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Simone Schleifer
ID: 1604
Издательство: Taschen

A selection of contemporary projects Rather than merely fulfilling an aesthetic purpose, today's new buildings have cultural, political, and social importance, and only those that succeed in reflecting these values, in combination with a novel approach to the practice of architecture, can be considered as spectacular. Challenged by an increasingly complex urban context, the buildings must carefully integrate their designs into the existing urban fabric through a skillful and sensitive interpretation of the buildings' purpose and relationship with the public. Bearing in mind these issues and criteria, this book gathers a selection of contemporary projects completed within the last few years that exemplify the latest trends in the creation of prominent institutional, corporate, retail, cultural and educational facilities around the world.

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ID: 6863
Издательство: speech:

Этот номер журнала speech: посвящен воде. Не только наша жизнь неразрывно связана с водой, но и облик и жизнеустройство городов и мест, в которых мы живем и которые любим посещать. Связь воды с архитектурой, ее роль в создании благоприятной жизненной среды гораздо глубже, чем это может показаться на первый взгляд. Вода способна разделять и объединять, служить естественной преградой или местом притяжения, она может использоваться в утилитарных или эстетических целях, являться одновременно реальностью и символом. Первые поселения и выросшие из них затем города создавались вдоль рек, по воде велась торговля, она служила для защиты, а также обслуживала множество других потребностей. Но отношение человека к воде всегда заключало в себе нечто большее, чем только утилитарный подход. И именно поэтому вода играла особую роль в создании общественных пространств, городских площадей и ансамблей, а также в развитии многих архитектурных типологий. На протяжении ХХ века вода все больше утрачивала свое функциональное значение в жизни городов, с перемещением портов и выводом промышленных предприятий прибрежные территории чаще всего надолго стали для большинства из них «проблемными зонами». Однако к концу века ситуация изменилась, и в последние годы во многих городах Европы, в Америке и Азии можно наблюдать обратный процесс – реки и другие водоемы приобретают новое значение и новую функцию. Cегодня вода играет все большую роль как в архитектурном решении отдельных зданий, так и в облике и образе жизни современного города. Прибрежные зоны, набережные, гавани и каналы становятся существенным фактором в создании комфортной для человека среды – привлекательной для жизни и работы, для культурного туризма и приятного времяпровождения на открытом воздухе. Они становятся важным идентификационным знаком и не только придают отдельным постройкам дополнительные эстетические качества, но и способствуют повышению привлекательности и ценности их окружения. Бывшие портовые и расположенные у воды промышленные территории получают свое второе рождение. Сегодня на них реализуются масштабные и смелые градостроительные идеи. Для многих плотно застроенных старых городов – это единственная возможность для расширения, а также возможность реализовать актуальные сегодня представления о городе будущего на территориях, несущих в себе память прошлого.

Журнал speech: артикулирует актуальные темы и позиции в современной архитектуре, раскрывая их с разных сторон – с точки зрения теории и практики, истории и современности, на основе зарубежного и российского материала и опыта, сопоставляя глобальные тенденции и локальные особенности.

Каждый номер журнала speech: полностью посвящен одной теме, раскрывая ее в разных ракурсах. Выбор темы связан с той частью профессии архитектора, которая дает основания считать ее искусством, а не только частью торговли квадратными метрами. speech: предоставляет возможность прямого высказывания российским и зарубежным архитекторам, культурологам, критикам и историкам архитектуры, экспертам в самых разных связанных с архитектурой областях.



Ирина Шипова
Лицом к воде


Владимир Паперный
Москва – порт пяти морей

за и против

Бернхард Шульц
Вода и песок
Размышления по поводу «эвент-архитектуры» в Арабских Эмиратах


Нина Фролова
Речной змей
Заха Хадид Аркитектс. Мост-павильон. Сарагоса, Испания

Анна Мартовицкая
8: Жилое чудо света
BIG-Бьярке Ингельс Груп. Жилой комплекс «8 house». Копенгаген

Анна Мартовицкая
Квадратура воды
Ателье Жан Нувель. Аквацентр Les Bains des Docks. Гавр, Франция

Анна Мартовицкая
На всех парусах
Бениш Архитектен. Океанографический музей Ozeaneum. Штральзунд, Германия

