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Joan Cervero, Richard Kostelanetz
ID: 5492
Издательство: Actar

John Cage. Imaginary Landscapes, Concerts and Musicircus, are the contents of the catalogue that documents the exhibition, of the same title, realized in the Espai d'Art Contemporani de Castello. Apart from having a section of theoretical texts developed by Joan Cerveró, Francisco Ramos, Carmen Pardo, Vicente Carretón Cano and Richard Kostelanetz, the catalogue also reflects on each of the activities that were realized during the exhibition, (concerts, operas, dance, auditions and pedagogic concerts, workshops, lectures, conferences, meetings and round table discussions). Lastly, the publication contains a biography on Cage, a chronology, including a chronologic list of his work, discography, bibliography and filmography about the composer. The idea that founded both the exhibition and the publication was to pay homage to one of the most important artists and musicians of our time, while at the same time disseminating and promoting his core body of work. To this end, the art centre was transformed into a concert hall, a stage and a meeting place for a plethora of events where the connection with John Cage was made not just as a mere spectator but also as an active participant. One of the main ideas of the project is to stage various scenarios, like his Imaginary Landscapes , where Cage s works were performed. These spaces were designed specifically for the EACC as several little installations that transform the exhibition hall into one huge sound installation.

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Scott Eyman
ID: 1421
Издательство: Taschen
Director of nearly 150 feature films and winner of six Oscars, John Ford (1895-1973) was the quintessential American filmmaker. Ford produced an unparalleled body of work that includes such classics as The Grapes of Wrath, How Green Was My Valley, Stagecoach, My Darling Clementine, The Quiet Man, and The Searchers. In response to critics and fans who praised his work as having a powerful, singular vision, Ford was known for making statements such as “It's no use talking to me about art, I make pictures to pay the rent"; though such assertions betrayed his genuine love of filmmaking, which he called “the only thing I really like to do.” Author Scott Eyman calls Ford “America’s Homer”—a fitting title for the filmmaker who helped frame the American experience for the world.
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Luke Crampton, Dafydd Rees
ID: 5235
Издательство: Taschen

One quarter of the world's most famous group, one half of the most successful songwriting team of all time and one voice for world peace - all achieved in one tragically shortened career. John Lennon's remarkable talent and uncompromising character gave him a unique and extraordinary life, achieving a level of success and public adoration that few can imagine. Never far in his mind from his working-class roots, his lifestyle was conversely rich and free, his celebrity affording him a musical and political soapbox few have attained. Music Icons: Lennon takes a look at both his personal and professional life before, during and after the Beatles: the progression of his creative genius as a solo artist and songwriter, his battles with the US government, his devotion to his wife and their mutual goal for a peaceful revolution. Having become a controversial and outspoken idealist and a mercurial music legend, Lennon's senseless murder in 1980 shook the world. While his widow has continued to keep his cause and ideals alive, it is Lennon's music - both as a Beatle and as an iconic solo artist - which continues to inspire and move music lovers around the globe.

The Music Icons series:
Each title contains a painstaking selection of approximately 150 portraits, colorful posters and record covers, rare concert photos, and previously unpublished candid photos. These images—each matching an important biographical event—are accompanied by text tracing the progression of each subject’s life and career and are complemented by a section containing lists of essential recordings and selected chart rankings.

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Gabrielle Townsend
ID: 9011
Издательство: Bibliotheque de l'Image

"Au XIXe siècle, l’aquarelle n’était pas considérée comme un art à part entière, mais plutôt comme la technique préférée des amateurs, en particulier des dames de la bonne société, ou, pour les artistes de profession, comme des ébauches préparatrices en vue de tableaux achevés dans leur atelier. Il y avait des exceptions tout à fait notoires, en particulier au sein de l’école des aquarellistes anglais, dont J.M. W. Turner était l’un des plus éminents représentants. Mais, à la fin du siècle, Sargent devint l’un des premiers peintres dont les aquarelles furent appréciées pour leurs valeurs intrinsèques. À partir de 1910, il commença à les exposer, dans des expositions spécialisées d’abord, à Londres, à la Royal Watercolour Society entre autres, puis aux États-Unis.

