
Книги по живописи

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Katie Hanson
ID: 13224

Eloquent and provocative drawings, exquisitely reproduced, provide an intimate encounter with these two daring Austrian masters.

Gustav Klimt and Egon Schiele were two of the most daring and controversial artists in Vienna during the culturally turbulent decades around the turn of the 20th century. They worked out their provocative depictions of the human body, created in a search for psychological truth as well as physical realism, in the direct and intimate medium of drawing. In Klimt’s studies, the distinctive character or unsettling emotional resonance of the person portrayed comes through in the artist’s delicate, sinuous lines. The striking presence of the individual in Schiele’s more finished drawings, often rendered with extreme frankness and bold colouration, pulses with dramatic immediacy. Although Klimt was almost thirty years Schiele’s senior, he quickly recognized and encouraged the younger artist’s extraordinary talent.

The sixty important works exquisitely reproduced in large format in this volume reach from each artist’s early academic studies to more incisive and unconventional explorations of nature, psychology, sexuality and spirituality. By giving viewers access to these artists’ worlds, this album of unforgettable drawings provides a direct connection to the minds of two master draftsmen exploring the limits of representation, as well as the shock of recognition at seeing our own inner lives caught on paper.

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Konrad Klapheck
ID: 5139
Издательство: Steidl Verlag

Since the 1950s, German painter Konrad Klapheck has been producing a rigorous body of work. The bulk of his extraordinarily focused artistic career comprises a continued painterly investigation of technological machines and everyday objects such as typewriters, sewing machines, and ventilators. The artist’s canvases, however, are not mere depictions; the objects Klapheck presents are subtly anthropomorphized and charged with psychological, social, and political meaning. A telephone, for example, takes on a playful, eroticized quality in one canvas, while a typewriter becomes a menacing object evocative of brute power in another. An artist’s artist, Klapheck has never painted according to fashions dictated by the art world; he is a painter guided by his own obsessions. However, his work bears a number of crucial relationships to the history of painting and to the artistic and intellectual concerns of postwar art. In its unexpected combination of deadpan depiction and evocative playfulness, Klapheck’s canvases forge an important link in twentieth-century art, melding elements from Surrealism and Pop Art with a singular painterly sensibility to create a uniquely influential body of work.

This long-overdue English-language monograph comprises an in-depth examination of Klapheck’s work, bringing together an extensive group of paintings that span the continued course of his career. The publication provides an overview of important paintings of technological devices and machinery, while also presenting examples of more recent evocative, figurative work.

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Basel Kunstmuseum
ID: 6779
Издательство: Hatje Cantz

Konrad Witz (c. 1400 – c. 1446) counts among the most radical revivalists of painting in the first half of the fifteenth century. While his achievements testify to his knowledge of the Old Netherlandish painting of his time, they also constitute Witz’s extraordinarily original signature. The uncontested highlight of his work is the Geneva Altar (1444), which features the Biblical scene of Peter fishing embedded in a veduta-like view of Lake Geneva - the first topographically accurate, identifiable landscape in the history of German painting.

There is hardly any doubt among researchers that the approximately twenty panels for four commissioned altars were made by Witz himself. All the more diverse, then, are the opinions about his education, career, sphere of influence, and successors. This publication discusses new theses with respect to Witz’s artistic background.

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Sarah E. Thompson
ID: 13226

An exploration of the rivalry between Kuniyoshi and Kunisada, two of the most popular Japanese ukiyo-e woodblock print artists of the nineteenth century, based on masterworks from the peerless Japanese art collection at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.

Rival ukiyo-e masters Kuniyoshi and Kunisada were the two most admired designers of figure prints in nineteenth-century Japan. Famous for the realism of his portraits of Kabuki actors, the sensuality of his beautiful women and the luxurious settings he imagined for historical scenes, Kunisada was the popular favourite during his lifetime. Kuniyoshi is loved by connoisseurs and collectors today for his dynamic action scenes of warriors and monsters (which foreshadowed present-day manga and anime), his comic prints, and even a few especially daring works that included forbidden political satire in disguise. With scores of illustrations in glorious full colour, this beautifully produced volume presents Kuniyoshi and Kunisada’s artistic rivalry through a selection of outstanding works from the unparalleled Japanese art collection of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Readers are invited to decide for themselves which of the two is their personal favourite.

