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Pepin Press
ID: 1490
Издательство: Pepin Press

In the 1920s, not only were architecture and art influenced by Art Deco, fashion was, too. Designers were inspired by the stage sets of the Ballet Russes, fabric designs and costumes from Leon Bakst and creations from the Wiener Werkstдtte, just to name a few. Women’s increased participation in sports, along with the introduction of energetic dance styles required a different type of dress, and technical advances resulted in the availability of new fabrics. These factors played a role in a true fashion revolution: fashion designers created new silhouettes and innovative details, and used new colours and luxurious fabrics. At least as important was the use of typical Art Deco patterns for textile decoration. Art Deco Fashion contains more than a 1,000 beautiful fashion plates, including designs from famous Art Deco designers such as Paul Poiret, Charles Worth and Jean Patou. The book comes with a free CD containing wonderful Art Deco patterns that have been meticulously restored from period originals.

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Suzanne Lussier
ID: 8124
Издательство: V&A Victoria Albert Museum

This popular celebration of the roaring 1920s fashion is now available in paperback. From beaded evening dresses for dancing the Charleston to sporty outfits for golf, the world of Hollywood and F. Scott Fitzgerald is conjured up in sumptuous pictures of stylish outfits for all occasions. A wealth of evocative illustrations from the V&A’s world-famous dress collection and from the stylish fashion magazines of the time recreates of this glamorous era.

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Gordon Kerr
ID: 9293
Издательство: Flame Tree Publishing

Part of a new series of beautiful gift art books, Art Deco Fashion Masterpieces highlights 100 artworks from fashion illustrators of the era that was characterized by the allure of modernity, progression, women's liberation, luxury leading to the short hemlines and androgyny of the Flapper, the outdoorsy Sporty girl and Silver Screen goddesses. Artists include Georges Barbier, Paul Iribe and Erté.

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Gordon Kerr
ID: 12448
Издательство: Flame Tree Publishing

Part of a new series of beautiful gift art books, Art Deco Fashion: Masterpieces of Art highlights artworks from fashion illustrators of the era that was characterized by the allure of modernity, progression, women’s liberation, and luxury – leading to the short hemlines and androgyny of the Flapper, the outdoorsy Sporty girl and Silver Screen goddesses. 

Beginning with a fresh and thoughtful introduction to the Art Deco movements and its influence upon fashion, the book features all the best known Art Deco fashion masterpieces, including works by renowned artists such as Georges Barbier, Paul Iribe and Erté. 

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Alastair Duncan
ID: 3211
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

Alastair Duncan introduces us to the work of more than eighty architects, furniture makers and interior designers. The colour and monochrome photographs – almost all of them specially commissioned for this book – form a valuable portfolio of Art Deco furniture for anyone seeking comprehensive information about this design movement. This volume will have lasting appeal for collectors as well as the general public.

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Cornelie Holzach (Editor)
ID: 4748
Издательство: Arnoldsche

The end of the First World War left much of Europe faced with an entirely new political and social situation: absolute monarchy was consigned to the dustbin of history and essays in democracy were the order of the day. The changed conditions and the new way of life associated with them required new forms of expression in -music, dance, architecture and painting – and of course also in design. There France had led the field since the ground-breaking 1925 Exposition International des Arts Décoratifs et Industriels Modernes in Paris. Germany had not even been invited to that world exhibition – the effects of the Great War that had only ended a few years previously were still being felt.

All great jewellery-designers were strongly committed to the Art Déco style, which featured astringent sophistication in design and choice of materials: jewellers such as Cartier, Boucheron, René Lalique, Georges Fouquet and designers such as Jean Desprès and René Boivin. From about 1928, this canon of forms occurs both in the work of Naum Slutzky at the Bauhaus and the German jewellery industry as represented by Theodor Fahrner Nachf. Gustav Brändle in Pforzheim and Jakob Bengel in Idar-Oberstein.

A magnificent show of this short-lived yet far-reaching -stylistic intermezzo between the two world wars: from the most luxurious and elaborate jewels to costume jewellery made of Bakelite and Galalite. With a contribution on 1920s and 1930s fashion.

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Christianne Weber
ID: 4749
Издательство: Arnoldsche

A geometric language of forms, influenced by Cubism and the aesthetic of the machine, coloured plastic and chromium are synonymous with the Art Déco costume jewellery which was so popular in 1920s and 1930s Europe.

