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Cliff Watts
ID: 8588
Издательство: Damiani

Watts. Wood, Water & Rock. This collection of nudes is about forms in nature. It was a year of travelling to different landscapes and seeing the beauty of these "human fossils." It's a collaboration between myself as a photographer and six willing friends who volunteered to go through extreme heat, freezing cold and various uncomfortable conditions to create this wonderful body of work. This book is a labor of love. It's about form, texture, abstraction, and beauty. It's about the classic nude, and how it blends seamlessly into and also contrasts nature.

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Michelle Turner
ID: 5072
Издательство: Ilex

The old days of posed wedding pictures are gone and a new exciting field of 'wedding reportage' has emerged. This new style is all about telling the story of the wedding day by getting up close and intimate, without becoming intrusive. The art of capturing a split-second moment in time requires anticipation, an eye for composition and a nose for the story. These are the key strengths for any reportage-style photographer and Wedding Photography Now! clearly explains how a good wedding photographer can become a great one. Many couples want two albums: one for friends and family and another private one for themselves. Wedding Photography Now! takes photographers through all the essential stages for creating very personal photo albums, from private portraits of the couple to risqué shots of the bride getting dressed on the day, and looks at how to liven up traditional portraits by using unusual techniques, angles, lighting, locations and post-processing techniques.

Michelle Turner is a leading documentary wedding photographer based in Maine, USA. Michelle frequently travels internationally to photograph weddings and combines photojournalism with creative portraiture to provide complete coverage of that special day. Her images range from the vibrant and colourful to the grungy and emotional.

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Reinhard Kaiser
ID: 5581
Издательство: Schirmer/Mosel Verlag

'Weegee's New York' ist das New York der 30er und 40er Jahre - eine Stadt, die gekennzeichnet ist von den Spuren der Depression: von Arbeitslosigkeit und Kriminalität, von Armut, Prostitution, Gewaltverbrechen und Gangsterkriegen. Weegee, der schnellste und gewiefteste Photoreporter New Yorks, ist der legendäre Bildchronist dieser Epoche.

Weegee (1899-1968) war so etwas wie der rasende Fotoreporter Amerikas. Oft fuhr er mit quietschenden Reifen und Sirene im falschen Krankenwagen am Tatort vor, und hin und wieder entwickelte er Filmkassetten mit Aufnahmen von Kriminellen illegal in der leeren Fahrerkabine eines rollenden U-Bahn-Zugs. Als Liebling der New Yorker Cops erhielt Weegee 1938 als erster Journalist die Erlaubnis zum Führen eines Polizeifunkgeräts. "Das Polizeihauptquartier war mein Club", notierte er 1961 in seiner Autobiographie Weegee by Weegee: "Ich saß in der Halle in meinem Lieblingssessel, die Kamera griffbereit, und rauchte eine Zigarette. Früher oder später kam hier alles vorbei, was Rang und Namen hatte." Rund 5.000 Bildreportagen sollen hier und auf den Großstadtstraßen entstanden sein -- wobei das Life Magazine Weegee auch schon mal nach der Anzahl der Kugeln entlohnte, die in der jeweils fotografierten Leiche steckten.

Rechtzeitig zum 100. Geburtstag dieses ersten Hofporträtisten der amerikanischen Unterwelt hat der Schirmer/Mosel-Verlag mit Weegee's New York nun einen Klassiker der Dokumentarfotografie neu aufgelegt, der einen faszinierenden Einblick gewährt in dessen Lebenswerk: 335 klug ausgewählte Schwarzweißzeugnisse der dreißiger bis sechziger Jahre zeigen Brände, Unfälle und Morde, Soldaten, Stripperinnen und Artisten -- und werfen als Ganzes nicht zuletzt auch ein ebenso kaltes wie schonungsloses, blendend helles Schlaglicht auf die Schattenseiten der USA.

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Игорь Мухин
ID: 11712
Издательство: Treemedia

Книга известного фотографа Игоря Мухина посвящена open air фестивалям.

