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François Chaille, Hélène Kelmachter
ID: 17169
Издательство: Flammarion

An exquisite volume documenting Cartier's most recent bespoke high jewelry collection, destined for eminent clients and collectors.

Devoted to the new High Jewelry and precious objects collection created by Cartier, this book celebrates nature's vitality, sensuality, and aesthetic force. Documents from the House's archives show that flora and fauna have been a major source of inspiration at Cartier since the very beginning.

The representations are numerous, and the interpretations complement each other: figurative, as realistic as possible; stylized, between an outline or suggestion; and all the way to abstraction, with the disconcerting visual play.

The jeweler's imagination and virtuosity transform precious materials and stones into splendid ensembles. For this groundbreaking new collection, the artists who create the designs go even farther than the known natural universe to visit unexplored territories: in addition to the Houses's emblematic species, such as panthers and crocodiles, we discover original creations, inspired, for example, by succulents and peacocks, or even imaginary creatures like reinvented chimeras.

In this richly illustrated volume, the new Cartier High Jewelry collection is accompanied by text that highlights the privileged relationship that exists between contemporary art and nature. Artists, fascinated by the power and the mystery of the environment that surrounds us, move beyond traditional art arenas to confront the immensity of landscapes or to work directly with materials from nature. The natural world is a marvel that never ceases to inspire and seduce.

About the Authors:

François Chaille is a writer. Passionate about art history, fashion, jewelry and watchmaking, he has published fifteen works with Flammarion, including Magnitude, Coloratura,The Cartier Collection: Timepieces, Audemars Piguet: Master Watchmaker Since 1875, and Girard Perregaux.
Hélène Kelmachter is an art historian and exhibition curator. She worked with the Fondation Cartier pour l'art contemporain for more than fifteen years. She was cultural attaché at the French Embassy in Tokyo (2007-2012) and in Buenos Aires (2014-2018). She has curated numerous exhibitions in France, Japan, China, and Argentina devoted to contemporary art and artisanal craft.

Цена: 4800 грн
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Г. Быстрицкая, И. Тарханова
ID: 4516
Издательство: Искусство ХХI век

Эта книга - не каталог и не монография. Ее предмет - сам механизм творчества. Книга возникла благодаря дружбе двух художников: живописца Галины Быстрицкой и графического дизайнера Ирины Тархановой. Галина Быстрицкая нашла тот импульс, ту единицу впечатления, где происходит контакт художника и мира. Этот импульс кодировался красками и тушью, карандашами и чернилами, фотографиями и дневниками. Он стал иероглифом, почти знаком, концентратом ощущения. А зритель, как ребенок, жаждет собрать узнаваемый паззл, который складывает для нас реальность. Реальность Быстрицкой безусловно и радостно считывается. Сделать эту игру художника осязаемой "тканью жизни" стало задачей дизайнера Ирины Тархановой. Около тысячи изображений, отобранных ею из множества путевых альбомов, рисунков, картин Быстрицкой, стали материалом для разворотов-коллажей. В книге - пять векторов путешествий, пять жизней в изображениях и путевых заметках. Это жизнь в экзотических странах - прообразе рая на земле, где существование представляется простым, бесхитростным и потому счастливым. Жизнь, прожитая в Венеции, полна перевоплощений, снов и предчувствий. Жизнь, проведенная в странствиях по Франции, по английской провинции, воссоздает глубокий и мудрый ритм старой Европы. Путешествие по Средиземноморью, по Испании позволяет прикоснуться к корням нашей цивилизации. И, наконец, жизнь в России, в глубинке, где прошлое, настоящее и будущее сплетены в болезненный запутанный клубок. Сопровождают этот мир тексты других путешественников-литераторов, поэтов, искусствоведов.

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Сэм Филлипс
ID: 11026
Издательство: Ad Marginem

...Isms: Understanding Modern Art

Данный путеводитель по современному искусству призван объяснить все его ключевые "измы": группы, стили и школы, определяющие то, что считается искусством с конца XIX века по наши дни.

Автор, британский искусствовед, редактор журнала Frieze, выросшего из одноименной арт-ярмарки, помещая современное искусство в исторический контекст, создает своего рода карту траекторий, по которым развивалась художественная практика новейшего времени.

Вооружившись подобной картой, любой читатель - от студента-искусствоведа до простого любителя искусств - способен дальше прокладывать собственные маршруты.

Список художников, ключевых работ и музеев всего мира прилагается.

