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Альбрехт Дюрер: великий мастер немецкого Ренессанса

John Berger
ID: 3343
Издательство: Taschen

Five full centuries lie between us and the life of Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528). His ability to represent a subject with an absolute fidelity to every detail seemed miraculous to his contemporaries, and still astounds us now: we need only think of his water-colours of plants and animals.

In addition, Dürer was the first painter to devote such close attention to the art of the self-portrait. No artist before him painted as many as he. The works by Dürer collected in this book show the full range of this artist's unique genius.

About the Series:

Every book in TASCHEN's Basic Art Series features:

- a detailed chronological summary of the artist's life and work, covering the cultural and historical importance of the artist
- approximately 100 color illustrations with explanatory captions
- a concise biography

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Норберт Вольф
ID: 3328
Издательство: Taschen

Альбрехт Дюрер – великий мастер, силой своего гения связавший искусство Средних веков с эпохой Возрождения.

Он первым из немецких художников перенес на холст историю своей жизни; сделал автопортрет самостоятельным живописным жанром; возвел искусство акварели и гравюры на небывалую высоту; первым в Германии выполнил с натуры рисунок обнаженной фигуры; и он был первым немцем, кто дополнил свое творчество трактатами по теории живописи.

Эта книга – не классический, но современный взгляд на творчество гения немецкого Возрождения.

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Albrecht Durer
ID: 2852
Издательство: Dover

81 plates of Albrecht Durer show development from youth to full style. Many favorites, many new. Introduction by Alfred Werner. Includes Self-Portrait at the Age of Thirteen, Female Nude (with Headcloth and Slippers), Orpheus Slain by Bacchantes, with Boy Running Away.

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Albrecht Durer, Wilhelm Kurth (Editor)
ID: 2851
Издательство: Dover

346 reproductions of woodcuts, arranged chronologically, by the German artist with supplementary information on his life.

Albrecht Dürer was a master in various media, but it was in woodcut design that his creative genius reached its highest expression. Here are all of his extant woodcuts, a collection of over 300 great works containing all the familiar cuts long treasured by the world's art lovers: the celebrated series on the Life of the Virgin, The Apocalypse of John (17 cuts), The Great Passion, St. Jerome in his Study, Samson Fighting the Lion, The Fall of Icarus, The Six Knots, The Men's Bath, St. Christopher, The Virgin in Glory, The Rhinoceros, The Last Supper of 1523, illustrations from Dürer's The Art of Measurement and from his four books on human proportion, and many others, including much little-known material. This book is the only available source for many of these works.
Although sacred subjects predominate (the Holy Family, scenes from Christ's life, crucifixion, etc., the lives of the saints, Old Testament episodes), many other motifs are treated. There are portraits of prominent men of the ages, book illustrations (secular and religious), coats of arms, celestial and terrestrial globes, animals, mythological and historical themes, etc. The plates are arranged generally in chronological order permitting the reader to view the development of Dürer's art. From out of the gnarled figures and landscapes one can see the emergence of an individualistic style and skill unrivaled in this sphere.

An introduction by Campbell Dodgson and a 34-page textual guide to the plates by Dr. Willi Kurth discuss the evidence and controversies surrounding the authenticity of each work, citing the opinions of all the important Dürer scholars; they also furnish the reader with the historical background of the cuts and of Dürer's life and times--from the years of apprenticeship in Nuremberg to the last works of 1520-1528.

All of the woodcuts are reproduced in excellent detail. This book is indispensable for professional art historians and critics. To the layman with any aesthetic interests at all, it will be a source of stimulation and satisfaction that only great art can provide.

About the Author:

Regarded as the greatest of the German Renaissance artists, Albrecht Dürer (1471–1528) created a vast body of work that ranges from altarpieces to copper engravings and portraits. Painter, printer, draughtsman, and art theorist, he remains best known for his woodcuts.

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Albrecht Durer
ID: 2850
Издательство: Dover

All of Albrecht Durer's works in three mediums are reproduced in this edition. Among them are his most famous works, Knight, Death and Devil; Melencolia I; and St. Jerome in His Study. Also included are portraits of his contemporaries, including Erasmus of Rotterdam and Frederick the Wise, as well as six engravings formerly attributed to Dürer.

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Friedrich Piel
ID: 2109
Издательство: Bibliotheque de l'Image

64 aquarelles et dessins classés par ordre chronologique. Détails, gros plans. Biographie, bibliographie.

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ID: 1891
Издательство: Магма

В настоящем альбоме собраны все гравюры Альбрехта Дюрера, как на дереве (374), так и на меди (83). Репродукции разбиты на две группы. Первая содержит гравюры на дереве; она, в свою очередь, подразделена на три главы: книжная графика (иллюстрации), сериигравюр и отдельные гравюры. Вторая группа содержит гравюры на меди: серии и отдельные листы. В книге содержится 474 иллюстрации гравюр великого мастера.

Гравюры сопровождает глубокое и систематизированное исследование жизни и творчества Альбрехта Дюрера - известных искусствоведов Алена Боре и Сесиль Бон, впервые издаваемое на русском языке.

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Ян Бергер
ID: 672
Издательство: Taschen

Книга о великом немецком живописце, графике и гравере эпохи Возрождения Альбрехте Дюрере (1471–1528).

В 1523–1528 годах Дюрер опубликовал теоретические трактаты «Руководство к измерению циркулем и линейкой» и «Четыре книги о пропорциях человека», вобравшие в себя выводы, к которым он пришел в результате изучения пропорций, и ставшие основой руководства по обучению живописи.

Дюрер оставил более 1000 рисунков и акварелей. В основном он работал серебряным карандашом, кистью, тушью, пером и углем. Книга состоит из статьи, подробно рассказывающей о жизни художника и об истории написания рисунков и акварелей, представленных в издании. Каждая иллюстрация снабжена подробной аннотацией. В конце книги приводится хронология жизни и творчества мастера.

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