История искусства

Книги по истории искусства

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Alastair Duncan
ID: 17893
Издательство: ACC Art Books

This grand opus assembles the people and the pieces at the heart of the Art Deco movement at each stage of its enduring appeal. The Art Deco Style is richly illustrated with the work of legendary designers and decorators Eileen Gray, Paul Iribe, Antoine Bourdelle, Armand-Albert Rateau and Jean Dunand, among others.   

Ever since its early 20th-century origins, Art Deco has fascinated and amused socialites, collectors and designers. Referred to at the time as moderne, the style largely took shape around a clientele of French fashion industry luminaries and wealthy international collectors. Art historians christened it during a second wave in the ’60s, while a third generation of afficionados entered the auction houses of the ’80s and ’90s, ready to invest in the most exquisite examples. Curated by art consultant and author Alastair Duncan, this detailed historical account is the gold-standard visual guide to the decorative arts.   

• Richly illustrated history of Art Deco
• Written by art consultant Alastair Duncan
• Designs by Eileen Gray, Jean Dunand and Antoine Bourdelle, among many others
• Featuring legendary Art Deco collectors such as Jacques Doucet, Yves Saint Laurent and Karl Lagerfeld
• Perfect for antiques collectors, as well as fans of art, art history and design

About the Author:

Alastair Duncan is an international consultant on 19th and 20th century decorative arts and was, for ten years, a specialist and consultant on the subject for Christie's New York. He is the author of Louis C. Tiffany - The Garden Museum Collection and the Paris Salons series, also published by ACC. He has written 36 other books on the decorative arts, as well as articles for magazines including Vogue, Connoisseur, The Magazine Antiques and House & Garden.

Цена: 4500 грн
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Kelly Grovier
ID: 17026
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

A unique approach to the history of art told through the story of colour and pigments.

Did you know that the ultramarine that shimmers at the centre of Vermeer’s Milkmaid connects that masterpiece with 6th-century Zoroastrian paintings found on the walls of cave temples in Bamiyan, Afghanistan? Or that the surging waves that crest and curl in Hokusai’s perilous Great Wave off Kanagawa owe their absorbing blue lustre to an alchemist who was born in Frankenstein’s Castle in 1673? And were the Pre-Raphaelites really obsessed with a murky brown hue derived from the pulverized remains of ancient mummies? (Spoiler: they were.)

Invented by prehistoric cave-dwellers and medieval conjurers, cunning conmen and savvy scientists, the colours of art tell a riveting tale all their own. Over ten scintillating chapters, acclaimed author Kelly Grovier helps bring that tale vividly to life, revealing the astonishing backstories of the pigments that define the greatest works in the history of art. Interwoven between these chapters is a series of features focusing on key moments in the evolution of colour theory – from the revelations of the Enlightenment to the radicalism of the Bauhaus – while reproductions of carefully selected artworks help illuminate the narrative’s twists and turns.

The history of colour is an epic saga of human ingenuity and insatiable desire. Read this book and you will never look at a work of art in quite the same way.

About the Author:

Kelly Grovier is a feature writer for BBC Culture and the author of several acclaimed studies of art, including 100 Works of Art That Will Define Our Age, Art Since 1989, and A New Way of Seeing: The History of Art in 57 Works, published by Thames & Hudson. His most recent book, On the Line: Conversations with Sean Scully, is based on revealing chats with his close friend, the internationally-acclaimed abstract artist. His writings have appeared in the Times Literary Supplement, The Independent, the Sunday Times, the Observer, the RA Magazine and Wired magazine. His history of London’s Newgate Prison, The Gaol, was a BBC Radio 4 ‘Book of the Week’. He is co-founder of the scholarly journal European Romantic Review.

He is the author of three collections of poetry, including THE LANTERN CAGE, and has been described by reviewers as “a poet of both truth and beauty” (The TLS) and “a kind of William Blake for the twenty-first century” (Planet magazine).

Kelly was born in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area. He was educated at UCLA and Oxford University, where he earned his doctorate as a Marshall Scholar. He lives in Ireland with his wife and son.