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Kunsthaus Zurich
ID: 6780
Издательство: Hatje Cantz

This opulent volume features large-format plates of an impressive selection of masterpieces from the Kunsthaus Zurich: fascinating paintings from the late Gothic period, the Golden Age of the Netherlands, the Italian Baroque, and the Venetian Settecento. Icons of Swiss art, including Fuseli, Böcklin, Hodler, Segantini, Vallotton, and Giacometti are among the highlights of the collections. First-class works by leading painters draw the viewer into the colorful world of Impressionism and Post-Impressionism, at whose center stands a group of works by Monet. Besides pieces by Munch, there are important works by Kokoschka, Beckmann, and Corinth. Last but not least, this splendid book presents an excellent array of early 20th-century works by Picasso, Matisse, and Chagall, as well as American post-war art, Pop art, and other works up to the present time: Twombly, Beuys, Bacon, Baselitz, and Fischli/Weiss set the tone here.

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Nils Buttner
ID: 2816
Издательство: Citatelles et Mazenod
Illustrations :  280 en couleur
Le paysage est l'un des genres picturaux majeurs de l'art européen. Cet ouvrage en déroule l'histoire, de l'Antiquité jusqu'à nos jours. A travers la présence de 220 chefs-d' oeuvre, l'auteur offre, à travers une sorte d'argumentation par image, une étude approfondie de ses évolutions et de ses étapes. Le texte analyse en détail les divers contextes dans lesquels le paysage a été vu et représenté à différentes époques. Ces textes prétendent aiguiser le regard du lecteur, comme les nombreux détails reproduits en pleine page, qui mettent en valeur les qualités picturales et la tonalité singulière de telle ou telle oeuvre.
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ID: 2837
Издательство: Citatelles et Mazenod

Illustrations:  300 à 350 illustrations, 4 doubles pages dépliantes (120 cm) en couleur

L'histoire de Venise se lit dans la peinture.
La cité est née et s'est imposée dès le  Moyen Âge. C'est au IXe siècle que ses bateaux rapportent d'Alexandrie les restes de Marc l'Évangéliste en l'honneur de qui est édifiée la basilique San Marco. Avec Théodore qui domine du haut de sa colonne la Piazzetta, il veillera sur Venise près de mille ans. C'est longtemps vers l'est que la République a tourné ses regards : elle utilise et orchestre la quatrième croisade en 1204 qui lui permet de prendre Constantinople. Et, si le XIVe siècle italien hésite entre le dynamisme de Gênes et la domination de la Sérénissime, la victoire vénitienne de Chioggia installe pour longtemps une prééminence incontestée et tranquille.
Que s'installent les peintres, les graveurs et les imprimeurs, que les humanistes célèbrent la Seigneurie, que le doge épouse la mer et invoque les saints protecteurs de la cité ! Que les églises, les chapelles et les scuole se dressent et célèbrent la République devant laquelle tous les grands se prosternent en même temps qu'elle-même ne s'incline que devant la Vierge Marie ! Car, à célébrer la Mère du Christ dans son apothéose, Venise ne se glorifie-t-elle pas elle-même ?
Et comme s'il ne suffisait pas de préparer le Ciel, il faut que la terre fragile de la cité s'orne des plus beaux édifices, églises, basilique, palais magnifiquement décorés où se rendent avec ostentation les doges en processions pour toutes les fêtes, religieuses ou civiles, qui ponctuent la vie quotidienne .
Le siècle des Lumières verra fleurir au milieu des artistes les poètes et les dramaturges comme la Renaissance avait accueilli les musiciens et les architectes. Premier État moderne occidental, la puissante République survit aux grandes catastrophes européennes jusqu'à la perte de sa liberté quand Bonaparte à la fin du XVIIIe siècle puis les Autrichiens au XIXe siècle et enfin l'Unité italienne s'imposent à elle.
Meurt le temps de la splendeur et des défis. Meurent le dernier des doges et le Sénat vénitien. Meurent les parades du Bucentaure et les grandes processions dans la ville. C'est le temps des fonctionnaires italiens centralisateurs, des voyageurs anglais nonchalants, des touristes français romantiques ou impressionnistes. La République s'est éteinte après avoir éclairé pendant dix siècles l'histoire de l'art de l'Europe dont le ciel a été pour toujours illuminé.
Car l'âge d'or historique de Venise a correspondu, comme rarement ailleurs, à une intense création artistique. À ses armateurs maîtres de la Méditerranée, à ses marchands qui tiennent le commerce européen répondent les œuvres de Carpaccio, Bellini, Véronèse, Le Tintoret, Giorgione, Titien qui célèbrent son éclat et ses victoires, les miracles architecturaux de Sansovino, de Longhena et de Palladio. La « Ville miraculeuse » chantée par Pétrarque, la Venise de Longhi, de Canaletto, de Tiepolo et de Guardi ne s'évanouit que doucement, ombre d'une splendeur devenue exsangue, comme la mémoire de ses rêves d'une République idéale. Quand son pouvoir s'efface, c'est l'Europe qui accourt à ce rendez-vous privilégié où se succèdent Mozart, Goethe, lord Byron, Richard Wagner, Marcel Proust et Thomas Mann. La disparition des peintres officiels fait place aux Delacroix, Turner, Renoir, Monet, Ziem, Sargent qui disent à leur tour l'incomparable éclat qui ne s'éteint jamais et comprennent aussi qu'on ne naît pas Vénitien, on le devient.
Venise raconte désormais son histoire dans une galerie d'images vivantes qu'ont fixées les plus grands artistes qu'elle a inspirés. Des centaines de tableaux, de dessins et de manuscrits à peinture, reproduits avec leurs détails principaux dans un format exceptionnel, composent ce musée imaginaire dont elle est à la fois l'auteur et l'acteur principal.

