История искусства

Книги по истории искусства

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ID: 3140
Издательство: Grange Books

This book has over 300 stunning photographs covering the late 1880's to the early 1900's. It features buildings, furniture, metalwork, jewellery, glass etc

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Michael Robinson
ID: 12452
Издательство: Flame Tree Publishing

Part of a new series of beautiful gift art books, Art Nouveau Posters is as vivacious and optimistic as the period from which it derives its power to appeal, the Fin de Siècle. 

Combining advertising and art, by artists such as Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, Alphonse Mucha and Jules Chéret, these beautiful posters offer an intriguing view of a society reveling in its new-found sophistication. 

With a fresh and thoughtful introduction to the movement and its posters, the book goes on to showcase the key works in all their glory.

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Victor Arwas
ID: 543
Издательство: Papadakis
Rarely has a subject been served by a book of this stature. Five years in the making, it covers all aspects of Art Nouveau in France in 624 authoritative pages and 740 illustrations, mostly in colour. Arwas traces the evolution of the movement as it developed, primarily in Nancy and Paris, with the help of carefully chosen illustrations, many never published before. Ranging from the 1900 Paris Exhibition to Paintings, Graphics and Posters and such collecting fields as Furniture, Jewellery, Glass, Ceramics, Book Bindings and Sculpture, the informative, witty text ranges over Architecture, Haute Couture, and the role of Women in Art Nouveau with a particular look at such Theatrical Ikons as Sarah Bernhardt, Loïe Fuller and the Grandes Horizontales. Art Nouveau achieved its national and international diffusion when it reached Paris, taking its name from the Parisian gallery of Siegfried Bing. The Metro entrances and buildings of Hector Guimard are still witness to its brief but extraordinary heyday in the capital, where the concentrated vituperation with which it was greeted helped propagate it as critics, aesthetes and the purchasing public took opposing sides. Reproduced here are rare examples of the great glass of Gallée and Daum; the stunning jewellery of Lalique, Vever and Fouquet; breathtakingly beautiful bronzes; complex polychrome ceramics; magnificent posters, decorative panels and paintings by Mucha, Berthon and Grasset; and book bindings, silver, pewter, walking sticks, and many other collectible objects that bring to life one of the most creative and exciting periods in the history of design. Destined to become the standard book on the subject, both content and design will appeal widely to the connoisseur, the specialist and the collector as well as to the novice who will be introduced to the magical wonders of the style. Detailed biographies of the artists featured, translations of contemporary texts and the bibliography lead to a full understanding of the period.

About the Author
Victor Arwas is an acknowledged authority on the fine and decorative arts of the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries. In over twenty published books he has explored aspects of various movements, and written exhibition catalogues and monographs on individual artists and groups. Several of his books are the standard works on their subject. He is a lifelong collector of paintings, graphics, books, sculpture and objets d'art, and has exhibited and promoted exhibitions at his Editions Graphiques gallery in London as well as in Japan and the United States. He lectures and broadcasts widely.

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ID: 6181
Издательство: Slovart

В конце XIX – начале XX века движение Арт Нуво привнесло в Европу и США жизненную энергию возрождения искусства и культуры. Этот стиль объединил самые разные имена и направления по всей Европе: в Австрии (стиль «сецессион»), Германии («югендстиль»), Нидерландах («Nieuwe Kunst»), Испании («модернизмо»), Англии и Шотландии («модерн стайл»), Франции и Бельгии (Арт Нуво), Италии (стиль «либерти» или «флореале»). Это повсеместно распространившаяся международная тенденция проникла во все аспекты искусства, от живописи и графики до рекламных плакатов, получив наиболее впечатляющее выражение в архитектуре, дизайне интерьеров и декоративном искусстве. Арт Нуво зародилось в качестве ответа академическому искусству, эклектизму и развитию промышленного производства. Многие приверженцы стиля Арт Нуво, включая Ван де Вельде, Тиффани, Климта, Орта, Бердсли, Гимара и Макинтоша, черпали вдохновение в плавных, элегантных и динамичных линиях и очертаниях цветов, растений и женских тел, включая эти природные формы в свои произведения. В то же самое время они исследовали возможности промышленного дизайна. С помощью таких материалов, как железо, стекло и цемент они пытались добиться естественной гармонии зданий, украшений и предметов мебели. Новаторский подход Арт Нуво пропагандировался посредством журналов, выставок и конференций.

