История искусства

Книги по истории искусства

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Foreword by Andrew Graham Dixon
ID: 14792
Издательство: Dorling Kindersley

An original and breathtakingly beautiful perspective on how art developed through the ages, this book reveals how new materials and techniques inspired artists to create their greatest works.

The Story of Painting will completely transform your understanding and enjoyment of art. Covering a comprehensive array of topics, from the first pigments and frescos to linear perspective in Renaissance paintings, the influence of photography, Impressionism, and the birth of modern art, it follows each step in the evolution of painting over the last 25,000 years, from the first cave paintings to the abstract works of the last 100 years. Packed with lavish colour reproductions of paintings and photographs of artists at work and the materials they used, it delves into the key paintings from each period to analyse the techniques and secrets of the great masters in detail.

Immerse yourself in the pages of this stunning book and find yourself dazzled by new colours; marvel at the magic of perspective; wonder at glowing depictions of fabric and flesh; understand cubism; and embrace abstraction. You will look at paintings in a whole new light.

About the Author:

Andrew Graham Dixon is one of the leading art critics and presenters of arts television programmes in the English-speaking world. He has presented numerous landmark series on art for the BBC, including the acclaimed A History of British Art, Renaissance, and Art of Eternity, as well as numerous individual documentaries on art and artists. For more than 20 years, he has published a weekly column on art, first in the Independent and, more recently, in the Sunday Telegraph. He has written a number of books on subjects ranging from medieval painting and sculpture to contemporary art.

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David Batterham
ID: 3137
Издательство: Taschen

Imagine having an opulent compilation of history's most elegant and beautiful patterns and designs at your fingertips - to use, peruse, admire, and be inspired by. World of Ornament brings together the two greatest encyclopedic collections of ornament from the 19th-century chromo-lithographic tradition: Auguste Racinet's L'Ornement polychrome Volumes I and II (1875/1888) and M. Dupont-Auberville's L'Ornement des tissus (1877). Adapted from historical items dating back to antiquity, such as jewellery, tiles, stained glass, illuminated manuscripts, textiles, and ceramics, these ornamental designs encompass a wide range of cultural aesthetics including classic Egyptian, Greek, Roman, and Etruscan motifs, Asian and middle-Eastern patterns, as well as European designs from medieval times through the 19th century.

Artists, historians, and art lovers will appreciate this lavish idea book, and interior designers and patternmakers will be delighted that all of the ornamental designs may be used and reproduced without restriction!

Includes DVD-ROM containing high-resolution scans of all individual ornaments for unrestricted use

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Iain Zaczek
ID: 4644
Издательство: Flame Tree Publishing

Whether inspired by Classical legend, traditional tales or simply their own imagination, countless artists have been captivated by these heavenly and mythological creatures. Angels and Fairies is a beautiful reference book which takes a look at some of the art inspired by these mysterious beings.

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ID: 4645
Издательство: Flame Tree Publishing

Follows the development of one of the Twentieth Century`s most glamorous styles. All aspects of 1920s and 1930s design and architecture were affected by its elegant sophistication, and this beautiful new book shows how its pervading influences transformed everyday objects into luxurious works of art.

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Camilla Bédoyère
ID: 4646
Издательство: Flame Tree Publishing

This series aims to combine a compact, commercial approach with the breadth and clarity of larger format books. Covering art which both creates the foundation of modern culture and modern art itself, the books include International Arts and Crafts, Turner, Whistler, Monet, and the Art Deco movement.

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Andrew Kennedy
ID: 4905
Издательство: Flame Tree Publishing

Bauhaus examines a remarkable collection of works produced in this highly distinctive artistic style. Featuring art from all of the Bauhaus School`s most gifted advocates, it traces the rise and fall of a movement that, through its attempts to unite art and industry to produce a new aesthetic of beautiful functionalism, influenced twenty-first century art like no other.

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Tamsin Pickeral
ID: 4906
Издательство: Flame Tree Publishing

A celebration of the Impressionists artists, including Monet, Renoir and Pissarro, whose paintings are inextricably linked to the birth of modern art. 

Today, our passion for these artists remains, and their paintings are amongst the best-loved works in the history of art. By choosing to paint extraordinary pictures of modernity that shocked the bourgeois elite, the Impressionists challenged the academic ideals of the French Salons, rejected the past and embracing colour to portray a sense of joie de vivre. Their revolutionary use of colour, free brushstrokes and modern subject matter, painted en plain air gave rise to one of the most important and influential art movements of the nineteenth century. 

Featuring many of the most famous and important pieces by the groups’ key figures, this beautifully illustrated reference book also includes a collection of less well-known but equally important works to show the diversity of this exceptional movement.

