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Книги по дизайну упаковки

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ID: 5906
Издательство: Index Book

Basic is a book series about the elementary disciplines in graphic design. The first installment in the series was about b>Logos. The second one is about packaging. Projects are classified into seven categories: food, beverage, health & beauty, entertainment, industrial, fashion, home and office.

Basic Pack features different packs developed by designers from around the world, showcasing a broad range of styles that enhance the book and make it both a compendium of visual input and a great source for inspiration.

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ID: 6681
Издательство: Pepin Press

The Pepin Press introduces a new series of packaging books – Structural Package Design – consisting of 4 new titles. Each volume is jam-packed with 100% structurally accurate, scalable packaging templates. All of the designs are tested, working models, ready for immediate use. Every design template is illustrated with a photograph of the final product and a 3-D structural drawing that clearly shows how the package is constructed – more complicated designs include intermediate steps in the folding or construction process.

Basic Packaging, the first title in this series, contains 300 designs, including all major international packaging standards – very important for communication between designers, clients and manufacturers.

All designs are stored in various formats on the CD that accompanies this book. The CDs also included a demo version of packaging software which folds and tests two-dimensional templates in 3-D.

Apart from their immediate practical use, these books are a great source of inspiration for graphic, product and packaging designers alike.

Дгугие книги Structural Packaging Design Series

Advanced Packaging. Structural Packaging Design Series

Complex Packaging: Structural Packaging Design Series

Fancy Packaging: Structural Packaging Design Series

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Akiko Yamamoto
ID: 5936
Издательство: PIE Books

From logo, color, form, materials, and typography to display effects, collateral materials, even environmental issues, packaging is based on a strategic brand image and merchandising criteria, and plays a decisive role in defining product image. This book includes a wide variety of highly refined and unquestionably impressive packages in three distinct categories: food, beauty, and living. For example, packages unique in form, packages made of unexpected materials, packages rendered in eye-catching color variations, and packages so stunningly simple and yet make a strong impact. In addition to product packages, there are excellent examples of gift boxes, shopping bags, and wrapping materials, which retail shops offer to their customers.

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Thais Caballero
ID: 5679
Издательство: Taschen

300 attractive packaging solutions, to keep you sorted out at home and at work!

This book of templates can also serve as a reference work. It offers not only creative and original ideas for boxes and cartons from A to Z, but also for cardboard containers suitable for festive occasions of all kinds. Detailed drawings, which can either be copied directly or, using the accompanying CD, enlarged, reduced or modified in any way you like, allow all the models to be easily reconstructed.

Thais Caballero, founder and director of LaSocia Comunicacion Grafica, teaches at the Elisava School of Design in Barcelona, where she co-ordinates the master's course in graphic design, for which she is director of studies. In addition, she works as Art Director for Filloy Associats, and is regularly commissioned by various agencies to create designs for clients from the fields of the media, telecommunications and the public sector.

The accompanying CD is Windows and MAC compatible.

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Edward Denison
ID: 7493
Издательство: RotoVision

The Big Book of Packaging Prototypes is both a source of inspiration and an invaluable reference tool. It provides a visual catalyst for the creation of exciting packaging designs. The diverse range of carton templates, which are also included on the accompanying CD, demonstrates the huge variety of packaging possibilities, and the beautifully photographed finished models inspire the imagination. Product suitability and distinguishing characteristics are included for each design, and a system of icons provides easy access to information on every aspect of the designs, from their ecological implications through to their material suitability.

Authoritative essays detail the principles of packaging, along with the issues and challenges faced by contemporary packaging designers. A handy guide covers all the major types of closure, and a quick reference list summarizes common packaging materials and their typical uses.

Edward Denison is an award-winning design and planning consultant, with an expertise in packaging and sustainable design. He is the author of Print and Production Finishes for Packaging and Print and Production Finishes for Sustainable Design

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Andrew Gibbs
ID: 9296
Издательство: David and Charles

Every day Andrew Gibbs seeks out and discovers the very best in packaging design for his influential blog, TheDieline.com. Here, he has collected the cream of the crop - plus some additional brand-new projects - in all their full-color glory.

The look, feel and concept of a package is crucial to its sales success, and Box Bottle Bag contains more than 140 projects that have succeeded on many levels. The book is divided into six chapters, each one featuring a certain style of packaging design - Luxe, Bold, Crisp, Charming, Casual, and Nostalgic.

Featured work comes from top-notch firms such as Turner Duckworth, Hatch Design, Interbrand, Hornall Anderson, Duffy & Partners, BBDK, Aesthetic Apparatus and Wolff Olins, Inc. Some of the top-tier clients featured inside include Miller Chill, Coca-Cola, Aveda, Williams-Sonoma, Method, Right Guard, 10 Cane Rum, Harrod's and Starbucks.

The wealth of inspiration found in these pages is priceless. You'll be energized to come up with your own solutions to tricky packaging conundrums in no time.