Цена: 1700 грн
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Scot McKendrick, Kathleen Doyle
ID: 15474
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

An extensively illustrated compendium of 45 expertly selected illuminated bibles that transport the reader through 1,000 years of history and across the Christian world

For two millennia the Bible has inspired the creation of art. Within this legacy of remarkable art and beauty, illuminated biblical manuscripts offer some of the best evidence for our understanding of early Christian painting and artistic interpretations of the Bible.

Compiled and written by two internationally renowned experts, this beautiful book immerses the reader in the world of illuminated manuscripts of the Bible. Through its pictures we are transported across 1,000 years of history, passing chronologically through many of the major centres of the Christian world. Starting in Constantinople in the East, the journey moves on to Lindisfarne in the North, to imperial Aachen, back to Canterbury, then to Carolingian Tours in western France. Later we view some of the riches of Winchester, Mozarabic Spain, Crusader Jerusalem, the Meuse valley, northern Iraq, Paris, London, Bologna, Naples, Bulgaria, the Low Countries, Rome and Persia. Our journey ends in Gondar, the capital of imperial Ethiopia. Forty-five remarkable books – each a treasure in its own right – provide our itinerary through time and across continents. Together they enable us to explore and revel in the extraordinary art and beauty of illuminated biblical manuscripts, some of the finest but least-known paintings from the Middle Ages.

Contents List:

