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Дизайн упаковки

Книги по дизайну упаковки

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Steven DuPuis, John Silva
ID: 8481
Издательство: Rockport

This comprehensive guide provides designers with a thoughtful packaging primer that covers the challenges of designing packaging for a competitive market in a very hardworking and relevant way. Package Design Workbook addresses all aspects of the creative process including choosing a package format, colors and materials, final finishes, and special considerations such as awkward objects and unique display considerations. This book breaks down the process of design in a much more comprehensive way than most books on the subject, which just analyze the final designs.

This guide also offers case studies in the back half of the book with the text focusing on why specific colors, formats, type treatments, and finishes were chosen, and what the resulting effects were on the consumer and the client.


Пролистать книгу Package Design Workbook: The Art and Science of Successful Packaging на Google Books.

Цена: 1200 грн
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ID: 13776
Издательство: Victionary

In our haste to consume the things we love, we often disregard or discard packaging without a second thought. While many would argue that they bear no significance to our daily lives or should be done away with entirely in our quest to save the environment, there is a lot more to packaging design than meets the eye. On top of conveying a brand’s personality, purpose, or message meaningfully and embodying its contents in ways that catch the eye, a seemingly ordinary bottle or box can become an artist or designer’s canvas for extraordinary creative expression.

Packaged for Life: Beer, Wine, & Spirits explores some of the most compelling ways and interesting visuals with which popular spirits are packaged to tantalise you into indulging in your tipples of choice. It serves as a vessel of inspiration through which we can recognise, appreciate, and celebrate the unnoticed or overlooked tactile beauty in everyday product packaging.

The book comes with a booklet of fun facts about alcohol, including the different ways to give a toast, and hangover cures around the world!

Цена: 1500 грн
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Chris van Uffelen
ID: 10101
Издательство: Braun

Product packaging has first of all to fulfill functional demands such as structural stability, air-tightness or air-permeability, information requirements and cost-effectiveness. However, it is much more than just a kind of container made of glass, wood oder plastic protecting its contents: it is also the face of the product. Like the façade of a building, the package gives an impression of what lies behind it.

Packaging is a crucial means to induce a consumer to try a product. Studies show that it has less than three seconds to grab the attention of the customer. Along with the classics of the age of mass consumption, this title presents many examples of innovative contemporary solutions that are on a par with some of the packaging legends like the sculptural shape of a Coca-Cola bottle.

From the contents:

- Eau de Toilette Classique (Jean-Paul Gaultier, France)
- Tomoka Sugar Cane Rum (Arcadebox, USA)
- Regina Chocolate (Jonathan Faust, Denmark)
- Santini Hand Cut Chips (Henry Luong, Australia)
- Maldon Salt (Pearlfisher, Great Britain)

Цена: 1500 грн
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Jean-Charles Trebbi
ID: 17987
Издательство: Hoaki

Trimming, piercing, slicing, snipping: just a few of the many words that relate to the idea of cutting. In this volume Jean-Charles Trebbi explores the traditional techniques of paper cutting that remain very much alive in the world today. He also explores current aspects of cutting and new forms of artistic expression made possible by modern materials and cutting-edge technology. This book presents a selection of original artists who embody traditional, revised and comtemporary styles. A vast universe to be discovered, from paper to ceramics, from gastronomy to design and architecture.

About the Author:

Born in Paris, Charles Trebbi is an urban architect, designer, artist and writer. A Renaissance man who specializes in the infinite possibilities of folding, cutting and assembling using paper, cardboard, textiles and even wood and metal, he creates his own art books, which are often inspired often by urban spaces and architecture, and produces completely original structures with pop-up and cutting techniques.

Цена: 1500 грн
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Anna Sinofzik
ID: 12086
Издательство: Gestalten

Upstart! showcases an exciting range of visual identities for start-ups and young businesses

Upstart! presents fresh branding ideas for entrepreneurs and designers. To stand out in a land of consumerist plenty, the new generation of small business entrepreneurs has learned to set high design standards. Poised between playfulness and professionalism, their holistic visual identity concepts become an integral part of their core business. From hemp farmers to local box clubs to eyelash extension services, fresh startups and spin-offs from all sorts of sectors present themselves as inventively and stylesavvily as ever before. Communicating through vivid visual languages that unfold across media applications, they involve the customer in authentic styles and stories.

