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Jacob Baal-Teshuva
ID: 6169
Издательство: Prestel

The art of Andy Warhol continues to hold surprises for even the seasoned Warhol admirer. The best works from one of the world's largest private collections of Warhol paintings are published here for the first time in book form. Beginning with whimsical paintings from the pre-Pop period, this selection of over 100 works spans the full breadth of Warhol's spectacular career, up until his last project: The Last Supper, after Leonardo da Vinci. More than 200 illustrations, many in full color, give a comprehensive overview of the many facets in the work of the "pope of Pop art."

Of particular interest is a little-known series of "Paintings for Children," published here for the first time. These delightful pictures of ships, planes, robots, and toys were hung just three feet from the floor when first shown in 1983.

A concise biography, richly illustrated with many color plates; quotations from Warhol about art and about himself, as essay on Warhol and the American Dream by David Bourdon; a memoir by art historian and critic Pierre Restany; an interview from 1963 by G.R. Swenson and the last one with Paul Taylor in 1987; as well as a chronology and a detailed and updated bibliography contribute to this fascinating, colorful book.

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Thomas Crow, Allison Unruh, Sarah Urist Green, Matt Wrbican
ID: 6063
Издательство: Hatje Cantz

Throughout his career as an artist, filmmaker, director of the Factory, band manager, magazine publisher, and television entrepreneur, Andy Warhol intentionally blurred the line between art and commerce, calling into question the very values of art by claiming, “Good business is the best art.” Andy Warhol Enterprises examines Warhol's complex and multifaceted relationship with commerce in both his work and his life - from his highly successful career as a commercial artist to his reign as a major cultural trendsetter in the eighties. The catalogue features essays by prominent scholars such as Thomas Crow, as well as an interview with Vincent Fremont, one of Warhol’s close associates, in which he illuminates aspects of Warhol’s critical examination of consumer society.

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Bernhard Mendes Burgi, Nina Zimmer
ID: 6064
Издательство: Hatje Cantz

Following a successful career as a commercial graphic designer, in the early sixties, Andy Warhol (1928–1987) decided to move on to work as a freelance artist. His focus, however, remained on the world of consumption and mass production. This publication illuminates Warhol’s crucial early years—from 1961 to 1964—as a painter and draftsman. During this period, he gradually replaced his individual pictorial language with already medialized (and thus collective) image material as well as the mechanical production of pictures, thus calling into question some of modernity’s fundamental categories. This volume examines this process based on numerous examples, such as the famous Campbell’s Soup Cans and Dollar Bills, the Elvis and Liz series, the Death & Disaster pictures, and the Flowers cycle from 1964. Concentration on the drawings and paintings of the early years demonstrates the far-reaching significance of this oeuvre for art history.

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Richard B. Woodward, Reuel Golden
ID: 10971
Издательство: Taschen

Instant Andy. Before there was Instagram, there was Warhol

“A picture means I know where I was every minute. That’s why I take pictures. It’s a visual diary.” - Andy Warhol

Andy Warhol was a relentless chronicler of life and its encounters. Carrying a Polaroid camera from the late 1950s until his death in 1987, he amassed a huge collection of instant pictures of friends, lovers, patrons, the famous, the obscure, the scenic, the fashionable, and himself. Created in collaboration with The Andy Warhol Foundation, this book features hundreds of these instant photos, many of them never seen before.

Portraits of celebrities such as Mick Jagger, Alfred Hitchcock, Jack Nicholson, Yves Saint Laurent, Pelé, Debbie Harry are included alongside images of Warhol’s entourage and high life, landscapes, and still lifes from Cabbage Patch dolls to the iconic soup cans. Often raw and impromptu, the Polaroids document Warhol’s era like Instagram captures our own, offering a unique record of the life, world, and vision behind the Pop Art maestro and modernist giant.

The author

Richard B. Woodward is a New York-based art critic who contributes regularly to the Wall Street Journal and New York Times. His journalism has appeared in numerous publications, from The Atlantic, Bookforum, Film Comment, The American Scholar, and The New Yorker to Vanity Fair, Interview, and Vogue. His essays on art and photography have been featured in more than 20 monographs and museum catalogues.

The editor

Reuel Golden graduated in politics from the University of Sussex, UK, and is the former editor of the British Journal of Photography. He has edited various titles for TASCHEN including The Rolling Stones, Her Majesty, Harry Benson: The Beatles, Age of Innocence: Football in the 1970s, and the New York and London editions of the Portrait of a City series.


О книге Andy Warhol. Polaroids

AndyWarhol. Polaroids – расскажет вам историю «Мгновенного» Andy, как его называли. До того, как появился современный Инстаграмм, «фото в моменте» делал Уорхол.

