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Ken Smith
ID: 6955
Издательство: Monacelli Press

Both a landscape designer and a public artist, Ken Smith produces designs that range in scale from small public installations to vast parks. He is known for inventive and imaginative gardens and landscapes, some of which use little or no natural plant material. His projects include public, commercial, and private work: urban parks, streetscapes, plazas, gardens, public art commissions, memorials, museums and institutions, urban development and multiuse projects, restoration of modern-era landscapes, waterfront planning and design, and residential projects.

Among Smith’s best-known projects are the MoMA Roof Garden, consisting of white gravel, recycled black rubber, crushed glass, sculptural stones, and artificial boxwood plants in a camouflage pattern; the Elevated Acre, a one-acre urban plaza with a sloping topography of planted dunes and an elevated view of New York Harbor; and Orange County Great Park, California, a redevelopment of a Marine Corps air station to include a 2.5-mile canyon, 20-acre lake, cultural terrace, botanical gardens, great lawn, performing arts venue, veterans memorial, aircraft museum, sports park, nature preserve, and wildlife corridor.

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ID: 283
Издательство: Images
Ken Woolley is an Australian architect who early in his career became involved in major projects such as the Fisher Library (Sulman Award) and the State Office Block. In 1962 Woolley's home at Mosman won the Wilkinson Award and he was involved with project housing for Pettit and Sevitt. Woolley joined the partnership of Ancher, Mortlock & Woolley, which has received many major architectural awards, including the Royal Australian Institute of Architects' Gold Medal in 1993.
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Volker Fischer, Ulrich Schneider
ID: 9792
Издательство: Birkhauser

Kengo Kuma's Teahouse is a masterly reinterpretation of a classical Japanese building type. Delivered in August 2007 for the Park of the Frankfurt Museum of Applied Arts (a Richard Meier Building), Kuma s innovative structure in flexible, semi-transparent, breathing Tenara-Membrane - inflated by means of a pneumatic system to a blossom-like form - houses in the interior the classical elements for Japanese tea ceremony. Integrated LED technology allows the use of the teahouse at night; the interior can be heated by way of the membrane.

The monograph, including an original text by Kengo Kuma himself, gives in-depth documentation of this lyrical temporary structure – an outstanding example of ephemeral architecture, combining poetry and technology - with many unpublished sketches, technical plans and with splendid colour photographs.

Durch ein Kompressorsystem aktiviert, erwächst das Teehaus wie eine Blüte aus dem semitransparenten High Tech-Material GORE-Tenara, im Inneren finden Tatami-Matten, ein elektrisch beheizbarer Herd für den Wasserkessel, eine Tokonoma Nische und ein Vorbereitungsraum Platz. Die doppelwandige Hülle mit inneren Koppelseilen erzeugt eine golfballähnliche Membrantextur und macht zudem eine Luftschleuse überflüssig. Eine integrierte LED-Technik lässt das Teehaus im Dunklen sanft, fast mythisch, erstrahlen.

Dieses jüngste Projekt Kumas ist ein Symbol für die traditionsbewusste Modernität des heutigen Japans und seiner Architektur, aber auch ein richtungsweisendes Beispiel temporären und mobilen Bauens, das nur Dank einer ungewöhnlich dichten internationalen Kooperation zwischen Architekten, Ingenieuren und Unternehmen realisiert werden konnte. Das vorliegende Buch entfaltet die technologischen, kulturhistorischen und ästhetischen Aspekte dieser Neuinterpration des japanischen Teehauses.

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Kenneth Frampton
ID: 9328
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

The quintessential Japanese architect of today, Kengo Kuma has forged a modern design language that artfully combines his country’s traditional building crafts with sophisticated technologies and materials.

From his iconic Glass House to Yusuhara Wooden Bridge Museum, this complete record of Kuma’s built work comprises 25 projects to date. Kenneth Frampton frames Kuma’s work in the context of post-war Japan’s flourishing architecture scene and influential figures, and recounts the international acclaim that Kuma has received.

