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Ann Blockley
ID: 13649
Издательство: Batsford

An inspirational and practical art manual, packed with step-by-step projects.

Artist Ann Blockley is renowned for her innovative approach to watercolour painting. Her highly anticipated new book provides a series of workshops demonstrating how to push the boundaries of watercolour, using key techniques to develop your own work and take your paintings to the next level.

Ann's easy-to-follow, step-by-step projects demonstrate how some of her most dramatic paintings are created. She describes in detail some of the key techniques used and how you can experiment with alternative methods to create your own interpretations. Finally, her beautiful and inspirational artworks demonstrate how different interpretations of a subject might take an unexpected or unusual direction, and how to make the most of these opportunities.

The book moves, with progressively challenging projects, from loose wildflower meadows, textured woodland and rustic rambling walls to atmospheric or semi-abstract landscape corners, all rendered in Ann’s adventurous signature style. Loose, expressive mark-making and unusual techniques include combining water-based paint and ink with granulation medium for dramatic texture, drawing with twigs, using gesso and collage to create unique effects; manipulating paint with materials such as plastic wrap (clingfilm); developing printed marks made using found materials.

Following the huge demand for more practical guidance in experimental painting, the book provides plenty of techniques and instruction. Ann’s personal commentary also gives a unique insight into the mind of the artist – ways of looking at your subject, how to explore and experiment – to unlock the potential of your watercolour painting.

About the Author:

Ann Blockley is a well-known watercolourist with an international reputation. She is a member of the RI (Royal Institute of Painters in Watercolour) and the author of seven bestselling practical art books, including Experimental Flowers in Watercolour and Experimental Landscapes in Watercolour, both published by Batsford. Ann runs her own very popular watercolour courses, teaches at international workshops, has made three DVDs of her painting techniques and regularly writes for The Artist magazine. She lives in Devon.

Цена: 1250 грн
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John Berger
ID: 15286
Издательство: Penguin Books

Based on the BBC television series, John Berger's Ways of Seeing is a unique look at the way we view art, published as part of the Penguin on Design series in Penguin Modern Classics.

'Seeing comes before words. The child looks and recognizes before it can speak.'

'But there is also another sense in which seeing comes before words. It is seeing which establishes our place in the surrounding world; we explain that world with words, but word can never undo the fact that we are surrounded by it. The relation between what we see and what we know is never settled.'

John Berger's Ways of Seeing is one of the most stimulating and influential books on art in any language. First published in 1972, it was based on the BBC television series about which the Sunday Times critic commented: 'This is an eye-opener in more ways than one: by concentrating on how we look at paintings . . . he will almost certainly change the way you look at pictures.' By now he has.

John Berger (b. 1926) is an art critic, painter and novelist.born in Hackney, London.
His novel G. (1972) won both the James Tait Black Memorial Prize and the Booker Prize.

If you enjoyed Ways of Seeing, you might like Susan Sontag's On Photography, also available in Penguin Modern Classics.

'Berger has the ability to cut right through the mystification of professional art critics ... he is a liberator of images: and once we have allowed the paintings to work on us directly, we are in a much better position to make a meaningful evaluation'
Peter Fuller, Arts Review

'The influence of the series and the book ... was enormous ... It opened up for general attention areas of cultural study that are now commonplace'
Geoff Dyer in Ways of Telling

'One of the most influential intellectuals of our time'

About the Author:

John Berger was born in London in 1926. His acclaimed works of both fiction and non-fiction include the seminal Ways of Seeing and the novel G., which won the Booker Prize in 1972. In 1962 he left Britain permanently, to live in a small village in the French Alps. He died in 2017.


Пролистать книгу Ways of Seeing: John Berger на Google Books.

Цена: 600 грн
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Кит Уайт
ID: 8613
Издательство: Питер

Кит Уайт – профессор живописи Института Пратта, Бруклин, а также известный художник, чьи работы выставлены во многих музеях мира. Его лаконичные и полные глубокого смысла уроки изобразительного искусства будут полезны всем будущим художникам и дизайнерам. Что такое искусство? Что значит быть художником и как достичь истинных высот в творчестве?

