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Molly Higgins
ID: 8324
Издательство: Schiffer

Large quantities of leaded decorative windows were manufactured in the years surrounding the turn of the century. Glasses of many colors and textures were used to make elaborate windows for homes, creating spectacular presentations of light and color formerly seen only in churches. These windows are enormously popular on today's antiques market, varying widely in price and condition. This attractive book is a useful tool for anyone looking to bring the enchanting beauty of stained glass into their home. In this revised 2nd edition there are hundreds of gorgeous windows of many shapes, sizes, colors, and complexities are featured here, including etched, beveled, painted, and mosaic windows. Learn about the influences of some of the more prominent names in decorative windows, including Louis Comfort Tiffany, John LaFarge, and Frank Lloyd Wright. Original catalog material, a discussion of glass and leading types, values for each window, and other information will help you assess decorative windows in the marketplace. For designers and artisans, this book is a treasury of classic designs.

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Roger Padilha, Mauricio Padilha
ID: 8942
Издательство: Rizzoli

The first complete monograph on Antonio Lopez, the influential Warholian fashion illustrator of the 1960s, ’70s, and ’80s.

Best known for dazzling illustrations in Women’s Wear Daily, Vogue, the New York Times, Interview, and for high fashion labels, Antonio Lopez (1943–1987) was a force majeur in the fashion world for three decades.

In the ‘60s, Lopez’s vibrant illustrations helped usher youth culture into the pages of magazines, setting a new, free-flowing, sexually liberated standard for fashion imagery. Living in Paris during the 70s with his creative partner Juan Ramos, Lopez launched the modeling careers of Jerry Hall, Grace Jones, and Jessica Lange among others worked with design royalty like Karl Lagerfeld and Yves Saint Laurent and cultivated a soigné nightlife persona in the blistering-hot underground clubs of Paris. Returning to New York City in 1976, Antonio documented the sexy influence of athletic wear, puffy, down coats, and break-dancing style, inspiring such designers as Norma Kamali and Anna Sui. 

Widely recognized during this period as the world’s most influential fashion illustrator, Antonio’s work took on a deeper, more sculptural dimension in the 80s, richly detailed, with a vivid palette, and heroic proportions and poses. So deft and varied in his expression, Antonio Lopez simultaneously executed campaigns for labels as diverse as Norma Kamali, YSL, Valentino, Missoni, and Versace - an unprecedented feat in a highly competitive industry.

The prolific Lopez produced an incredible number of drawings, illustrations, paintings, photographs, and fantastic mixed-media journals, and this book showcases his most iconic works, as well as never-before-seen Instamatic photos, behind-the-scenes Polaroids, letters, and ephemera which, together, provide an understanding of the career trajectory of an extraordinarily talented artist, and convey Antonio Lopez’s enduring influence on fashion today.

"I’m from the generation that came to New York to meet their idols. In my case, it was Andy Warhol and Antonio Lopez." - Anna Sui

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ID: 2129
Издательство: L'Aventurine

Именно итальянскому искусству мы обязаны появлением на свет причудливых форм и узоров - арабесок. Под влиянием арабского искусства, распространение которого началось в портовом городе Венеции, художники эпохи Возрождения стали использовать переплетение лиственных орнаментов в виде завитков для архитектурных украшений зданий, в садово-парковом искусстве, росписи тканей, книгопечатании, при украшении оружия, ваз и других предметов повседневной жизни. Извилистые линии арабесок стали символом роскоши, они изображались на изделиях из камня, металла, керамики, стекла и кожи в самых разнообразных комбинациях.

В каллиграфии также стали использовать арабески, и вскоре декоративные буквы затерялись в лабиринте украшений, в результате чего декоративное письмо стало само по себе искусством.

Леонардо да Винчи очень увлекался искусством арабесок. Наряд Моны Лизы украшен арабесками, так же как и стены и потолок Зала дела Ассе (Ослиной комнаты) в Замке Сфорца. Работу мастера скопирован Альбрехт Дюрер, создавший серию Шесть узлов под влиянием гравюр Леонардо.
Большим успехом пользовались работы и других немецких мастеров, в частности Виргилия Солиса, Петера Флетнера, Теодора де Бри. Вскоре, объятые взаимной страстью к арабескам, итальянские мастера стали копировать узоры своих немецких коллег!
В этой энциклопедии приведены самые яркие примеры данного вида искусства.