«Я хочу запомнить, где я был каждую минуту своей жизни. Вот зачем я снимаю. Это дневник воспоминаний», - так говорил известный фотограф.

Энди Уорхол

Энди Уорхолбыл не устающим летописцем своей жизни. Всегда носил с собой камеру Polaroids с конца 1950-х годов, и аж до смерти в 1987 году. Он собрал большую коллекцию быстрых фото друзей, влюбленных, меценатов, знаменитостей, неизвестных, художников, модельеров и конечно, себя.

Книга AndyWarhol. Polaroidsсоздана в тесном общении с фондом Энди Уорхола и имеет на свих страницах сотни фотографий, многие из которых никогда ранее не публиковались.Портреты таких известных личностей, как Мик Джаггер, Альфред Хичкок, Джек Николсон, Ив Сен

Лоран, Пеле, Дебби Гарри. Вместе со снимкамиближайшего окружения Уорхола и его публичной жизни. А также, пейзажи и натюрморты, от кукол из капусты, до легендарных суповых банок.

Фотографии Polaroids, часто сырые и импровизируемые вошли в историю, как эпоха Уорхола. Как сегодняшний Instagram захватывает нашу жизнь, эти фото – способ заглянуть в жизнь и мир великого маэстро поп-арта и гиганта модернизма.


Ричард Б. Вудворд - искусствовед из Нью-Йорка, регулярно вносящий вклад в Уолл-стрит

Журнал и Нью-Йорк Таймс. Его журналистские работы появлялись в многочисленных публикациях из Atlantic, Bookforum. Как комментарии к фильмам «Американский ученый» и «Ярмарка тщеславия» от NewYorker, в интервью в журнале Vogue. Его эссе об искусстве и фотографии были представлены в более чем 20 монографиях и музейных каталогах.


Руил Голден окончил политический факультет Университета Сассекса в Великобритании и является бывшим редактором Британского Журнала Фотографии. Он редактировал различные издания для TASCHEN, включая The Rolling Стоунс, Ее Величество, Гарри Бенсон: Битлз, Эпоха невинности: футбол в 1970-х годах, Нью-йоркские и лондонские издания серии «Портрет города».

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Paul Marechal
ID: 10560
Издательство: Prestel

Throughout his career, Andy Warhol easily crossed the boundaries between fine art and graphic design; in fact, he made no distinction between art and advertising.

Posters were a natural medium for this talented artist, and he was much in demand to promote some of the most renowned celebrities, causes, and brands of his time.

This richly illustrated book catalogs all of Warhol's posters commissioned for a specific purpose and features original artwork. Arranged chronologically, they present a fascinating array of subjects, including cultural events, musicians, political campaigns, and iconic brands. Each of the posters is exquisitely reproduced, including some with multiple variations, and accompanied by informative texts and comparative illustrations.

The author's introductory essay offers a brief history of poster art and contextualises Warhol's output against masters of the form such as Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec and Keith Haring. Seen in their entirety, these posters - bearing all the hallmarks of the artist's finest work - both reflect and reveal the cultural zeitgeist that drove Warhol's innovative practice.

Посмотреть избранные развороты книги Andy Warhol: The Complete commissioned Posters 1964-1987

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Magdalena Hausle, Michael Krapf
ID: 2735
Издательство: Hatje Cantz

On the two-hundredth anniversary of the death of an exceptional artist: an up-to-date and comprehensive monograph of the life and works of Angelica Kauffman.

In her day, Angelica Kauffman (1741–1807) was a star throughout all of Europe. Royalty, famous poets, and philosophers flocked to her to have their portraits painted. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe called her a “woman of immense talent” - he reserved the word genius for men, an attitude against which the artist fought her entire life. Her self-confidence helped her succeed in a male-dominated world.

In this monograph, close to 150 key works - including self-portraits, portraits, allegories, historical paintings, and religious depictions - impressively pay homage to the life and work of Angelica Kauffman. This publication focuses on her art in the context of her personal history and the places where she spent her cosmopolitan life. Using this approach, the authors also touch on the intriguing question of the relevance of this exceptional female artist today.

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Ruth Langenberg
ID: 9098
Издательство: Prestel

This gorgeous collection of 19th- and 20th-century art offers endearingly beautiful depictions of angels.

For centuries, artists have incorporated angels into their works. In the Symbolist movement of the late 19th century, these heavenly figures embodied a defiant stance against the materialism and scientific rationalism of that era. The Pre-Raphaelites and Art Nouveau artists especially embraced the angel as a romantic symbol of beauty, grace, and imagination. The masterpieces included in this volume feature angels in varying styles from an international spectrum of artists and movements. Starting with pre-Symbolist artists such as Delacroix, Blake, and Turner and featuring works by Gauguin, Burne-Jones, Kandinsky, and Chagall, the book traces the evolution of angelic depictions through the early 20th century. Evocative texts and poems celebrating angels in all forms are scattered throughout this elegant and inspirational collection.