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ID: 4907
Издательство: Flame Tree Publishing

A celebration of the design movement that started in Britain and spread round the world at the end of the nineteenth century. Depicting both well-known and unusual art and artefacts from this most fascinating of eras, this book provides a wealth of information about the lives and times of the designers, architects and artists who created them.

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Michael Robinson
ID: 6467
Издательство: Flame Tree Publishing

The Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood was a group of English painters, poets and critics, founded in 1848 by John Everett Millais, Dante Gabriel Rossetti and William Holman Hunt. Their art’s romanticism, attention to detail and jewel-like colours have ensured their eternal popularity. This beautifully illustrated reference book is packed with exampes of work by the key proponent Millais, and that of his contemporaries, alongside illuminating information. Beginning with an overview of the movement it goes on to discuss the art in the context of society, place, influences, and styles and techniques. An ideal gift for art lovers or those new to the subject.

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ID: 4909
Издательство: Flame Tree Publishing

Modern Art gives a unique insight into the lives of some of the twentieth century`s most gifted artists, covering a diverse selection of works from the Expressionists and the Cubists to the Pop artists and the Post-Modernists. This superb new book provides the reader with an informative and richly illustrated overview od modern and contemporary art from countries across the world.

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Meredith Etherington-Smith
ID: 10116
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

Exquisite jewelled minaudieres, necessaires and compacts from the l8th to the 21st. centuries, photographed in great detail are set within the social and fashion contexts of their creation, through original archive photographs of the social leaders, the stars of the stage and cinema and the fashion leaders who carried these exquisite little accessories as indispensable adjuncts to their glamorous lives.

These triumphs of the jewellers art were designed to rest glittering on cocktail bars and grand dining tables. They were tiny but they were also extremely useful as is revealed in the form of their highly engineered interiors shown in detail here.

These little boxes were capable of carrying everything a woman might need during the course of an evening which might start at the Ritz and end at Bricktops Jazz Club - everything from a lipstick, to a powder compact, to a comb, even a cigarette and lighter hence their generic name of necessaire.

Exquisite jewelled minaudieres, necessaires and compacts from the l8th to the 21st. centuries, photographed in great detail are set within the social and fashion contexts of their creation, through original archive photographs of the social leaders, the stars of the stage and cinema and the fashion leaders who carried these exquisite little accessories as indispensable adjuncts to their glamorous lives.

These triumphs of the jewellers art were designed to rest glittering on cocktail bars and grand dining tables. They were tiny but they were also extremely useful as is revealed in the form of their highly engineered interiors shown in detail here.

These little boxes were capable of carrying everything a woman might need during the course of an evening which might start at the Ritz and end at Bricktops Jazz Club - everything from a lipstick, to a powder compact, to a comb, even a cigarette and lighter hence their generic name of necessaire.

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Richard Thomson, Rodolphe Rapetti, Frances Fowle, Anna-Maria von Bonsdorff
ID: 13915
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

Reproduces the poetical and evocative paintings of nature from the period 1880–1910, covering a wide range of artists from the Symbolists movement

This catalogue accompanied the first exhibition dedicated to landscapes by the Symbolists, the innovative movement whose artists took imaginative and emotional approaches to painting and embraced themes such as music, nationalism, science and modernity.

This book focuses on major artists of the avant-garde such as Gauguin, Van Gogh, Munch, Mondrian and Kandinsky, and also showcases other inventive artists from throughout Europe such as Hammershøi, Hodler, Khnopff and Gallen-Kallela, who are set alongside the visionary British artistry of Crane, Leighton, Watts and Millais.

The works illustrated provide a range of poetic and suggestive interpretations of nature from the period 1880–1910, with essays by acknowledged experts in the field providing a new chapter in the history of landscape painting.

Contents List:

Foreword • Introduction by Frances Fowle • Landscapes and Symbols by Rodolphe Rapetti • 1. Arcadia Contested by Richard Thomson • 2. Symbolism and Naturalism by Rodolphe Rapetti • 3. Dream Landscapes: From Fantasy Worlds to Nightmares by Anna-Maria von Bonsdorff • 4. Silent Cities by Frances Fowle • 5. The Cosmos and the Rhythms of Nature by Richard Thomson • 6. Beyond Landscape by Richard Thomson • Artist biographies

About the Authors:

Richard Thomson has held the Watson Gordon Chair of Fine Art at the University of Edinburgh since 1996. An expert on late 19th- and early 20th-century French art, Thomson has published widely in this important and lively field.
Rodolphe Rapetti is Chief Curator of Heritage at the Directorate of Museums of France in Paris.

