Daniel Hinkley is widely recognized as one of the foremost modern plant explorers and one of the world’s leading plant collectors. He has created two outstanding private gardens—Heronswood and Windcliff. Both gardens, and the story of how one begat the other, are beautifully celebrated in Hinkley’s new book, Windcliff.
In these pages you will delight in Hinkley’s recounting of the creation of his garden, the stories of the plants that fill its space, and in his sage gardening advice. Hinkley’s spirited ruminations on the audacity and importance of garden-making — contemplations on the beauty of a sunflower turning its neck from dawn to dusk, the way a plant’s scent can spur a memory, and much more — will appeal to the hearts of every gardener.
Filled with Claire Takacs’s otherworldly photography, Windcliff is spectacular for both its physical beauty and the quality of information it contains.
About the Author:
Daniel J. Hinkley is the creator of the fabled garden at Heronswood and has won a reputation as one of the foremost plant collectors of our time. Among his awards for lifetime achievement are the Arthur Hoyt Scott Medal from the Scott Arboretum, the Liberty Hyde Bailey award from the American Horticultural Society, and the Veitch Memorial Medal from the Royal Horticultural Society. In 2019, the Daniel J. Hinkley Asian Maple Collection was named in his honor by the University of Washington Botanic Gardens. His lectures are legendary, and his current garden at Windcliff, on Washington State’s Kitsap Peninsula, is renowned for its audacious design as well as for its deft use of rare, fascinating plants.