Upstart! explores the contemporary startup scene’s manifold ventures. With a focus on creativity and transformational branding ideas, the compilation covers classic stationery designs, innovative merchandise, interior concepts, and fresh digital applications that have been skillfully orchestrated to leverage business.

About the Author:

Anna Sinofzik is a freelance writer, culture editor, design critic, and strategist based in Berlin. She works with an international roster of publishers, brands, and communications agencies and teaches at Universität der Künste, Berlin.

Цена: 2000 грн
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Designs Grip
ID: 9229
Издательство: Rockport

Packaging is everywhere you look it s in your fridge, your medicine cabinet, your cupboard, on the streets, and in the shops. This compendium, the ninth book in the series, showcases 1000 of the best packaging designs currently on offer. Consumers are drawn to certain colours, graphics, and shapes, and this book illustrates why people make certain buying choices.

With plenty of examples on offer, 1000 Package Deisgns provides designers with an array of inspiration.

About the Author
Grip Design is a marketing and design firm dedicated to high-value corporate communication for professional services and luxury brands. They have been recognized by the Society of Typographic Arts, Print, The CEBA Awards, Type Directors Club, How Magazine, Step Inside Design, and have been featured in many design annuals.

Пролистать книгу 1000 Package Designs: A Comprehensive Guide to Packing it in на Google Books.

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Chen Jin Ming
ID: 6453
Издательство: Design Media Publishing

This book represents the highly pursued packaging structures in the current market. With the help of plans and 3-D modellings, the latest packaging structures are clearly exemplified in the book. The selected examples,including 1000 detailed plans and 1000 distinct 3-D modellings cover almost every field of package design, from daily necessity packaging to cosmetic packaging, and they will surely serve as practical resources for designers and common readers alike.
The unique gifted concepts and methods will greatly enhance the charm of the wrapped commodity. It is an unprecedented collection of packaging structures, providing feasible packaging guidance and giving designers more inspirations.

Посмотреть избранные развороты книги 1000 Packaging Structure

Посмотреть ролик издательства о книге 1000 Packaging Structure

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Kiki Eldridge
ID: 1080
Издательство: РИП-холдинг

Это сборник, в котором Вы найдете 1000 примеров великолепных сумок, бирок, этикеток. Новые идеи, придуманные и воплощенные в готовые изделия.Самые интересные разработки, созданные для различных отраслей промышленности. Это издание дает необходимую Вам информацию в легком для восприятия виде и наглядно иллюстрирует рассматриваемые примеры. Отражая современные тенденции дизайна, наша книга может служить путеводителем по миру этикетки и упаковки. Она станет источником вдохновения, который поможет Вам создать запоминающийся дизайн для любого клиента.

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ID: 7870
Издательство: РИП-холдинг

Упаковка - прекрасный продавец. Неважно, что привлекло ваше внимание - коробка, рисунок или шрифт: товар магически превращается в деньги.
Этот сборник примеров превосходной упаковки является богатейшим источником вдохновения и подходит для любого дизайн-проекта. Здесь представлены самые звездные варианты стиля, шрифта, цвета, материалов, отделки, фотографии.
Сборник "1000 упаковок" способен вызвать настоящий фонтан идей у любого, кто имеет отношение к дизайну, начиная с маркетолога и заканчивая креатором.
одна из самых богатых и разнообразных дизайн-коллекций из серии "1000".
комплекс примеров сильнейшей бренд-упаковки.
источник вдохновения для любого дизайнера.