Пролистать книгу Box Bottle Bag: The World's Best Package Designs from TheDieline.com на Google Books

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ID: 11542
Издательство: Basheer Graphic Books

In a time when every company and individual is attempting to "think outside of the box," how do designers work to re-create the box itself? Box Inc showcases a selection of projects that understand that consumers are no longer just buying what's inside the box, but want to be drawn in by ingenious packaging that is just as special as the product itself.

The projects featured utilize interactive designs, speciality printing techniques, themed packaging materials and other innovative solutions to appeal to audiences for products as wide-ranging as baked goods, speciality herbs, camping kits, books, shoes, wine, and even live flowers.

Don't just think outside of the box re-think it!

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ID: 9053
Издательство: Gestalten

The suggestive power of packaging as a communication tool.

Boxed & Labelled Two! is a compelling exploration of the power of state-of-the-art packaging design today and documents its main strategic directions - all of which address a longing for “truthfulness.” Because our relationship to food products has changed so drastically in the last few years, especially in regard to the importance we place on the source and quality of ingredients, the majority of the examples in this book are food-related. But other examples from a wide spectrum of products also highlight the traits that distinguish those on the cutting edge of the evolution in packaging concepts.

Packaging is the face of a product. Packaging not only gives a product its visual identity, but it can also determine where that product is placed on a crowded store shelf and can be the crucial factor in determining our decision to buy. Over the last few years, however, the understanding of the role of packaging has changed. In the past, packaging was thought of as an extension of the product’s print advertising campaign - as a mere projection screen for established logos and brand messages. Today, the packaging is considered to be a self-contained facet of an overall communication concept.

Boxed & Labelled Two! documents the main strategic directions that exist in current packaging design - all of which address a longing for "truthfulness". One of these directions is an increased tendency to emphasize the tried and true values of a product, for example, with a retro look that aims for an "Ah, just like grandma used to make!" reaction. Another direction is down-to-earth rather than in-your-face packaging, including unostentatious solutions made of recycled paper that play up a product´s connection to nature. On the other end of the design spectrum, there is also packaging that gives a product a distinct look and feels through a very playful use of graphic design, patterns, and illustration.

Because our relationship to food products has changed so drastically in the last few years, especially in regard to the importance we place on the source and quality of ingredients, the majority of the examples in Boxed & Labelled Two! are food-related. But other examples from a wide spectrum of products also highlight the traits that distinguish those on the cutting edge of the evolution in packaging concepts.

Although the work in Boxed Labelled Two! ranges from minimalistic to whimsical, from clear-cut to ambiguous, all of the featured examples deliver their own unique brand values and experiences. With its inspiring and entertaining selection of products that stand apart in the competitive marketplace, this book is a compelling exploration of the communication power of state-of-the-art packaging design today.

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ID: 7492
Издательство: Gestalten
Trends in the visual and graphic language of state-of-the-art packaging design.
Boxed and Labelled is a comprehensive overview of the most intelligent, innovative, playful and attractive examples of current packaging design. The broad spectrum of packaging is illustrated through an extensive selection of products characterised by cutting-edge graphic design, sassy illustrations, striking typography, careful use of colour as well as unique materials. The examples in the book run the gamut from jam jars, chocolate wrappers, wine labels, champagne bottles and perfume flacons to sneaker boxes and shopping bags. It offers exciting solutions and presents the best in packaging design today.
Packaging is the face and visual identity of a product and can also be the crucial determining factor in the buying decision when a product is lined up on a crowded store shelf. As consumer tastes become more complex and culturally diverse, packaging increasingly requires a visual and graphic language that targets aesthetics as well as the needs of the discerning twenty-first-century shopper. Boxed and Labelled is a comprehensive overview of the most intelligent, innovative, playful and attractive examples of current packaging design.

The broad spectrum of packaging is illustrated through an extensive selection of products characterised by cutting-edge graphic design, sassy illustrations, striking typography, careful use of colour as well as unique materials. The examples in the book run the gamut from jam jars, chocolate wrappers, wine labels, champagne bottles and perfume flacons to sneaker boxes and shopping bags. The book also highlights extraordinary projects that have a unique approach to functionality, surplus value and sustainability, in addition to stimulating concepts that amount to pure seduction.

This book demonstrates the diverse solutions designers have found to deal with many different themes such as creating approachability through a whimsical and lighthearted appearance and material surfaces or promoting value and trustworthiness or conveying a handmade feeling to an artisanal product with a sophisticated, refined and purposeful look. All of the featured examples deliver their own unique brand values and experiences and set them apart in the competitive marketplace. Boxed and Labelled offers exciting solutions and presents state-of-the-art packaging design today.
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ID: 1070
Издательство: РИП-холдинг

Книга "Упаковка CD+DVD. Печать и постпечатная обработка" интересна, не только дизайнерам, специализирующимся на разработке упаковки, но и бизнесменам, для которых она – своеобразный учебник по вопросам торговли, дизайна и рекламы. В издании подробно прослеживается все стадии создания упаковки – от выбора материала и способа печати до технологичности и постпечатной обработки. Помимо традиционных вариантов дизайна упаковки в книге представлены новые решения и интересные подходы к таким понятиям, как: формат, структура, материал, текстура, фурнитура.