Анна Вяземцева
Обретенный причал
Стефано Боери Аркитетти. Реконструкция комплекса Арсенала, Дом моря. Ла-Маддалена, Италия

Александра Рудык
«Стрелка» определяет новое течение
Wowhaus. Институт медиа, архитектуры и дизайна «Стрелка». Москва


Нина Фролова
Осло и Драммен: города у воды

Мария Фадеева
Подмосковная Ривьера


Майнхард фон Геркан
Вода означает качество жизни
Интервью Ирины Шиповой

Ким Херфорт НильсенИзнутри наружу
Интервью Бернарда Шульца

Стивен Холл
Игра отражений и преломлений
Интервью Владимира Белоголовского


Сергей Чобан

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ID: 9908
Издательство: Tang Art

Project Introduction:

010-015 3LHD
016-017 FoRM Associates
024-029 Hood Design
036-049 IBI Group
056-059 Cox Architects 61
062-065 ASPECT Studios

114-123 Consultora Metropolis
143-147 Studio Patricia Meneses
148-159 ZAHA HADID
160-165 1:1 landskab
166-169 Affleck de la Riva Architecs
170-175 AMEC
176-177 Arup
178-181 BDP


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Tigran Haas
ID: 8081
Издательство: Rizzoli

The city in the twenty-first century faces major challenges, including social and economic stratification, wasteful consumption of resources, transportation congestion, and environmental degradation. More than half of the world’s population lives in cities and major metropolitan areas, and in the next two decades the number of city dwellers is estimated to reach five billion. This puts enormous pressures on transportation systems, housing stock, and infrastructure such as energy, waste, and water, which directly influences the emissions of greenhouse gases. 

As the long emergency awaits us, urgent questions remain: How will our cities survive? How can we combat and reconcile urban growth with sustainable use of resources for future generations to thrive? Where and how urbanism comes into the picture and what “sustainable” urban forms can do in light of these events are some of the issues Sustainable Urbanism and Beyond explores. With more than sixty essays, including contributions by Andrés Duany, Saskia Sassen, Peter Newman, Douglas Farr, Henry Cisneros, Peter Hall, Sharon Zukin,  Peter Eisenman, and others, this book is a unique perspective on architecture, urban planning, environmental and urban design, exploring ways for raising quality of life and the standard of living in a new modern era by creating better and more viable places to live. 

About the Author:

Tigran Haas is the associate professor of urban development, planning and design and sustainable urbanism at KTH - The Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm


Пролистать книгу Sustainable Urbanism and Beyond: Rethinking Cities for the Future на сайте издательства.

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Boris Chukhovich, Davide del Curto, Ekaterina Golovatyuk
ID: 18077
Издательство: Lars Müller Publishers

An investigative record of the architectural movement emblematic of the Soviet Orient.

After World War II, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, was designated as the capital of the Soviet Orient, a vitrine of socialism in the East. Conceived by both local and Moscow architects, the distinctive quality of Tashkent modernism (1964-91) emerges from the tension between the Soviet Union's ambition for the city and the locals' endeavor to retain their city's character.

This volume is an outgrowth of the Tashkent Modernism XX/XXI project, a research and preservation effort organized around a conference and exhibition held in 2023. The conference's title, "Where in the World Is Tashkent," was drawn from the 2000 American Institute of Architects conference "Where in the World Is Chicago," and its organizers shared a similar aim in re-situating the city of Tashkent as a paradigm for modernist architecture.

The book consists of two interwoven layers. The first section contains a series of written and visual essays, while the second includes 15 building monographs, detailing their histories, protection inventories and intervention strategies. Case studies include the Cosmonauts metro station and the Tashkent outpost of the Vladimir Lenin museum. Altogether, the volume explores key themes related to the architectural, social and cultural history of Tashkent and its current condition. More than just another "peripheral case" of multiple modernities or a white spot on the world map of architectural modernism of the 20th century, this architecture--being relevant to the global cultural scene--reflects the colonial, postcolonial and, at the same time, decolonial aspects of the Soviet social and cultural experiment.


