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Volkmar Essers
ID: 9421
Издательство: Taschen

The Fauvist. Brilliant colour, simple forms, and purity of expression are the hallmarks of  Matisse's work

Henri Matisse (1869-1954) is known not only as one of the most important French painters of the 20th century but also as co-founder and leading exponent of Fauvism. His work reflects an ongoing quest for the expressive power of pure, brilliant colours and simple forms; as a result, the realistic presentation of nature often retires to a secondary position.

For Matisse, color did not serve as a tool for the expression of subjective feelings, but rather became the equivalent of light itself: it functioned as a pure medium in the creation of an autonomous pictorial space: "Out of my fruitful work with discovered tones there must emerge a vital colour harmony, a harmony that is analogous to a musical composition."

As a creative artist, Matisse was not only a painter but also experimented with other materials: he produced glass windows and theater designs and created significant sculptures in bronze, ceramic and clay. In old age, confined to a wheelchair, he created collages with coloured paper, glue, and scissors: his famed gouache cut-outs.

About the Series:

Every book in TASCHEN's Basic Art Series features:

- a detailed chronological summary of the artist's life and work, covering the cultural and historical importance of the artist
- approximately 100 colour illustrations with explanatory captions
- a concise biography

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Volkmar Essers
ID: 9968
Издательство: Taschen

A color harmony that is analogous to a musical composition

Henri Matisse (1869-1954) is known not only as one of the most important French painters of the 20th century but also as co-founder and leading exponent of Fauvism. His work reflects an ongoing quest for the expressive power of pure, brilliant colors and simple forms; as a result, the realistic presentation of nature often retires to a secondary position.

For Matisse, color did not serve as a tool for the expression of subjective feelings, but rather became the equivalent of light itself: it functioned as a pure medium in the creation of an autonomous pictorial space: "Out of my fruitful work with discovered tones there must emerge a vital color harmony, a harmony that is analogous to a musical composition."

As a creative artist, Matisse was not only a painter, but also experimented with other materials: he produced glass windows and theatre designs and created significant sculptures in bronze, ceramic and clay. In old age, confined to a wheelchair, he created collages with coloured paper, glue, and scissors: his famed gouache cut-outs.

About the Series:

Each book in TASCHEN’s Basic Art Series  features:

- a detailed chronological summary of the life and oeuvre of the artist, covering his or her cultural and historical importance
- a concise biography
- approximately 100 colour illustrations with explanatory captions

The author:

Volkmar Essers, born in 1944, studied art history, archaeology, and German in Bonn, Munich and Berlin. In 1972 he earned his doctorate with a work on the sculptor Johann Friedrich Drake. For many years, he has been the curator for the Art Collection of North Rhine-Westphalia, where he organized exhibitions of Paul Klee, Pablo Picasso, Max Ernst, Jackson Pollock and other artists. Essers has also published numerous essays and books on art of the 19th and 20th centuries.

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Volkmar Essers
ID: 12364
Издательство: Taschen

Le Bonheur de Vivre. The vital colors and shapes of a modernist master

The work of Henri Matisse (1869 - 1954) reflects an ongoing belief in the power of brilliant colors and simple forms. Though famed in particular for his paintings, Matisse also worked with drawing, sculpture, lithography, stained glass, and collage, developing his unique cut-out medium when old age left him unable to stand and paint.

Matisse's subjects were often conventional: nudes, portraits, and figures in landscapes, Oriental scenes, and interior views, but in his handling of bold color and fluid draftsmanship, he secured his place as a 20th-century master. It was Matisse's palette that particularly thrilled the modern imagination. With vivid blue, amethyst purple, egg-yolk yellow, and many shades beyond he liberated his work from a meticulous representation of reality and sought instead a vital harmony, often referring to music as an inspiration or analogy for his work.

From vast patterned panels to simple and tender portraits, this book introduces the full reach and creativity of Matisse's career, spanning his early work within the Fauvism movement right through to his latter-year projects such as Jazz and the Chapelle du Rosaire in Vence.

About the series:

Each book in TASCHEN's Basic Art series features:

- a detailed chronological summary of the life and oeuvre of the artist, covering his or her cultural and historical importance
- a concise biography
- approximately 100 illustrations with explanatory captions

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Gilles Neret
ID: 3117
Издательство: Taschen

The search for balance, purity and serenity. An indispensable survey about a lodestar of modern art

The extraordinary significance of the painter and sculptor Henri Matisse in the history of modern art, but also his influence, was no less decisive than that of his main rival, Pablo Picasso. In fact, Matisse's stylistic liberation actually goes one step further in the pursuit of his own personal goal — the perfect synthesis of line and color — by which he sought revolutionary approaches to the great tradition of French painting by drawing upon its classical aspects.

