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Jean-Marc Castera, Francoise Peuriot, Philippe Ploquin
ID: 9370
Издательство: ACR Edition

Cet ouvrage a pour objectif de faire mieux connaître l’art qui s’exprime dans l’habillage de l’architecture marocaine, en donnant à voir un grand nombre de réalisations mais aussi, et c’est là son originalité, en délivrant des clés pour une meilleure compréhension de l’arabesque géométrique et un accès facile à la pratique créative de l’art. Nous souhaitons ainsi contribuer à la diffusion d’un savoir rare et précieux élaboré par le travail obstiné de générations d’artistes anonymes. Après un rapide exposé historique destiné à cerner la spécificité de l’art islamique au Maroc, nous étudions les trois principales familles du décor dans l’architecture : la calligraphie, l’arabesque florale et, surtout, le décor géométrique qui fournit la matière la plus originale et approfondie du livre. L’exposé technique s’appuie sur le dessin - sans ou avec l’ordinateur - et est accompagné de nombreuses photographies prises dans les plus beaux sites (monuments, palais royaux, cités) du Maroc. Pour le plaisir des yeux... et de l’esprit.

This volume throws light upon an art expression to be found clad in the garments of Moroccan architecture. This work provides keys to the understanding of geometrical arabesques. This art of a rare and precious mastery was elaborated through the determined efforts of generations of anonymous artists. A brief historical survey defines the specificity of Islamic art in Morocco.

Three principal styles of decorative architecture are studied: calligraphy, floral arabesque, and geometrical arabesque. Illustrations and photographs of some of the most beautiful sites of Morocco (monuments, royal palaces and cities) are a pleasure for the eye.


Посмотреть англоязычное издание Arabesques: Decorative Art in Morocco

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Prisse d’Avennes
ID: 9618
Издательство: Dover

Here are 141 designs and motifs in authentic full color from classic 19th century work by noted French historian — a visual vocabulary of Islamic decorative art.

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Jon Udelson
ID: 5029
Издательство: Mark Batty Publisher

It’s no secret that tattoos have become a commonly accepted and popular form of self-expression; people young and old wear sleeves of ink, or little designs that peek out from the top of a waistband or the collar of a shirt. Over the past few years, however, a sub-genre of tattoos has emerged: Arabic tattoos.

Although Islam prohibits tattooing, Arabic Tattoos documents the reasons why people from the United States and Europe get these tattoos, ranging from names converted from Latin alphabets to Arabic, to bold words like “infidel” emblazoned on US soldiers returning to Iraq.

Jon Udelson, the book’s compiler, writes, “These tattoos signify more than the words and designs they showcase upon a person’s skin. They are representative of the this crucial point in modern time where cultural awareness, acceptance, and, unfortunately, fear, are salient aspects of global culture.”

Along with the photographs of these tattoos and the stories from their recipients, designers and inkers, essays from tattoo expert Clayton Patterson and Egyptian artist Hamdi Attia provide a thoughtful context for these tattoos.

The purpose of Arabic Tattoos is to illuminate questions like To whom does a language belong? and in doing so add to an ever expanding public discourse that involves philosophy, religion, politics and art, arriving at a higher understanding of this multi-cultural world in which we live.

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Sylvia Ferino-Pagden
ID: 6065
Издательство: Hatje Cantz

Überblick über das Gesamtwerk von Giuseppe Arcimboldo, der als Schöpfer fantastischer Porträts einer der extravagantesten und zugleich rätselhaftesten Maler der Kunstgeschichte ist.

Giuseppe Arcimboldo (1526–1593), der für seine verblüffenden Porträts gefeierte Künstler der italienischen Spätrenaissance, bleibt – der Bekanntheit seines Namens zum Trotz – bis heute geheimnisvoll. Sein Ruhm gründet sich vornehmlich auf seine einzigartige Serie von Jahreszeitenbildnissen, die aus Pflanzen und Früchten komponiert sind. Hoch verehrt im Leben, gerät Arcimboldo nach seinem Tod schnell in Vergessenheit, bis er im frühen 20. Jahrhundert als einer der Wegbereiter moderner Kunst wiederentdeckt wird.
Der Band erschließt die ganze Spannweite seines Schaffens einschließlich der weniger bekannten Facetten und ermöglicht – eingebettet in das kulturhistorische Umfeld der Zeit – ein vertieftes Verständnis seines Werkes: Neben den berühmten Komposit- und Umkehrköpfen werden etwa Arcimboldos künstlerische Anfänge in seiner Geburtsstadt Mailand und vor allem auch seine 25-jährige Tätigkeit als Hofmaler der Habsburger Kaiser Maximilian II. und Rudolf II. ausführlich beschrieben. Auch die Naturstudien Arcimboldos, die ebenfalls auf die ungewöhnliche Verknüpfung von Natur, Wissenschaft und Kunst in seinem Werk verweisen, werden vorgestellt.