Introduction: One Thousand Years of Art and Beauty
The Bibles
1. The Golden Canon Tables
Canon Tables of Eusebius of Caesarea, in Greek Constantinople, 6th or 7th century [Turkey]
Glimpses of early Christian splendour in Constantinople
2. The Lindisfarne Gospels
The Four Gospels, in Latin, with added interlinear gloss in Old English
Lindisfarne, c. 700 (added gloss, Chester-le-Street, c. 970) [UK]
Spectacular Anglo-Saxon Ornament
3. The Vespasian Psalter
Psalter, in Latin, with interlinear gloss in Old English
Kent, 1st half of the 8th century [UK]
The Earliest Narrative Initials in Western Europe
4. The Harley Golden Gospels
The Four Gospels, in Latin
Aachen?, Carolingian Empire, c. 800 [UK]
The Gospels Written in Gold
5. The Canterbury Royal Bible
Bible, in Latin (incomplete, now comprising the Four Gospels only)
Canterbury, 1st quarter of the 9th century, [UK]
An Early Canterbury Bible
6. The Moutier-Granval Bible
Bible, in Latin
Tours, 2nd quarter of the 9th century [France]
Symbolic Figurative Art
7. The Lothar Psalter
Psalter, in Latin
Aachen, c. 842–55 [Germany]
An Imperial Psalter
8. The Aethelstan or Coronation Gospels
The Four Gospels, in Latin
Lobbes, south of Brussels, last quarter of the 9th century, or 1st quarter of the 10th century [Belgium]
A Royal Gift
9. Guest-Coutts New Testament
New Testament, in Greek
Constantinople, middle of 10th century [Turkey]
An Illuminated New Testament from Constantinople
10. The Harley Psalter
Psalter, in Latin (Psalms, incomplete)
Canterbury, 1st half of the 11th century [UK]
An Anglo-Saxon Masterpiece
11. The Old English Hexateuch
Hexateuch (Genesis-Joshua), in Old English
Canterbury, 2nd quarter of the 11th century [UK]
The Earliest Illustrated Western Vernacular Bible
12. The Harley Echternach Gospels
The Four Gospels, in Latin
Echternach, middle of the 11th century [Luxembourg]
Ottonian Imperial Style
13. The Tiberius Psalter
Psalter, in Latin, imperfect, with Old English gloss
Winchester, 2nd or 3rd quarter of the 11th century [UK]
A Grand Christological Cycle
14. Theodore Psalter
Psalter, in Greek
Constantinople, 1066 [Turkey]
A Byzantine Visual Commentary on the Psalms
15. The Silos Apocalypse
Revelation and Beatus of Liébana’s commentary,
St Jerome’s commentary on Daniel, in Latin
Silos [Spain], 1091 (text) and 1109 (decoration) [Spain]
A Spanish Vision of the Apocalypse
16. The Stavelot Bible
Bible, in Latin
Stavelot, near Liège, 1093–97 [Belgium]
Monumental Art
17. The Egerton Gospel Lectionary
Gospel Lectionary, in Latin
Germany, c. 1100 [Germany]
Illuminating the Liturgy
18. The Burney Gospels
The Four Gospels, in Greek
Constantinople, 10th century (script) and 2nd quarter
of 12th century (portraits) [Turkey]
An Imperial Tetraevangelion
19. The Psalter of Queen Melisende
Psalter, in Latin
Jerusalem, between 1131 and 1143 [Middle East]
A Psalter for a Crusader Queen
20. The Winchester Psalter
Psalter, in Latin and French with the Apostles Creed
and some prayers in French
Winchester, England, middle of 12th century [UK]
An Illustrated Bilingual Psalter
21. The Worms Bible
Bible, in Latin
Frankenthal, near Worms, c. 1148 [Germany]
A Romanesque Giant Bible
22. The Floreffe Bible
Bible, in Latin
Meuse valley, 2nd or 3rd quarter of the 12th century [Germany]
Visual Biblical Exegesis
23. The Arnstein Bible
Bible, in Latin
Arnstein, Germany, c. 1172 [Germany]
A Grand Monastic Bible
24. The Harley Greek Gospels
The Four Gospels, in Greek
Cyprus or Palestine, late 12th century [Middle East]
A Gospels to Aid Devotion
25. Syriac Lectionary
Gospel Lectionary, in Syriac
Mosul, between 1216 and 1220 [Syria / Middle East]
A Syrian Visualization of the Gospels
26. The Harley Bible moralisée
Moralized Bible (Maccabees and the New Testament),
in Latin, Paris, 2nd quarter of 13th century [France]
Royal Instruction
27. Apocalypse
Revelation, with extracts from the commentary
of Berengaudus, in Latin, imperfect
London or Westminster, c. 1260 [UK]
An English Illustrated Apocalypse
28. Bolognese Bible
Bible, in Latin
Bologna, c. 1280–1300 [Italy]
Italian Splendour
29. Gospel Lectionary of the Sainte-Chapelle
Gospel Lectionary, in Latin
Paris, last quarter of 13th century [France]
Picturing the Gospels in Medieval Paris
30. The Queen Mary Psalter
Psalter, in Latin
London?, 1st quarter of 14th century [UK]
Unprecedented Psalter Illustration
31. Welles Apocalypse
Revelation, with commentary in Anglo-Norman French,
bound with Peter of Peckham, La lumere as lais
England, c. 1310 [UK]
Revelation in the Vernacular
32. Holkham Bible Picture Book
Bible Picture Book, with captions in Anglo-Norman French
London, c. 1320–30 [UK]
The Bible in Pictures
33. The St Omer Psalter
Psalter, in Latin
Norfolk, c. 1330 (with later additions) [UK]
Glorious Marginal Imagery
34. Bible of Clement VII
Bible, in Latin
Naples, c. 1330–40 [Italy]
A Papal Bible
35. The Gospels of Tsar Ivan Alexander
The Four Gospels, in Slavonic of Bulgarian character
Turnovo (?), 1355–56 [Bulgaria]
Slavonic Emulation of Byzantine Splendour
36. Bible historiale of Charles V
Bible historiale completée moyenne: Genesis to the Apocalypse, in French
Paris, 1357 [France]
The Bible as History
37. Paduan Bible Picture Book
Bibbia istoriata: Exodus to Joshua, in Italian
Padua, c. 1390–1400 [Italy]
The Old Testament in Pictures
38. King’s Biblia pauperum
Biblia pauperum
The Hague, c. 1395–1400 [Netherlands]
The Old Testament revealed in the New
39. The Great Bible of the Kings of England
Bible, in Latin
London, c. 1410–13 [UK]
A Late Medieval Giant Bible
40. Bible historiale of Charles of France
Grande Bible historiale à prologues: Genesis to the Apocalypse
Paris, c. 1420 [France]
Learning Wisdom from the Bible
41. Dutch History Bible
Utrecht Bible: Genesis to Esther
Utrecht, c. 1440–45 [Netherlands]
Seeing Salvation in the Netherlands
42. Edward IV’s Bible historiale
Bible historiale: Tobit to Acts, in French
Bruges, 1470 (script) and c. 1479 (illumination) [Belgium]
A Bible fit for a King
43. The Gospels of Cardinal Francesco Gonzaga
The Four Gospels, in Greek
Rome, 1478 [Italy]
A Renaissance Cardinal’s Gospel book
44. Armenian Gospels
Four Gospels, in Armenian
Isfahan, 1608 [Middle East]
Painting the Gospels in Persia
45. Ethiopian Octateuch and Gospels
Octateuch, Four Gospels and Apostolic Canons, in classical Ethiopic (Ge'ez)
Gondar (?), late 17th century [Ethiopia]
Reviving Former Ethiopian splendour

