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Anna Croyle
ID: 10120
Издательство: Dover

Here's a chance for traditional stained glass artists to expand their craft with a dynamic modern look. Mixing abstract shapes with elements from nature, this array of seventy exquisite black-and-white patterns includes "Butterfly Breeze," "Life in a Fish Bowl," "Peonies," and other designs for every taste and occasion.

Full color images offering vivid depictions of every design appear on the inside covers. Presented in a variety of shapes and sizes, the patterns can be easily reduced or enlarged to fit any project. A splendid source of design inspiration, these royalty-free images can be adapted to print, textile, needlework, and other craft projects.

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Martin M. Pegler
ID: 2981
Издательство: Visual Reference

Commercial and trade show exhibits are more than merchandise showcases. A trade show exhibit must do more than provide an environment for the products’s presentation. The total design has to sell the brand and image of the exhibiting firm. Contemporary Exhibit Design No. 2 showcases over 80 different exhibits and 250+ color photos - the work of top exhibit designers from trade show venues across the U.S. Featured exhibits range is size from 300 sq. ft. to 45,000 sq. ft. The exhibits are representative of a plethora of industries. The reader will learn how these specialized designers have used signage, color, lights, animation and props to make their exhibits “show and sell.”

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Naoki Watanabe
ID: 4824
Издательство: Rockport

The primary skill needed by anyone who works in fashion is the ability to convey — to clients and the general public alike — images of the designs. The impression given to the viewer depends on whether the fashion design drawings are good. Contemporary Fashion Illustration Techniques thoroughly describes the basics of fashion illustration and covers the latest trends such as vivid images, sprightly movement, and garment material texture. After all, fashion drawing is not simply about sketching a body and face; only when you accurately reproduce the garments and their colors can the designs truly come to life.

Naoki Watanabe (Japan) is a veteran of fashion design drawing who has taught for 20 years at Kuwazawa Design School, one of Japan’s foremost fashion institutions.

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Charlotte Fiell, Peter Fiell
ID: 1861
Издательство: Taschen
This compendium showcases the extraordinary cutting-edge work of 100 of the world's most progressive graphic designers, from the hard-hitting political messages of Jonathan Barnbrook to the lyrical digital compositions of Peter Saville to the iconoclastic imagery of Stefan Sagmeister. Alongside the array of visually stunning and thought-provoking advertisements, CD covers, posters, packaging, websites, and corporate identities are texts by each designer expressing his or her individual approach to graphic design practice as well as personal insights into the motivations that lie behind the work. An accompanying introductory essay highlights the current issues surrounding graphic design practice, from the ascendancy of digital tools to the amorality of consumerism. By presenting a provocative survey of the latest, most experimental and forward-looking graphic design from around the globe, this exciting book provides a unique and totally unforgettable snapshot of where the discipline stands today and hopefully offers directions for its future.
Contemporary Graphic Design is absolutely essential to anyone interested in the power of images.

List of entries: 3KG, Adapter, Ames Bros, Peter Anderson, Antoine + Manuel, Philippe Apeloig, Yomar Augusto, Jonathan Barnbrook, Ruedi Baur, Nicholas Blechmann, Irma Boom, Büro Destruct, büro für form, Büro Uebele Visuelle Kommunikation, Büro Weiss, François Chalet, Leslie Chan, Counterspace, Cyan, de-construct, DED Associates, Delaware, designby frank scheikl, Dextro, Pierre di Sciullo, Dress Code, Vladimir Dubko, Daniel Eatock, Rafael Esquer, Experimental Jetset, Farrow, Fellow Designers, Flúor, Dávid Földvári, Christina Föllmer, Form, Vince Frost, FUEL, Geneviève Gauckler, Gavillet & Rust, Alexander Gelman, Gluekit, James Goggin, Francesca Granato, Fernando Gutiérrez, Hahn Smith Design, Hamansutra, He Jianping, Fons Hickmann M23, Kim Hiorthøy, Craig Holden Feinberg, Cavan Huang, Yang Huang, Rian Hughes, Angus Hyland, Ryoji Ikeda, Hideki Inaba, Inkahoots, Intro, KesselsKramer, Scott King, KM7, Christian Küsters, Zack Kyes, Lateral, Jürg Lehni, Tommy Li, Harmen Liemburg, Lust, M-A-D, M/M (Paris), Karel Martens, ME Company, Mevis & van Deursen, m-o-n-a-m-o-u-r, Maureen Mooren + Daniel van der Velden, Mutabor Design, Hideki Nakajima, Philip O'Dwyer, Aylin Önel, Martijn Oostra, Gabor Palotai, Punkt, Rinzen, Bernardo Rivavelarde, Ruiz + Company, Stefan Sagmeister, Peter Saville, Scandinavian DesignLab, Walter Schönauer, Ralph Schraivogel, Carlos Segura, Wolfgang Seidl, Spin, Vladan Srdic, Slavimir Stojanovic, Strange Attractors Design, Studio Boot, Studio FM Milano, Niko Stumpo, Suburbia, Sweden Graphics, Kam Tang, The Designers Republic, Thirst, Andrea Tinnes, Toffe, Tycoon Graphics, Jan van Toorn, Omar Vulpinari, Why Not Associates, Bruce Willen, Christopher Williams, Martin Woodtli, Yacht Associates

