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Dieter Blum
ID: 4977
Издательство: Ullmann

Vladimir Malakhov - this widely acclaimed winner of numerous prizes and "dancer of the century" delights his public through the rare combination of technical brilliance and lyrical eloquence. His supple, androgynous body combines "power and purity, flash and elegance, melodrama and eye-bobbling academic precision" (New York Times) - when he leaps, gravity seems suspended. Yet he remains driven to achieve great purity in his dance. Dieter Blum has succeeded in capturing the movement of this extraordinary artist in photographs that reflect his purity and simultaneously provide a deep insight into the personality of the ensemble.

Niemand hat den Tanz bisher derart fleischeslustig und dabei kunstvoll, so theatralisch wie abstrakt und immer wieder variantenreich einzufangen gewusst wie der deutsche Fotograf Dieter Blum. Seine Fotografie bannt Spannung und Bewegung in einzigartigen, sehr persönlichen Momentaufnahmen.
In seinem Werk Vladimir Malakhov treffen zwei Ikonen aufeinander: Vor langer Zeit schon heftete sich der Fotoästhet Blum an die Fersen des begnadeten Tänzers. Mit seinen feinsinnigen Aufnahmen widerlegt er souverän die Behauptung, die Bewegung des Tanzes könne nicht auf Fotografien festgehalten werden. Im Gegenteil: Gerade durch den Tanz kann Dieter Blum seine Arbeit mit Körpern, Kamera und Licht zur Perfektion treiben.
Und Malakhov! Wer wäre geeigneter als Modell? Bühnengeschult und geübt im Blicke-auf-sich-ziehen schwebt der „Beste Tänzer der Welt” (New York Times) mit seinem Ensemble durch den Raum. Oft unbekleidet, mal linear geordnet, mal verknäuelt in seiner muskulösen Dynamik, spannungsvoll selbst in der Ruheposition: intim, erotisch, dabei doch streng und distanziert.
Die großformatigen, vielfach erstveröffentlichten Fotografien machen Vladimir Malakhov zu einem verlegerischen Meisterwerk – dem wohl aufwändigsten und spektakulärsten Bildband, der bisher zum Thema Tanz geschaffen wurde.

Vladimir Malakhov, 1968 in Kriwoj Rog im Osten der Ukraine geboren, begann seine Ballettausbildung im Alter von vier Jahren. Mit zehn Jahren wechselte er an die berühmte Choreographische Akademie des Bolschoi-Theaters in Moskau und wurde 1986 als jüngster Solist an das renommierte Klassische Ballett Moskau verpflichtet. 1992 erhielt er ein attraktives Engagement beim Ballett der Wiener Staatsoper. In den folgenden Jahren wechselte er unter anderem zum National Ballet of Canada (1994), zum Stuttgarter Ballett sowie zum American Ballet Theater an der Metropolitan Opera in New York. Seit 2004 ist Vladimir Malakhov künstlerischer Leiter und Ballett-Intendant am Staatsballett Berlin.

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Robin Muir
ID: 11819
Издательство: National Portrait Gallery

In more than 2,000 issues, British Vogue magazine has acted as a cultural barometer, putting fashion in the context of the larger world in which we live – how we dress, how we entertain, what we eat, listen to, watch, who leads us, excites us and inspires us.

The century’s most talented photographers, illustrators and artists have contributed to it. In Lee Miller it had, unexpectedly, its own war photographer; in Norman Parkinson, Cecil Beaton, David Bailey, Snowdon and Mario Testino the greatest portrait and fashion photographers of their generation; and in Beaton and Irving Penn two giants of twentieth-century photography.

From 1892, American Vogue chronicled the life of beautiful people – their clothes, parties, houses and habits – and the magazine was exported for intrigued British readers. In 1916, when the First World War made transatlantic shipments impossible, its proprietor, Condé Nast, authorised a British edition. It was an immediate success, and over the following ten decades of uninterrupted publication continued to mirror its times – the austerity and optimism that followed two world wars, the ‘Swinging London’ scene of the sixties, the radical seventies, the image-conscious eighties – and in its second century remains at the cutting edge of photography and design.

Decade by decade, Vogue 100: A Century of Style celebrates the greatest moments in fashion, beauty and portrait photography. Illustrated throughout with well - known images, as well as the less familiar and recently rediscovered, the book focuses on the faces that shaped the cultural landscape: from Matisse to Bacon, Freud and Hirst, from Dietrich to Paltrow, from Fred Astaire to David Beckham, from Lady Diana Cooper to Lady Diana Spencer.
It features the fashion designers who defined the century – Dior, Galliano, Balenciaga, Saint Laurent, McQueen – and explores more broadly the changing form of the twentieth-century woman.