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Arthur Thomson
ID: 8377
Издательство: Dover

Numerous photos and sketches of male and female figures complete this accurate guide to human anatomy. Students at all levels will appreciate its thorough coverage of every bodily region. Subjects include posture and walking, bones and joints, structure of the leg and foot, facial expressions, rules of proportion, and much more.

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Margaret Krug
ID: 3938
Издательство: Laurence King Publishing

400 illustrations

This is a practical reference book introducing basic materials and processes for a range of traditional, non-traditional, widely used and lesser-known media. It explores the process of drawing and painting and includes the techniques of encaustic, egg tempera, fresco, oil, watercolour and acrylic. The aim of the book is to show that artistic processes are not, in themselves, difficult. Each technique is given its own chapter and students are encouraged to work through the technique from scratch, encountering the work through preparation of the wood panel or canvas, the mixing of pigments and the application of the paint. Illustrated throughout with historical and contemporary examples of works and with photographs of studio practice, each chapter is accompanied by exercises that encourage the student to explore the creative possibilities of each method.

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Arthur Keller, William Steven Kloepfer, Jr.
ID: 10034
Издательство: Dover

In 1920, a well-known illustrator compiled hundreds of his preliminary studies of costumed models. He photographed them and produced two portfolios that offer a revealing look into an expert's technique. Students in need of suggestions and assistance related to figure drawing will find here exactly the sort of help they seek — the position of the body in walking and sitting, the pose of a hand and position of an arm, facial expressions of every variety, and a host of other postures and attitudes.

This new edition marks the first time Arthur Keller's Sketchbook has been made available since its original publication. Although it features no descriptive text, the energy and expressiveness of its studies will instill in art students and professionals a higher appreciation of the rendering of the draped figure. In addition to its appeal to fine art enthusiasts and seekers of art instruction, this volume will also serve as a source of inspiration for fashion designers and costumers.

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Victor Perard
ID: 8174
Издательство: Dover

This instructive book presents excellent annotated line drawings of anatomical structure for the beginning artist, explaining the subject in simple terms, identifying parts of the body and demonstrating physical activities through the author’s sketches. Chapters cover the human skeleton, head and neck, torso, arm, hand, leg, foot, and musculature. 179 black-and-white illustrations.

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Charles Oliver
ID: 8058
Издательство: Dover

The fundamentals of figure drawing--anatomy and perspective — seldom receive a thorough treatment within the same book. This volume, written by an experienced teacher, covers both aspects and provides a basic understanding of how to convey the structure and functions of the human figure. Oliver discusses and illustrates the principles involved in figure drawing — including its representation by such simple forms as the cube, the cylinder, and the sphere— as well as anatomical features, from the trunk and limbs to the head and facial features

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Andras Szunyoghy, Gyorgy Feher
ID: 4965
Издательство: Ullmann

For centuries, the study of anatomy has played an important role in the education of artists. An understanding of anatomy constitutes the basis for the precise representation of human and animal forms, whether at rest or in motion. With more than 1,200 detailed illustrations by the Hungarian master artist Andr?!s Szunyoghy, Anatomy Drawing School offers an in-depth view of the anatomy of human beings and selected mammals. For the student, the volumea??s remarkably precise depiction of the skeleton and muscles will open the door to the true-to-life reproduction of the various parts of the body and their movements a?? a critical step on the road to artistic mastery. Professor Gy??rgy Feh??r provides clear and precise descriptions to accompany every illustration. Above and beyond these anatomical descriptions, his introductory texts offer a lively image of the depicted life forms. This effective combination of artistic and scientific depictions makes Anatomy Drawing School into an essential reference work for painters, graphic artists and anyone interested in anatomy.

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Sarah Simblet
ID: 14797
Издательство: Dorling Kindersley

This repackaged edition of this best-selling guide to anatomy in art that will help artists of all levels to improve their life-drawing skills.