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ID: 9089
Издательство: Pepin Press

PEPIN gift wrap paper books all contain 4 pages of introduction and 12 large sheets of very high-quality wrapping paper. They can easily be removed from the books by tearing them along a perforated line. The wrapping papers are folded to fit into the book; when removed and opened they measure 50 cm x 70 cm (19,5 inch x 27,5 inch; a standard size for gift wrapping papers). Depending on the theme, we have selected a suitable light-weight paper quality. For example, papers with designs in gold, silver or bronze are printed on silky art paper on which the inks show to their best advantage. Designs with an antique or hand-made feel are printed on high-quality creamy offset paper. PEPIN papers make your gift package look very special. In addition, our papers are suitable for scrap booking and all sorts of craft projects. Each volume contains 12 different, exceptional designs.

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Jean-Marc Castera, Francoise Peuriot, Philippe Ploquin
ID: 9370
Издательство: ACR Edition

Cet ouvrage a pour objectif de faire mieux connaître l’art qui s’exprime dans l’habillage de l’architecture marocaine, en donnant à voir un grand nombre de réalisations mais aussi, et c’est là son originalité, en délivrant des clés pour une meilleure compréhension de l’arabesque géométrique et un accès facile à la pratique créative de l’art. Nous souhaitons ainsi contribuer à la diffusion d’un savoir rare et précieux élaboré par le travail obstiné de générations d’artistes anonymes. Après un rapide exposé historique destiné à cerner la spécificité de l’art islamique au Maroc, nous étudions les trois principales familles du décor dans l’architecture : la calligraphie, l’arabesque florale et, surtout, le décor géométrique qui fournit la matière la plus originale et approfondie du livre. L’exposé technique s’appuie sur le dessin - sans ou avec l’ordinateur - et est accompagné de nombreuses photographies prises dans les plus beaux sites (monuments, palais royaux, cités) du Maroc. Pour le plaisir des yeux... et de l’esprit.

This volume throws light upon an art expression to be found clad in the garments of Moroccan architecture. This work provides keys to the understanding of geometrical arabesques. This art of a rare and precious mastery was elaborated through the determined efforts of generations of anonymous artists. A brief historical survey defines the specificity of Islamic art in Morocco.

Three principal styles of decorative architecture are studied: calligraphy, floral arabesque, and geometrical arabesque. Illustrations and photographs of some of the most beautiful sites of Morocco (monuments, royal palaces and cities) are a pleasure for the eye.


Посмотреть англоязычное издание Arabesques: Decorative Art in Morocco

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Christiane Niemann (Editor)
ID: 1706
Издательство: Daab

This book shows the progression of Interior Design of the Arabian countries. In contrast to many countries modeled according to the Western traditions, the Arabian culture is closely tied to religious and social values. The current discussion regarding contemporary architecture broaches the subject of the importance of tradition and deals with the Arabian identity. The architects have various viewpoints on the subject: Besides those who represent an international and global architectural language, there are also numerous planners that incorporate historical elements such as arches, domes and columns into their designs and interpret them in a contemporary fashion. Arabian Design presents the projects of renowned offices and young architects and shows the exciting process, in which a new, modern presence is developing out of tradition and ideas for the future are resulting. all projects are listed in alphabetic order of the designers and architects. Plans of the projects are shown as far as available. An index of contact information of the designer and architects is enclosed.

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Pepin Van Roojen
ID: 239
Издательство: Pepin Press

This book contains stunning images for use as a graphic resource, or inspiration. All the illustrations are stored in high-resolution format on the enclosed free CD-ROM and are ready to use for professional quality printed media and web page design. The pictures can also be used to produce postcards, or to decorate your letters, flyers, etc. They can be imported directly from the CD into most design, image- manipulation, illustration, word-processing and e-mail programs; no installation is required. For most applications, single images can be used free of charge. Please consult the introduction to this book, or visit our website for conditions. All designs in this book were originally recorded in the 1870s, primarily from Egyptian, Persian and Syrian sources. Together, they form a comprehensive graphic overview of the very best geometric design from the Arab world. The images are meticulously re-drawn and digitalized for this publication. The designs are interlocking, so it is possible tocreate larger patterns by repeating the components.