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Hamish Bowles, Vera Wang
ID: 9122
Издательство: Knopf

A spectacular book of nearly 400 photographs of the weddings and wedding dresses of royalty, social figures, models, artists, actors, musicians and designers which have appeared in Vogue through the magazine’s 120 year history.

Here are ethereal brides photographed by Cecil Beaton, George Hoyningen-Huene, Baron de Meyer, Patrick Lichfield, Edward Steichen, Robert Doisneau, Tim Walker, François Halard, Patrick Demarchelier, Jonathan Becker, Norma Jean Roy, Mario Testino, Mert Alas and Marcus Piggott, Irving Penn, Arthur Elgort, Steven Meisel, Richard Avedon, Helmut Newton, Annie Leibovitz, Bruce Weber and Craig McDean among others. These photographers have captured brides across America and abroad, posed for formal portraits, or captured in the excitement of moment of their wedding day.

These images transport you to a myriad of romantic settings around the world, from grand social and royal weddings in storied castles, palaces, and cathedrals, to weddings by the sea or in the countryside. In the Introduction, Hamish Bowles brings his historian’s eye to reveal fascinating behind-the-scenes details as he looks at the glamour of weddings past and present; while Mario Testino, Plum Sykes, Marina Rust and Sarah Mower tell us personal stories about their own weddings or memorable ones they attended.

Here are the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge in London; Charlene Wittstock and Prince Albert in Monaco; Carolina Herrera Jr., and Miguel Báez Spinola in Spain; Jemma Kidd and Arthur Wellesley, the Earl of Mornington, in Barbados; Sofia Coppola and Thomas Mars in Italy; Kate Moss and Jamie Hince in the Cotswolds; Lauren Bush and David Lauren at the RRL Ranch in Colorado; Marina Rust and Ian Connor in Maine; Lauren Davis and Andrés Santo Domingo in Cartagena, Colombia as well as such iconic photos as Bianca and Mick Jagger in the car after their wedding in St. Tropez. A chapter on models’ weddings includes portraits of Natalia Vodianova, Coco Rocha, Maggie Rizer, Stella Tennant, Lara Stone and Cindy Crawford among others in their own wedding dress choices. Most imaginative are the fashion portfolios created by the magazine’s editors of bridal photo shoots, many including couture, in The Vogue Wedding chapter. Meanwhile The Wedding Guide offers ten designers celebrated for their stylish and romantic designs, from Vera Wang to J. Crew.

Vogue Weddings: Brides, Dresses, Designers is a book that is not only informative, and rich with historical detail, but presents a dramatic collection of iconic, inspirational images.

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Dodie Kazanjian
ID: 10001
Издательство: Abrams

Since its first cover on December 17, 1892, Vogue has had people talking.

Vogue: The Covers chronicles the extraordinary images that have reflected—and transformed—the world of style for more than 120 years.

More than 300 of the most beautiful, provocative, and fashion-forward covers ever produced are highlighted alongside the history and stories behind the covers themselves.

Organized in chronological order by decade, Vogue: The Covers begins with the illustrated covers from the magazine’s inception in 1892 and spans the 20th century to the present day, charting the evolution of fashion, art, culture, and photography for the past 120 years.

Featuring the work of influential artists—Helmut Newton, Irving Penn, Richard Avedon, Bruce Weber, Herb Ritts, Steven Meisel, Annie Leibovitz, and Mario Testino—the book is a stunning celebration of the magazine and its unparalleled influence.

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Stefan Soell
ID: 7188
Издательство: Edition Skylight

Volcanic Girls is the title of this book by the renowned German photo­grapher Stefan Soell. It is a collection of some of the finest modern nude photography. Stefan Soell‘s works are characterised by their striking quality, and ability to offer­ a glimpse into the personalities of his models. He captures their beauty at some awe-inspiring natural locations, where he combines art with the glory of nature. The location selected for this unique ­collection is Lanzarote, a small but beauti­ful island off the coast of north-east Africa.

Stefan Söll began to take photos at the age of 15, and soon landscape and portrait photography had become his favourite subject. In addition to his astonishing talent at choosing the ideal background and selecting key details, he also has the rare knack of capturing ideal lighting conditions.