Другие книги серии Visual Encyclopedia of Art:

20th Century Art. Искусство XX века

Baroque. Барокко

Renaissance. Ренессанс

Islam: Visual Encyclopedia of Art

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Julian Beecroft
ID: 12454
Издательство: Flame Tree Publishing

Founded in the 1880s as a response to the art world’s elitist obsession with painted and sculptural arts, ‘New Art’ quickly found enthusiastic support. 

Art Nouveau combined a desire for the complete reflection of art through craft and design, with the flowing lines of nature and Japonisme. 

It remains hugely popular, with the ever-present work of Mucha, Klimt, Toulouse-Lautrec and Mackintosh.

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Hans Werner Holzwarth (Editor)
ID: 3550
Издательство: Taschen
Want a head start on the things you'll be seeing in art institutions a decade down the road? It's all in here, the very latest of the very best—and so fresh you can feel its pulse. A to Z magazine-style entries include captivating images of important recent work, short biographies, exhibition history and bibliographical information. The illustrated appendix features names and contact information for the galleries representing the artists featured, as well as primary market prices and examples of auction results. Think of this tome as a global go-round of the world's most influential galleries: a truly invaluable, invigorating, and intense experience.

Tomma Abts, Franz Ackermann, Ai Weiwei, Doug Aitken, Haluk Akakçe, Allora & Calzadilla, Darren Almond, Pawel Althamer, David Altmejd, Hope Atherton, Banksy, Matthew Barney, Tim Berresheim, Cosima von Bonin, Monica Bonvicini, Cecily Brown, Glenn Brown, André Butzer, Cai Guo-Qiang, Maurizio Cattelan, Mat Collishaw, George Condo, Martin Creed, John Currin, Aaron Curry, Enrico David, Tacita Dean, Thomas Demand, Rineke Dijkstra, Nathalie Djurberg, Peter Doig, Marlene Dumas, Marcel Dzama, Martin Eder, Olafur Eliasson, Elmgreen & Dragset, Tracey Emin, Urs Fischer, Günther Förg, Walton Ford, Tom Friedman, Ellen Gallagher, Isa Genzken, Luis Gispert, Robert Gober, Douglas Gordon, Mark Grotjahn, Subodh Gupta, Andreas Gursky, Wade Guyton, Daniel Guzmán, Rachel Harrison, Mona Hatoum, Eberhard Havekost, Richard Hawkins, Jonathan Hernández, Arturo Herrera, Charline von Heyl, Thomas Hirschhorn, Damien Hirst, Andreas Hofer, Thomas Houseago, Huang Yong Ping, Pierre Huyghe, Mike Kelley, Terence Koh, Jeff Koons, Dr. Lakra, Ulrich Lamsfuß, Won Ju Lim, Vera Lutter, Marepe, Paul McCarthy, Josephine Meckseper, Jonathan Meese, Beatriz Milhazes, Sarah Morris, Ron Mueck, Takashi Murakami, Wangechi Mutu, Ernesto Neto, Frank Nitsche, Tim Noble & Sue Webster, Albert Oehlen, Chris Ofili, Paulina Olowska, Gabriel Orozco, Jorge Pardo, Manfred Pernice, Raymond Pettibon, Elizabeth Peyton, Richard Phillips, Richard Prince, Neo Rauch, Tobias Rehberger, Anselm Reyle, Daniel Richter, Thomas Ruff, Anri Sala, Wilhelm Sasnal, Matthias Schaufler, Thomas Scheibitz, Gregor Schneider, Raqib Shaw, Cindy Sherman, Santiago Sierra, Dash Snow, Rudolf Stingel, Thomas Struth, Mickalene Thomas, Wolfgang Tillmans, Rirkrit Tiravanija, Gert & Uwe Tobias, Fred Tomaselli, Janaina Tschäpe, Luc Tuymans, Piotr Uklan´ski, Francesco Vezzoli, Kara Walker, Jeff Wall, Rebecca Warren, Marnie Weber, Franz West, Pae White, Kehinde Wiley, Jonas Wood, Christopher Wool, Erwin Wurm, Xu Zhen, Yang Fudong, Toby Ziegler, Thomas Zip.
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Uta Grosenick (Editor)
ID: 3575
Издательство: Taschen
Unless you regularly trawl the Chelsea galleries, hang out at the Tate Modern, peruse the Pompidou, attend every Biennale, and religiously read Artforum, you could likely use a primer on the art scene in the world today. Fortunately we've created our second Art Now volume to keep art fans abreast of the latest trends and hottest names. Not only will you discover the most important artists in the international art market, you'll also learn how the art scene has changed dramatically in recent years - notably with a return to figurative painting and an increase in political topics. Featuring over 135 artists in A-Z entries, plus a special section about gallery representation and current market prices, Art Now Vol. 2 is the guide to what's happening and who's who in contemporary art.

