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Sergi Costa Duran
ID: 6899
Издательство: Harper Collins Publishers

Lavishly illustrated with full-colour photographs, drawings, floor and aerial plans, The Sourcebook of Contemporary Green Architecture features today's most noteworthy environmentally-friendly architectural projects. Comprehensive chapters account for the core concerns of all architectural projects (the needs of architects, clients and partners, as well as logistical area and cost management concerns, and energy management), while allowing readers a hands-on understanding of what it takes to envision, create, and develop an environmentally-conscious master plan, building, or landscape design.

Featured projects exhibit a range of sustainable design ideas from bioclimatic strategies to more complex off-the-grid constructions that include passive designs, prefab systems, water-harvesting mechanisms, and green renovations. Projects include building eco-certifications and eco-design solutions to utilize advanced technologies, and both "cost management plans" as well as plans geared toward more lax budgets are featured. All projects included in The Sourcebook of Contemporary Green Architecture have been completed or are ongoing in the 21st century and were chosen as highly successful examples of green architects meeting the individual needs and tastes of their clients. It is the perfect resource for architects, city planners, engineers, and designers to find the knowledge and inspiration to carry us into a "green" architectural future.

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Dieter Hassenpflug
ID: 9808
Издательство: Birkhauser

When reading the Chinese city, which this book sets out to do, it is not the well-known cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, and Xi an that are in the focus of attention, but rather the essentially Chinese of the Chinese city, those characteristics or attributes that are more or less shared by all Chinese cities. The spotlight is on their spatial grammar, their syntax, in short: their code. Only by deciphering their common traits a view to the underlying structure of Chinese cities is opened, and we can begin to reasonably evaluate and classify the diversity of impressions. Deciphering the code of the Chinese city also enables the author to read new Chinese towns designed by Western architects. Thus, readers are provided with valuable insight on China s booming urbanization and urban development.

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Patrick Blanc (Author), Gregory Bruhn (Translator), Veronique Lalot (Photographer). With an Introduction by Jean Nouvel
ID: 6543
Издательство: W. W. Norton & Co.

The secrets of plants that cling, grip, and climb, from the inventor of the vertical garden

Patrick Blanc, an artist with a green thumb, has created dozens of his admired botanical tapestries in public and private spaces around the world, including the Marithé & François Girbaud boutique in Manhattan; the Jean Nouvel-designed Quai Branly Museum in Paris; the aquarium in Genoa; the Siam Paragon mall in Bangkok; and the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art in Kanazawa, Japan. In this luscious, oversize, all-color book, he explains how to create plant walls using more than one thousand plants, drawing on his observation of natural milieus, his technique of growing on vertical surfaces, his savoir faire, and his passion for plants.


Вертикальный сад. Из природы в город.

Французский биолог и ландшафтный дизайнер Партик Бланк (Patrick Blanc) становится всё более популярным далеко за пределами своей родины. А всё благодаря его научным разработкам — оригинальным решениям вертикального озеленения для садов и целых городских кварталов. Он стал всемирно известен благодаря изобретённой им системе биологического декора, незамысловато названного «вертикальной стеной» или «растительной стеной» (mur végétal). Системы Патрика Бланка позволили взглянуть на ландшафтный дизайн мегаполисов совершенно под другим углом зрения. Его «стены» можно сооружать как на наружных стенах прямо в городе, так и внутри помещений. Используя тот же метод, Патрик предлагает и чисто «домашние» решения.

Сегодня вертикальные сады Бланка украшают фасады административных зданий, ресторанов, паркингов, шопинг-центров, музеев, фешенебельных бутиков и отелей всего мира. Став неотъемлемым элементом парижского дизайна, «живые» стены можно увидеть в офисах международных компаний и банков. Французское посольство в Дели, эксклюзивные бутики на Манхеттене и в Париже, торговый центр в Бангкоке, музеи современного искусства во Франции, Бразилии и Японии – все это лишь неполный перечень мест, где можно полюбоваться творениями Патрика Бланка.

