Petersburg Theatre Museum. Diaghilev’s scenic achievements are complemented by a number of contextual paintings, drawings, and other artifacts, which help to define Russia’s cultural renaissance of the first decades of the twentieth century. The documentary section of the catalog contains rich archival material, including letters, photographs, choreographic notes, and memoirs, many published here for the first time.

A fully illustrated catalogue with contributions by leading specialists in the history of Russian dance and the visual arts

Посмотреть русскоязычное издание -  Видение танца. Сергей Дягилев и Русские балетные сезоны

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Arthur Thomson
ID: 8377
Издательство: Dover

Numerous photos and sketches of male and female figures complete this accurate guide to human anatomy. Students at all levels will appreciate its thorough coverage of every bodily region. Subjects include posture and walking, bones and joints, structure of the leg and foot, facial expressions, rules of proportion, and much more.

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Shunichiro Kanaya, Zack Davisson
ID: 18631
Издательство: Tuttle

The entire fascinating story of Japan told in one exciting manga-style volume!

A History of Japan in Manga tells the action-packed saga of Japan from its misty origins up to the present day. Epic battles, noble Samurai and duplicitous leaders are all portrayed in modern manga fashion! The lively stories in this book include:

- The Dawn of Japan: The Birth of Buddhism and the transition from hunters—gatherers to agricultural societies of ancient times
- The Genpei Wars: Davage battles between the Taira and Minamoto clans that led to the powerful warlord Minamoto no Yoritomo naming himself Japan's first Shogun
- The Onin Wars: A decade-long struggle for domination of Japan in which thousands of Samurai fought and tragically lost their lives
- The 47 Ronin: Loyal Samurai who vowed to avenge the death of their master, choosing honor over surrender and being forced to commit mass ritual suicide as a result
- The Satsuma Rebellion: A dramatic last stand by Samurai loyal to the Shogun who revolted against the new Meiji government and its plans to finally modernize Japan
-  And many more!

Dozens of indelible portraits, manga stories, maps and info-sidebars bring the full sweep of Japanese history to life in one easy-to-read book!

About the Author:

Shunichiro Kanaya is a lecturer in the Department of Japanese History at Toshin High School in Musashino, Japan. He is the author of several books on Japanese history and has appeared as a history commentator on NTV, Fuji TV and TV Tokyo.

Zack Davisson is an award-winning translator, writer, and folklorist. He is the author of books like Kaibyo: The Supernatural Cats of Japan, Yurei: The Japanese Ghost, and Yokai Stories, and the translator of books like Soseki Natsume's I Am a Cat and Shigeru Mizuki's multiple Eisner Award-winning Showa: a History of Japan. In addition, his comic work includes Demon Days: X-Men from Marvel, Wayward from Image, and The Art of Star Wars Visions from Dark Horse. He has lectured on manga, folklore, and translation at numerous colleges and contributed to exhibitions at numerous museums. He currently lives in Seattle, WA with his wife Miyuki, dog Mochi, cat Shere Khan, and several ghosts.




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ID: 14726
Издательство: Dorling Kindersley

See the history of witchcraft, magic and superstition come to life with this spectacular supernatural book!

From alchemy and modern Wicca to paganism and shamanism, this enchanting book takes you on a mystical journey that will leave you spellbound. This is the perfect introduction to magic and the occult!

This reference book on witchcraft is packed with:

- Informative, engaging, and accessible text and lavish illustrations
- Special features on aspects of magic, such as oracle bones of ancient China, the Knights Templar, and magic at the movies, and "plants and potions", such as mandrake and belladonna examine topics in great detail
- Quick-fact panels that explore magic origins, key figures, key deities, use in spells, structures of religions, and more

This indispensable witchcraft book explores the common human fascination with spells, superstition, and the supernatural. It provides you with a balanced and unbiased account of everything from Japanese folklore and Indian witchcraft to the differences between black and white magic and dispelling myths such as those surrounding the voodoo doll and Ouija.

Expect the unexpected with A History Of Magic, Witchcraft and the Occult. It will open your eyes to other worlds. Discover forms of divination from astrology and palmistry to the Tarot and runestones. Explore the presence of witchcraft in literature from Shakespeare's Macbeth to the Harry Potter series, and the ways in which magic has interacted with religion.