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Cristian Campos
ID: 8309
Издательство: Rockport

Graffiti and street art used to be a sure sign of a neighborhood’s neglect. Even though it is still a countercultural art form, its role has grown: it enlivens public space, provides social commentary, and adds humor and color to the urban and suburban landscape.

1,000 Ideas for Graffiti and Street Art is a showcase of urban art suitable for artists of any medium, designers, and other creative artists looking for urban-style inspiration for their visual work. A visual catalog, it is both a practical, inspirational handbook and a coffee-table conversation piece. Graffiti and street artists—rebellious and non-rebellious alike — will relish the opportunity to have so many ideas for color play, illustration, and wild expressions at their fingertips.

Inside you’ll find:

- 1,000 photographs of graffiti and other types of urban art, with captions that feature location (city, state, country) artist name (if known).
- Artwork sorted into categories such as letterforms, stencils, portraits, murals, nature, tags, throw-ups, pieces, and productions
- Urban art glossary, basic aerosol painting and street art techniques, and more

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Sandra Salamony
ID: 8310
Издательство: Rockport

A visual catalog for jewellery, bead artists, and crafters for hundreds of ideas at their fingertips to inspire their own projects.

1,000 Jewelry Inspirations is a stunning showcase of contemporary jewellery pieces that will feed the creative appetites of crafters and jewellery makers everywhere. Become inspired by this feast of colour, sparkle, texture, dimension, and clever, creative use of materials. From simple and elegant to beautiful and elaborate “bling” styles, over 1,000 full-colour images will be at your fingertips to inspire your own creative projects. An exploration of jewellery-making techniques will help even inexperienced jewellery makers on their way to making beautiful jewellery.

What you’ll find:
Beads and Baubles
Paper and Mixed Media
Polymer and Precious Metal Clay
Vintage and Repurposed
Fibers and Fabric
Wire and Metal

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Jurgen Muller
ID: 4137
Издательство: Taschen

Favorite Flicks. An inspiring selection of must-see masterpieces

This collection profiles 100 of the finest films in cinema history. Traversing every genre, the book presents classic, cult, famous, and lesser-known films. Each masterpiece is introduced with essential information, film stills, and original posters. From Metropolis to Annie Hall, celebrate the art of the silver screen and find abundant inspiration for those movie nights in.

They say that in life, there are winners and there are losers. Though the movies we selected for this two-volume collection are winners indeed, those that didn’t make the cut aren’t losers. We just didn’t like them quite as much. It was a tough, soul-searching process, but after much debate and deliberation, TASCHEN settled on what we believe to be the 100 finest examples of 20th-century filmmaking.

From horror to romance, noir to slapstick, adventure to tragedy, epic to musical, western to new wave, all genres are represented in this wide-ranging and devilishly fun compendium. Metropolis? Check. Modern Times? Yep. Citizen Kane, The Seven Samurai? Of course. La dolce vita, Psycho, A Clockwork Orange? You bet. Plus The Godfather, Annie Hall, Blue Velvet, Pulp Fiction... and so many more cinematic gems including lesser-known masterpieces like Buñuel’s The Young and the Damned. Think of this collection as a celebration of contrasts, an homage to the seventh art, a gathering of greats, and a nostalgic romp through celluloid history.

Chronological entries each include a synopsis, cast/crew listings, technical information, actor/director bios, trivia, and lists of awards, as well as film stills, production photos, and the original poster for each film. The chapter for each decade begins with an introduction exploring the historical and social context of films made in that era.


Книга 100 All Time Favorite Movies – это коллекция из двух томов, посвященная кинематографу 20-го века. Как говорится, в жизни есть победители и проигравшие. Это потрясающее собрание - настоящий победитель среди изданий о искусстве кино.

После долгих размышлений и споров, всемирно известное издательство Taschen остановилось на 100 лучших жанров и фильмов прошлого века. Среди них: ужасы и романтика, нуар и фарс, приключения и трагедии. Эпические, западные, восточные, мюзиклы и много других. Все жанры представлены в необыкновенно увлекательном сборнике 100 All Time Favorite Movies.

Вы окунетесь в таинство создания кинофильмов, которые стали легендарными. Metropolis? Конечно! Современное время? Да! Гражданин Кейн, Семь Самураев? Обязательно! La Dolce Vita, Психо, а Заводной апельсин? О, да! Крестный отец, Энни Холл, Синий Бархат, Криминальное чтиво ... и много других кинематографических жемчужин, которые стали шедеврами. И полюбились не одному поколению поклонников хорошего кино. Описаны также и менее известные картины, такие как, например, «Молодой и Бунюэль».