Фотографии, вошедшие в книгу, сделаны автором с период с 2005 по 2016 годы, более чем на двадцати фестивалях, среди которых "Нашествие", "Пустые Холмы", Outline и другие.

"... Моё знакомство с фестивалями open air началось с выездного мастер-класса, приключение и отдых на природе манил, формат мероприятия каждый год напоминал о себе красивейшими сетевыми фотографиями с паутинками на рассвете, с загадочными красивыми людьми с дредами на фоне палаток". Игорь Мухин

".. Распад приличий, спад напряжения, которое не позволяет возникнуть распахнутому в течение рабочей недели и с которым связан досуг людей на фотографиях Мухина, заставляет гадать об их будничных занятиях, об их статусе, который может быть любым, хотя, как правило, кажется маргинальным. Возможно, они работают менеджерами, чиновниками, возможно учеными, продавцами, разнорабочими, программистами, убийцами, ворами и милиционерами; возможно, впрочем, что они не работают совсем, а уик-энд - это состояние, которое не ограничено выходными". Александра Новоженова

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Giovanna Calvenzi , Juan Jose Lahuerta
ID: 5444
Издательство: Actar

Bernadу creates projects to express his keen eye and spirit. Despite his having explored American spaces and cities in Japan and Europe, Bernadу has always maintained his focus on Spain, attentive to the evolution of its landscape and the dйcor of its interiors that is linked to very different worlds. He casts an amusing look at the details that only he is able to see and makes them distinct. His images turn reality into a theatre set. The boundaries between the real and the unlikely become blurred. Beyond Bernadу's vision of the superficial world and his form of satire, one is given a glimpse of his inspired personality on this guided tour of the 20th-century playwrights who have brought the senseless and the ridiculous to the stage, even the grotesque, as embodied in the writings of Cervantes and the paintings of Goya. And behind this cumulus of symbols, there is the depiction of absurdity.

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Henri Cartier-Bresson
ID: 1912
Издательство: Schirmer/Mosel Verlag

Wer verbirgt sich hinter den legendären Initialen HCB, wer genau ist Henri Cartier-Bresson - dieser Mann, der gegen seinen Willen zum Mythos geworden ist, der die Photographie, und nicht nur den Bildjournalismus des 20. Jahrhunderts mit seinem ganz persönlichen Stil und Ethos geprägt hat, der Form und Inhalt in einer Art und Weise zu verbinden wußte, dass es heute undenkbar scheint, die Welt der Fakten und des Sichtbaren, ob alltäglich oder spektakulär, anders wiederzugeben, als er es ein halbes Jahrhundert lang tat? Die Frage ist so komplex und vielschichtig wie die Persönlichkeit und das Werk Henri Cartier-Bressons, dessen 95. Geburtstag in diesem Jahr mit zwei außergewöhnlichen Ereignissen gefeiert wird: im Frühjahr mit einer großen Retrospektive in der Biblioth que nationale de France, Paris, und mit der die Ausstellung begleitenden großen Monographie, die wir hier in der deutschen Übersetzung anbieten.

Auf über 400 Seiten, in acht Textbeiträgen von namhaften Autoren - darunter Je an Clair, Peter Galassi und Robert Delpire - und mit mehr als 600 Abbildungen gibt dieses opulente Buch die endgültigen Antworten auf die Frage, um wen es sich bei dem Photographen und Filmemacher, dem Künstler, dem Kosmopoliten und dem Menschen Henri Cartier-Bresson handelt.

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Photographs by Tobias Schweitzer. Edited by Stephen Gan
ID: 3963
Издательство: Steidl Verlag
Meeting by chance and building a life by choice, two young dreamers create an exquisite collection of photography and reflections spanning a single year and fourteen extraordinary destinations around the globe. From a first encounter near Berlin's Brandenburg Gate to Rio de Janeiro's Pao de Acucar and a Reykjavik glacier's midnight dawn, each occasion is dependent on wherever two vastly different careers can take them. In every destination, they discover in landscape a far greater world than either traveller has known and begin to understand the true gift of time. Theirs is a universal quest in our increasingly jet propelled and wired age: to see the world clearly in the moments we have on earth and to be lucky enough to share these experiences with another. With a stunning visual style and uncommon insight, this compelling account of their success is an inspiration to do just that.
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Ryan McGinley, Ursula Wulfekamp
ID: 8768
Издательство: Schirmer/Mosel Verlag