For those who wish to know more about this lodestar of modern art and follow the adventurous path of his creative career, this publication is surely the most comprehensive and informative source available. Lavishly illustrated, its authoritative commentaries trace the artist's search for balance, purity and serenity, from the chromatic brilliance of his Fauve period, through his travels, the Orient, geometric synthesis (it was he who introduced Picasso to African art by giving him his first mask), and the odalisques to the final triumph when, at the age of eighty, he invented his gouache cut-outs that culminated in his illustrations for Jazz and allowed him to achieve his goal of sculpting in paint just as a sculptor works in stone.

Matisse is widely acknowledged as an artist whose canvases are extremely difficult to reproduce in print. With this in mind, each work presented here has been painstakingly compared with the respective original, in close collaboration with the artist's grandson, Claude Duthuit. The bard of color deserves no less.

The author:

Xavier-Gilles Néret is a teacher of Philosophy in the region of Paris. Like his father Gilles Néret he is passionate about philosophy, as well as poetry and art. He has been working on the figures who unite these disciplines, notably Stéphane Mallarmé. He is also interested in less known figures such as the poet Claude Tarnaud or the artists Barnard Saby and Pascal Doury, on which he has published books and articles.

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Werner Spies, Iris Müller-Westermann, Kirsten Degel (Editors)
ID: 4946
Издательство: Hatje Cantz

288 illustrations in color

Max Ernst (1891–1976) is one of the most significant and influential artists of the twentieth century. Influenced by two world wars, he repeatedly questioned and adjusted his repertoire of expression throughout his entire career and reflected on the potentials of art with vast inventiveness. His complex pictorial worlds now seem more relevant than ever before: a younger audience will be able to discover links between Ernst’s fantasy worlds and their own travels to the cyber worlds of modern computer games.
This publication considers Max Ernst’s revolutionary life’s work from a new perspective. It examines in detail his Dada years in Cologne, his residence in France from 1921 to 1941 and his importance amid the Parisian Surrealists, the decade in American exile, and the period after his return to Europe until his death. In-depth contributions by authorities on Ernst focus on central aspects of his oeuvre, for example his experimental techniques, his mysterious collage novels, as well as his fantastical sculptural works.

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Nikolai Grube
ID: 9146
Издательство: Ullmann

Sunken cities in the jungle and towering temple pyramids reflect only a small portion of our knowledge about Mayan culture. This fascinating people achieved the landmarks of an advanced civilization — such as a highly developed writing system and densely populated cities — in the classical period (AD 300-600), earning them a place among the greatest civilizations in the world. However, this period represents just one phase in the history of the Mayan culture, which extends over thousands of years. Our knowledge of Mayan life has increased dramatically in recent decades. As a result, specialists from a wide range of disciplines have contributed to this book in order to represent all of the latest research on the Maya.
The contributions included in this magnificent volume range from the origins of Mayan culture all the way to modernity, giving insight into everyday life and religion as well as the artistic accomplishments and intellectualabilities of this important culture.

Prof. Nicolai Grube, born in 1962 in Bonn, Germany, studied ancient American languages and cultures and ethnology at the University of Hamburg. He earned his doctorate in 1989 with a thesis on “The Development of Mayan Writing”. His publications primarily address the history of dynasties and the political structures and writing system of the Mayans.


• Essays on every aspect of the Mayan world, from architecture and art to achievements in fields such as writing, books, astronomy and mathematics, politics and religion
• Overview of historic Mayan cities and selected collections and museums
• Extensive glossary

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Carol Belanger Grafton
ID: 3382
Издательство: Dover
Rich archive includes over 700 clear, finely detailed authentic medieval vignettes depicting domestic scenes, farming, hunting and fishing, winemaking, eating and drinking, landscapes, maritime, military, recreations (including tournaments), punishments, religious scenes and more. Royalty-free vignettes ideal for ads, catalogs, newsletters, etc. 8 plates in full color.
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Gisela Jahn
ID: 1968
Издательство: Arnoldsche

300 illustrations in colour, 180 signatures.