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Умберто Эко
ID: 4694
Издательство: Слово

Долгожданная мировая премьера новой книги под редакцией Умберто Эко – «Vertigo. Круговорот образов, понятий, предметов».

Книга одновременно выходит в 14 странах мира!

В этой книге Умберто Эко рассматривает стремление культуры к упорядочению. Именно из стремления "привести все в порядок", не потеряться в круговороте образов, понятий, предметов возникают списки, перечни, которые красной нитью проходят через всю историю западного искусства и литературы. Отсюда и списки святых, шеренги солдат, каталоги чудовищ или целебных растений, перечни накопленных сокровищ. О том же говорят нам средневековые бестиарии, церковные песнопения, литература от Гомера до Джойса, фантастические картины Босха и экстравагантные композиции Энди Уорхола.

Культура, убежденная в собственной силе и значимости, отдает предпочтение завершенным, стабильным формам; если же ей приходится сталкиваться с хаосом разрозненных явлений и пытаться подобрать к ним общий критерий, она начинает составлять перечни событий, фактов, символов, орнаментов и знаков. Именно стремление мировой культуры к упорядочению становится предметом исследования Умберто Эко.

Как и в книгах История Красоты и История Уродства, мгновенно ставшими мировыми бестселлерами, авторский текст дополняют литературная антология и обширный иллюстративный материал.

История Красоты под редакцией Умберто Эко

История Уродства под редакцией Умберто Эко

История иллюзий. Легендарные места, земли и страны под редакцией Умберто Эко

Книга История Красоты в мягкой обложке.


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Rainer Metzger
ID: 13002
Издательство: Taschen

To Every Age Its Art. When traditional craft met blossoming Modernism

Poets and intellectuals brushed shoulders in bustling coffeehouses, young avant-gardists heralded a new era in social and sexual liberalism, waltzes resounded through the Ringstrasse, the Vienna Secession preached: “To every age its art — to every art its freedom;” and tremors warned of looming political disintegration when the Austrian capital passed into a new century.

Across economics, science, art, and music, Vienna blossomed into a “laboratory of modernity,” one which nurtured some of the greatest artistic innovators—from Egon Schiele’s unflinching nude portraits to Gustav Klimt’s decadent Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer I, from the ornamental seams and glass floors of Otto Wagner to Ditha Moser’s calendars adorned in golden deities.

Discover the zeitgeist, the scandals, and the extraordinary protagonists in this introduction to a transformative epoch. Across painting, sculpture, architecture, and design, we explore all the movers and shakers through insightful profiles and crisp double-page reproductions. Marking the centenary of the deaths of some of its brightest talents, this collection joins Vienna in its 2018 celebration of Modernism.

The editor:

Rainer Metzger studied art history, history, and German literature in Munich and Augsburg. In 1994, he earned his Ph.D. on the subject of Dan Graham, and subsequently worked as a fine arts journalist for the Viennese newspaper Der Standard. He has written numerous books on art, including volumes on van Gogh and Chagall. Since 2004, he has worked as Professor of art history at the Academy of Fine Arts in Karlsruhe.

About the series:

Born back in 1985, the Basic Art Series has evolved into the best-selling art book collection ever published. 

Each book in TASCHEN’s Basic Art series features:
- a detailed chronological summary of the life and oeuvre of the artist, covering his or her cultural and historical importance
- a concise biography
- approximately 100 illustrations with explanatory captions

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Christian Meyer, Franz Smola, Barbara Steffen, Barbara Sternthal, Beate Susanne Wehr, Alfred Weidinger, Reiner Zettl
ID: 6073
Издательство: Hatje Cantz

Around 1900, the Viennese Secession and the Wiener Werkstätte turned Vienna into the birthplace of modernism. This opulent publication on Viennese modernism (1890–1918) focuses on famous ornamental works by Gustav Klimt, erotic depictions of the body by Egon Schiele, and works by other artists, architects, furniture designers, and craftspeople from the Viennese Secession and the Wiener Werkstätte. Adolf Loos, Otto Wagner, Koloman Moser, Joseph Maria Olbrich, and Josef Hoffmann count among the most prominent representatives of this period. Early works by Oskar Kokoschka, oil paintings by Richard Gerstl, and several paintings by Arnold Schönberg are also featured in this volume. The painterly ornamentation of paintings, as well as objects and designs from the Wiener Werkstätte, clearly demonstrate how the artists made reference to one another. The close cooperation among all of these artists involved a new concept of art, that of the Gesamtkunstwerk, which continued to be developed later at the Bauhaus and in the De Stijl movement.

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