Further Reading

About the Authors:

Dr Scot McKendrick is Head of Western Heritage Collections at the British Library, and Dr Kathleen Doyle is the Lead Curator, Illuminated Manuscripts at the same institution. Scot and Kathleen edited and contributed to 1,000 Years of Royal Books and Manuscripts (2013) and, with Professor John Lowden, Royal Manuscripts: The Genius of Illumination (2011), which was shortlisted for the William M.B. Berger Prize for British Art History (2012). Together they wrote Bible Manuscripts: 1,400 Years of Scribes and Scripture (2007), and contributed to Sacred: Books of the Three Faiths: Judaism, Christianity and Islam (2007).

Цена: 2500 грн
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Andy Warhol
ID: 11745
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

Never-before-published drawings by Andy Warhol, telling the story of a cheeky snake and the glittering constellation of celebrities that surround him

Noa the Boa is a slave to fashion with the heart of an actor and an obsession with celebrity. He becomes luxurious leather accessories for illustrious clients – from Grace Kelly’s pillow to the codpieces at the Folies Bergère – in a high-fashion gift book for adults that is whimsical, and a little bit naughty.

This charming story and never-before-published, rarely exhibited drawings by one of the world’s most beloved artists, are a veritable who’s-who of celebrities of the 1960s, from Chanel, Grace Kelly and Jackie Kennedy, to Diana Vreeland and a couple of Rockefellers.

Цена: 980 грн
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Nana Kipiani, Irine Jorjadze, Tea Tabatadze
ID: 18220
Издательство: Hannibal Books

In the turbulent global context following the fall of the Russian Empire and the October Revolution, Georgia declared its independence in 1918. Between then and the beginning of Soviet rule in 1921, an Avant-Garde creative scene burgeoned. Artists met, mainly in the many taverns and cafés in Kutaisi and the capital Tbilisi, to organise multidisciplinary events. Their frequent collaborations and interactions, which bore the imprint of Georgian tradition and Western and Eastern influences, took various forms: paintings, drawings, films, photos, performances and typographical experiments. Divergent movements such as Symbolism/Neo-Symbolism, Futurism, Dadaism, Zaum, Expressionism, Cubism and Cubo-Futurism existed side by side in unprecedented creative turbulence.

This book tells the unknown story of a vibrant Avant-Garde in the Caucasus, born in the taverns of Tbilisi – artistic laboratories where anything was possible, but where Soviet censorship lurked.

Extensively illustrated with works by Elene Akhvlediani, Gigo Gabashvili, Irakli Gamrekeli, Lado Gudiashvili, David Kakabadze, Petre Otskheli, Niko Pirosmanashvili, Ilia and Kirile Zdanevich, and many others.

_A short but flourishing era of Avant-Garde in Georgia brought back to life
_The publication coincides with the exhibition of the same name, The Avant-Garde in Georgia (1900–1936), which runs at BOZAR, Brussels from 5 October 2023 to 14 January 2024 and is part of the Europalia arts festival

Цена: 3500 грн
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Sjeng Scheijen
ID: 17571
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

A fascinating, narrative biography of the art movement that transformed the modern world, tracing the lives and activities of the key protagonists as they set about a revolution in art.

October 1917. The Russian Revolution wipes the old tsarist empire off the map. Marc Chagall, Wassily Kandinsky, Kazimir Malevich, Lyubov Popova, Alexander Rodchenko, Olga Rozanova, Vladimir Tatlin and other avant-garde artists participate in the revolutionary struggle, transforming inner cities with their progressive murals, posters, installations and performances. The new political leaders soon want nothing to do with these radical artists. While their reputation is growing in Europe, they experience increasing pressure in the Soviet Union.