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Julius Wiedemann (Editor)
ID: 1859
Издательство: Taschen
"For the person who gets a kick out of movies such as Shrek 2 and Finding Nemo, consider Animation Now!, a survey of 80 of the great cartoonists and animation studios worldwide, from Hollywood's Pixar, Walt Disney, and DreamWorks SKG, to decidedly higher-brow practitioners such as South African artist William Kentridge." - Business Week, New York
Just how do they do it? The artists behind the cartoons are the focus of this sweeping study that brings you everything you ever wanted to know about today`s best animation specialists. We`ve rounded up about 80 of the world`s most prominent artists/studios and arranged them from A to Z, including examples and descriptions of their work as well as biographies, filmographies, bibliographies, lists of awards received, and contact information. Profiles of the world`s best animation schools are also provided. 
The authors: Aida Queiroz, Cesar Coelho, Lea Zagury, and Marcos Magalhaes are the creators of "Anima Mundi", the Brazilian-based annual animation festival that draws more than 80,000 visitors every year from around the world.
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Christian Gasser
ID: 8900
Издательство: Benteli Verlag

Swiss animated film is currently in one of its most productive, ambitious and successful historical periods. Never before have so many films been made and never before have these films enjoyed such international success. At the centre of animation.ch are conversations with 20 film-makers who represent the variety and uniqueness of Swiss animated film - from short author films to children's productions, from television series to feature film projects, not to mention art and commercial productions. animation.ch explores the development of Swiss animated film over the last 20 years, examines current trends and looks at what's to come in the future.


- Preface by Prof. Dr. Gabriela Christen
- Introduction by Christian Gasser
- Soaring and Morphing!: Developments in and Prospects of the Swiss Animated Film
- Conversations: Georges Schwizgebel, Jonas Raeber, Yves Netzhammer, Ted Sieger and Sam & Fred Guillaume
- Lucerne Inbetweens by Prof. Jochen Ehmann
- Portraits: Anne Baillod, Claude Barras, François Chalet, Isabelle Favez, Adrian Flückiger, Maja Gehrig, Claudius Gentinetta, Zoltán Horváth, Jadwiga Kowalska, Claude Luyet, Dustin Rees, Izabela Rieben, Marina Rosset, Rafael Sommerhalder and Basil Vogt
- Assiduous Money Men and Hidden Wolves by Chritstian Gasser
- Applied and Commissioned Animated Film in Switzerland
- Glossary
- Bibliography

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Michel Franсois
ID: 5490
Издательство: Actar

Experienced gathers together 30 years of work by artist Ann Veronica Janssens. Released as the companion to her 2009 exhibition Are You Experienced, curated for the Espai d'Art Contemporani de Castelló, the book builds on that body of work, presenting more than 6000 images across some 500 pages. Packed with a variety of materials from the artist's personal archive, Experienced gives a panoramic view of Janssens' work and process. The book is published on the occasion of the exhibition by Ann Veronica Janssens at the EACC in Castello from March to April 2009.

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Janet Zapata, Carol Woolton
ID: 8808
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

Inspired by Chinese art and lore, Western art and music, and the natural world, Anna Hu’s imaginative, exquisitely designed and executed one-of-a kind pieces have catapulted her to the top of the jewelry firmament in a few short years. Her firm, Anna Hu Haute Joaillerie, has boutiques in New York and Shanghai, and the Musée des Arts Décoratifs in Paris has honoured her with an exhibition of her work.

This luxurious volume celebrates the completion of Anna Hu’s first 100 works, or ‘Opus 1’, as she calls the collection. Her ambitious goal is to produce an opus every five years until she has completed ten, for a total of 999 pieces, and no one who has seen her jewelry has any doubt that she will fulfil her dream.

The texts address various aspects of Anna Hu’s work, including the relationship between her jewelry and fashion, the impact that her passionate study of the cello has had on her jewelry design, and the remarkable gemstones that inspired her to make some of her most virtuosic pieces.

The pièces de résistance of the book are the pieces themselves, many of them exquisitely photographed by master jewelry photographer David Behl. Some are as intricate as Chinese embroidery, others are as ethereal as butterflies, and still others are reinterpretations of works of music and art, from Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata and Puccini’s Turandot to Monet’s Water Lilies and Van Gogh’s Irises.

In all, a Symphony of Jewels.