A-Z artist entries include:
• short biography
• exhibition history and bibliographical information
• images of important recent work
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Valentina Gorbatcheva, Marina Federova
ID: 5553
Издательство: Parkstone

This book deals with the peoples and traditions of Siberia. It will interest a wide range of people as it is a book on art, sociology and history.
Documents discovered recently in the hidden backrooms of St Petersburg’s Ethnological Museum have proved to be of sensational importance. In this book, the contents of these documents are reinterpreted and published for the first time. The authors brilliantly convey their enthusiastic admiration for the peoples who have so successfully and for so long contended against both a hostile environment and political dominance.

The Author
Valentina Gorbatcheva and Marina Federova are researchers in the St Petersburg Ethnological Museum and have traveled extensively in Siberia.

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Karl Ruhrberg, Manfred Schneckenburger, Christiane Fricke
ID: 9384
Издательство: Taschen

The century that changed art forever. The quintessential roundup of art from 1900-2000

Who could possibly have forecast on New Year’s Eve 1899 that, one hundred years later, painting and sculpture would be only options, not prerequisites? The term "art" has been defined and redefined so many times over the last 100 years that it has gained entirely new social, political, and technological meanings.

Ranging across the full spectrum of disciplines available, including photography and new media, and thematically chaptered to highlight relationships between works and movements, this readable and encyclopedic masterwork does just what it says on the cover.

Whether you want Surrealism or Land Art, Fluxus or Bauhaus, this is your be-all, end-all guide to the art of the 20th century. An undertaking as immensely ambitious as this one deserves to be owned by everyone.

Искусство ХХ века. От Климта к Джеффу Куну, и те кто между, - все они здесь! 

Кто бы мог представить в канун Нового, 1899 года, что столетие спустя, живопись и скульптура будут всего лишь возможным, а не необходимым условием для объекта, считающегося искусством. Сам термин "искусство" был определен и переопределялся столько раз за последние сто лет, что приобрел новые социальные, политические и технологические значения. Построенная на полном спектре видов искусства включая фотографию и новое медиа искусство и тематически разделенная на части, чтобы показать связь между работами и направлениями, эта легкая для прочтения, и все же энциклопедическая книга значит именно то, что на ней написано, и что бы вы ни хотели найти - сюрреализм или лэнд арт, Флуксус или Баухаз - это ваш путеводитель по искусству ХХ века.

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Walther F. Ingo
ID: 1378
Издательство: Taschen

Искусство ХХ века.

От Климта к Джеффу Куну, и те кто между, - все они здесь!
Кто бы мог представить в канун Нового, 1899 года, что столетие спустя, живопись и скульптура будут всего лишь возможным, а не необходимым условием для объекта, считающегося искусством. Сам термин "искусство" был определен и переопределялся столько раз за последние сто лет, что приобрел новые социальные, политические и технологические значения. Построенная на полном спектре видов искусства включая фотографию и новое медиа искусство и тематически разделенная на части, чтобы показать связь между работами и направлениями, эта легкая для прочтения, и все же энциклопедическая книга значит именно то, что на ней написано, и что бы вы ни хотели найти - сюрреализм или лэнд арт, Флуксус или Баухаз - это ваш путеводитель по искусству ХХ века.

Who could possibly have forecast on New Year's Eve 1899 that, one hundred years later, painting and sculpture would be only options, not prerequisites? The term "art" has been defined and redefined so many times over the last 100 years that it has gained entirely new social, political, and technological meanings.

Ranging across the full spectrum of disciplines available, including photography and new media, and thematically chaptered to highlight relationships between works and movements, this readable and encyclopaedic masterwork does just what it says on the cover. Whether you want Surrealism or Land Art, Fluxus or Bauhaus, this is your be-all, end-all guide to art of the 20th century.

An undertaking as immensely ambitious as this one deserves to be owned by everyone, which is why we decided to make a special, more compact edition of this two-volume classic in celebration of our 25th anniversary.

About the author:
Klaus Honnef is honorary professor of photography theory at the Kassel Art Academy. He was one of the organizers of documenta 5 and documenta 6 in Kassel, and has been the curator of more than 500 exhibitions in Germany and abroad. He has written numerous books, including TASCHEN’s Contemporary Art (1988), Andy Warhol (1989), and Pop Art (2004).