(…) Homer, seul aquarelliste pouvant rivaliser avec Sargent, était très prisé pour ses valeurs américaines rustiques au détriment du style de Sargent considéré jusque-là comme trop mou et raffiné, ce que l’on imputait à ses influences européennes. Mais la puissance, la nouveauté et la vigueur de son art eurent le pouvoir de confondre toute critique et firent de lui un artiste de stature égale sinon plus grande."
Gabrielle Townsend

Choix lumineux de 60 aquarelles - marines, paysages, portraits... - exécutées par John Singer Sargent (Florence, 1856 - Londres, 1925) tout au long de ses différentes pérégrinations en Italie, en France, en Angleterre, en Espagne ou encore en Égypte...

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ID: 13060
Издательство: Flame Tree Publishing

The Italian born, American painter of the late nineteenth century, John Singer Sargent was a celebrated portraitist of the wealthy and their privileged world. Renowned for his exquisite naturalism, some of his best work also shows flirtations with Impressionism, particularly in his evocations of childhood, and the light falling on the gorgeous gowns of his female sitters. This beautiful new book also offers a wide range of his most delightful landscapes, travel scenes and watercolours.

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Barbara Hess
ID: 9958
Издательство: Taschen

Common symbols reinterpreted

Though his work is often categorized as Pop Art for its use of popular iconography and household objects, Jasper Johns can also be described as a Neo-Dadaist. Using wax-based paint, plaster relief, collage, and even commonplace objects such as brooms and rulers in his paintings, Johns achieves a sculptural texture in his work. He is arguably most known for his flag paintings of the 1950s (the Museum of Modern Art in New York recently paid over $20 million for White Flag), though other themes, including targets, numbers, letters, and maps, are also famously recurrent. Johns is widely considered one of the most important American artists of the 20th century.

About the Series:
Each book in TASCHEN’s Basic Art Series features:

  • a detailed chronological summary of the life and oeuvre of the artist, covering his or her cultural and historical importance
  • a concise biography
  • approximately 100 colour illustrations with explanatory captions

The author:
Barbara Hess (b. 1964) is an art historian, critic and translator, resident in Cologne. Her numerous articles on contemporary art have featured in Camera Austria, Flash Art, Kunst-Bulletin and Texte zur Kunst. She co-curated the touring exhibition Ready to Shoot: Fernsehgalerie Gerry Schum/videogalerie schum at the Kunsthalle Düsseldorf and the Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris. Her TASCHEN titles include a monograph on Willem de Kooning.

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Joseph Ari Aloi
ID: 16497
Издательство: Rizzoli

The first monograph to celebrate the diverse and eclectic work of one of the true visionaries of the contemporary art world. Joseph Ari Aloi-aka JK5-is a compulsive artist for whom every free moment is an opportunity to create. Bringing together his work as a fine artist with the instincts and references that color his passions of tattoo and graffiti art, JK5 has an expansive, textured, and highly individual visual vernacular. Whether as a painter, illustrator, calligrapher, or designer, JK5 is preoccupied with the collision of personal and revelatory themes with profound pop-cultural iconography, resulting in a powerful and readily identifiable style.

This creatively designed monograph features work that extends from paintings on canvas to plastic vinyl toys, from storyboards for animation films to collages and scratch cards, and from outlines for tattoo work to a vast collection of sketchbooks-each completed with such regularity that they serve as a kind of artist diary, recording his changing preoccupations and varying visual interests. Edited by the artist-with contributions from fellow artists Mike Giant and Kenzo Minami-and designed to reflect the varying and tactile nature of the work, this is an artist's book that will exist as a unique and collectible object in its own right as much as a record of the remarkable output of one of the most prolific voices in contemporary art.

About the Author:

JK5, aka Joseph Ari Aloi, is an artist, designer, writer, and tattoo artist. Aloi opened a tattoo studio, expanding his signature styles and approaches to lettering and graphics into work in many mediums. He has collaborated with such companies as Nike, Kidrobot, and Wieden + Kennedy, and his work has been exhibited through Deitch Projects, Alife NYC, and other galleries worldwide.