The Kids Are Alright der Titel von Ryan McGinleys erstem, noch handgemachtem Buch, das 2000 seine erste Photoausstellung in einer leerstehenden Galerie in SoHo begleitete, könnte für sein gesamtes bisheriges Werk stehen. Der 1977 geborene Shooting Star der New Yorker Photoszene hat sich seit seinen Anfängen unter seinesgleichen bewegt, den Kids in downtown New York, Jugendlichen bei Ausflügen aufs Land seine inzwischen legendären Roadtrips , und auch im Studio arbeitet er mit nicht-professionellen, jungen Modellen. Es geht um das Lebensgefühl von Jugendlichen seiner Generation, die Spaß haben, sich treiben lassen, die ganz hedonistisch den Sommer genießen und nackt herumtollen. Dunkle Seiten bleiben ausgespart, sieht man von den Kratzern und Schürfwunden ab, die beim Springen von Felsen oder durch Baumwipfel kaum zu vermeiden sind. Das Whitney Museum of American Art zeigte McGinleys Photographien bereits 2003; er war damit der jüngste Künstler, der in diesem ehrwürdigen Haus jemals eine Einzelausstellung hatte. Seitdem ist er international gefragt und stellt weltweit in Galerien und Museen aus. In dieser ersten umfassenden Monographie setzen sich drei prominente Autoren mit dem Phänomen McGinley auseinander: die Schriftstellerin Chris Kraus, der Künstler und Autor John Kelsey und der Independent-Filmemacher Gus Van Sant, Regisseur u.a. von Drugstore Cowboy und My Private Idaho.

Capturing the hedonistic adventures of New York City downtown habituées, groups of twentysomethings in various American landscapes, or the human body in the pared-down atmosphere of his studio: Ryan McGinley understands and chronicles his own generation as no artist has before him. This first major monograph presents a survey of his career to the present day.

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Gail Buckland
ID: 5770
Издательство: Random House

More than two hundred spectacular photographs, sensual, luminous, frenzied, true, from 1955 to the present, that catch and define the energy, intoxication, rebellion, and magic of rock and roll; the first book to explore the photographs and the photographers who captured rock’s message of freedom and personal reinvention—and to examine the effect of their pictures on the musicians, the fans, and the culture itself.

The only music photographers whose names are well known are those who themselves have become celebrities. But many of the images that have shaped our consciousness and desire were made by photographers whose names are unfamiliar. Here are Elvis in 1956—not yet mythic but beautiful, tender, vulnerable, sexy, photographed by Alfred Wertheimer . . . Bob Dylan and his girlfriend on a snowy Greenwich Village street, by Don Hunstein . . . John Lennon in a sleeveless New York City T-shirt, by Bob Gruen . . . Jimi Hendrix, by Gered Mankowitz, a photograph that became a poster and was hung on the walls of millions of bedrooms and college dorms . . .

For the first time, the work of these talented men and women is brought into the pantheon; we see the musicians they photographed and how the images gave rock and roll its visual identity.

To bring together these images, Gail Buckland, acclaimed photographic editor, curator, and scholar, looked through the archives of one hundred photographers, selecting pictures not on the basis of the usual suspects, but on the power of the images themselves, often picking an image a photographer didn’t even remember he or she had taken.

Buckland writes about the photographers, their influences, their relationships with their subjects, how they took the images, how they saw what they saw and captured what they captured: the spirit and essence of rock.

A revelation of an art form whose iconic images changed the world as we knew it.