„Volcanic Girls”, das neue Buch des renommierten Fotografen Stefan­ Söll, präsentiert moderne Aktfotografie vom Feinsten. Stefan­ Sölls Arbeiten zeichnen sich durch ihre bemerkenswerte Qualität aus und gewähren dem Betrachter einen intimen Blick auf die Persönlichkeiten seiner Modelle. Er fängt ihre Schönheit an atem­beraubenden Orten ein, wo er Kunst mit der Herrlichkeit der Natur vereint. Die Bilder für diese einmalige Zusammenstellung entstanden auf Lanzarote, der wunderschönen kleinen Insel vor der nordostafrikanischen Küste

Stefan Söll begann bereits mit 15 Jahren zu fotografieren, und bald wurden Landschafts- und Portraitaufnahmen zu seiner Lieblings­beschäftigung. Neben seiner erstaunlichen Gabe den idealen Hintergrund und Ausstattung zu wählen, gelingt ihm der ideale Einsatz der Lichtverhältnisse fulminant.

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Stefano Tonchi
ID: 15249
Издательство: Abrams

W magazine is renowned for its avant-garde fashion stories, those elaborate confections of magic and mystery that have inspired and captivated readers for more than two decades. This volume gathers 10 of the most remarkable stories, each in its entirety, along with never-before-seen outtakes. Each story was the centerpiece of the issue it appeared in, and together they ride the razor’s edge between outrageously provocative and enchanting, from the bizarre (Steven Klein’s “One for the Ages”) to the alien (Tim Walker’s “Planet Tilda”) and whimsical (Paolo Roversi’s “Carnevale”). These and other stories by Klein, Walker, and Roversi, as well as Steven Meisel, Mert Alas and Marcus Piggott, and Alex Prager, are featured. A special code inside the book provides access to short films shot on the sets of the featured stories by Meisel, Walker, Klein, and Prager.

About the Author:

Stefano Tonchi has been the editor-in-chief of W since 2010. He was the editor of Abrams’ W: The First 40 Years, along with Christopher Bagley and Joseph LoganPreviously, he was the founder and editor of the New York Times T Magazine.

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Gilles Mora
ID: 3899
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

‘The real thing that I’m talking about has purity and a certain severity, rigour, simplicity, directness, clarity, and it is without artistic pretension in a self-conscious sense of the word.’

It was Walker Evans himself who provided this perfect definition of his own work. He photographed Depression-era America with a constant striving for objectivity, a kind of documentary neutrality. Nevertheless, the sculptural subtlety of his images and the close attention he pays to both people and things marked an entire generation of artists.

PHOTOFILE brings together the best work of the world’s greatest photographers, in an attractive format and at an easily affordable price. Handsome and collectable, the books are produced to the highest standards. Each volume contains some sixty full-page reproductions printed in superb duotone, together with a critical introduction and a full bibliography. The series has been awarded the first annual prize for distinguished photographic books by the International Center of Photography, New York.

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Walker Evans, John T. Hill
ID: 3954
Издательство: Steidl Verlag
200 tritone plates
Walker Evans’ work was spread over forty-six fitful and prolific years, yet in a scant two years, 1935-1936, he produced a singular body of work that defined his career. In the process he refined a hybrid style which combined documentation with sly personal comment. During that brief time he worked for the Farm Security Administration (previously the U.S. Resettlement Administration) photographing the consequences of the Great Depression. He delighted in being the artist traveling incognito as an artless photojournalist, but with the independence to satisfy his own designs.
This volume presents those seminal images for the first time as a comprehensive body and in chronological order. These are prime examples of Evans’ alchemy — his seemingly effortless transformation of mundane fact into sweeping lyricism. This series not only defines his mature style but also offers a path for artists of future generations. Evans has been called the most important American artist of his century. The impact of his vision reaches well beyond the province of photography.
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Judith Keller
ID: 3911
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

1169 illustrations, 31 in colour,1121 in duotone

This unprecedented volume bring together for the first time Evans's photographs from the archive that contains more of his images than any other in the world.

Shown here in remarkable duotone reproductions are icons of twentieth-century photography, such as Evans's pictures of tenant farmers and their families taken in the 1930s, but also many less well known, such as those he took in the 1940s of the Ringling Brothers circus and many previously unpublished images.

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Gilles Mora, John T. Hill
ID: 3909
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

Walker Evans ranks with Stieglitz, Steichen and Strand as a photographer of the highest calibre.