Given its geographical location, developed resources and multicultural history, Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan, continues to be one of the most important centers of Central Asia. Since the Soviet era, numerous efforts were made to conserve and restore architectural monuments that speak to the rich ancient and medieval history of the region. By contrast, the modernist architecture of the 1960s–1980s, which articulated the idea of a modern, forward-looking society, was never perceived as heritage. With the arrival of the market economy and after the independence of Uzbekistan in 1991, the architecture of the previous three decades, which focused on social issues and economy of means, lost relevance. Today, this modernist layer of Tashkent is gaining recognition as a unique artistic, cultural and social phenomenon that is best equipped to reveal the specific character of the modernization of Soviet Central Asia. More than just another “peripheral case” of multiple modernities or a point on the global map of twentieth-century architectural modernism, this architecture is relevant to the global cultural scene, reflecting the radical aspects of the Soviet social and cultural experiment.

This publication combines the materials of the Tashkent Modernism XX/XXI project, for which an international team of architects, historians and restoration experts joined forces on recording and restoring the city’s modernist legacy. This comprehensive book presents research results alongside insights that contextualize the work in a broader framework of Soviet and Uzbekistan history. It provides a strategic plan for conservation and adaptation of this important architectural heritage which resonates with preservation ambitions of modernist architectures on a global scale.

The publication consists of two parts. The first part contains a series of written and visual essays, while the second encompasses twelve building monographs that present histories, protection inventories and intervention strategies for the selected buildings.


Edited by Boris Chukhovich, Davide Del Curto, Ekaterina Golovatyuk
Foreword by Saida Mirziyoyeva, Gayane Umerova
Preface by Francesco Bandarin
Interview with Rem Koolhaas
With photographs by Armin Linke
With essays by Sofia Celli, Boris Chukhovich, Davide Del Curto, Federica Deo, Ekaterina Golovatyuk, Nicola Russi


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ID: 8657
Издательство: ЖУРНАЛЫ

Более двадцати лет «Архитектурно-художественные мастерские архитекторов Величкина и Голованова» разрабатывают и реализуют проекты домов, квартир, объектов городской среды, объединяя выдающихся мастеров, членов Союза Архитекторов Дмитрия Величкина и Николая Голованова. Вместе с бывшими учениками, а ныне сотрудниками «Архитектурно-художественных мастерских» ими создано несколько десятков проектов, каждый из которых наглядно воплощает принципы уместности и безупречности вписанности архитектуры в окружающую среду.

Многофункциональный жилой комплекс «Кристалл» в городе Казань был построен в 2009 году. Жилой комплекс стоит на высоком берегу реки Казанки в очень выгодном с точки зрения видов месте. Совершенно оправданно выбрано решение со сложным силуэтом и богатой разработкой объемов. При этом общий зеленовато-серый колорит стекла и керамогранита «собирает» разновысокие объемы, детали из нержавейки придают лоск на расстоянии вытянутой руки. В то же время здание не подавляет, сохраняет человеческий масштаб.

В журнале собрана проектная документация по объекту.


Номер журнала посвящен проекту многофункционального жилого комплекса «Кристалл»  в Казани. Авторы проекта — Дмитрий Величкин и Николай Голованов, основатели и руководители «Архитектурно-художественных мастерских Величкина и Голованова». Строительство комплекса было окончено в 2009 году. Жилой комплекс стоит на высоком берегу реки Казанки в очень выгодном с точки зрения видовой привлекательности месте, однако на первых этапах строительства у архитекторов возникли проблемы с вписыванием постройки в общий контекст. Совершенно оправданно выбрано решение со сложным силуэтом и богатой разработкой объемов. Так как основной идеей стала тема ветра, то в здании было применено планарное остекление, с четвертого этажа расстилаются панорамные виды на всю Казань. Одной из самых ярких составляющих комплекса стал отделочный материал. Общий зеленовато-серый колорит стекла и керамогранита «собирает» разновысокие объемы, детали из нержавейки придают лоск на расстоянии вытянутой руки. Несмотря на этажность, здание не подавляет и сохраняет человеческий масштаб. В журнале представлены: вступительная статья с комментариями архитекторов, основные планы, разрезы, фасады, узлы и схемы проекта.

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Simon Henley
ID: 2280
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

This is the first comprehensive international survey of one of the most neglected but most important building types of the modern era: the parking garage. An introduction sets out the history and architectural significance of these buildings and their relevance today and is followed by four main chapters that define the most influential aspects of parking design: elevations and facade; construction and materiality; the use of light; and experimentation.

The book's wide-ranging importance and detailed plans make it an indispensable and inspirational resource for students, professional architects, engineers, urban planners and developers.