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Norbert Wolf
ID: 3128
Издательство: Taschen

The landscape from Renaissance to Pop

The landscape has been, for many centuries, one of the most important genres in painting. This book examines the landscape from the late Middle Ages to modern times, comprising a synopsis of the genre and covering a selection of the most important landscapes in the history of art. From Titian to Warhol, readers will discover the evolution of this popular genre.

Artists featured (in chronological order):
Jean, Paul und Herman von Limburg, Titian, Joachim Patinir, Albrecht Altdorfer, Veronese, Pieter Brueghel, El Greco, Adam Elsheimer, Rembrandt van Rijn, Claude Gellée, gen. Lorrain, Jacob van Ruisdael, Caspar David Friedrich, John Constable, William Turner, Eugène Delacroix, Albert Bierstadt, Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot, James Abbot McNeill Whistler, Arnold Böcklin, Claude Monet, Vincent van Gogh, Edvard Munch, Paul Cézanne, Georges Braque, Paul Klee, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Yves Tanguy, Andy Warhol

About the Series:
Each book in TASCHEN's Basic Genre Series features:

* a detailed introduction with approximately 35 photographs, plus a timeline of the most important events (political, cultural, scientific, etc.) that took place during the time period
* a selection of the most important works of the epoch; each is presented on a 2-page spread with a full-page image and, on the facing page, a description/interpretation of the work and brief biography of the artist as well as additional information such as a reference work, portrait of the artist, and/or citations

Посмотреть русскоязычное издание книги Landscape PaintingПейзажная живопись

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Gilles Neret
ID: 9961
Издательство: Taschen

Tamara de Lempicka and the changing aspects of femininity and masculinity

As the "Goddess of the Automobile Age", Tamara de Lempicka (1898-1980) stood at the centre of the sophisticated Paris art world of the Twenties and Thirties. Her love for beautiful women, elegant automobiles and the modern metropolis provided not only motifs for her pictures, but also influenced her artistic style.