Книга 100 All Time Favorite Movies включает в себя краткий обзор каждого фильма, список актеров, имя маэстро – режиссёра и технические моменты. Перечислены списки наград, биографические исторические факты. Собрание наполнено большим количеством оригинальных постеров, фотографий и кадров из кинолент. В каждой главе представлены рассуждения на тему исторического и социального контекста фильмов, снятых в ту эпоху.

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Jürgen Müller
ID: 11313
Издательство: Taschen

Must-see movies. Get to know cinema's greats

Take a journey through the makers and shapers of celluloid history. From horror to romance, noir to slapstick, adventure to tragedy, Western to new wave, this selection gathers the greats of 20th-century cinema into one indispensable guide to movie gold.

The collection is arranged chronologically and in an extra-handy format. Film entries include a synopsis, cast/crew listings, technical information, actor/director bios, trivia, and lists of awards, as well as film stills, production photos, and the original poster for each film.

From Metropolis to Modern Times, A Clockwork Orange to Buñuel’s The Young and the Damned, from the blockbusters to lesser-known masterpieces, thumb through and transform a quiet evening into an unforgettable screen encounter.

About the series:

Bibliotheca Universalis — Compact cultural companions celebrating the eclectic TASCHEN universe at an unbeatable, democratic price!

Since we started our work as cultural archaeologists in 1980, TASCHEN has become synonymous with accessible, open-minded publishing. Bibliotheca Universalis brings together more than 100 of our all-time favourite titles in a neat new format so you can curate your own affordable library of art, anthropology, and aphrodisia.

Bookworm’s delight — never bore, always excite!

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Hans Werner Holzwarth
ID: 4711
Издательство: Taschen

Специальное издание в 2-х томах "100 самых выдающихся художников современности" результат серий "Искусство на рубеже Миллениума" и "Искусство сегодня" является полной энциклопедией современного искусства. Книги включают широкий спектр работ таких известных художников как Жан-Мишель Баскиа, Марлен Дюма, Дэмиен Херст, Майк Келлей, Джефф Кунс, Альберт Оэлен, Ричард Принс, Чарльз Рэй, Синди Шерман и Кристофер Вул также как и более молодое поколение - Гленн Браун, Натали Дюрберг, Том Фридман, Марк Гротьян и Теренс Кох.

This special two-volume edition features 100 of the most exciting artists from TASCHEN's seminal Art at the Turn of the Millennium and the renowned Art Now! series - gathered in a comprehensive survey of contemporary art at the start of the 21st century. The selection includes a wide variety of works by pioneering artists like Jean-Michel Basquiat, Marlene Dumas, Damien Hirst, Mike Kelley, Jeff Koons, Albert Oehlen, Richard Prince, Charles Ray, Cindy Sherman, and Christopher Wool - alongside a younger generation including Glenn Brown, Natalie Djurberg, Tom Friedman, Mark Grotjahn and Terence Koh.

Featured artists include:

Franz Ackermann, Ai Wei Wei, Doug Aitken, Darren Almond, Francis Alys, Banksy, Matthew Barney, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Cosima von Bonin, Monica Bonvicini, Cecily Brown, Glenn Brown, André Butzer, Cai Guo-Qiang, Maurizio Cattelan, George Condo, John Currin, Thomas Demand, Rineke Dijkstra, Nathalie Djurberg, Peter Doig, Marlene Dumas, Olafur Eliasson, Elmgreen & Dragset, Tracey Emin, Urs Fischer, Peter Fischli / David Weiss, Günther Förg, Walton Ford, Tom Friedman, Ellen Gallagher, Robert Gober, Nan Goldin, Felix Gonzalez-Torres, Douglas Gordon, Mark Grotjahn, Subodh Gupta, Andreas Gursky, Keith Haring, Mona Hatoum, Thomas Hirschhorn, Damien Hirst, Gary Hume, Anish Kapoor, Mike Kelley, Martin Kippenberger, Terence Koh, Jeff Koons, Barbara Kruger, Won Ju Lim, Sarah Lucas, Vera Lutter, Marepe, Paul McCarthy, Jonathan Meese, Beatriz Milhazes, Mariko Mori, Sarah Morris, Takashi Murakami, Wangechi Mutu, Yoshitomo Nara, Shirin Neshat, Ernesto Neto, Tim Noble & Sue Webster, Albert Oehlen, Chris Ofili, Gabriel Orozco, Tony Oursler, Jorge Pardo, Raymond Pettibon, Elizabeth Peyton, Richard Phillips, Richard Prince, Neo Rauch, Charles Ray, Tobias Rehberger, Jason Rhoades, Daniel Richter, Pipilotti Rist, Raqib Shaw, Cindy Sherman, Santiago Sierra, Rudolf Stingel, Thomas Struth, Philip Taaffe, Mickalene Thomas, Wolfgang Tillmans, Rirkrit Tiravanija, Rosemarie Trockel, Luc Tuymans, Piotr Uklański, Francesco Vezzoli, Kara Walker, Jeff Wall, Rebecca Warren, Franz West, Rachel Whiteread, Kehinde Wiley, Christopher Wool and Erwin Wurm.