Against a background of violent social and political change, author Sjeng Scheijen describes with compassion and humour events that shaped the artistic revolution in this, the first illustrated biography to relate the rise and fall of the leading figures of the Russian avant-garde. From philosophical and political subversion, involvement with the Bolshevik administration and links with Europe, to violent repression, incarcerations and torture in the 1930s under Stalin, events are narrated through artists’ personal memories drawn from existing and important new archival findings. Excerpts from diaries and correspondence reveal the extent of the avant-garde’s energy and determination to survive a totalitarian regime, civil war, hunger and terror.

Scheijen’s vivid, dynamic style, authoritative command of his source material and extensive original research provides exceptional insight into the lives of these avant-gardists, whose art left a lasting legacy that transformed modern art.

Contents List:
Introduction: why we paint our faces!
1. Kazimir Malevich in the Kremlin/ 1917
2. Tatlin, the Pittoresque collective/ 1917-1918
3. A white revolution/ 1917-1918
4. Monumental propaganda! Or, the avant-gardist as bureaucrat/ 1917-1918
5. Tatlin’s tower/ 1919-1921
6. Many avant-gardists in the provinces/ 1919-1922
7. The last laboratory/ 1922-1925
8. Family ties/ 1925-1927
9. Tatlin’s bird/ 1927-1932
10. Farewell/ 1932 and beyond

About the Author:

Sjeng Scheijen is an author and an internationally acclaimed expert on Russian art. He has curated several important exhibitions in London, Groeningen and elsewhere, and is the former cultural attaché to the Royal Netherlands Embassy in Moscow. His previous book, Diaghilev: A Life (2009) received much critical acclaim, being described as ‘masterful’ by the Guardian and ‘magnificent’ by the Daily Mail.

Цена: 1980 грн
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Hajo Düchting
ID: 13385
Издательство: Taschen

Riders on the Storm. The charge of 20th-century expressionism

Join the heady ride of Der Blaue Reiter, the group of artists who galloped just three years of the early 20th century together, but in their rejection of establishment standards and charge into a new artistic realm marked a major step in the evolution of European Expressionist and abstract art.

Although it only lasted three turbulent years, the afterburn of the Blaue Reiter (1911–1914) movement exerted a tremendous influence on the development of modern European art. Named after a Kandinsky painting, The Blue Rider, this loose band of artists, grouped around Russian émigré Wassily Kandinsky and German painter Franz Marc, sought to reject establishment standards and charge into a new artistic unknown.

Articulating spiritual values and concerns in an era of rapid industrialization, the artists of the Blaue Reiter were connected by a shared interest in painting, woodcuts, and prints, as well as the symbolic values of color and spontaneous approaches to artwork. Key pieces such as Franz Marc’s Blue Horse I (1911), Kandinsky’s Picture with a Black Arch (1912), and August Macke’s Woman in a Green Jacket (1913) reveal varying subjects, but all channel distorted perspectives, crude lines, and an emphatic, expressionist use of color.

The Blaue Reiter was abruptly truncated by the onset of the First World War, which killed two of its leading artists, along with growing dissent between the group’s protagonists. This book reveals the movement’s remarkable influence despite its brevity, presenting key works, artists, and their reverberating effects.

The author:

Hajo Düchting studied art history, philosophy, and archaeology in Munich, where he gained his doctorate in 1981 with a thesis on Robert Delaunay’s Windows series. After working in museum and adult education, he moved on to teaching posts and guest professorships at the universities of Munich, Kassel, Leipzig, Saarbrücken, and Mainz. Düchting has published numerous articles on the art of the modern era, color theory, and the teaching of art, and has authored a number of TASCHEN titles, including Paul Cézanne, Wassily Kandinsky, Robert and Sonia Delaunay, and Georges Seurat.

About the series:

Born back in 1985, the Basic Art Series has evolved into the best-selling art book collection ever published. 