Simultaneously with her career as artist, Tamara de Lempicka pioneered a new image of life on the screen, evident in the new, self-confident woman and the changing aspects of femininity and masculinity. The same sense of style was reflected in a futuristic cult of speed, domestic design forms promulgated by the Bauhaus, and the dandyism of a George Brummell. Tamara de Lempicka’s best-known painting, "Self-Portrait, or Tamara in a Green Bugatti", presents the artist as a female dandy brimming with cool elegance.

Whether as an Art-Déco artist, a post-Cubist or a Neoclasissist, de Lempicka struck the taste of a cosmopolitan (and wealthy) public that found its own image reflected in her work.

About the Series:

Each book in TASCHEN’s Basic Art Series features:

  • a detailed chronological summary of the life and oeuvre of the artist, covering his or her cultural and historical importance
  • a concise biography
  • approximately 100 colour illustrations with explanatory captions

The author:

Gilles Néret (1933–2005) was an art historian, journalist, writer and museum correspondent. He organized several art retrospectives in Japan and founded the SEIBU museum and the Wildenstein Gallery in Tokyo. He directed art reviews such as L'Œil and Connaissance des Arts and received the Elie Faure Prize in 1981 for his publications. His TASCHEN titles include Salvador Dalí: The Paintings, Matisse, and Erotica Universalis.

Посмотреть русскоязычное издание книги LempickaЛемпицка

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Patrick Bade
ID: 1826
Издательство: Parkstone

The smoothly metallic portraits, nudes and still lifes of Tamara de Lempicka encapsulate the spirit of Art Deco and the Jazz Age, and reflect the elegant and hedonistic life-style of a wealthy, glamorous and privileged elite in Paris between the two World Wars.

Combining a formidable classical technique with elements borrowed from Cubism, de Lempicka’s art represented the ultimate in fashionable modernity while looking back for inspiration to such master portraitists as Ingres and Bronzino.

This book celebrates the sleek and streamlined beauty of her best work in the 1920s and 30s. It traces the extraordinary life story of this talented and glamorous woman from turn of the century Poland and Tsarist Russia, through to her glorious years in Paris and the long years of decline and neglect in America, until her triumphant rediscovery in the 1970s when her portraits gained iconic status and world-wide popularity.

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Frank Zollner
ID: 9962
Издательство: Taschen

The non-specialist. From key points in anatomy to plans for vehicles, planes, helicopters and submarines

One of the most fully achieved human beings who has ever lived, Leonardo remains the quintessential Renaissance genius. Creator of the world’s most famous painting, scientist, philosopher, builder, he is credited with defining the accomplishments of the great flowering in human consciousness. And yet, so wide-ranging and prolific were his interests that he brought hardly any major undertaking to a final end.

If Leonardo seems so modern, it is perhaps because of his non-speciality, his magpie mind and curiosity, and his thousands of notes and sketches. In these pages he would anticipate some of the great discoveries and inventions that would follow him, from key points in anatomy - such as the principles behind blood circulation - through to plans for armoured military vehicles, planes, helicopters and submarines.

As well as all that, Leonardo also managed to advance numerous artistic techniques, and implicated a complex psychology into his paintings of the "Last Supper" and the enigmatic "La Gioconda", or "Mona Lisa". Famous horseman, rival to Michelangelo, military engineer to the Borgias, he died in 1519, in a chateau given him by the King of France, Francis I. Not bad for the illegitimate son of Florentine notary.

About the Series:

Each book in TASCHEN’s Basic Art Series  features:

- a detailed chronological summary of the life and oeuvre of the artist, covering his or her cultural and historical importance
- a concise biography
- approximately 100 colour illustrations with explanatory captions

About he Author:

Frank Zöllner wrote his doctoral thesis on motifs originating from Antiquity in the history of art and architecture of the Medieval and Renaissance periods (1987). He is also the author of a post-doctoral treatise on motion and expression in the art of Leonardo da Vinci, published in 2010. He has published numerous works on Renaissance art and art theory, and on 20th-century art. Since 1996 he has been Professor of Medieval and Modern Art at the University of Leipzig. For TASCHEN he has authored the XL monographs on Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo.