About the editor:

Hans Werner Holzwarth was a photographer before launching a corporate design firm. He has collaborated on book designs with Robert Frank, Nan Goldin, Albert Oehlen, Richard Prince, Kiki Smith, and John Waters. For TASCHEN, he edited Jeff Koons, Christopher Wool, and Art Now Vol 3.


Книга 100 Contemporary Artists открывает загадочную вселенную современного искусства, со всеми его тонкостями и парадоксами. Расскажет о творчестве начинающих и, уже завоевавших популярность, художниках, о пути их становления. Ведь современное искусство – это возможность и умение видеть актуальные проблемы и красоту мира. Работы наших современников – это то, как они видят и чувствуют настоящее. Отличительной чертой таких картин является то, что нам дают право и свободу самим постигать смысл произведений.

100 Contemporary Artists станет отличным подарком для тех, кто увлекается искусством и живописью, студентов или просто для тех, кто хочет понять современную культуру. Энциклопедия насыщена большим количеством иллюстраций и фотографий знаменитых картин, и биографиями их творцов.

100 Contemporary Artists от знаменитого издательства Taschen – это роскошный двухтомник высшего качества. Отличная бумага и цветопередача иллюстраций поможет Вам с головой окунуться в таинственный, и яркий мир современного искусства, в начале 21-го века.

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Michael Bird
ID: 8964
Издательство: Laurence King Publishing

From the earliest cave paintings through to the internet and street art, this inspiring book chronicles the 100 most influential ideas that have shaped the world of art. Arranged in broadly chronological order, it provides a unique and compelling take on the history of art.

The book shows how developments in materials (oil paint, plastics, paint in tubes) and technology (paper, photography, welding) have radically changed the way that art is produced. But these changes run parallel with influences from wider culture such as the study of optics and anatomy and more conceptual concerns such as chance and ephemerality. Each entry explores when an idea first evolved and how it has resurfaced in the work of different artists up to the present day.

Lavishly illustrated with historical masterpieces and packed with fascinating contemporary examples, this is an inspirational and wholly original guide to understanding the forces that have shaped world art.

Другие книги серии

100 Ideas that Changed Fashion

100 Ideas that Changed Photography

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David Parkinson
ID: 9536
Издательство: Laurence King Publishing

This inspiring book chronicles the most influential ideas that have shaped film since its inception. Entertaining and intelligent, it provides a concise history as well as being a fascinating resource to dip into.

Arranged in a broadly chronological order to show the development of film, the ideas include innovative concepts, technologies, techniques and movements. From the silent era’s masterpieces to today’s blockbusters and art-house movies, these highly illustrated pages are a chance to discover or rediscover films from five continents. The milestones that have given Hollywood a hegemony over world cinema are discussed, but so too are subjects as diverse as German Expressionism, auteur theory and Third Cinema. Key ideas such as continuity editing, genre and sound are also fully explored.

The ideas include innovative concepts, technologies, techniques and movements, from the silent era's masterpieces to today's blockbusters and art-house movies, these highly illustrated pages are a chance to rediscover films from five continents

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ID: 11385
Издательство: Taschen

Mangificent. From Astro Boy to Akira, the superstars of the manga scene

Since the original TASCHEN edition of Manga Design, Japan’s comic phenomenon has produced yet more captivating characters and a whole host of hot new talents. This revised and updated edition delivers the lowdown on the latest and the greatest makers and shapers of the manga scene.