Для формирования уникального образа продукта, важными элементами является, в том числе упаковка самого CD и DVD-диска. Технологичность упаковки – существенный фактор при разработке. Ведь дизайнер, помимо решения креативных задач, изыскивает способы сократить издержки на изготовление упаковки и привнести нетривиальные решения в производственные вопросы и в выбор высокотехнологичных материалов.

Необычная цветовая гамма, оригинальный материал или нестандартная форма обложки CD или DVD сразу привлечет внимание и не позволит покупателю пройти мимо. Диск в яркой, необычной упаковке может стать прекрасным подарком для ценителя музыки, кино или дополнить коллекцию неординарных вещей.

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John T. Drew, Sarah A. Meyer
ID: 5565
Издательство: RotoVision

Featuring hundreds of designs, Choosing Color for Logos and Packaging is not only a wonderful resource for ideas and inspiration, but also a handy manual that shows designers how to best communicate with color. Color is a powerful and extremely important decision in any design because it impacts legibility, promotes an emotional response, and greatly influences the overall aesthetic of a piece. Because of this, color plays a major role in determining the success of a design, so getting it right is imperative. Each design featured includes details on its color scheme and associative color response, along with comments on the typography, overall style, and key features that set the piece apart. The result is an invaluable guide, which offers readers a comprehensive overview in a concise, quick-hit format that can be digested quickly. This is a book that no designer should be without.

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John Drew, Sarah Meyer
ID: 3732
Издательство: RotoVision

Color Management for Packaging covers both theoretical and practical packaging design considerations. Every aspect of colour for packaging is explored, including issues of standout, impact, legibility, appetite ratings, emotional responses to colour, prepress requirements, technical considerations, and issues of ageing and display. 

Not only is this a great ideas reference book, but it is also a hardworking manual that gives designers the broad colour knowledge with which to create more successful packaging designs. It shows how to work within budgetary constraints, create the right feel for a product, and create packaging designs that work with a number of different colour palettes to accommodate separate product ranges. 

A consolidated resource, Color Management for Packaging arms designers with a thorough understanding of how to communicate with and manage colour in all aspects of packaging design, and offers creative solutions for designing inspiring packaging in line with print and design budgets.


Посмотреть книгу Color Management for Packaging на русском языке - Управление цветом в упаковке

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Jim Mousner
ID: 9074
Издательство: Rockport

Selecting the right color palette for any design project, whether personal or commercial, can make all the difference in getting it right. But choosing the right colors for packages in retail environment competing with thousands of other products, it is especially important to hit the right color note. Unfortunately, for most people choosing colors is not an easy process, but with a little bit of science and some color advice, anyone can make a strong choice.

This book will take the 23 adjectives from The Complete Color Harmony and show 10 different packages in a variety of categories in 3 color combinations each for every adjective. The result is 1,035 color/layout variations illustrating how colors are used to great effect in design.

Пролистать книгу Colour Harmony: Packaging - More than 800 Colorways for Package Designs that Work на Google Books

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Pepin Press
ID: 6093
Издательство: Pepin Press

The Pepin Press introduces a new series of packaging books – Structural Package Design – consisting of 4 new titles. Each volume is jam-packed with 100% structurally accurate, scalable packaging templates. All of the designs are tested, working models, ready for immediate use. Every design template is illustrated with a photograph of the final product and a 3-D structural drawing that clearly shows how the package is constructed – more complicated designs include intermediate steps in the folding or construction process.

Complex Packaging, the third title in this series, contains 200 designs which build on and expand the collection provided in the first two titles in the series.

All designs are stored in various formats on the CD that accompanies this book. The CDs also included a demo version of packaging software which folds and tests two-dimensional templates in 3-D.

Apart from their immediate practical use, these books are a great source of inspiration for graphic, product and packaging designers alike.

Дгугие книги Structural Packaging Design Series

Advanced Packaging. Structural Packaging Design Series

Basic Packaging. Structural Packaging Design Series

Fancy Packaging: Structural Packaging Design Series

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Paul Jackson
ID: 12963
Издательство: Laurence King Publishing

This book will show you inspirational ways in which paper can be used to create textured and relief surfaces. These techniques are mostly intuitive and easy to make, requiring no origami or paper engineering knowledge

This book showcases 12 different techniques in which paper can be used to create textured and relief surfaces.

These include: Twisting, Weaving, Layering, Coiling, Tearing, Bending, Incising and Lifting, Crumpling, Pleating, Cutting Pleats, Stippling and using Translucent Surfaces.

Each is beautifully illustrated with creative examples, first made in white paper and then in papers of different colours, weights and textures. Finally, inspirational photographs show the techniques applied by designers to clothing, furniture, jewellery and homewares, as well as artworks. These techniques could be used by professional designers, design students in disciplines from textiles to interior design and anyone with an interest in paper craft.

About the Author:

Paul Jackson is a well-respected professional paper artist, bestselling author of over 30 books on paper arts and crafts, teacher and passionate advocate of folding as a language of design.

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