Each book in TASCHEN’s Basic Art series features:
- a detailed chronological summary of the life and oeuvre of the artist, covering his or her cultural and historical importance
- a concise biography
- approximately 100 illustrations with explanatory captions

Цена: 700 грн
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Matthias Depoorter
ID: 16633
Издательство: Hatje Cantz

A Revolution of Light and Color

Occasionally, when something seems very familiar you lose sight of what makes it so special: Flemish Masters. From van Eyck to Bruegel sets out to counteract this effect and opens our eyes once again to the revolution that took place in the Low Countries in the 15th and 16th centuries that shaped the course of European art. In 48 lavishly illustrated analyses, Matthias Depoorter explores how painters such as Van Eyck, Van der Weiden, Massys, Bosch, and Bruegel reached unprecedented heights, and are rightfully considered innovators to this day. The defining factor was their perfecting and mastery of the oil painting technique as well as their groundbreaking attention to optical lighting effects. The new technical possibilities offered a different way of looking at the world and ultimately a new way of painting. No less innovative was the level of detail. These painters were thoroughly acquainted with each other’s work — this volume shows the fundamental artistic cross-fertilization. A must-read for anyone who wants to fall in love with the old masterpieces anew.

About the Author:

Matthias Depoorter (*1980) is a writer and an art historian. He was one of the curators of the seminal exhibition Van Eyck: An Optical Revolution at the Museum of Fine Arts in Ghent and coordinated the accompanying scholarly publication.

Цена: 2300 грн
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Suzanne Preston Blier
ID: 17349
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

A concise, accessible, and up- to-date overview of the arts of Africa from prehistoric times to the present day.

A concise, accessible and up-to-date overview of the arts of Africa from prehistoric times to the present day.

This indispensable introductory guide explores the art of the African continent from its early origins over 150,000 years ago to the contemporary, set in the context of post-colonial debates, the restitution of cultural objects and artefacts, and the challenges of the present. This enormous and complex field of study, once under-appreciated by the Western art world, is now of global importance and an essential subject of education in art history.

For ease of reference and analysis, this indispensable guide is structured chronologically into manageable and meaningful chapters covering ancient art, the Middle Ages, travel and trade, encounters with Europe in the age of exploration, the colonial era, the rebuilding of the continent in recent times, and contemporary art. It addresses core, continent-wide themes in African visual and cultural expression, from the life-cycle (motherhood, children, initiation, religion) to the body and representations of power dynamics. Important regional artistic expressions are also explored, such as the cultures of Mali (the Western Sudan), Nigeria (the lower Niger and Benue area), the Congo Basin and various nomadic populations across the continent.

Written from an inclusive modern perspective, focusing not only on royal traditions but also the broader global history of the continent and its artistic practices, this is an excellent introduction for students, museum visitors and anyone with an interest in fine art, African history and cultural studies.

About the Author:

Suzanne Blier is Professor of Fine Arts and Professor of African and African American Studies at Harvard University, and a leading expert on African art, architecture and culture. Her many books include A History of Art in Africa (co-author, 2000), Royal Arts of Africa (2012), Art and Risk in Ancient Yoruba (2015) and The Image of the Black in African and Asian Art (with David Bindman and Henry Louis Gates, Jr., 2017).

Цена: 900 грн
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Iain Zaczek
ID: 14764
Издательство: Dorling Kindersley

This is your A to Z guide to art!

From cave paintings to pop art and modern masterpieces, this absorbing and beautiful art encyclopedia explores the development of art in spectacular detail.

Here's what you'll find inside the pages of this visually stunning art book:

- Covers every major movement in art from prehistory to the present day
- Each movement is tracked in a visual timeline that showcases its key paintings and notable artists and explains its context - the major events in its evolution
- Each section ends with a stunning image of a masterwork and a curator's analysis that encapsulates its values, style, composition, and subject matter
- Glossary of technical terms and a comprehensive index

Get ready to embark on a unique guided tour throughout the history of art. Get to know more than 700 of the greatest artists, from Michelangelo and Monet to Damien Hirst and Picasso. Discover 2500 of the world's most iconic artworks, paintings and sculptures that have shaken the art world through centuries and across continents.

Truly comprehensive in scope, The Illustrated Story of Art presents the most remarkable art movements throughout history in chronological order and explains the social and cultural background of each period. Turning-point paintings that triggered or epitomised each artistic movement are identified and explained, against a backdrop of influences - from admired techniques of an earlier artist to the changes in society that enabled new directions in art.

A must-have for your bookshelf, this is an indispensable art reference book for art-lovers everywhere!

Цена: 1500 грн
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Bernard Denvir
ID: 17351
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

A new edition of this classic collection of letters, critical reviews and reminiscences by Impressionist artists and their contemporaries.