Through an A–Z directory, we discover the superstars — both human and fictional — of what is now a vast global industry, inspiring advertisers, filmmakers, creative professionals, millions of avid fans, not to mention an entire cosplay lifestyle, in which manga devotees in elaborate costume meet to celebrate the existence of their characters at huge conventions from Los Angeles to Leipzig.

From classic maestros — like Osamu Tezuka (creator of Astro Boy) and Katsuhiro Otomo (creator of Akira) — to newcomers such as Hajime Isayama, each entry includes biographical and bibliographical information, descriptions of main characters, and, of course, plenty of examples of the artist’s finest manga spreads and covers.

About the series:

Bibliotheca Universalis — Compact cultural companions celebrating the eclectic TASCHEN universe at an unbeatable, democratic price!

Since we started our work as cultural archaeologists in 1980, TASCHEN has become synonymous with accessible, open-minded publishing. Bibliotheca Universalis brings together more than 100 of our all-time favourite titles in a neat new format so you can curate your own affordable library of art, anthropology, and aphrodisia.

Bookworm’s delight — never bore, always excite!

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ID: 4449
Издательство: Rebo

Using both text and superb color photography, this book describes the most famous and impressive museums in the world: Prado in Madrid, National Gallery in London, Muse"e du Louvre in Paris, Museum of Modern Art in New York and many more.

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ID: 4452
Издательство: Rebo

Since the very beginning of art history women have been both the inspiration and the main subject of portrayal, as encountered in the period of Antiquity, penetrated with the erotic, in the virtuous Middle Ages, in the classical works of the Renaissance, in sensuous Baroque style, at the turning point of Impressionism, and, of course, by visual artists of the 20th century as well.

100 Most Beautiful Women in Painting offers 100 portraits of women, the beauty of whom could be compared with the ideal of nowadays. The paintings include the well-known and the reputable but also those outstanding for their daintiness in the fine arts.

Each print is supplemented with the address of the museum or gallery where the original painting may be seen. Leonardo da Vinci, Paul Gauguin, Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dali, Andy Warhol -famous artists, who affected the history of fine arts remarkably, each of them from a different period, preferring a distinct technique and style. These and the other 95 painters are presented in this book as admirers of woman's beauty. Paintings of famous artists throughout history offer us not only a view of the development of the fine arts but also a view of women and their roles in society as they were gradually transforming over the centuries.

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Kurt Beers, Richard Cork
ID: 13069
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

A distinguished panel of international jurors identifies the most exciting names in sculpture today

How do you find the most promising emerging artists at work in a rapidly transforming medium? Bypassing traditional art world channels, 100 Sculptors of Tomorrow is the culmination of a major, democratic open call for up-and-coming sculptors. From thousands of entries, an internationally renowned jury has identified the most exciting names in sculpture today, all showcased in this beautifully illustrated, authoritative book. Featuring a selection of the finest emerging sculptors worldwide, 100 Sculptors of Tomorrow guides the reader with biographical summaries and first-hand artist testimonies, as well as recommended reading and jurors’ insights.

Following the much-respected 100 Painters of Tomorrow, which launched the careers of artists including Michael Armitage, Yelena Popova and Heman Chong, 100 Sculptors offers another powerful platform for artists and a fascinating, visually breathtaking experience for readers.

About the Authors:

Kurt Beers is founder and director of BEERS London gallery, which he founded in 2012, and is also the author of 100 Painters of Tomorrow.

Richard Cork is an art historian, critic, curator and broadcaster. He has been an art critic for the Evening Standard, The Listener, The Times and the New Statesman, and is a past Turner Prize judge.

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David McComb
ID: 11450
Издательство: Laurence King Publishing

Over the past century tattoo culture has emerged from the underground and hit the mainstream. From body art’s early association with sailors, convicts and side-show acts to the current adoption of tattoo culture among celebrities, via the tattoo renaissance of the 1970s, this book reveals the entire history.

Combining a wealth of visual material from across the many cultures and sub-cultures associated with tattoos, including fashion, music and art, with examples of some of the most exquisite tattoos ever inked, the book shows more than 400 photographs, many published for the first time.

This visual history forms a unique examination of the tattoo as a form of personal expression and will appeal to anyone with an interest in body art and social history, and to anyone planning a tattoo.

About the Author:

David McComb has edited a variety of books devoted to the body art scene and was one of the first writers to recognize that tattoo culture was rocketing into the mainstream. He is the editor of alternative culture magazine Bizarre.

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