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Frank Zollner
ID: 12400
Издательство: Taschen

Renaissance Man. The unstoppable curiosity and invention of the da Vinci genius

Filling notebook after notebook with sketches, inventions, and theories, Leonardo da Vinci (1452 - 1519) not only stands as one of the most exceptional draftsmen of art history but also as a mastermind and innovator who anticipated some of the greatest discoveries of human progress, sometimes centuries before their material realisation.

From the smallest arteries in the human heart to the far-flung constellations of the universe, Leonardo saw nature and science as being unequivocally connected. His points of enquiry and invention spanned philosophy, anatomy, geology, and mathematics, from the laws of optics, gravitation, heat and light to the building of a flying machine.

In his painting, Leonardo steered art out of the Middle Ages with works such as The Last Supper and the world-famous La Gioconda or Mona Lisa depicting not only physical appearances, but a compelling psychological intrigue and depth which continues to draw crowds of mesmerized visitors to masterpieces in Paris, Milan, Washington, London, and Rome.

This book collates some of Leonardo's most outstanding work to introduce a figure of infinite curiosity, feverish imagination and sublime artistic ability often described as having not enough worlds for to conquer, and not enough lives for to live (Alan Woods). 

About the series:

Each book in TASCHEN's Basic Art series features:

- a detailed chronological summary of the life and oeuvre of the artist, covering his or her cultural and historical importance
- a concise biography
- approximately 100 illustrations with explanatory captions

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ID: 2633
Издательство: Grange Books

This book has chapters on the early years 1452-69, the early Works 1473-82, Plans and Projects 1482-99, Art and Anatomy Rome 1513-16, and Enduring Icons

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Frank Zollner, Johannes Nathan
ID: 3035
Издательство: Taschen

Пятьсот лет назад Леонардо да Винчи (1452–1519) не только произвел переворот в искусстве, но и предвосхитил открытия грядущих эпох в самых разных областях науки. Данное издание отражает широту и разнообразие интересов художника и предлагает новую оценку достижений этого гения Ренессанса. Основываясь на письмах, контрактах, поэтических произведениях и дневниковых записях того времени, авторы книги рассматривают творения Леонардо, и в первую очередь его живопись, в совершенно новом свете.

В подробной биографии да Винчи, сопровождаемой каталогом из 34 картин, обсуждаются все основные аспекты сохранившихся и утраченных живописных работ мастера. Это первый каталог, в котором на основании новейших исследований приводятся сведения о состоянии, техниках, процессе написания, биографии, атрибуции и предпосылок создания картин Леонардо. В раздел из 430 страниц, посвященный графике да Винчи, вошли не только его рисунки, но также и менее известные листы из записных книжек и научных манускриптов. Каталог графики, включающий 633 рисунка, воспроизведенных в цвете и крупном масштабе, является наиболее полным собранием такого рода на настоящий момент.


Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) possessed one of the greatest minds of all time; his importance and influence are inestimable. This XXL-format comprehensive survey is the most complete book ever made on the subject of this Italian painter, sculptor, architect, engineer, scientist and all-around genius. With huge, full-bleed details of Leonardo's masterworks, this highly original publication allows the reader to inspect the subtlest facets of his brushstrokes. Part I explores Leonardo's life and work in ten chapters. All of his paintings are interpreted in-depth, with The Annunciation and The Last Supper featured on large double-spreads. Part II comprises a catalogue raisonne of Leonardo's paintings, which covers all of his surviving and lost painted works and includes texts describing their states of preservation. Part III contains an extensive catalogue of his drawings (numbering in the thousands, they cannot all be reproduced in one book); 663 are presented, arranged by category (architecture, technical, anatomical, figures, proportion, cartography, etc).

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ID: 13061
Издательство: Flame Tree Publishing

Leonardo da Vinci was the original Renaissance Man, an artist, mathematician, inventor and writer amongst his many talents. His skilful observations of the mechanics of the body informed both his work, and the generations that followed. But his drawings are elegant too, with the gentle features of his female subjects in particular graced with unrivalled care and eloquence. Da Vinci's illustrations lie at the heart of our heritage and this new book offers a breadth and scale that will satisfy both the casual and informed reader.

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