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ID: 7873
Издательство: РИП-холдинг

1000 хитов музыкального дизайна.
Книга целиком посвящена звуку. Будь то джазовый альбом или постер, анонсирующий выступление рок группы - то, что мы держим в руках, должно высветить личность артиста и характер его музыки. Даже сейчас, в век МР3, талантливая обложка остается ведущим стимулом для покупки диска, а футболка и постер - главным "проводником" на концерт. В "1000 хитов музыкального дизайна" собрано лучшее, что имеет отношение к музыке - от CD-конверта до веб-дизайна. Уникальность коллекции - в ее многожанровости: здесь вы найдете классику и электронику, рок и джаз, кантри и поп, а также многие другие вещи. "1000 хитов" - самые яркие и прозрачные капли в бушующем море музыкальной индустрии.

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Varios Autores
ID: 5904
Издательство: Index Book

Special 2-for-1 offer containing the books Best Package & Wrapping Graphics and Beauty & Healthcare Package Design.

Best Package & Wrapping Graphics.
A product package is designed strategically to maximize the brand recognition and appeal to the sales targets. A package design takes on an important role in determining the product image. This book introduces many exciting packages and wrapping examples categorized by industry. The photos of shop interior/exterior design are also included so that those photos would give readers ideas how a product package would harmonize the shop interior and exterior design. Examples of seasonal wrapping at department stores, retailers and various shops are also presented.

Beauty & Healthcare Package Design.
This book will present pretty, attractive, and fashionable selected high-quality package designs by product category. You can see the beauty & healthcare industries as a treasury of the design that catches women’s heart. The title will help all professionals’ creativities not only who engage in product package designs, but also who are interested in the designs targeting women in various fields.

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ID: 5915
Издательство: PIE Books

This book presents a wide variety of package designs for daily products available at supermarkets - ranging from food & confectionery, beverages to various living products. In addition to package examples of the above categories, this book features “supermarket brand designs”. Some well-known supermarkets such as Waitrose in UK, and HEMA in Netherlands have developed their own brands; those product packages, shop designs as well as such various graphics as shopping bags, carts and catalogs are visually stunning; the consistency in design of various products contributes to establish their credibility. And attract their customers even more.

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ID: 6680
Издательство: Pepin Press

The Pepin Press introduces a new series of packaging books – Structural Package Design – consisting of 4 new titles. Each volume is jam-packed with 100% structurally accurate, scalable packaging templates. All of the designs are tested, working models, ready for immediate use. Every design template is illustrated with a photograph of the final product and a 3-D structural drawing that clearly shows how the package is constructed – more complicated designs include intermediate steps in the folding or construction process.

Advanced Packaging, the second title in this series, contains 200 designs which build on and expand the collection provided in the first title in the series.

All designs are stored in various formats on the CD that accompanies this book. The CDs also included a demo version of packaging software which folds and tests two-dimensional templates in 3-D.

Apart from their immediate practical use, these books are a great source of inspiration for graphic, product and packaging designers alike.

Дгугие книги Structural Packaging Design Series

Basic Packaging. Structural Packaging Design Series

Complex Packaging: Structural Packaging Design Series

Fancy Packaging: Structural Packaging Design Series

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Josef Garoffe
ID: 4095
Издательство: Index Book

Rather than just a mere collection of antique packaging examples this book is a curious compendium of boxes from past eras which have left a mark in the present, mainly by the kind of images and graphic resources used in each one of them.

This title is an initiative originated from the romanticism of a few private collectors, created to become a source of reference for today's designers and creative minds, whom can now take look back at the classics when in need of inspiration.

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Andres Fredes
ID: 8490
Издательство: Index Book

The Around Europe Book Collection presents European design in the form of graphic trips across European creativity. Each volume gives insight into a specific creative field: Logos, Publishing, Promotion, Packaging, etc. The collection is not an encyclopedia of design, but the care taken in developing the artwork and the discriminating selection of works provide everything quality design lovers seek when exploring the ingredients which spice-up the process of designing. Project stories and interviews permit a look behind the scenes where inspiration rules the world of creation. It’s all about Packaging in the next volume of the Around Europe collection. Selected packaging that stand out by their Unconventional, Exceptional, Experimental, Elegant, Chic, Exclusive solutions.

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