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Ferdinand Protzman
ID: 7585
Издательство: National Geographic

In 250 glorious photographs Wide Angle: National Geographic Greatest Places documents the beauty and depth of every part of the world. Delving deeply into a picture archive that houses over ten million images, with many photographs being published for the first time, this new book-the third and final in the "greatest photographs" series-presents the world's amazingly diverse places with epic grandeur, unparalleled intimacy, romantic beauty, and gritty realism. The photographs are landscapes, cityscapes, famous landmarks, and unfamiliar spots that reveal special qualities of geography or culture one might otherwise never see.

Spanning more than eleven decades, the images in Wide Angle are divided into twelve chapters, each depicting a unique geography - including East and Southeast Asia, the Middle East, North Africa, and the Polar Regions. Each chapter is introduced by award-winning cultural writer and critic Ferdinand Protzman, whose essays accent the stunning photographs by renowned National Geographic photographers. Both essays and photographs carefully examine a region's special qualities, creating unique character and its own special and unforgettable sense of place. In Wide Angle, National Geographic photographers have recorded the world's places close up, in sweeping breadth, in depth, and over time.

Ferdinand Protzman is an award-winning cultural critic, author and contributing editor for ARTnews magazine. He has written four books and contributed to others. His reviews, essays and articles have appeared in The Washington Post, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The International Herald Tribune, ARTnews,The Harvard Review, The Forward and Zeit-Magazin. He lives in Oberlin, Ohio.

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Alex Bernasconi
ID: 6089
Издательство: Papadakis

A sumptuous visual record of one of the last natural paradises on earth, Wild Africa is a unique first-hand photographic encounter with the wildlife of the continent in all its spectacular grandeur

From a totally fresh perspective, with unique access to some of the remotest regions and species living beyond the confines of captivity, Wild Africa is a contemporary photographic record that takes you into the heart of one of the world’s last natural paradises. The result of painstaking expeditions across the continent, Alex Bernasconi’s photographic document contains some of the most novel, surprising and spectacular images of Africa and its wildlife.

This is an off-road Africa, with moments of true beauty and natural delicacy that shows the full splendour of wildlife at one with the landscape, whilst preserving its raw immediacy. In the one thousand eight hundred images a week that Bernasconi takes of some of nature’s finest and most endangered animals, wildlife photography is embodied at its most honest and creative.

Wild Africa depicts some of Africa’s most voluptuous vistas alongside the world’s most treasured wildlife discovered off-guard, at its most powerful and endearing. These are unique images by a photographer motivated to preserve for posterity the most exceptional panoramas of wildlife in its true habitat that we have today. This is a visual testament of the best of our planet. It is an enduring legacy to inspire the ecological generation.

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Will Santillo, Dian Hanson
ID: 7252
Издательство: Taschen

The ultimate intimacy. If orgasm is the little-death, is masturbation the little suicide?

The title means "the little death," a euphemism for orgasm, but the women who exuberantly masturbate for Toronto photographer Will Santillo in this book are as lively a bunch as you’ll ever meet. Santillo conceived the project eight years ago to include a thorough cross-section of women: young to old, slim to thick, perfect beauties to those not considered beautiful until seen through his lens. The one constant would be that each would decide and direct how she masturbated to climax while he captured the moment. From previous projects with amateur subjects, Santillo had come to believe that masturbation is a far more personal act than most sex play because it is conducted almost exclusively in private. He set out to reveal the diversity and creativity with which women approach self-stimulation, and to portray the beauty of ordinary women in the throes of orgasm - a beauty far richer than the male-oriented depictions seen in pornography. Santillo says he seeks to uncover the hidden face of his subjects, and indeed, it’s the faces that best show the intensity of response in these artfully explicit photos.

Dian Hanson interviewed 37 of the women, and their candid insights on overcoming inhibition, giving in to exhibitionism, and achieving orgasm in front of a stranger with a camera provide a framework for the lush, sepia-toned photos. For all who are curious about just what the woman next door - or one’s own wife - gets up to in her private moments, La petite Mort is a breath of life.

The photographer:

Will Santillo studied photography at M.I.T. under Minor White and has worked in the fields of fashion, corporate, architectural, and intimate photography. His photos appear in the Mammoth Book of Erotic Photography, TASCHEN’s New Erotic Photography, and in the monograph Flagrante Delicto. He lives in Toronto.