Unlock your inner artist and discover how to draw the human body in this beautifully-illustrated art book by celebrated artist and teacher, Sarah Simblet. Whether you're looking to develop a new skill this New Year, or develop your drawing skills even further, this visually-striking guide offers a fresh approach to drawing the human body.

Dive straight in to discover:

- Over 250 specially-commissioned photographs and drawings
- Covers each part of the human body from head to toe
- 10 masterclasses demonstrate how famous artists have depicted the human body
- Practical advice and top-tips on life drawing

Combining stunning photographs of models with historical and contemporary works of art and her own dynamic life drawing, Sarah will take you on a journey inside the human body to map its skeleton, muscle groups and body systems. Bring your artwork to life in the most dynamic way possible, with detailed line drawings superimposed over photographs to reveal the links between the body's appearance and it's construction. Featuring inspirational master classes on world-famous artworks, from Michelangelo to Hans Holbein, Ingres to Degas and more, discover how artists have depicted the human body over centuries. Each master class features a photograph of a model holding the same pose as in the painting, to highlight key details of anatomy and show how the artist has interpreted them.

Understanding anatomy is the foundation to understanding the human body successfully.
As well as being the perfect reference, Anatomy for the Artist will inspire you to find a model, reach for your pencil and start drawing! Let DK plant the seed of curiosity and watch as it develops into a life-long love of art, anatomy and more.

A must-have volume for artists of all levels who wish to tackle life drawing, or those interested in human anatomy, whether as a gift or self-purchase.

About the Author:

Dr Sarah Simblet is a fine artist, writer, broadcaster and anatomist, whose work explores the relationship between science, history and art. The author of Drawing for the Artist and Botany for the Artist, and co-author of The New Sylva, Sarah is dedicated to sharing and encouraging visual intelligence in others through her drawings, teaching and broadcasting worldwide. She is Director of Studies for Fine Art at Christ Church, Oxford, and Tutor in Anatomy at the Ruskin School of Art. She also teaches short courses in anatomy, botany, and drawing for both the Ruskin School of Art and the Royal Academy of Art, London.

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Steven Heller, Veronique Vienne
ID: 4781
Издательство: Laurence King Publishing

This book is an introduction to what art direction is and what art directors do.

Written by two of the world's leading experts on the subject, it covers the role of art director in numerous environments, including magazines and newspapers, advertising, corporate identity, museums and publishing, to name a few. It also provides an insight into what makes a successful art director, what an art director actually does all day, what makes things go right, and what makes things go wrong.

Alongside perspectives on typography, illustration, photography and more, there are case studies of successful art direction in different spheres, from McSweeney's to Vier5's design for the web. In addition, the authors have invited pre-eminent international art directors to talk about their roles and to create and art direct sections of the book as part of that discussion, resulting in an impressive and enlightening diversity of perspectives and impressive variety of design approaches.

Clearly written and entertaining, including a glossary of handy art director sayings, an 'art director test' and more, Art Direction Explained, At Last! will provide students with insights into the world of art direction and professionals with a bible to the profession.

About the Authors:

Steven Heller is co-chair of the Designer as Author program and co-founder of the Design Criticism program at SVA, New York. For 33 years he was an art director at the New York Times. He is editor of AIGA VOICE, contributing editor to Print, Eye, Baseline and I.D., and author of 120 books on design, including Design Literacy and Paul Rand. He received the 1999 AIGA Medal for Lifetime Achievement.

Véronique Vienne has worked at a number of US magazines as art director, and is the author of The Art of Doing Nothing and The Art of Imperfection, as well as Something to be Desired. A frequent contributor to Graphis and Metropolis magazines she lives in New York and teaches at SVA on the Graphic Design MFA programme.