Пролистать книгу Joseph Ari Aloi AKA JK5: An Archive of Sketches, Tattoos, Drawings, Paintings, and Objects на сайте издательства.

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Kevin Cummins
ID: 14318
Издательство: Cassell Illustrated

The definitive collection of the Joy Division photographs of Kevin Cummins, including interviews with Bernard Sumner, Peter Hook and Stephen Morris.

The iconic images captured by Cummins - from snowy bridges and dark rehearsal rooms to electrifying live performances - helped to define Joy Division and cement their place in music history.

Originally published in an ultra-limited run of just 226 copies, Juvenes is a book with legendary status. Now comprehensively updated with new material and images that have never been published in a book before, this new edition will allow fans to own it for the first time.

Also containing insightful and moving essays from the band's family, contemporaries and fans including David Peace and Pat Nevin, Juvenes is a striking, poignant celebration of a truly special band.

With a foreword by Ian Rankin.

About the Author:

Manchester-born Kevin Cummins has an international reputation as one of the world's leading photographers and is famed for his iconic portraits of musicians including Joy Division, David Bowie, Nick Cave, Mick Jagger, Patti Smith and Oasis. These photographs have appeared on magazine covers and in art galleries and museums including the National Portrait Gallery and the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, and in cities including New York, Buenos Aires, Berlin, Bologna and many others.
Chief photographer at the NME for over ten years, Kevin captured some of the best-known images in modern music history - his work has decorated bedroom walls the world over.

"Whenever I picture Joy Division, it's through Kevin Cummins' camera lens. Never before or since has one photographer captured a band's story so well." TIM BURGESS

"I first saw Kevin Cummins' photographs of Joy Division when I was a music-obsessed teenager. The stark black and white shots captured perfectly the austere and serious nature of the music. Look at this book and dream a new future into being. God knows we need one." BOBBY GILLESPIE

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Clause Pese
ID: 1965
Издательство: Arnoldsche


This book provides the first comprehensive overview of the development of Jugendstil around 1900 in Bavaria's leading industrial city. More than two hundred and fifty objects from all areas of the decorative and applied arts illustrate the internationally significant range of "Nuremberg Jugendstil". Nuremberg Jugendstil used a broad variety of materials and its decoration is richly diverse. The focus was on metalworking, yet in addition to cast pewter, bronze, chased copper and silver, there was ivory and wood carving. Jewellery, textiles and ceramics complete the picture. What were known as 'art faiences' produced by the firm of Johann von Schwarz are among the best of the fine Jugendstil ceramics made in Germany. Five introductory chapters analyse the conditions under which the new stylistic movement emerged. It turns out that influences from abroad were just as important as the 'typically German' organisation of the apprenticeship system. Opening up markets for Nuremberg Jugendstil abroad also promoted the influence of international design, especially from Great Britain, on Nuremberg Jugendstil. A selection of designers include: Friedrich Adler, Peter Behrens, Rudolf Bosselt, Hans Christiansen, James Couper, Hermann Friling, Hermann Gradl, Paul Haustein, Josef Hoffmann, George Logan, Johann Lotz Witwe, Carl Sigmund Luber, Joseph Maria Olbrich, Bruno Paul, Richard Riemerschmid, Josef Wackerle, and Vilmos Zsolnay. A selection of workshops include: Gebr. Bing AG, Brand and Stauch, Felsenstein and Mainzer, J. F. P. Hausleiter, Franz Kainzinger, Emil Kellermann, Hans Knorr, Daniel Meinecke, Friedrich Muller, Valentin Oeckler, Walter Scherf and Co., Georg Friedrich Schmitt, Christian Schonamsgruber, J. von Schwarz, Ferdinand Semmelroth, Erhard Topf, Emma Volck, and J. C. Wich.