His images captured forever the harshness of the Depression, the beauty of nineteenth-century brownstone architecture, the evocative presence of everyday trash, the very essence of American life.

His three years of work in the depression-hit South produced his most famous series, the book Let Us Now Praise Famous Men, with text by James Agee. At the same time, Evans assembled his influential exhibition 'American Photographs' at the Museum of Modern Art, New York, recreated here in its entirety. Towards the end of his life he even experimented with colour photographs which are reproduced here for the first time in any book.

Walker Evans: The Hungry Eye has been assembled by John T. Hill, longtime friend of Evans and executor of his estate, and the distinguished French writer on photography Gilles Mora. All phases of Evans' creative career are presented, each section preceded by an explanatory essay, establishing a definitive canon of Evans' finest work. The pictures themselves are reproduced to the highest standards from the original negatives.

This is the broadest, most comprehensive summary of Walker Evans' achievement ever published. It offers an unequalled tribute to a distinguished and innovative photographer who endowed his own America with universal significance.

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Walter Chandoha, Reuel Golden
ID: 13439
Издательство: Taschen

Man’s Best Friend. The world’s most beloved pet photographer turns his lens on our canine companions

Walter Chandoha’s remarkable legacy as the 20th century’s greatest pet photographer lives on in this sequel to his critically acclaimed Cats. Featuring over 60 breeds, photographed in a variety of styles and locations, the book includes color studio and environmental portraits, black-and-white street scenes, dogs roaming free in the countryside, and vintage dog shows. Each image brims with Chandoha’s tenderness and empathy for these charming canines.

The world appears to be divided into cat and dog lovers, but fortunately, Walter Chandoha, the 20th century’s greatest pet photographer found himself happily in the middle. He loved these intriguing creatures equally for their unique beauty and individualism, and as subjects to photograph in a career spanning over 70 years. While working on his critically acclaimed TASCHEN book Cats, Chandoha handpicked his favourite dog photos for a potential follow-up title, putting into carefully marked boxes hundreds of contact sheets, prints, and colour transparencies, many unseen for at least 50 years, and some totally unseen.

Chandoha sadly passed away in 2019 at the age of 98, but his legacy lives on in this dashing sequel dedicated to man’s best friend. “Walter Chandoha’s photographs of dogs are compelling not just because dogs have an inherent charm, but because the person behind the camera was a master of his craft,” writes the photography critic Jean Dykstra in the book’s introduction.

We see terriers, collies, beagles, bloodhounds, poodles, small dogs, big dogs, show dogs, working dogs, and many more, featuring over 60 breeds photographed in both black-and-white and glorious Kodachrome.

Spanning a 50-year period, the book is divided into six sections, and each chapter reveals Chandoha’s exceptional combination of technique, versatility, and soul. The opening chapter “In the Studio” focuses on formal portraiture; next it’s “Strike a Pose” where our canine companions ham it up for the camera; in “Out and About” they get to roam and play, often photographed with Chandoha’s own children; next it’s “Best in Show” with Chandoha using his reportage skills to capture vintage dog shows from the Mad Men era; in “Tails from the City,” the dogs are hitting the streets of mid-century New York; and in the closing chapter “Country Dogs,” it’s back to nature, the fields, and the beaches. Dogs is an unleashed photographic tribute to these lovable and loyal creatures.

The photographer:

Walter Chandoha (1920–2019) was a combat photographer in the Second World War, before a chance encounter with a cat led him on a path that would shape his professional career. He is regarded as the world’s greatest domestic animal photographer with a career spanning over seven decades and an archive of more than 200,000 photographs. His photographs have appeared on over 300 magazine covers, thousands of advertisements, and were regularly featured in magazines such as LifeLook, and their equivalents around the world.

The editor:

Reuel Golden is the former editor of the British Journal of Photography and the Photography editor at TASCHEN. His TASCHEN titles include: Mick Rock: The Rise of David Bowie, both London and New York Portrait of a City books, Andy Warhol. PolaroidsThe Rolling Stones, Her Majesty, Football in the 1970s, the National Geographic editions, and The David Bailey SUMO.