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Charlotte Fiell, Peter Fiell (Editors)
ID: 5257
Издательство: Taschen

This compendium showcases the extraordinary cutting-edge work of 100 of the world's most progressive graphic designers, from the hard-hitting political messages of Jonathan Barnbrook to the lyrical digital compositions of Peter Saville to the iconoclastic imagery of Stefan Sagmeister. Alongside the array of visually stunning and thought-provoking advertisements, CD covers, posters, packaging, websites, and corporate identities are texts by each designer expressing his or her individual approach to graphic design practice as well as personal insights into the motivations that lie behind the work. An accompanying introductory essay highlights the current issues surrounding graphic design practice, from the ascendancy of digital tools to the amorality of consumerism. By presenting a provocative survey of the most experimental and forward-looking graphic design from around the globe, this book provides a unique and totally unforgettable snapshot of where the discipline stands today and hopefully offers directions for its future.

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Miquel Abellan
ID: 9041
Издательство: Monsa

Contemporary jewellery, a magic discipline which speaks to our feelings, opens our eyes to countless sensations, explosive, sensual, eclectic limited edition pieces with soul, creating special moments. Jewellery is a work of art, a metaphor of the attire caressing our skin. It speaks without uttering a word, appears before us and stirs our emotions.

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Katie Dominy
ID: 5300
Издательство: Laurence King Publishing

The design of lingerie is often seen as a mystery, even by professionals working in other sectors of the fashion industry. This book explains the processes at work and the many unexpected influences that shape the colour, silhouettes and decoration.

The book documents the rise of the deluxe lingerie brand. This interest in luxury labels has led many young designers to chose lingerie as a creative outlet – conscious of fashion, but also with a clear view of their own ‘lingerie world’. The book features the work of 30 lingerie designers from around the world, bringing out the individuality of each designer and providing a compelling insight into their working methods. Beautifully illustrated throughout, it presents inspirational images from the designers’ collections alongside their sketches and mood boards.

About the Author:

Katie Dominy is a trend consultant and journalist specializing in design. Dividing her time between London and her home in France, Katie writes for a range of international publications and consults on consumer and market trends for a variety of industries. Katie studied design at the London College of Fashion and worked as a lingerie designer in London prior to joining B2B fashion forecasting website WGSN, where she set up and edited the lingerie and swimwear division.

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John Berry (Editor), Roger Black (Editor)
ID: 3296
Издательство: Mark Batty Publisher
THERE HAS NOT BEEN A BOOK of this scope about graphic design and graphic design issues, as they apply to today's newspapers, for over a decade. Through in-depth, highly visual essays on the graphic evolution of some of the world? most famous newspapers, this carefully compiled survey examines how both technology and design have radically reshaped the look of the news over the last fifteen years, and continue to do so. This book reviews structure, layout, use of illustrations, and typography, and will be of interest to all those involved in graphic design, newspaper design, and journalism.
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Matthew L. Burkholz, Linda Lichtenberg Kaplan
ID: 8331
Издательство: Schiffer

Copper Art Jewelry presents twentieth-century designs, especially by the masters Frank Rebajes of New York and Jerry Fells, known as Renoir of California.

Popular when newly created in the 1950s, these designs are avidly sought after today. Copper jewelry by other artists and manufacturers are displayed as well, along with related silver and enamel jewelry and useful objects. Enthusiasm for copper items is expanding, and this is the reference that collectors, appraisers, and art dealers have been seeking.