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Author Paola Jacobbi, Photographs by Guido Taroni, Edited by Stefano Tonchi and Micaela Sessa
ID: 15655
Издательство: Rizzoli

Aria d’Italia is a Tod’s brand project that represents the Italy of the present and future through the faces and voices of young talents.

Aria d’Italia celebrates the contemporary Italian lifestyle and its values, highlighting talent and passion for quality in every aspect of life, from the culinary world to art, from social life to the loving care of traditions. The book demonstrates a harmony of action and thought that transcends nationality and can be embraced by all. As artist Costanza Chia, one of the people involved in this research, says, “There is poetry in doing things calmly and carefully: this is the warm Italian touch.”

Exploring eight keywords including Joy, Boldness, Passion, and Heritage, Aria d’Italia tells the personal and professional stories of young artists, entrepreneurs, and artisans who represent the heart of the Italian identity, motivated by an ongoing quest for beauty. These protagonists have been photographed by Guido Taroni in their homes and in the places that best represent their origins.

The title Aria d’Italia is inspired by the eponymous magazine published between 1939 and 1941 by collector Daria Guarnati, which brought together impressive collaborators such as Giò Ponti. With avant-garde taste, Guarnati enhanced Italy’s artistic heritage in all its expressions, from graphics to literature, art to design — and launched the concept of Italian style.

About the Author:

Paola Jacobbi is a journalist and writer who has worked as senior editor for Vanity Fair Italia. Guido Taroni is a photographer who has worked with major brands and important Italian and international publishing houses. Stefano Tonchi is a fashion journalist, author, and curator. He held the role of editor-in-chief of W, editor-in-chief of T: The New York Times Style Magazine, and fashion creative director for Esquire. He is currently Editorial Director of the Palm Beach based magazine Palmer. Micaela Sessa is a fashion stylist and consultant for fashion magazines and brands.

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Gabriella Uluhogian, Boghos Levon Zekiyan
ID: 8969
Издательство: Skira

Published for the celebrations of the fifth centenary of the printing of the first book in Armenian in Venice (1512), this volume offers a rich, fascinating chronological survey, presenting over 200 works from the leading museums and libraries of Armenia and Europe, and including some extremely rare manuscripts and miniatures (loaned exceptionally for the exhibition in Venice). Together, they document the great achievements of the Armenian civilisation in the spiritual, artistic, architectural, economic and intellectual sectors.

The ancient stelae with engraved cross, the miniatures with bright colours, the sacred architecture and precious reliquaries preserved for centuries at the Holy See of the Apostolic Armenian Church at Echmiadzin will lead the visitor in his discovery of the civilisation of this great people from the early days of Christianity to the end of the 19th century.

The book places a great emphasis on the long and fruitful contacts between the Armenians and other cultures in Europe and the Far East. In particular, it illustrates the special and centuries-old relationship with Venice through a series of historic documents, manuscripts and works of art, describing how the presence of the Armenians in the lagoon began and developed, and their political, economic and cultural contacts with the city. In the last section, thanks to a series of rare manuscripts, the book takes a look at Armenian science, theology, philosophy, historiography and literature. A special section is dedicated to Armenian printing, which dates back to 1512.

The finest editions from the presses dotted throughout the Armenian colonies around the world are presented here. In this special chapter, particular emphasis is accorded to the glorious Armenian printing tradition in Venice, which reached its greatest heights thanks to the hard work and enlightened dedication of the Mechitarist Fathers.

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Editors: R. Klanten, M. Hübner, A. Bieber, P. Alonzo, G. Jansen
ID: 7689
Издательство: Gestalten
Explores the current interrelationship between politics, art, and activism.