Whether you're a believer or a sceptic, this richly illustrated history book provides a fresh approach to the extensive and complex story of witchcraft, magic and the occult.


Пролистать книгу A History of Magic, Witchcraft and the Occult на Google Books.

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R. B. Parkinson
ID: 10096
Издательство: British Museum Press

How old is the oldest chat-up line between men? Who was the first ‘lesbian’? Were ancient Greek men who had sex together necessarily ‘gay’? And what did Shakespeare think about cross-dressing?

A Little Gay History takes objects ranging from Ancient Egyptian papyri and the erotic scenes on the Roman Warren Cup to images by modern artists including David Hockney and Bhupen Khakhar to consider questions such as these. Explored are the issues behind forty artefacts from ancient times to the present, and from cultures across the world, to ask a question that concerns us all: how easily can we recognize love in history?

Concise and beautifully illustrated with objects from the British Museum’s far- ranging collection, A Little Gay History provides an intriguing and valuable insight into the range, diversity and complexity of same- sex experiences.

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Hiroshi Unno
ID: 12159
Издательство: PIE Books

Middle Eastern literature and poetry, including Arabian Nights and Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, has captured the imaginations of European people with its mysterious atmosphere and tales of exotic lands. 

From the 18th to the early 20th century, various European editions of these stories were published that included imaginative illustrations by notable European illustrators such as Kai Nielsen, Edmund Dulac, and others. (mostly Japanese text, some English as supplementary) 

This book is a visual art collection of the world featured in such European illustrations and introduces the ancient Islamic manuscripts and art on which the illustrations are based. Islamic book design, ornaments, and costumes of the time are also featured, giving readers a broad sense of the Islamic culture that has so inspired European artists. 

This collection offers a unique introduction to the beauty of Islamic art and culture and is sure to become a treasured book for Islamic art lovers, too.

About the Author:

Hiroshi Unno was born in 1939 in Tokyo. Unno writes on art, cinema, music, urbanism, novels, flower arranging and more. Unno recent titles released by PIE International - Avant-Garde Graphics in Russia, The Art of Fantasy, Sci-fi and Steampunk, Harry Clarke, William Morris: Master of Modern Design, The World of Mucha - have gained recognition worldwide.

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Edited by Lyne Kaddoura, Preface by Francois Curiel, Introduction by David Snowdon, Contributions by Pierre Rainero and Vivienne Becker
ID: 16630
Издательство: Rizzoli

This is the ultimate illustrated guide to the most exquisite vanity cases from the nineteenth century onward; an unmissable opportunity for lovers of jewelry and fashion.

This elegant and richly illustrated volume, featuring a slipcase and gilded page edges, showcases a rare private collection of vanity cases and includes an exquisite array of luxury accessories from the nineteenth century to the twentieth century. These vanity cases, carefully designed and mostly handmade, became covetable accessories with the advent of beauty products.

The vanity case, the ultimate jeweled fashion accessory, was designed and made mostly in Paris by skilled designers and craftsmen who understood that the fashionable modern woman needed a practical solution for carrying lipstick, powder compact, cigarettes, lighter, theater tickets, keys, and other small paraphernalia. Tiny, made of precious metals, including platinum and gold, with inlays of lacquer, gemstones, mother-of-pearl, jade, or enamel, these reticules took hundreds of hours of patient craftsmanship to complete.

About the Authors:

François Curiel is Chairman of Christie's Europe and heads Christie's global Luxury division. David Snowdon is Hon. Chairman for Christie's in Europe, the Middle East, Russia and India. Lyne Kaddoura is an independent jewelry specialist and advisor, as well as Senior Consultant with Christie's. Pierre Rainero is the Image, Style and Heritage Director of Cartier. Catherine Cariou is the former heritage director at Van Cleef & Arpels. Laurence Mouillefarine is a journalist, art market expert, and author of books on jewelry. Diana Scarisbrick is an art historian specializing in jewelry; she is the author of numerous publications and curator of many international jewelry exhibitions. Vivienne Becker is a London-based jewelry historian, journalist, and author of more than twenty books on the history of jewelry design and contemporary jewelry.


Пролистать книгу A Vanity Affair: L'art du nécessaire на сайте издательства.

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