The heart of the book consists of projects presented in detail, accompanied by Kuma’s personal descriptive texts and detailed drawings, and organized by the material themes that have come to define the architect’s output.

Offering a rich insight into contemporary interpretations of Japan’s ancient building traditions, this beautifully produced book will be an inspiration to any designer who aims to create spaces for history and the future.

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Kengo Kuma
ID: 9822
Издательство: Birkhauser

Long regarded in Japan as a master architect, Kengo Kuma first entered the European limelight two years ago when he won the "Spirit of Nature Wood Architecture Award", being the second architect to win this prize after Renzo Piano.

Timber construction, however, is merely one field in which this declared environmentally sensitive architect has specialised.

This monograph presents 14 selected projects from 1992-2003, including the Museum of Hiroshige Ando and Stone Museum (Toshigi Prefecture, Japan), the Water/Glass-Villa (Atami, Japan), the Plastic House in Tokyo and the Bamboo House near the Great Wall of China.

All projects are portrayed in exact technical drawings full of details and material specifications.

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Geoffrey London, Paul Finch, Oscar Riera Ojeda
ID: 10115
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

This book examines and celebrates more than thirty years of innovative work by Kerry Hill Architects, a studio with offices in Singapore and Fremantle, Australia.

This multi-award-winning practice established its reputation with a series of exotic resorts in locations throughout southeast Asia, and also designed a brace of exceptional houses in the same region. These have been widely regarded as part of an architectural lineage initiated by Geoffrey Bawa, recognizable in a shared response to location through climatic strategies, the use of materials, and their form of construction.

Kerry Hill brings a deep understanding of the East to his increasingly refined contemporary architecture, and his work is made distinctive by the rich experience of his generous and tranquil spaces.

This is an unparalleled view into the world and thinking of an architectural practice that richly deserves international exposure.


Посмотреть книгу KHA / Kerry Hill Architects: Works and Projects

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Andrew Ballantyne
ID: 8764
Издательство: Laurence King Publishing

The latest in this successful series, this book features around 150 of the most important buildings in the history of world architecture – from the pyramids and Parthenon to some of the most significant works by recent architects.

The buildings are organized by type – from places of worship and public buildings to houses – and are divided into nine chapters, each with an informative introduction that surveys the history of that type. For each building there are numerous, accurate scale drawings showing a combination of floor plans, elevations and sections as appropriate, all specially redrawn for this book.

The quality and number of the line drawings, together with the authoritative text by a renowned architectural historian, allow all the buildings to be understood in detail and make this an invaluable resource for students.

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Richard Weston
ID: 5737
Издательство: Laurence King Publishing

Featuring more than 100 of the most significant and influential buildings of the twentieth century, this second edition includes both classic works by such seminal architects as Le Courbusier, Frank Lloyd Wright, Mies van der Rohe and Alvar Aalto, as well as those by more recent masters, such as Norman Foster, Frank Gehry and Rem Koolhaas. Addtional buildings and images make this new edition even more comprehensive and up-to-date.

For each of the buildings included there are numerous, accurate scale plans showing typical floors, together with elevations, sections and site plans where appropriate. All of these have been specially commissioned for the book and are based on the most reliable information and sources. There is also a concise text explaining the significant architectural features of the building and the influences it shows or generated, together with full-colour images. Cross-references to other buildings in the book highlight the various connections between these key structures.

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Rob Gregory
ID: 2838
Издательство: Laurence King Publishing

Featuring 95 of the most significant buildings of the early twenty-first century, this book includes works by such eminent architects as Renzo Piano, Norman Foster, OMA and Frank Gehry, as well as newer names, such as Jamie Fobert and Sou Fujimoto. The buildings are organized by planning strategy and are divided into eight chapters, each with an informative introduction that ties the buildings back to iconic examples from the twentieth century. For each building there are numerous, accurate scale plans showing a combination of floor plans, elevations and sections as appropriate, all specially redrawn for this book and based on the most up-to-date information and sources. For each of the buildings there is a concise text discussing the organizational strategy and the significant architectural features of the buildings anatomy, together with colour images. The quality and number of the line drawings, together with the authoritative text and images, allow all the buildings to be understood in detail.