Pressure exerted by America in 1854 caused Japan to open its doors after 260 years of isolation. Virtually uninhibited receptiveness to everything Western was the driving force behind the modernisation of Japan initiated by the Meiji government yet it also induced a rapid rediscovery of indigenous cultural values. At early Paris and London international exhibitions, the Japanese decorative and applied arts sparked off the Western fascination with all things Japanese – japonisme. In Japan, on the other hand, new technologies were eagerly adopted – the government realised that increasing production for export would be an excellent means of promoting Japanese economic growth and thus enhancing Japan’s status worldwide.

 The present publication represents the first detailed survey of the development of Japanese export porcelain against a highly charged background of political, economic and cultural factors. Stylistic development in Japanese ceramics did not mean one-sided Westernisation; instead, inspiration went both ways, most notably in the impact made by Japanese art on Art Nouveau/Jugendstil and, ultimately, the Japanese aesthetic response to it.

This is the first complete survey of Japanese export porcelain from the Meiji era to be published in English – a benchmark standard work for specialists and an insider tip for lovers of porcelain and anyone interested in Art Nouveau and Japan.

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Michael Koch
ID: 5998
Издательство: Arnoldsche

Kostbar veredelte Glasgefäße von Emile Gallé, Daum Frères und Louis Comfort Tiffany, subtil dekorierte Erzeugnisse der berühmten Porzellanmanufakturen Rozenburg, Kopenhagen, Nymphenburg und Meissen, neben reich mit Blütendekor geschmückten Haarkämmen und anderen extravaganten Schmuckstücken der Pariser Juweliere um René Lalique, bis zu individuell gestalteten Möbeln von August Endell, Richard Riemerschmid und Henry van de Velde: Wer sich als Besucher in die Sammlung des Bayerischen Nationalmuseums München begibt, der wandelt durch die faszinierend vielfältige Zeit des Jugendstils.

Diese Sammlung zählt zu den herausragenden deutschen Museumsbeständen mit Meisterwerken des Jugendstils. Den Kern bilden die über Jahrzehnte mit hoher Kennerschaft zusammengetragenen Sammlungen Professor Dr. Siegfried Wichmanns und Herzog Franz von Bayern, die seit 1983 für das Münchner Museum erworben wurden. Aus dem mehr als 500 Einzelobjekte umfassenden Bestand führt die reich bebilderte Publikation dem Leser rund 150 der schönsten und bedeutendsten Werke mit fundierten Texten und brillanten Abbildungen vor Augen.

Dem Charakter der Sammlung entsprechend, spiegelt die Publikation das breite Spektrum der internationalen Jugendstilbewegung mit Arbeiten erstrangiger Künstler und mit Beispielen aus nahezu allen Materialgattungen wider.

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Carroll Dunham, Allison N. Kemmerer, Nancy Princenthal, Terrie Sultan, Adam D. Weinberg
ID: 16225
Издательство: Rizzoli

Spanning the entirety of the artist's career, Mel Kendrick: Seeing Things in Things charts the singular trajectory of one of the country's most adventurous sculptors.

With more than 100 works representing four decades, this is the definitive monograph on abstract sculptor Mel Kendrick, who first emerged in 1970s New York, where he studied with legends Tony Smith and Robert Morris. At a time when Minimal and Conceptual art dominated, Kendrick forged his own path, embarking on a career-long series of provocative investigations into the fundamentals and possibilities of sculpture, his restless experimentations with form, scale, and materiality realized in wood, rubber, cast paper, or concrete. Essays by Nancy Princenthal, Allison N. Kemmerer, Terrie Sultan, and Adam D. Weinberg, and a conversation between Kendrick and fellow artist Carroll Dunham provide fascinating perspective on forty years of art making in the aftermath of Minimalism.

About the Author:

Carroll Dunham is an American painter and close friend of Kendrick. Allison N. Kemmerer is Interim Director and Mead Curator of Photography and Senior Curator of Contemporary Art, Addison Gallery of American Art. Nancy Princenthal is a New York-based writer for publications including Art in America and the New York Times. Terrie Sultan is director of the Parrish Art Museum. Adam D. Weinberg is the Alice Pratt Brown Director of the Whitney Museum of American Art.

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Otto Letze
ID: 5292
Издательство: Hatje Cantz

This retrospective monograph unites Mel Ramos’s drawings, paintings, and sculptures.