The editor and author:

Dian Hanson was born in Seattle in 1951. For 25 years she produced various men’s magazines, including Puritan, Juggs and Leg Show, before becoming TASCHEN's sexy book editor in 2001. Her many books for TASCHEN include Vanessa del Rio: Fifty Years of Slightly Slutty Behavior, Tom of Finland XXL, and The Big Butt Book. She lives in Los Angeles

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William Albert Allard
ID: 6501
Издательство: Random House

This gorgeous gift book reveals nearly 50 years of photography by seasoned National Geographic photographer Bill Allard. Allard was a pioneer of color photography with a style that called for entering people's homes and hearts; by winning their confidence he was able to capture "off guard" moments, and reveal the depth of human nature as never before seen in the pages of National Geographic. Always in search of "what is happening at the edges," his work reveals beauty, mystery, and a sense of adventure. Part photography retrospective and part personal memoir, this book paints a full picture - through images and narrative - of the life of a globe-trekking photographer over the past half century. This gorgeous gift book reveals nearly 50 years of photography by seasoned National Geographic photographer Bill Allard. Allard was a pioneer of color photography with a style that called for entering people's homes and hearts; by winning their confidence he was able to capture "off guard" moments, and reveal the depth of human nature as never before seen in the pages of National Geographic. Always in search of "what is happening at the edges," his work reveals beauty, mystery, and a sense of adventure. Part photography retrospective and part personal memoir, this book paints a full picture - through images and narrative - of the life of a globe-trekking photographer over the past half century.

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Joachim E. Berendt
ID: 3519
Издательство: Taschen

The sights and sounds of American jazz. Claxton's photographs of legendary jazz musicians

"Surely the most thorough and imaginative visual record of American jazz at mid-century that we’ll ever see." - Newsweek, New York

In 1960, photographer William Claxton and noted German musicologist Joachim Berendt traveled the United States hot on the trail of jazz music. The result of their collaboration was an amazing collection of photographs and recordings of legendary artists as well as unknown street musicians.

The book Jazzlife, the original fruit of their labors, has become a collector's item that is highly treasured among jazz and photography fans. In 2003, TASCHEN began reassembling this important collection of material — along with many never-before-seen color images from those trips. They are brought together in this updated volume, which includes a foreword by William Claxton tracing his travels with Berendt and his love affair with jazz music in general. Jazz fans will be delighted to be able to take a jazz-trip through time, seeing the music as Claxton and Berendt originally experienced it.

The photographer:

William Claxton (1927-2008) began his career shooting jazz record cover art. His iconic images of Chet Baker, Charlie Parker, Duke Ellington, Dizzy Gillespie, Billie Holiday and many others reflect his preeminence among photographers of jazz music. Claxton worked for many of the biggest publishers including Life, Paris Match, and Vogue magazines. His work has been shown in galleries around the world, and his photographic prints are now sought after by collectors of fine art photography. He passed away on October 11, 2008 in his hometown Los Angeles.

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Joachim E. Berendt
ID: 9835
Издательство: Taschen

In 1960, photographer William Claxton and noted German musicologist Joachim Berendt traveled the United States hot on the trail of jazz music. The result of their collaboration was an amazing collection of photographs and recordings of legendary artists as well as unknown street musicians.

The book Jazzlife, the original fruit of their labors, has become a collector’s item that is highly treasured among jazz and photography fans. In 2003, TASCHEN began reassembling this important collection of material— along with many never-before-seen color images from those trips. They are brought together in this updated volume, which includes a foreword by William Claxton tracing his travels with Berendt and his love affair with jazz music in general. Jazz fans will be delighted to be able to take a jazz-trip through time, seeing the music as Claxton and Berendt originally experienced it.

Featuring photographs of Charlie Parker, Count Basie, Duke Ellington, Muddy Waters, Gabor Szabo, Dave Brubeck, Stan Getz, Billie Holiday, Ella Fitzgerald, Miles Davis, Charlie Mingus, Thelonious Monk, John Coltrane, and many more.

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