This book explores the current interrelationship between art, activism, and politics. It presents new visual concepts and commentaries that are being used to represent and communicate emotionally charged topics, thereby bringing them onto local political and social agendas in a way far more powerful than words alone. It looks at how art is not only reflecting and setting agendas, but also how it is influencing political reaction. Consequently, Art & Agenda is not only a perceptive documentation of current urban interventions, installations, performances, sculptures, and paintings by more than 100 young and established artists, but also points to future forms of political discourse.

More About This Book

Life has become significantly more political in the new millennium, especially in the aftermath of worldwide financial crisis. Art is both driving and documenting this upheaval. Increasingly, new visual concepts and commentaries are being used to represent and communicate emotionally charged topics, thereby bringing them onto local political and social agendas in a way far more powerful than words alone.

Art & Agenda explores the current interrelationship between politics, art, and activism. The book introduces a variety of artists who are advocating political and social reform on a local or a global scale. The personalities and approaches of the featured artists are as diverse as their subject matter - the artists’ goals, techniques, and degrees of radicalness depend on the cultures to which they belong as well as the social and political circles in which they move. Some of the younger artists featured in the book are fighting against poverty and for women’s rights. Others are working to rebuild Haitian communities in the wake of that country’s devastating earthquake. Still others are using mass communication to criticize transnational oil companies. While Latin American artists are expressing their powerlessness in the face of totalitarian governments, Chinese artists are commenting on the radical changes taking place in their country, calling for human rights and freedom, and an end to cronyism and environmental destruction.

The book looks at how art is not only reflecting and setting agendas, but also how it is influencing political reaction. Consequently, Art & Agenda is not only a perceptive documentation of current urban interventions, installations, performances, sculptures, and paintings, but also points to future forms of political discourse.

In addition to presenting the diverse work of more than 100 artists, the book features comprehensive and insightful texts by curators Pedro Alonzo, Alain Bieber, and Silke Krohn as well as by Gregor Jansen, the director of the Kunsthalle Düsseldorf.

Contributors include established artists such as Ai Weiwei, Elmgreen & Dragset, Fernando Bryce, Gregor Schneider, Hank Willis Thomas, Jennifer Karady, Jota Castro, Marina Abramovic, Maurizio Cattelan, Milica Tomic, Paul McCarthy, Santiago Sierra, William Kentridge, and Zhang Huan as well as newer talent such as Aram Bartholl, Brad Downey, JR, Shepard Fairey, Swoon, Voina Group, YesMen, and Ztohoven

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Richard T. Neer
ID: 8337
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

The clear chronological narrative is combined with a lively account of art and material culture, emphasizing the diversity and cosmopolitan character of the entire Greek world over two thousand years.

Comprehensive, up-to-date and balanced, the book integrates the archaeological evidence into its broader historical, cultural and social context, while the author suggests new ways of thinking about fundamental subjects, such as the relationship between art and politics and the evolution of style.

Well-known works are presented alongside less-familiar pieces, together with architecture, fortifications and settlement patterns, while recent discoveries are revealed, such as an astonishing Minoan-style bull-leaping fresco from Egypt; a spectacular marble sarcophagus from northwest Anatolia; a bronze statue of an athlete found in the sea off Croatia; and tomb paintings from ancient Macedonia.

A variety of themed boxes address illuminating topics and controversial issues, including looting; the connections between Homer’s poems and the archaeological record; and manufacturing techniques. Plentiful quotations from ancient texts provide first-hand testimonials from the Greek world, and numerous photographs, maps, plans and chronological charts support the text.

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Lan Nguyen-Grealis
ID: 11008
Издательство: Laurence King Publishing

Art & Makeup is a stunning showcase of work created by award-winning makeup artist, Lan Nguyen-Grealis. The looks created specially for the book are inspired by the worlds of art, sculpture, cinema and performance art – references include Picasso, Warhol, Marie Antoinette, Cleopatra, Mad Men and The Great Gatsby.

The book contains MORE THAN 200 beautiful images and includes photography from Rankin. Makeup is an art form, and, like all art forms, it has a basis in technique.

To complement the inspirational showcase imagery of the main part of the book, the second part features step-by-step deconstructions of the techniques used to create some of the looks. There is also an insider's guide to the industry, featuring tips and quotes from professionals ranging from renowned makeup artists and fashion designers to photographers and celebrity stylists.