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Colin Davies
ID: 367
Издательство: Laurence King Publishing

Featuring over 100 of the most significant and influential houses of the twentieth century, this book includes classic works by such seminal architects as Le Corbusier, Frank Lloyd Wright, Mies van der Rohe and Alvar Aalto, as well as those by more recent masters, such as Tadao Ando, Rem Koolhaas and Glen Murcutt. For each of the houses included there are numerous, accurate scale plans showing each floor, together with elevations, sections and site plans where appropriate. All of these have been specially drawn for this book and are based on the most up-to-date information and sources. There is also a concise text explaining the significant architectural features of the building and the influences it shows or generated, together with colour images. Cross-references to other buildings in the book highlight the various connections between these key houses. The quality and number of the line drawings, together with the authoritative text and images, allow all the buildings to be understood in detail.

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Hilary French
ID: 3705
Издательство: Laurence King Publishing

The design of multiple housing – a new building type, especially for growing urban populations – was a major new area of activity for architects at the beginning of the 20th century, and one that continues into the 21st century. The latest title in the successful series Plans, Sections and Elevations, this book features 87 of the most influential modern housing designs of the past 100 years by the best-known architects in the field. Each project is explained with a concise text and photographs and specially created scale drawings, including floor plans and site plans, sections and elevations where appropriate. The projects are organized in six roughly chronological chapters tracing the history of both public and private housing around the world. The detailed drawings allow each project to be analyzed in depth, which, alongside the author’s authoritative text, will make this an invaluable resource for architects and students. As an added bonus, the book includes a CD-ROM containing digital files of all the drawings featured in the book.

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Leslie Linsley
ID: 6956
Издательство: Monacelli Press

Architecture on Florida's Key West reflects the diverse and colorful nature of those who have shaped this remote island's character: the grand classical homes of sea captains from New England, the cobbled-together wooden dwellings of ships' carpenters, the humble but charming cottages of cigar makers from Cuba. Today's equally varied population of artists, writers, and political figures contributes to that heritage by designing interiors and landscape that complement the vibrant tropical location, quirky isolationist tradition, and relaxed atmosphere.

In Key West: A Tropical Lifestyle, author Leslie Linsley presents the true character of this unique American place in twenty-two residences. Engaging anecdotes drawn from interview with homeowners, designers, and architects and lush, full-color photographs reveal the historic and contemporary interiors and gardens. Reflecting the style and personalities of their owners, these house simultaneously respect and extend a distinctive legacy.

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Eva Minguet
ID: 6080
Издательство: Monsa

This title provides a stunning visual that showcases of some the most creative and original designs for children. Filled with full-colour illustrations and photography, "Kids Design" provides readers with a stunning showcase of some of the most innovative and original designs for children's toys, furniture, and storage from around the world. Also included are discussions with the designers about their inspirations and the challenges associated with creating for children, as well as full contact and website details.

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Michelle Galindo
ID: 6014
Издательство: Braun

Today’s kindergartens are characterized by ample space for play and movement, opportunities for creative work as well as colorful room and façade design. In collaboration with educators and architects, interior and open spaces are being developed that according to need, encourage and inspire children to romp, play, or live out a fantasy. The focus of contemporary kindergarten architecture is based on the needs of the children, for whom the rooms, furniture and gardens are designed.

This title presents projects from around the world that have imaginatively and impressively mastered this architectural challenge. The featured kindergartens, day care and pre-school facilities show how the design of interiors and grounds appropriate for children fosters their joy in creative play and learning.

From the contents:

_Kindergarten in Sighartstein, Austria (Kadawittfeldarchitektur)
_Els Colors in Barcelona, Spain (RCR Arquitectes)
_Taka-Tuka-Land in Berlin, Germany (Baupiloten)
_Bubbletecture M in Shiga, Japan (Shuhei Endo)
_Kindergarten in Ramat-Hasharon, Israel (Lev-Gargir Architects)

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