Эта книга является монографией Патрика Бланка. Первая глава посвящена источникам вдохновения Патрика - природе, а именно особенности жизни растений  рядом с водопадами, на скалах, на деревьях, в пещерах и т.д. Во второй главе автор рассказывает о взаимосвязи  растений и архитектуры. Основная третья глава рассказывает о принципах и схеме устройства вертикальных садов и представляет около пятидесяти проектов Патрика Бланка со схемами расположения растений на полноцветных фотографиях отличного качества.

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Michael Kubo , Albert Ferre , Tomoko Sakamoto
ID: 7330
Издательство: Actar

As a complex entity, an interesting building always has an interesting epic, a story that is embedded in the organisation of matter. A specific building epic, that of the Yokohama International Port terminal, is described in this book, the first in the series of Verb monographs. The book is structured as a replica of architecture design team's unique process, one where every member is in charge of an entire design package. This editorial structure has two fundamental intentions: first, to depict the design development process as the growth of ideas from rather specific material domains; second, to rediscover the linearity of the ordering system of construction documents. As an experiment falling outside of the typical architecture publication, we have chosen to exlude critical texts (theorisation on the work) in favor of a description of the set of decisions that made various matters evolve into a building.As a complex entity, an interesting building always has an interesting epic, a story that is embedded in the organisation of matter. A specific building epic, that of the Yokohama International Port terminal, is described in this book, the first in the series of Verb monographs. The book is structured as a replica of architecture design team's unique process, one where every member is in charge of an entire design package. This editorial structure has two fundamental intentions: first, to depict the design development process as the growth of ideas from rather specific material domains; second, to rediscover the linearity of the ordering system of construction documents. As an experiment falling outside of the typical architecture publication, we have chosen to exlude critical texts (theorisation on the work) in favor of a description of the set of decisions that made various matters evolve into a building.

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ID: 7029
Издательство: Archiworld
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José Maria Ezquiaga, Juan Herreros, Francesca Ferguson
ID: 5505
Издательство: Actar

The new realities of the 21st century have converted the cities into spaces for exchange: authentic platforms from where one can image the future. Madrid presents a context of social diversity and urban spaces everyday more heterogeneous, a metropolis with a diffused identity, at the same time a city of surprising contrasts.

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Thilo Folkerts
ID: 9812
Издательство: Birkhauser

Topotek 1 is one of Germany’s internationally best-known landscape architecture firms.

Rosemarie Trockel is currently one of Germany’s most important artists; she has made a name for herself through highly unconventional works that have often been exhibited in New York, Chicago, at documenta Kassel, the Venice Biennale, and elsewhere.

The new and extremely playful park in Munich is the result of a collaboration between them. It covers a three-hundred-meter section of railroad tracks and creates urgently needed open space for the neighborhood of Theresienhöhe. In addition to the design, technically demanding questions like the approach to statics, acoustics, and traffic safety also needed to be solved.

This has been achieved with an intricate costly and elaborate mix of gravel, pine trees, plastic, artificial turf, styrofoam, and concrete, which creates varied textures for the site. This monograph examines the new park design in a number of essays and documents the design and production process.

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Tomoko Sakamoto , Irene Hwang (Editors),
ID: 5443
Издательство: Actar

This book is conceived as evidence supporting the qualities of dense, urban living, and as a hopeful antidote against sprawl. Necessity and investigation are prerequisites for the design of housing: Total Housing refers to the need to understand that social, environmental, and economic factors affect form, and that living space is a base for our increasingly complex and varied societies. This new survey into multi-family housing focuses on the responses proposed by architects who are dealing with the dynamic and diverse demands of contemporary society. Featuring works by Lacaton-Vassal, BIG, + JDS, Sadar Vuga Arhitekti, Ryue Nishizawa, FOA, SHoP, and many emerging new architects, this volume is not a simple catalog, but rather a studied collection of inventive projects.