About the Author:

Lan’s daring style and breathtaking technical ability has led her to work with legendary names including David Bailey, Rankin and countless A-list celebrities. She is currently the youngest Golden Mask Award Winner 2013 for Makeup Art and National Professional Makeup Awards Winner 2011 for Best Studio Makeup and Overall Winner.

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Catherine Lord and Richard Meyer
ID: 12823
Издательство: Phaidon

A revised, updated edition of the acclaimed historical overview of Queer art – available for the first time in paperback

Art & Queer Culture is an unprecedented survey of visual art and alternative sexuality from the late nineteenth century to the present. Beautifully illustrated and clearly written, this second edition has been updated to include art and visual culture of the current moment. A group of new contributors - themselves gay, lesbian, queer and trans - join the primary authors in emphasizing the global sweep of queer contemporary art and the newfound visibility of gender non-conforming artists. In a compact, reader-friendly format, this revised volume packs over 130 years of queer art histories.

About the Authors:

Catherine Lord is professor of studio art at the University of California, Irvine.

Richard Meyer is Robert and Ruth Halperin Professor in Art History at Stanford University.

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Eleanor Heartney
ID: 10441
Издательство: Phaidon

Art & Today surveys contemporary art from 1980 to today, discussing over 450 of the most important artists of the last 25 years

- An innovative, up-to-date and extensive survey of contemporary art since the 1980s, written by a respected critic
- Discusses and includes reproductions of works by the most important artists working today
- Organization of subject by unifying themes allows for interesting and original combinations of artists as well as fresh observations on popular works
- Lively, jargon-free, and authoritative writing makes the volume a perfect introduction to contemporary art for students in the field as well as professionals and non-professionals alike

Art & Today is an innovative and extensive survey of international contemporary art from the 1980s to the present. Over four hundred of the most significant contemporary artists from around the world are represented in this comprehensive overview - some emerging, some mid-career, and others long-established. Each of the book's sixteen chapters address recurring and relevant themes as diverse as "Art & Popular Culture," "Art & Its Institutions," and "Art & Globalism," rather than follow a strict chronological, geographical, or stylistic structure. Lively and up-to-date, Art & Today explores an era in which art defies simple categorization. The result is a surprising and original yet clear and reasoned perspective on contemporary art that breaks from prescribed classifications to offer a survey as expansive as the art it describes.

For instance, in the chapter "Art & the Body," one might find performance discussed alongside figurative painting, sculpture and photography alongside video, and North American artists alongside Asian artists. The chapter "Art and Globalism" discusses artists whose nationality, generation, and medium are as diverse as those of Alan Sekula, Michal Rovner, Cildo Meireles, Manuel Ocampo, Chen Zhen, and Andreas Gursky. Internationally renowned art critic and scholar, Eleanor Heartney is respected for her clear language and pragmatic approach to contemporary art. Her straightforward, engaging descriptions and explanations will appeal to both experts and newcomers alike, and will serve as an invaluable resource for years to come.

About the Author:

Eleanor Heartney has been a contributing editor to Art in America and Artpress for over 10 years, reviewing the most significant international art shows, biennials and documentas around the world. Her recent publications include Postmodernism and Critical Condition: American Culture at the Crossroads -- Collected Essays of Eleanor Heartney.

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Domenico Laurenza
ID: 8114
Издательство: Yale University Press

Known as the "century of anatomy," the 16th century in Italy saw an explosion of studies and treatises on the discipline. Medical science advanced at an unprecedented rate, and physicians published on anatomy as never before. Simultaneously, many of the period's most prominent artists—including Leonardo and Michelangelo in Florence, Raphael in Rome, and Rubens working in Italy—turned to the study of anatomy to inform their own drawings and sculptures, some by working directly with anatomists and helping to illustrate their discoveries. The result was a rich corpus of art objects detailing the workings of the human body with an accuracy never before attained.

Art and Anatomy in Renaissance Italy examines this crossroads between art and science, showing how the attempt to depict bone structure, musculature, and our inner workings—both in drawings and in three dimensions—constituted an important step forward in how the body was represented in art. While already remarkable at the time of their original publication, the anatomical drawings by 16th-century masters have even foreshadowed developments in anatomic studies in modern times.