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Sarah Davis, Janet Zapata, François Curiel
ID: 17072
Издательство: Vendome Press

A dazzling look at the recent jewelry of Anna Hu, one of today’s most exciting designers

In this, the second volume of a projected multivolume series, jewelry designer Anna Hu presents a carefully curated selection of exceptional pieces created over the past five years. Born in Taiwan, Hu was trained as a concert cellist. After receiving degrees in jewelry design at New York’s FIT, the history of decorative arts at Parsons, and arts administration at Columbia University, she apprenticed at Christie’s jewelry department, Van Cleef & Arpels, and Harry Winston. In 2007, she opened Anna Hu Haute Joallerie, specializing in one-of-a-kind jewelry executed by French ateliers using the rarest stones in the world. In Symphony of Jewels: Opus 2, renowned jewelry historian Janet Zapata surveys the impressive trajectory of Hu’s career and looks to her future as one of the brightest diamonds in the world of contemporary fine jewelry design.

About the Author:

Sarah Davis is a jewelry historian, author, and editor for the American Society of Jewelry Historians. She was editor and a co-author of Jeweled Splendors of the Art Deco Era: The Prince and Princess Sadruddin Aga Khan Collection. Janet Zapata, a historian of jewelry and decorative arts, is the author or coauthor of numerous books, including Cartier in the 20th Century, The Jewels and Enamels of Louis Comfort Tiffany, and Seaman Schepps. François Curiel is chairman, Europe and Asia, Christie’s.

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Annie Leibovitz
ID: 7936
Издательство: Random House

The impulse to do AMERICAN MUSIC, writes famed photographer Annie Leibovitz, “came from a desire to return to my original subject and look at it with a mature eye. Bring my experience to it…make it a real American tapestry.” Her ambitious idea became AMERICAN MUSIC, a stunning collection of photographs of the musicians, places and people that enrich the landscape of American music.

As Rolling Stone’s chief photographer for over thirteen years, Leibovitz created a legendary body of work. Her portraits of some of the world’s most talented musicians capture more than the performer, they convey the art of making music. For AMERICAN MUSIC, Leibovitz traveled across the country to juke joints in the Mississippi Delta, honkytonks in Texas, and jazz clubs in New Orleans “to take pictures in places that mean something.” In her signature style, she shares stunning portraits of American greats -- B.B. King, Willie Nelson, Bonnie Raitt, Bruce Springsteen, Beck, Bob Dylan, Mary J. Blige, Jon Bon Jovi, Steve Earle, Ryan Adams, Miles Davis, Etta James, Pete Seeger, Emmylou Harris, Tom Waits, The Dixie Chicks, Dr. Dre, The Roots and many more.

AMERICAN MUSIC includes a commentary about the American Music project by Leibovitz, short essays by musicians Patti Smith, Rosanne Cash, Steve Earle, Mos Def, Ryan Adams, and Beck as well as biographical sketches of all the musicians.

About the Author:

Annie Leibovitz is one of the most influential photographers of our time. In 1970, she began creating what became her legendary work for Rolling Stone. Since the early 1980s, she has expanded her repertoire at Vanity Fair and Vogue and in independent projects. She is the recipient of many honors, including the International Center of Photography’s Lifetime Achievement Award and the Centenary Medal of the Royal Photographic Society.

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Christopher Brown
ID: 2287
Издательство: Rizzoli

In commemoration of the four hundredth anniversary of the birth of Anthony van Dyck, the great Flemish painter, a monumental collection of 250 reproductions of masterpieces by this genius also offers a comprehensive analysis of his work by respected scholars.

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Nerylla Taunton
ID: 8445
Издательство: ACC Art Books

This is a comprehensive study of needlework tools from the seventeenth century to the Edwardian era.

The book starts with the heavy silver needlework tools of the seventeenth century which are related to the raised and padded embroidery of that era now known as stumpwork. The more delicate embroidery tools of the Georgian era are grouped together with fine embroideries. Illustrations of Georgian sewing boxes and sewing sets show the wonderful varieties available to collectors.

Palais Royal sewing boxes and their superb mother-of-pearl contents, considered by collectors to be the ultimate sewing box, are illustrated as are the glorious carved ivory needlework tools that originated from the Dieppe region of France. The Victorian lady chose her sewing box, work table or sewing set from the extensive range available of which illustrated examples include tortoiseshell, papier mâché, Tunbridge ware and Mauchline ware. This was also the era of the sewing circle and hand-made needlework tools were created in abundant numbers, many surviving for today's collectors' market.

- Groups needlework tools into historic periods
- Relates them to the social scene and the styles of embroidery fashionable at that time
- Answers many questions posed by collectors of antique needlework tools
- Indispensable reference on the subject

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