Twentieth-century styling characterizes the abstract, free-form and whimsical designs in pins, bracelets, necklaces, sets, belts and useful objects which display the artful merits of copper.

Over 300 color photographs show hundreds of examples, and the original artwork, advertising, identifying marks and anecdotes round out this exhaustive new study. Much of the information about Rebajes and Renoir jewelry has not been available anywhere before.

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Гурский Ю.А., Гурская И.В., Жвалевский А.В.
ID: 5421
Издательство: Питер

Самое интересное о CorelDRAW — от авторов бестселлера «Photoshop CS3. Трюки и эффекты». Издание содержит большое количество примеров, в основе каждого из которых лежит оригинальная идея или задача. Они сгруппированы тематически, но их следование никак не связано со сложностью материала. Такой подход помогает читателям учиться использовать все доступные средства в комплексе, а не довольствоваться отдельными функциями. Этому также способствует прилагаемый к книге компакт-диск с видеоуроками, в которых наглядно демонстрируются самые интересные трюки. Уже через несколько часов работы с книгой и видеоуроками вы сможете поразить своих родных или коллег удивительным результатом.
Издание будет полезно и новичкам, желающим быстро освоить инструментарий CorelDRAW, и профессионалам, которым пригодится описание недокументированных особенностей программы и способов решения нестандартных проблем.


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Constantine Sekeris
ID: 14959
Издательство: Design Studio Press

Spearheaded by Constantine Sekeris, author of MetamorFX, this book is an in-depth look at costume design and illustration.

Showcasing an educational process breaking down the problematic areas of costume design for the film, video game and animation industries. From 10 top leading artists in the field, this title will have a wide range of aesthetic and design solutions. One will learn how to design and illustrate a costume from start to finish with educational tips and the process from sketches to finished Photoshop images to 3D ZBrush sculptures to fabrication.

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Lyngerda Kelley, Nancy Schiffer
ID: 8332
Издательство: Schiffer

Here is a beautiful publication of factual information and 1043 color illustrated examples of highly popular styles. Important and prolific designers of costume jewelry, including Chanel, Schiaparelli, Boucher, Miriam Haskell, Monet, Sarah Coventry, and many more are well represented. Current prices are included to aid the collector. This will be a most useful reference for collector and dealers, and the current value ranges will aid and inform all.

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Deidre Clancy
ID: 1945
Издательство: A&C Black
The post-war years saw an upheaval in social, personal and professional life that resulted in a large variety of fashions in a comparatively short period. From the austerity of the utility years to the recent seventies revival, this book aims to capture the changes in mood and style of each era, with an assessment of new phenomena such as peer group pressure. The book shows a cross-section of clothing including street fashion and formal wear, underwear, sportswear and nightclothes.
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Florence Curt
ID: 2132
Издательство: L'Aventurine

Одежда, будь то из кожи, шерсти или ткани, имеет множество предназначений. Она защищает тело человека от воздействия внешних факторов, скрывает его, одновременно привлекая внимание.

При написании данной книги за основу были взяты: каталог европейской моды, составленный Чезаре Вечеллио, современные каталоги "Товары почтой", журналы мод, которые служили источником вдохновения для живописцев, скульпторов, рисовальщиков, а также для дизайнеров одежды и первоклассных модельеров.

Представленные здесь оригинальные иллюстрации представляют интерес для историков-любителей и позволяют судить о различных профессиях и ремеслах.

Не удивляйтесь, если на страницах этой книги вы увидите модели, созданные несколько веков назад, которые как будто сошли со страниц современных модных журналов.

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Louis Bou
ID: 8598
Издательство: Monsa

Couture Hats es un suntuoso escaparate que reúne a los diseñadores de sombreros con más talento del mundo. En su interior encontraremos maravillas hechas de lujoso satén, encaje, flores, paja, fieltro, cabello o metal; increíbles piezas que rozan lo arquitectónico. Gloriosos sombreros acompañados de las biografías de sus creadores, revelándonos su vida y secretos. Prestigiosos sombrereros de la talla de Philip Treacy o Stephen Jones se dan cita, en este libro, con una nueva generación de creadores, más experimentales, que no conocen el significado de la palabra límite.

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