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Dr. Dorothea Eimert
ID: 6802
Издательство: Parkstone

The global upheavals that took place over the course of the 20th century provoked an incredible metamorphosis of western art. The abundance of creative productivity during this century revolutionised the art world, breaking down barriers and resulting in an extraordinary proliferation of artistic currents. In this brilliant work, the author presents the essential disciplines and different artistic movements that accompanied the political, cultural, ideological, and social upheavals of the 20th century.

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Edited by Raphaela Platow and Lowery Stokes Sims, Contributions by Matthew Weseley
ID: 16385
Издательство: Rizzoli

The most comprehensive volume devoted to the life and work of pioneering African American artist Robert Colescott, accompanying the largest traveling exhibition of his work ever mounted.

Robert Colescott (1925-2009) was a trailblazing artist, whose august career was as unique as his singular artistic style. Known for figurative satirical paintings that exposed the ugly ironies of race in America from the 1970s through the late 1990s, his work was profoundly influential to the generations of artists that have followed him, such as Kara Walker, Kehinde Wiley, and Henry Taylor, among many others.

This volume surveys the entirety of Colescott's body of work, with contributions by more than ten curators and writers, including a substantive essay by the show's cocurator, the renowned Lowery Stokes Sims. It provides a detailed stylistic analysis of his politically inflected oeuvre, focusing on Colescott's own consideration of his work in the context of the grand traditions of European painting and contemporary polemic. In addition, the book features reminiscences and thought pieces by a variety of family, friends, students, curators, dealers, and scholars on his work as well as a selection of writings by the artist himself. Relying on previously unpublished transcripts of lectures, reviews, and archival materials provided by institutions and individuals, the book will provide a fuller story of the artist's life and career.

About the Authors:

Raphaela Platow is the Alice & Harris Weston Director and Chief Curator of the Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati. Lowery Stokes Sims is a dedicated advocate for diversity and inclusion in the art world. She is an independant curator after working for the Museum of Arts and Design, the Studio Museum in Harlem, and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Matthew Weseley is an independent art historian. He is currently working on an academic monograph on the work of Robert Colescott.


Пролистать книгу Art and Race Matters: The Career of Robert Colescott

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Louisa Guinness
ID: 16618
Издательство: ACC Art Books

Art as Jewellery is a visually stunning introduction to jewellery made by the titans of twentieth and twenty-first century art.

From Salvador Dalí, Man Ray, Alexander Calder and Pablo Picasso, through to Anish Kapoor, Damien Hirst and Grayson Perry, the great figures of modern art have all turned both thought and talent to jewellery. Often, they have eschewed the traditional jeweller’s preoccupation with material value and provenance, more concerned with the conceptual or aesthetic significance of their work. As is fitting for a book that covers a range of artists, every image is as striking as it is unique. By using contemporary pictures, Art as Jewellery develops a chronological timeline of jewellery presentation. Its pages are home to a stunning variety of design sketches and photographs. Some were shot by renowned 20th-century photographers, such as Ugo Mulas and Antonia Mulas, while others have been buried in archives for decades, unseen since the ’60s. In contrast, modern works have been given model treatment by top photographer Alexander English, making this book a glamorous blend of new and classic jewellery art.

Author Louisa Guinness, collector and gallery owner, provides insightful commentary on each artist and their work. Her input can be felt on a personal level; having worked alongside many of these artists as they developed their jewellery, she is in the perfect position to reveal the personal stories behind these pieces’ creation. Full-page colour photographs and sketches, some showing the artist at work in the studio, or with their muse, accompany each profile. Louisa also explores each artist in the context of the genre’s evolution, looking at the key exhibitions that have shaped the interest of artists and collectors.

This book will be of interest to jewellery and art lovers alike. Contents: Introduction What is Art as Jewellery Foreword Artists (more than 50 are covered, including Alexander Calder, Salvador Dalì, Man ray, Pablo Picasso, Louise Nevelson, Max Ernst and Corneille) Exhibitions

_Includes an introduction by Vivienne Becker, an award-winning jewellery writer, and a contribution from Julia Peyton Jones, previous director of the Serpentine Gallery, London
_A marvellous array of images, from archived photographs and sketches that have not been seen since the '60s, and the work of 20th-century photographers such as Ugo Mulas and Antonia Mulas, to modern shoots by Alexander English

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