About the editor:
Ingo F. Walther (1940-2007) was born in Berlin and studied medieval studies, literature, and art history in Frankfurt am Main and Munich. He has published numerous books on the art of the Middle Ages and of the 19th and 20th centuries. Walther's many titles for TASCHEN include Picasso, Art of the 20th Century, and Codices Illustres.

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Valerio Terraroli
ID: 11947
Издательство: Skira

In a new exclusive slipcase, the prestigious four-volume series covering the fundamental events and pivotal works of international art in the twentieth century.

This series offers a complete, up-to-date survey of the artistic culture of the twentieth century through an original, transversal and interdisciplinary analysis. This special edition of the series gathers the four volumes into an exclusive slipcase showcasing a 3D reproduction of a masterpiece by James Rosenquist. The books provide an extraordinary repertory of images and a vast source of information, enriched through “focus on” windows and technical information by experts in the field. The essays investigate and analyse in chronological order the transformations of the world’s artistic culture, the major personalities and the different movements that have characterized the development of modern and contemporary art. Roughly 1700 pages and a considerable number of illustrations provide a broad and composite overview of movements, artists, works and cultural phenomena, in an extraordinary publication that examines in depth the tendencies of modern and contemporary art.

• Ample space is devoted to the critical definitions of contemporary art, the art market and the new way of collecting, to the relationship between art and politics, and to the new, confusing frontiers of photography.
• Major chapters are followed, in alphabetical order, by the biographies of artists accompanied by their most significant works.

Valerio Terraroli teaches History of Modern Art at the University of Verona.

Volume 1: 1900-1919  The Avant-garde Movements
Volume 2: 1920-1945  The Artistic Culture between the Wars
Volume 3: 1946-1968  The Birth of Contemporary Art
Volume 4: 1969-1999  Neo-avant-gardes, Postmodern and Global Art

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Jason Gaiger, Paul Wood
ID: 8115
Издательство: Yale University Press

This reader, a companion to The Open University’s four-volume Art of the Twentieth Century series, offers a variety of writings by art historians and art theorists. The writings were originally published as freestanding essays or chapters in books, and they reflect the diversity of art historical interpretations and theoretical approaches to twentieth-century art.

Accessible to the general reader, this book may be read independently or to supplement the materials explored in the four-course texts. The volume includes a general introduction as well as a brief introduction to each piece, outlining its origin and relevance.

About the Author:

Jason Gaiger is lecturer in art history, The Open University. Paul Wood is senior lecturer in art history, The Open University.

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ID: 4971
Издательство: Ullmann

These small books are quite something! They are packed with information; the most important facts and background stories, all at a glance. In-depth texts on the most exciting themes in the History of Art by experts and specialists provide the necessary overview for both the expert and the layman. The most important stages in the lives of famous personalities such as Giotto, Monet or Klimt, as well as the important currents in art, are summarized in colorful text boxes to enable every reader to find the required information easily and effectively. The most important works of architecture, sculpture, and painting are brought to life through high-quality photographs and top-quality color reproducA--tions. Explanatory picture captions offer additional information and invite the reader to browse at leisure.

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ID: 4968
Издательство: Ullmann

These small books are quite something! Packed with information, the most important facts and background stories are presented at a glance. In-depth texts on the most exciting themes in the history of art compiled by scholars and specialists provide the necessary overview for both the expert and the layman alike. The most important stages in the lives of famous personalities such as Giotto, Monet or Klimt, as well as the important movements in art, are summarised in colourful text boxes to enable every reader to find the required information easily and effectively. The most important works of architecture, sculpture, and painting are brought to life through high-quality photographs and top-quality colour reproductions. Explanatory picture cations offer additional information and invite the reader to browse at leisure.

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ID: 4967
Издательство: Ullmann

These small books are quite something! They are packed with information, the most important facts and background stories, all at a glance. In-depth texts on the most exciting themes in the History of Art by experts and specialists provide the necessary overview for both the expert and the layman. The most important stages in the lives of famous personalities such as Giotto, Monet or Klimt, as well as the important currents in art, are summarized in colorful text boxes to enable every reader to find the required information easily and effectively. The most important works of architecture, sculpture, and painting are brought to life through high-quality photographs and top-quality color reproductions. Explanatory picture captions offer additional information and invite the reader to browse at leisure.

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