Formerly classified by specialists as ‘French jewellery’, these Art Déco jewellery objects were actually made at the Jakob Bengel Chain and Bijouterie Wares Factory, founded in Idar-Oberstein in 1873!

The jewellery produced by Bengel between 1931 and 1938 is distinguished by that of other makers by extraordinarily powerful innovation and a high degree of individuality. A mix of materials consisting of the coloured plastic Galalith and chromium-plated metal is handled with a playfully light touch. Bengel jewellery was exported worldwide.

More than two hundred and fifty pieces of Bengel jewellery are superbly reproduced and described in this monograph on the firm. In addition, the book surveys over one hundred and thirty years of Bengel history and gives insights into sample books that have survived from the years 1924 to 1939.

Over ten thousand drawings in colour furnish conclusive source material on designers and design practice during those years.

Dieses Referenzwerk bietet einen faszinierenden Überblick zum Art Déco-Schmuck! Sonderausgabe der vergriffenen Publikation zum Sonderpreis!Eine geometrische Formensprache, beeinflusst von Kubismus und Maschinenästhetik, farbiger Kunststoff und Chrom sind die Synonyme für Art Déco-Modeschmuck, der in den 1920er und 1930er Jahren in Europa sehr beliebt war. Viele bisher von der Fachwelt als französischer Schmuck eingestufte Art Déco-Schmuckobjekte sind in der 1873 gegründeten Ketten- und Bijouteriewarenfabrik Jakob Bengel in Idar-Oberstein entstanden! Die Bengel-Schmuckproduktion der Jahre 1931 bis 1938 zeichnet sich im Vergleich mit anderen Herstellern durch eine außerordentliche Innovationskraft und hohe Individualität aus. Mit spielerischer Leichtigkeit wird mit einem Materialmix aus farbigem Kunststoff Galalith und verchromtem Metall umgegangen. Bengel-Schmuck wurde in die ganze Welt exportiert. In dieser Firmen-Monografie werden über 250 Bengel-Schmuckstücke brilliant abgebildet und beschrieben; darüber hinaus gibt das Buch einen Überblick über die 130-jährige Firmengeschichte und auch Einblicke in die erhaltenen Musterbücher aus den Jahren 1924 bis 1939. Anhand von über 10.000 farbigen Zeichnungen lassen sich Rückschlüsse auf Entwerfer und die Entwurfspraxis der damaligen Zeit ziehen.

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Evelyne Possémé, Laurence Mouillefarine
ID: 4638
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

This book presents some of the finest Art Deco jewelry produced by the world’s leading designers and makers between 1910 and 1937. Not only does it feature the most famous names of the Art Deco period, it also restores other notable makers to their proper place in an era that saw the creation of stunningly stylish and beautiful jewelry.

Drawn from public and private collections worldwide, some of the best-known pieces of Art Deco jewelry are shown alongside many original drawings and designs, several for the first time. A number of the world’s foremost authorities on the subject explore the world of Art Deco jewelry in essays on the context of the modern movement; on clients and collectors; on the relationship between jewelry and the fine arts, architecture and cinema; and on the world of graphic art, commercial design and advertising.

Eighteen designers and houses are featured individually, including Paul Brandt, Suzanne Belperron, Boivin, Cartier, Jean Després, Jean Fouquet, Gérard Sandoz and Raymond Templier, among others. Some were the heirs to jewelry dynasties, some were talented newcomers with fresh ideas, but all left their mark on the Art Deco era. Echoing the revolution that occurred throughout the arts in this period, their jewelry ranged from lavish gem-studded creations worn by Hollywood stars to innovative costume pieces that made creative use of unusual metals and materials.

With expert guides and breathtaking illustrations, this entrancing and authoritative book will appeal to specialists and general readers alike.

Laurence Mouillefarine is a journalist who has been a contributor to Madame Figaro and Architectural Digest for more than twenty years. She is the author of several books on jewelry and antiques.
Évelyne Possémé is a senior curator at the Musée des Arts Décoratifs in Paris, Art Nouveau, Art Deco and Antique Jewelry departments

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Henri Martinie
ID: 2590
Издательство: Dover
Nearly 200 beautiful examples of wrought iron gates, screens, balustrades and other architectural adornments.
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Patricia Bayer
ID: 7469
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

A wide-ranging and unique survey of Art Deco architecture and design, told through postcards of the era

Art Deco was one of the most captivating and popular artistic movements of the twentieth century, and its iconic blend of luxury and simplicity still bewitches us today. This volume has an entirely original approach to the subject: it features postcards from the 1920s to 1940s — from nightclubs, hotels, and restaurants to skyscrapers, apartment buildings, and airports — each landmark or interior immortalized in miniature.