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Haig Beck, Jackie Cooper
ID: 587
Издательство: Images
The emergence of Tract Consultants in 1972 as Australia's first national planning, urban design and landscape design practice coincided with an unprecedented period of development in Australia. Tract, by virtue of the breadth of its integrated planning and landscape design skills, and also its national presence in Australia's largest four cities, participated in this building boom to the extent that most Australians now come into contact with Tract's work on a daily basis. Tract's story is of a leading contemporary planning and design practice built on uniting two professional disciplines that developed in isolation from each other for over half a century: planning and landscape design. This monograph presents an overview of more than 30 years' work, presented with colour photographs, plans, and drawings, and insightful essays from editors Haig Beck and Jackie Cooper.
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ID: 697
Издательство: Daab

Since the last century, most of the public space has been designed for and around the automobile. Gradually, a mostly undifferentiated infrastructure developed into landmark architecture, with buildings and constructions of all kinds that interpret and mark the contemporary's ”automobile way of life”. Be it parking garages, gas stations, wash-cafés, bridges or motor hotels: the subject has a surprising lot of designs to offer. Paolo Tumminelli’s ”Traffic design” shows recent interesting projects from the whole world.

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Carles Broto
ID: 8758
Издательство: Links

This book offers the reader a superb selection of today’s finest examples in the field of transport architecture. Carefully considered projects proposed by renowned architects and designers provide effective solutions for overcrowded airports, busy train stations and major transport links. All projects are beautifully illustrated with full color photographs accompanied by detailed explanations from the architects themselves. This will undoubtedly be an invaluable reference for all those interested in this vital field of contemporary architecture.

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ID: 363
Издательство: Images
This publication examines pictorially the way architects have designed buildings to facilitate the movement of people and cargo around the globe. Included is an impressive array of spaces related to air, rail, road and shipping transport spaces. Designed by some of the world's leading archiects, including Foster and Partners, Murphy/Jahn, NBBJ and Fentress Bradburn, these large-scale and complex projects are awesome examples of architects' skill and expertise.
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Regionalverband Ruhr
ID: 9816
Издательство: Birkhauser

The Emscher Landscape Park is one of the most important landscape revitalising projects that has been realised in an industrial region – eminent not only on a national but also on an international scale.

With its 450 km2, the Emscher Landscape Park encompasses a significant part of the Ruhr Metropolitan Area, the European Capital of Culture RUHR.2010.

What makes it unique is the variety of built projects and the expertise of the stakeholders involved including, among others, Peter Latz, Norman Foster, Jörg Schlaich, Frei Otto, Rem Koolhaas, Henri Bava, Françoise-Hélène Jourda, Michel Desvigne, Richard Serra and Maria Nordman.

About 30 major parks and landmarks, pits and tips, bridges and trails as well as artistic installations, all part of this comprehensive landscaping project, are presented here in essays by renowned authors and in individual project portraits.

Der Emscher Landschaftspark ist, auch im internationalen Vergleich, das bedeutendste Projekt einer landschaftlichen Revitalisierung einer ehemaligen Industrieregion. Mit seinen 450 km² umfasst der Emscher Landschaftspark einen wesentlichen Teil des Ruhrgebietes, Kulturhauptstadt Europas 2010. Bemerkenswert ist die Vielfalt der gebauten Projekte und das Niveau der beteiligen Akteure, unter ihnen Peter Latz, Norman Foster, Jörg Schlaich, Frei Otto, Rem Koolhaas, Henri Bava, Michel Desvigne, Richard Serra und viele andere. Die rund 30 wichtigsten Parks und Landmarken, Zechen und Halden, Brücken und Wege sowie künstlerische Installationen sind Teile einer umfassenden Landschaftsgestaltung, die hier in Essays renommierter Autoren sowie Projektporträts vorgestellt wird.

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ID: 1634
Издательство: Monsa
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Kunibert Wachten, Hendrik Neubauer
ID: 5797
Издательство: Ullmann

Urban Design and Architecture is a journey through the architectural events of the 20th century also offering an exciting documentation of the interrelation of people, time and architecture. There's something magical about some cities. They are artificial worlds that have nevertheless grown like organic entities over centuries. Here futuristic experimental buildings contrast with historical monuments, magnificent spectacle is found alongside minimalist elegance - and everywhere in between, people. Our major cities are condensed cultural histories that provide evidence of the changing rhythms of life of both the past and the present day. This richly illustrated compendium contains essays about styles, buildings, gardens and parks, along with itineraries through the cities that best showcase the architectural developments in urban planning of the past century. There are also short biographies of the most important architects who have shaped the 20th century with their creations.

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