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Pepin van Roojen
ID: 10183
Издательство: Pepin Press

Without a doubt, Arabian geometric ornamentation is among the most sophisticated forms of design of all eras. For Arabian Geometric Patterns, a large collection of the most beautiful and intricate of such designs has been meticulously re-drawn and digitised. All files are included on the accompanying CD-ROM.

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Prisse D'Avennes
ID: 3708
Издательство: L'Aventurine

L’Aventurine Although "Arabic Art" was presented by d’Avennes as an anthology of ornamentation, it also was one of the first publications in "modern" archaeology.

A reference in the field, the book offers a wide vision of Arabic art in the areas of architecture, decoration and the applied arts.

An irresistible mélange of romanticism and history, this encyclopedia with its incredible graphic scope bears witness to the diversity and value of the Islamic art as seen through the rigorous and scientific eye of a 19th century Westerner.

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Prisse d’Avennes
ID: 9618
Издательство: Dover

Here are 141 designs and motifs in authentic full color from classic 19th century work by noted French historian — a visual vocabulary of Islamic decorative art.

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Florence Curt
ID: 3709
Издательство: L'Aventurine

Цветочный дизайн мусульманских художников можно разделить на две школы. Первая, прежде всего, распознаваема в работах мастеров собственно из Персии, а также созданных художниками под персидским влиянием. Мотивы второй школы получили распространение среди мастеров стран, простирающихся от Сирии до Марокко и Испании.

Все это разнообразие открывается в данном издании.

Все иллюстрации в этой книге представлены на CD, которые могут быть использованы как на PC так и на MAC компьютерах.

Изображения сохранены в файлах формата TIFF высокого разрешения.

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Столяровский Сергей
ID: 5187
Издательство: Питер

В книге описывается работа с прикладной архитектурной программой ArchiCAD 12 и на основании конкретных примеров рассказывается о возможностях создания архитектурных объектов.
Просто и доступно излагаются эффективные приемы и методы проектирования в ArchiCAD 12, даются пошаговые описания всех действий, что позволит работать в программе даже начинающим архитекторам. Легкость изложения материала сделает ArchiCAD понятным и для многих «узких» специалистов — ландшафтных архитекторов, дизайнеров интерьеров, декораторов.

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ID: 10227
Издательство: Frechmann Kolon

Five quality mountable prints in a full colour illustrated envelope.

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Judy A. Juracek
ID: 3231
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

An essential tool for architects, interior designers, set designers and related professionals, this book offers a rich library of visual references for every research need. An illustrated glossary of technical terms offers a vocabulary for professional communication and a comprehensive index of subject matter and materials makes it easy to find just the image you need.

How do courses of brickwork accommodate the shape of an arch? Exactly what happens at the intersection of two stone walls? What is the profile of a molding where a cornice wraps around the corner of a building? Solving these problems with style and elegance is the hallmark of good design; the resulting solutions are the structural and decorative details that are emblematic of historic periods and become the signatures of individual styles and designers.

This addition to the acclaimed Surfaces series catalogues hundreds of different architectural features. Its more than 1,400 high-quality colour photographs capture the texture, colour, grain and shape of architectural details organized by subject: walls, facades, ornament and molding, columns, posts and arches, windows, doorways, ceilings and roofs, floors and pavement.

• The  CD-ROMs include easy-to-use screen-resolution TIFF files of every image and the complete glossary of terms.

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ID: 5844
Издательство: L'Aventurine

Collection of constructions, both civil and sacred buildings, ranges from pre-Christian basilicas to buildings dating from the early 19th century, and includes such gems as the cathedrals of St. Peter and Chartres, the Paris Opera House, and the Taj Mahal. Fully illustrated.

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