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Ron Galella
ID: 7910
Издательство: Monacelli Press

Paparazzo - Italian for pesky - is synonymous with Ron Galella, the photographer who made his name capturing celebrities in unguarded, often private moments. Famously banned from approaching Jackie Onassis and punched by Marlon Brando, Galella was a favorite of Andy Warhol, who shared his fascination with the great and near-great. Warhol himself recorded his nightly rounds through a seemingly endless parade of parties, openings, and happenings in his diaries. In these photographs Galella presents the definitive visual diary of Warhol's life and times, his entourage, and his haunts. Through his Interview column, "Glenn O'Brien's Beat," O'Brien was a key commentator on the period. His text places Galella in Warhol's world and in the history of modern photography, describing his ground-breaking work, which Warhol was the first to recognize as "the great unauthorized portrait of our time."

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Michael Dayton Hermann, The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts
ID: 12633
Издательство: Taschen

Portraits of the Artists. Andy Warhol and Jean-Michel Basquiat

Produced in collaboration with The Andy Warhol Foundation and Jean-Michel Basquiat’s estate, this book explores the artists’ complex personal and professional relationship through hundreds of never-before-published photographs of Basquiat by Warhol, excerpts from the legendary Andy Warhol Diaries, rarely seen archival material and examples of their collaborative artworks.

Andy Warhol and Jean-Michel Basquiat’s complex relationship captivated the art world then and now. At a time when Warhol was already world-famous and the elder statesman of New York cool, Basquiat was a downtown talent rising rapidly from the graffiti scene. Together, they forged an electrifying personal and professional partnership.

As a prolific documentarian of his own world, Warhol extensively photographed and wrote of his friendship with Basquiat, all played against the backdrop of 1980s downtown New York City. It reveals not only the emotional depth of their relationship but also its ambiguities, extremities, and complexities.

Produced in collaboration with The Andy Warhol Foundation and Jean-Michel Basquiat’s estate, this book chronicles the duo’s relationship in hundreds of previously unpublished photographs of Basquiat along with a dynamic cast of characters from Madonna to Grace Jones, Keith Haring to Fela Kuti. The shots are accompanied by entries from the legendary Andy Warhol Diaries, selected collaborative artworks, and extensive ephemera. Touching, intimate, and occasionally sardonic, Warhol on Basquiat is a voyeuristic glimpse into the lives of two of modern art’s brightest stars.

The editor:

Michael Dayton Hermann received his MFA from Hunter College where he studied art theory with conceptual artist Robert Morris. In addition to his practice as a multidisciplinary artist, Hermann has been the Director of Licensing at The Andy Warhol Foundation since 2005, where he developed notable high-profile Warhol projects including collaborations with Calvin Klein, Dior, Comme des Garçons, Supreme, Absolut, and Perrier. He has also worked closely with TASCHEN on two publications he conceived: Andy Warhol: Polaroids 1958–1987 and Andy Warhol: Seven Illustrated Books 1952–1959.

From the collection of The Andy Warhol Foundation

Since its founding in 1987 in accordance with Andy Warhol’s will, The Andy Warhol Foundation has established itself among the leading funders of contemporary art in the United States having distributed over $ 200 million in cash grants supporting the creation, presentation, and documentation of contemporary visual arts, particularly work that is experimental, under-recognized, or challenging in nature. The foundation’s ongoing efforts to protect and enhance its founder’s creative legacy ensure that Warhol’s inventive, open-minded spirit will have a profound impact on the visual arts for generations to come.

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Tourbillon International
ID: 4628
Издательство: Rizzoli

Now in its tenth edition, Watches International has been setting the standard for up-to-date reference guides devoted to luxury timepieces. At more than 700 pages, this volume showcases the latest watches from around the world from every major watchmaker.

About the Author

Tourbillon International has published five consecutive volumes of Watches International and remains an expert in the field.

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Kevin Lynch
ID: 7933
Издательство: PowerHouse Books

For the follow-up to his massive ultimate fighting opus Octagon (powerHouse Books, 2007), photographer Kevin Lynch turned his focus away from the bright lights and brutality of the mixed martial arts world, and toward a far more personal subject. Watercolours is a collaboration between Lynch and his wife Hillary, a series of abstracted nudes taken in the swimming pool of their California home that transform the human figure into twisting ribbons of color and brilliant bursts of light.

In creating these images, Lynch decided to forgo his usual high-resolution digital camera and elaborate lighting setup in favor of tools more classic and familiar: a 35 mm camera, low shutter speeds, and the pool light as the only source of illumination. As a result, the stark, unsparing detail that defined Octagon gives way to a fluid softness and a palpable air of tenderness and love. Watercolours trades the gritty realism of the artist’s past work for an impressionistic gaze that betrays passionate emotion and a painter’s eye.

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