18 umfassende Firmenmonografien zeigen die Vielfältigkeit der Erzeugnisse des Nürnberger Jugendstils. Darüber hinaus werden Gegenstände vieler international bekannter Entwerfer weltweit begehrte Objekte für Sammler und Museen zum ersten Mal publiziert ein unbedingtes Muss für jeden Jugendstil-Liebhaber!
Die Publikation liefert eine erste umfassende Übersicht über die Entwicklung des Jugendstils in der führenden Industriestadt Bayerns um 1900. Über 250 Objekte aus den verschiedensten Bereichen der angewandten Kunst führen dabei das international bedeutende Spektrum des Jugendstils aus Nürnberg vor Augen. Der Jugendstil, der aus Nürnberg kam, ist in den verwendeten Materialien vielfältig und in seinen Dekoren vielseitig. Zwar bildet das metallbearbeitende Kunsthandwerk den Schwerpunkt,doch gibt es dabei neben dem künstlerischen Zinnguss auch Bronzeguss, Kupfer- und Silbertreibarbeiten, Elfenbein- und Holzschnitzerei, Schmuck, Textilien und Keramik. Die sogenannten artistischen"Fayencen"der Firma Johann von Schwarz gehören zum Besten, was an Kunstkeramik des Jugendstils in Deutschland hergestellt wurde. In fünf einleitenden Kapiteln werden die Voraussetzungen für die Entstehung des damals neuen Stilwollens analysiert. Es zeigt sich dabei, dass Einflüsse von außen ebenso wichtig waren wie die"typisch deutsche"Organisation des Ausbildungswesens und des Erschließens von Absatzmärkten. Letzteres hat auch internationale gestalterische Einflüsse, vor allem aus Großbritannien, möglich gemacht.
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Frances Morris
ID: 4980
Издательство: Abrams

145 illustrations, 100 in full-color

Henri Rousseau (1844–1910) was a self-taught artist with a unique style, exemplified in his visionary jungle scenes. These dream-like tableaux, for which he drew heavily on visits to Paris’ Botanical Gardens, captivate with the lushness of their plant and animal life, while unsettling the viewer with their heady combination of exoticism and romanticism.

This sumptuously illustrated book provides not only a comprehensive overview of Rousseau’s career, but also penetrating insights into his inspiration. With large, color reproductions of his paintings, many previously unpublished illustrations of his sources and influences, and a wealth of new research on his life and work (including the only interview conducted with the artist), Henri Rousseau: Jungles in Paris

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ID: 11555
Издательство: Gingko Press

Sexuality is one of the most enigmatic facets of the human psyche. Writers and artists have spent untold ink in an effort to unravel the mysteries of our libidinous tendencies.

‘Erotica’, the new book from Juxtapoz, features titillating explorations of the subject matter by two dozen of the most exciting artists working today.

Some featured works are meticulously illustrated, some abstract in style, some realistic, some forays into fantastic worlds that fuel the imagination.

‘Erotica’ includes samplings from David Choe, Audrey Kawasaki, Tara McPherson, James Jean, Rockin’ Jelly Bean, Gary Baseman, Tomer Hanuka, and many more.

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Zack Davisson
ID: 14112
Издательство: Chin Music Press

An in-depth exploration of the sometimes charming, sometimes gruesome feline creatures and ghosts of Japan. Davisson illuminates the vast realm of kaibyō, or supernatural cats, with historical and modern cultural context. Lushly illustrated in full colour with dozens of ukiyo-e prints and drawings. A must-have book for the Japanophile and cat-lover alike! First in a forthcoming series about the supernatural animals of Japan.

"Kaibyō: The Supernatural Cats of Japan is an extremely diverting and stunningly produced celebration of the phantom feline in its myriad of manifestations ― some alluring, others humorous and many outright terrifying. Award-winning translator, writer, lecturer, manga scholar, Japanese folklore expert and author of Yūrei: The Japanese Ghost, Zach Davisson is the ideal guide to this furred and fanged underworld. An expertly researched and engagingly penned text is embellished by the inclusion of an intriguing selection of uncanny cat tales by other authors and centuries’ old legends newly translated by Mr. Davisson. The publishers must be congratulated for creating a book of extraordinary lavishness. Although a paperback release, no expense has been spared in an exquisitely designed book brimming with a toothsome array of full-colour artwork reproductions."