Section One: What is an Art Director?
Section Two: Creative Tension 101 (What makes Art Direction Work)
Section Three: Auto Art Direction
Section Four: Nuts and Bolts

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Havard Bergland
ID: 1595
Издательство: Vial

Ce livre présente la technologie de base et les différentes activités du travail du fer.
Il détaille les savoirs et les pratiques utilisés pour la réalisation d'objets simples en fer forgé.

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Gene Franks
ID: 8315
Издательство: Walter Foster Publishing

This compilation of projects from some of our most popular How to Draw and Paint series books provides inspiration and instruction on every aspect of pencil drawing.

From the fundamentals to advanced techniques, The Art of Pencil Drawing is filled with information that artists of all skill levels will find useful. Author-artist Gene Franks creates impressive drawings that seem to come to life right on the page and in this comprehensive guide, he'll teach you how to do the same with simple, step-by-step demonstrations that cover a wide variety of subject matter-from still lifes and landscapes to animals and people.

With this comprehensive reference, you'll soon discover how exciting drawing can be!

About the Author:

Gene Franks is a renowned master of expressive pencil drawing. Gene spent his early years in rural Arkansas, where he had the opportunity to observe the beauty of nature. He dedicated many years of intense study to perfecting his drawing techniques and, during the process, created many fine works in pencil. A US Air Force veteran and former merchant marine, Gene took advantage of quiet moments to hone his drawing skills. He obtained formal art training from Jefferson Mackhammer School of Art in Santa Monica, California, and acquired additional skills through classes at the Art Center in Pasadena. During his career as a professional artist, Gene has taught classes and inspired hundreds of students with his unique drawing style. He believes that almost anyone, when shown how to handle the pencil, can learn to draw well. Gene is the recipient of numerous art awards, and his work is displayed in private collections nationwide.

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Mark Getlein, Annabel Howard
ID: 11159
Издательство: Laurence King Publishing

This compelling book chronicles 75 of the most influential artists from the dawn of the 20th century to the present, and from around the world.

Each entry provides a fascinating insight into the artist and his or her vision of what they were trying to do, while also acknowledging the lasting effect of their work.
Arranged in a broadly chronological order, the book gives a sense of the impact each artist has had on the development of art practice over the last 100 years. Key dates in each artist’s career are clearly drawn out in the accompanying timeline.
Through a combination of lively text and arresting visuals, this is an inspirational and wholly original guide to the artists whose vision has helped to shape the modern art world.

About the Authors:

Mark Getlein is the author of Living with Art, a best-selling introduction to art. He has helped to create several ground-breaking textbooks in art and literature, among them Art History and A History of Art in Africa.
Annabel Howard has a degree in art history a Masters in Biographical writing. She has taught and lectured in museums throughout the United Kingdom and Italy, and has contributed articles to magazines including Glass, the Spectator and the White Review.

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ID: 14737
Издательство: Dorling Kindersley

The ultimate complete drawing course to help you take your sketches to a higher level.

Packed with inspiring workshops and advice from practising artists, this art lesson book will help you sharpen your drawing skills in a range of media.

Here's what you'll find inside the pages of this artist's guide to drawing:

- Includes more than 90 detailed step-by-step workshops for pencil, charcoal, pen and pastel techniques
- A comprehensive range of techniques makes it suitable for beginners or more experienced artists
- Techniques are approached with progression in mind, so readers can learn the basics then move on to new creative challenges

Every aspect of drawing is explained in incredible detail in this drawing reference guide. It starts with the basics of drawing - such as learning how to draw and choosing a subject - and works all the way through to mounting your finished masterpiece.

Learn more than 80 drawing techniques, from cross-hatching and stippling to blending and using coloured pencils. Develop your own artistic style and grow as an artist by following the step-by-step drawing tutorials through beginner, intermediate and advanced art projects.

Artist's Drawing Techniques will help you tap into your creative potential and unlock new talents, whether you're a complete beginner or seasoned artist.


Пролистать книгу Artist's Drawing Techniques: Discover How to Draw Landscapes, People, Still Lifes and More, in Pencil, Charcoal, Pen and Pastel на Google Books.

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