Emblems of the era, such as the Chrysler and Empire State buildings, appear, as well as a selection of less well-known fac¸ades and interiors from around the world. The expositions and world fairs that drove the development of the style were often ephemeral displays, and the book captures these structures that are no longer on the map but have left an enduring legacy.

A special pop-out-and-keep facsimile section includes detachable reproductions of some of the most important and beautiful cards. 250 full-color illustrations.

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William Rowe
ID: 2591
Издательство: Dover
Practical, affordable collection of 513 Art Deco designs — royalty-free and ready-to-use. Crisp black-and-white motifs combine stylized birds, insects, and floral elements with circles, squares, triangles, and other abstract forms. Inexhaustible source of design inspiration. 513 black-and-white designs.
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Laurence Malcles
ID: 2592
Издательство: Dover
Compiled by a master craftsman and teacher at the world-famous École Boulle in Paris, this first-rate, all-encompassing collection includes boldly styled geometrics within frames and borders, dynamic designs combining circles, squares, and abstract figures, as well as starkly simplified versions of blossoms, masks, creatures of the animal kingdom, and other wood carvings. 158 black-and-white illustrations.
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Pepin van Roojen
ID: 10187
Издательство: Pepin Press

This book of Pepin Press Wrapping Paper contains 12 beautiful sheets, each an original design, that you can use to wrap gifts or as an embellishment to your journal, scrapbook or album. They are really high quality and especially beautiful, making them great posters for your wall too!

The book is 25 x 35cm and contains 12 fold out sheets. Each sheet is 50 x 70cm unfolded and is perforated for easy removal. The paper stock is chosen to accentuate the design and ink used, sometimes thin for shiny gold or silver, or thick and creamy for antique inspired design.

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Michael Robinson, Rosalind Ormiston
ID: 4903
Издательство: Flame Tree Publishing

While the main focus for this intriguing book is centred on graphic art and illustration, numerous examples of other forms of Art Deco are also featured. Nestled amongst the posters and paintings, sculpture, objects d'art and jewellery assert their similarity, whether through line, form or theme. These echoes serve to show the creativity fertility of the period as styles and ideas traversed artistic media.

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Steven Heller, Veronique Vienne
ID: 4781
Издательство: Laurence King Publishing

This book is an introduction to what art direction is and what art directors do.

Written by two of the world's leading experts on the subject, it covers the role of art director in numerous environments, including magazines and newspapers, advertising, corporate identity, museums and publishing, to name a few. It also provides an insight into what makes a successful art director, what an art director actually does all day, what makes things go right, and what makes things go wrong.

Alongside perspectives on typography, illustration, photography and more, there are case studies of successful art direction in different spheres, from McSweeney's to Vier5's design for the web. In addition, the authors have invited pre-eminent international art directors to talk about their roles and to create and art direct sections of the book as part of that discussion, resulting in an impressive and enlightening diversity of perspectives and impressive variety of design approaches.

Clearly written and entertaining, including a glossary of handy art director sayings, an 'art director test' and more, Art Direction Explained, At Last! will provide students with insights into the world of art direction and professionals with a bible to the profession.

About the Authors:

Steven Heller is co-chair of the Designer as Author program and co-founder of the Design Criticism program at SVA, New York. For 33 years he was an art director at the New York Times. He is editor of AIGA VOICE, contributing editor to Print, Eye, Baseline and I.D., and author of 120 books on design, including Design Literacy and Paul Rand. He received the 1999 AIGA Medal for Lifetime Achievement.

Véronique Vienne has worked at a number of US magazines as art director, and is the author of The Art of Doing Nothing and The Art of Imperfection, as well as Something to be Desired. A frequent contributor to Graphis and Metropolis magazines she lives in New York and teaches at SVA on the Graphic Design MFA programme.

Section One: What is an Art Director?
Section Two: Creative Tension 101 (What makes Art Direction Work)
Section Three: Auto Art Direction
Section Four: Nuts and Bolts

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