― review by Scot D. Ryersson and Michael Orlando Yaccarino, co-authors of Infinite Variety: The Life and Legend of the Marchesa Casati and The Marchesa Casati: Portraits of a Muse

About the Author:

Zack Davisson is an award-winning translator, writer, and scholar of Japanese folklore and ghosts. He is the author of Yūrei: The Japanese Ghost (Chin Music Press), translator of Eisner Award-winning and Harvey-nominated Shigeru Mizuki’s Showa 1926-1939: A History of Japan, and a 2014 nominee of the Japanese-US Friendship Commission Translation Prize. Other translation works include the famous folklore comic Kitaro (Drawn and Quarterly) and the works of Satoshi Kon (Dark Horse).

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Ulrike Becks-Malorny
ID: 1853
Издательство: Taschen

The inner properties of colour and form


The artist who pioneered new dimensions of expression in art

Wassily Kandinsky was undoubtedly one of the most exciting artists of the twentieth century. He brought an equal passion and commitment to his work as a painter, a theoretician and a teacher of art. After conventional beginnings in Munich, he devoted his intellectual and artistic energies to pioneering new dimensions of expression in art. He ultimately arrived at an abstract style of painting based on the inner properties of colour and form.

Although Kandinsky may not be the first truly abstract artist, he was nevertheless the first to experiment with non-representational forms in a logical manner and to develop out of them a homogeneous style. His writings on art, including his ground-breaking work On the Spiritual in Art, have lost none of their significance, and the Compositions which caused such a furore at the first Blaue Reiter exhibition in 1911 are still full and dazzling today.

The author:
Ulrike Becks-Malorny studied free painting in Geneva and art history in Bochum, Germany. Since gaining her doctorate in 1990, she has worked as an exhibition organizer and freelance author. She lives in Bonn, Germany.

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Hajo Duchting
ID: 9863
Издательство: Taschen

Painting outside the box

The founder of abstract art

The Russian painter Wassily Kandinsky (1866–1944), who later lived in Germany and France, is one of the pioneers of 20th-century art. Nowadays he is regarded as the founder of abstract art and is, moreover, the chief theoretician of this type of painting.

Together with Franz Marc and others he founded the group of artists known as the "Blaue Reiter" in Munich. His art then freed itself more and more from the object, eventually culminating in the First Abstract Watercolor of 1910.

In his theoretical writings Kandinsky repeatedly sought the proximity of music; and just as in music, where the individual notes constitute the medium whose effect stems from harmony and euphony, Kandinsky was aiming for a pure concord of color through the interplay of various shades. Gauguin had demanded that everything "must be sacrificed to pure colors." Kandinsky was the first to realize this and thus to influence a whole range of artists.

About the Series:
Each book in TASCHEN’s Basic Art Series features:

- a detailed chronological summary of the life and oeuvre of the artist, covering his or her cultural and historical importance
- a concise biography
- approximately 100 colour illustrations with explanatory captions

The author:
Hajo Düchting (b. 1949 in Düsseldorf) studied art history, philosophy and archaeology in Munich, where he gained his doctorate in 1981 with a thesis on Robert Delaunay’s Windows series. After working in museum and adult education, he moved on to teaching posts and guest professorships at the universities of Munich, Kassel, Leipzig, Saarbrücken and Mainz. Düchting has published numerous articles on the art of the modern era, color theory and the teaching of art, and has authored a number of TASCHEN titles, including Paul Cézanne, Wassily Kandinsky, Robert and Sonia Delaunay and Georges Seurat.

Посмотреть русскоязычное издание книги KandinskyКандинский

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Alain Silver
ID: 1584
Издательство: Taschen

From birth, Katharine Hepburn seemed destined to become a symbol of the modern woman on stage, on-screen, and in the world.

Fiercely competitive, private, and independent, Hepburn was one part Olympic athlete Babe Didrikson, one part Amelia Earhart, and two parts Greta Garbo.

Although often paired with the greatest actors in Hollywood — Humphrey Bogart (The African Queen); Cary Grant (Bringing Up Baby), James Stewart (The Philadelphia Story), and Spencer Tracy (Adam`s Rib, Woman of the Year) — Hepburn was able to carry her own films like Summertime, Little Women, and Sylvia Scarlett over a stage and screen career that spanned eight decades.

Her home was never in Hollywood (where she won four Oscars) or New York but in Connecticut, where she died lamenting "I could have accomplished three times as much. I haven't realized my full potential."

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