Посмотреть издание книги The Architecture of Parking в мягкой обложке.

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Simon Henley
ID: 4090
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

Housing the maximum number of cars in a well-designed space is one of the most challenging aspects of twentieth-century architecture, which has attracted a stellar array of architects.

This is the first major international survey of parking garages ever published. Multi-levelled like a car park itself, the book presents visual essays, project spreads and case studies that feature ground-breaking historical and recent structures in photographs and drawings.

From the iconic Marina City towers in Chicago to the latest robotic technology at the Volkswagen Autotürme in Germany, the author shows how the form and function of the parking garage has been hugely influential not only on generations of architects but on popular culture, capturing the imagination of novelists, photographers and film-makers.

The Architecture of Parking is an inspirational resource for students, professional architects, urban planners, engineers, developers, and anyone interested in how construction for cars has shaped our built world.

Simon Henley is principal of the award-winning London-based architecture firm Buschow Henley.

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Ronald Lee Fleming
ID: 6796
Издательство: Merrell Publishers

This expertly researched book makes a radical case for accessible public art that fosters a powerful civic experience of connection to place.

The author advocates narrative, site-specific public art that engages the popular imagination through common references to history, folklore, culture and geography, and demonstrates how the integration of approachable art with local landscape, architecture and urban design can facilitate identification with locale. Dozens of case studies of spectacular and innovative works throughout the United States are accompanied by practical information, cost and policy analysis, artist interviews, examples of failures and major controversies, and strategies for the future, making this book an essential reference for anyone involved with transforming and improving our public spaces.

- Includes small-scale and city-wide projects that are relevant both to local community groups and major city art programmes around the world
- Features public art projects since the 1990s, including the integration of public art in urban design, historic interpretation, street furniture, transit-station and roadway-corridor design, mural towns and more
- An invaluable resource for artists, architects, urban planners and teachers, as well as non-professionals seeking to bring art into their communities

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Spiro Kostof
ID: 3875
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

Published to overwhelming critical acclaim, this classic study of cities explains how and why cities - among the most enduring and remarkable of all human artefacts - took the shape they did.

Professor Kostof focuses on a number of themes - organic patterns, the grid, the city as a diagram, the grand manner, and the skyline - and interprets the hidden order of urban patterns.

Photographs, historical views and specially commissioned drawings vividly depict a global mosaic of city-building: the shaping of medieval Siena; the creation of New Delhi as the crown of the Raj, the remodelling of Moscow as the self-styled capital of world socialism and the transformation of the skyline as religious and civic symbols yield to the towers of corporate business. This is an enthralling book, of vital interest to architects, planners and social historians.

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Carles Broto
ID: 8757
Издательство: Links

"Street Furniture" offers the reader a close-up look at all of the elements that go into the design of urban space. Every item shown in the full color photographs that illustrate the projects was custom-designed for a specific purpose. The creation of each piece is explained right from the initial stages to its eventual construction and installation through original sketches and detailed lists of materials. This is surely the most thorough and complete volume of its kind, and constitutes a streetwise resource that no urban design professional should do without.

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Kazys Varnelis
ID: 5442
Издательство: Actar

Once the greatest American example of a modern city served by infrastructure, Los Angeles is now in perpetual crisis. Infrastructure has ceased to support its urban plans, subordinating architecture to its own purposes. This out-of-control but networked world is increasingly organized by flows of objects and information. Static structures avoid being superfluous by joining this system as temporary containers for people, objects, and capital. This provocative collection of photography, essays, and maps looks at infrastructure as a way of mapping our place in the city and affecting change through architecture.

A project by the Network Architecture Lab and the LA Forum for Architecture & Urban Design featuring: Lane Barden, Barry Lehrman, David Fletcher, Steve Rowell, Sean Dockray, Fiona Whitton, Frank Ruchala, Matt Coolidge, CLUI, Warren Techentin, Ted Kane, Rick Miller, Roger Sherman, Deborah Richmond, Robert Sumrell. Kazys Varnelis, directs the Network Architecture Lab (Columbia University) and the AUDC collective.