Mel Ramos (*1935 in Sacramento, California), one of the most significant figures of Pop Art, borrows motifs from the mass media and commercial advertisements for his work, just as his contemporaries Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein did. To create his paintings, he combines a wide variety of consumer goods with immaculate, self-confident, and frequently naked women. Drawing upon the imagery in pinup magazines of the fifties and sixties and the lifestyle magazines of today, he portrays his female figures wrapped lasciviously around the products with which he pairs them.

This publication offers a survey of Ramos’s production over the last fifty years, ranging from the first self-portrait he executed in 1959 to his most recent three-dimensional works. On the occasion of the artist’s first large-scale museum retrospective in Europe as well as his seventy-fifth birthday, this volume presents several insightful essays and illustrations of around ninety works drawn from the various series Ramos has produced, including his earliest figurative paintings, his depictions of comic-book heroes and heroines, the Fashion and Animal Paintings, his famous pinup girls, his tributes to art history, his landscapes, and his sketches and recent sculptures.

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Risa Levitt
ID: 13108
Издательство: Hirmer

Bringing together two communities with a shared history of statelessness, Ukrainian Jewish Journey focuses on the cultural similarities of the two groups while delving into the complex and difficult histories of both populations over the last two hundred years. Despite their points of interconnectedness, the interactions between the two groups have been historically complex.

The book examines the history of Ukrainian-Jewish interactions by highlighting encounters in daily life, in cultural contexts, and in episodes of violence. It explores the ways in which the Jewish and non-Jewish peoples of present-day Ukraine have sought to define their identities while also remaining rooted in their own unique traditions. Featuring one hundred colour images and with new research, the book is a focused exploration of universal issues of cultural memory, national and individual identity, and the cultural implications of encounter.

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Karina Longworth
ID: 11306
Издательство: Phaidon

The ‘Anatomy of an Actor’ series takes ten roles by a single actor, each studied in a dedicated chapter, and identifies the key elements that made the performances exceptional – carefully examining the actor’s craft for both a professional audience and movie fans alike.

This new title explores the career of Meryl Streep (b.1949). One of the most talented actresses of her generation, Streep provides a high benchmark by which others are measured.

In films as diverse as The Deer Hunter (1978), Kramer vs. Kramer (1979), Mamma Mia (2008) and her Oscar-winning turn as Margaret Thatcher in The Iron Lady (2010), Streep has never failed to astound audiences with her ability to fully inhabit her characters.

An accessible text combines both a narrative and analytical dimension and is illustrated by 300 film stills, set photographs and film sequences.

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ID: 7561
Издательство: Frechmann Kolon

Satanism, skulls and distortion? Indeed, but much much more. Currently, some of the best international artists have broken the boundaries of metal and hardcore and reached new heights with work for bands such as Mastodon, The Dillinger Escape Plan, Baroness, Converge and Slayer. This impressive and monumental book, the first graphic anthology of metal and hardcore ever published, compiles more than 2000 illustrations, photographs and design applied to the covers of CDs, logos, t-shirts and posters.

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Jinks McGrath
ID: 15272
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

Combines tutorials, inspirational galleries, extensive cross-referencing and advice in metal jewelry-making

With its comprehensive combination of tutorials, inspirational galleries, extensive cross-referencing and advice, Metalsmithing for Jewelry Makers is an authoritative reference that is guaranteed to appeal to professionals and amateurs alike.

Thanks to the popularity of workshops and classes, metal jewelry-making is no longer the exclusive realm of professional jewelry designers. Now, with a little patience and the right instruction – and this book – anyone can learn to create beautiful jewelry with metalsmithing techniques.

This book is one of the most comprehensive volumes on metal jewelry-making available. Freshly commissioned, full-colour photographs accompany detailed step-by-step tutorials, while comprehensive sidebars detail the relevant considerations for applying each technique to a variety of different metals, with cross-references where applicable.

The book also includes profiles of contemporary practitioners, providing readers with an understanding of a wide range of different working methods, materials and developing techniques.

About the Author:

Jinks McGrath is a designer and jewelry maker living in East Sussex, UK. Her work has been inspired by a number of visits to India, Thailand, and Africa where she has watched and worked alongside local craftspeople. Jinks trained at the Berkshire College of Art and Design and is the author of several books including The Encyclopedia of Jewelry Making Techniques and Jewelry Making: A Complete Course for Beginners.

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