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ID: 9749
Издательство: Actar

Metapolis (multicity): Beyond the metropolis of the industrial era emerges the Metapolis of the digital era. The city is now a place of places, where numerous urban models coexist, each with its own qualities that make it different from the rest. In the Metapolis, the dwelling becomes a place where we live, work and rest--thanks to audiovisual and telematic systems--where the neighborhood is a multinational environment of direct relation between citizens and where zoning no longer has any meaning. The Metapolis creates complete environments (dwelling, leisure, commerce, education) in the proximity of the dwelling. - from the Metapolis entry in the Metapolis Dictionary of Advanced Architecture.

A dictionary for a world whose cities are linked by fiber optic cables and whose citizens are virtually global, a world where airports are meeting places and meetings take place via web conference, the Metapolis Dictionary of Advanced Architecture identifies a new architectural will and a new social and cultural panorama.

From "abduction" to "zoom," radical definitions abound. Collected together they form a global, cross-disciplinary, multi-voiced vision of new architectural action. They define an architecture that is inscribed in information society, that is influenced by new technologies and new economies, and that concerns itself with the environment and sustainability.

Entries have been written by the six main authors - Gausa, Guallart, Müller, Morales, Porras and Soriano - plus dozens of international contributors, including Iñaki Abalos & Juan Herreros, Stan Allen, Cecil Balmond, Ben van Berkel, Aaron Betsky, Eduard Bru, Greg Lynn, Josep Lluís Mateo, Frédéric Migayrou, Marcos Novak, José Pérez Arroyo, Andreas Ruby, Antonino Saggio, Saskia Sassen, Kelly Shannon, Lars Spuybroek, Roemer van Toorn and Mark Wigley.

For the sake of accessibility, the dictionary has been organized according to three distinct systems.

The main dictionary is laid out in alphabetical order, with each entry explained via one or various contributors' interpretations, plus a list of related words.

Within this larger dictionary are two smaller ones: the ideological dictionary (see "ideological dictionary"), located roughly at the center of the book, offers analogical groups of words related to specific idea; the dictionary of aphorisms (see "synthetical") synthesizes some of the key definitions from the main dictionary in the form of mottos.

Finally, please note that this is an illustrated dictionary, with images used to facilitate quick explanations of related terms.

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ID: 7846
Издательство: The Plan

A New Approach To Quality

Urban Development

Quality Density

Urban Development

Quantitative Density

Urban Development

Rethinking Detroit

Urban Development 

Multiplicity as a Resource

Urban Development

Filling the Void

Urban Development

Milan - Detroit: Multifaceted Issues for the Contemporary Metropolis

Urban Development

Italy: Urban and Environmental Revitalization

Urban Development

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R. Klanten, S. Ehmann, S. Borges
ID: 8380
Издательство: Gestalten

New possibilities for seemingly impossible buildings and spaces.

Thanks to innovations in building materials, design technologies, and construction tools, a new generation of architects can finally realize structures that would have previously remained mere dreams. This emergence of a new vernacular of radically sculpted buildings, rooms, and installations melds rigorous usability with a playful and cutting edge aesthetic, facilitating highly functional yet undeniably exhilarating spaces.

The Sky’s the Limit serves as a compelling exploration of these seemingly impossible, yet surprisingly practical structures and spaces. Unleashing the creative potential offered by the latest developments in design and construction, this book presents spectacularly formed buildings, façades, and interiors as well as inspiring temporary projects and urban interventions by both young and established talents. The projects featured here have all been built, are actively in use, and transport us to the outer limits of our spatial imagination.

More About This Book

In contemporary architecture, nothing appears impossible anymore. Today, every form, space, and idea — no matter how visionary, radical, or confounding — proves not only conceivable, but also technically feasible. Advances in innovative materials and digital construction tools empower a new generation of architects, engineers, and designers to build structures that would have previously remained mere dreams. This emergence of a new vernacular of radically sculpted buildings, rooms, and installations melds rigorous usability with a playful and cutting edge aesthetic, facilitating highly functional yet undeniably exhilarating spaces.

The Sky’s the Limit serves as a compelling and international exploration of these seemingly impossible, yet surprisingly practical structures and spaces by both young and established talents. Within the book, spectacularly formed permanent buildings mingle alongside expressive interiors and exteriors for both temporary projects and urban interventions.

The Sky’s the Limit challenges architects, engineers, interior designers, artists, booth builders, material experts, and exhibition planners to discover and develop innovative design and construction techniques. The projects featured here have all been built and are actively in use, transporting us to the outer limits of our spatial imagination.

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