The Impressionists - Monet, Manet, Degas, Morisot, Pissarro, Renoir, Sisley and others - are probably the most popular of all artistic schools. Their struggle to impose a new vision is one of the most absorbing in the whole history of art. With imagination and insight, art historian Bernard Denvir brings Impressionism into focus by showing it through the eyes of the artists themselves and their contemporaries, against the background of the time.

Through letters, critical reviews, statements and reminiscences - whether explosive or appreciative, blinkered or perceptive - of the people who were there, the story of this ground-breaking art movement comes alive. This was the age of innovation, political liberalization, emergent photography and modern ideas about perception. The Impressionists had new ways of painting, but they also had a new world to paint.

This revised edition now features full colour reproductions of art throughout and an updated bibliography.

About the Author:

Bernard Denvir was a distinguished art critic, art historian and writer. He was head of the Department of Art History at Ravensbourne College of Art and Design, a member of the Council for Academic Awards, and for several years President of the British section of the International Association of Art Critics. He wrote widely on art, including books on Chardin, Impressionism, Post-Impressionism and Fauvism.

Contents List:

Documents 1855–1871
Impressionist colour Documents
1. 1871–1873
2. 1874–1876
3. 1877–1881
4. 1882–1885
5. 1886–1894
6. 1895–1920
Bibliographical note
List of illustrations

Цена: 900 грн
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Joan Molina Figueras
ID: 18540
Издательство: Museo Nacional del Prado

Published on the occasion of the exhibition The Lost Mirror. Jews and Conversos in Medieval Spain, held at the Museo Nacional del Prado from 10 October 2023 to 14 January 2024.

Every image we create is a mirror that reflects a way of seeing. We look at the world and at others in relation to ourselves, through our own mentality and attitude. Using a broad selection of works, this exhibition recreates a medieval mirror that shows how Jews and conversos (converts to Christianity) were portrayed by Christians in Spain from 1285 to 1492. Images played a key role in the complex relationship between all three groups during this period. On the one hand, they were an important vehicle for the transmission of rites and artistic models between Christians and Jews and provided a space for collaboration between artists from both communities. On the other – the grim flipside – they helped spread the growing anti-Judaism embedded in Christian society. In this respect, the visual stigmatisation of the Jews was a faithful reflection of the Christians’ mirror, of their beliefs and anxieties, and accordingly a powerful means of asserting their identity.

About the Author:

Edited by Joan Molina Figueras, curator of the exhibiton and Head of the Department of Spanish Gothic Painting at the Museo del Prado.
With texts by Sonia Caballero Escamilla, Javier Castaño, Cloe Cavero de Carondelet, Cèsar Favà Monllau, Borja Franco Llopis, Yonatan Glazer-Eytan, Joan Molina Figueras, David Nirenberg, Pamela A. Patton, Felipe Pereda and Paulino Rodríguez Barral.

Цена: 2500 грн
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Euphrosyne Doxiadis, Ahdaf Soueif
ID: 18515
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

A compact edition of this highly acclaimed survey of the Fayum paintings, the enigmatic and compelling funeral portraits created by the inhabitants of Roman Egypt in the 1st century CE

These remarkable paintings take their name from a district of Roman Egypt, whose people in the first three centuries AD included Greeks, Egyptians, Romans, Syrians, Libyans, Nubians and Jews. In the Egyptian tradition, they embalmed the bodies of their dead; but then placed a painted portrait over the mummy, preserving the memory of each individual to an uncanny degree. Over 1000 have so far been discovered – men, women and children of all ages. Illustrating almost 200 of the portraits, Euphrosyne Doxiadis’s book combines arresting beauty with up-to-date scholarship. Having selected the best and most interesting, she has grouped them according to the places where they were found. Many new photographs were commissioned and some are shown since cleaning.

Doxiadis’s text sets the people and the paintings in their social, artistic and geographical context, describing the techniques used and showing how the Fayum portraits relate to Byzantine icon painting, in a tradition that extends from ancient Greece to the Renaissance and on to the present day.

Contents List:

Foreword by Dorothy L. Thompson

The Plates
I Graeco-Roman Egypt
II The Portraits
III The Find-Sites
Commentaries on the Portraits

About the Authors:

Euphrosyne Doxiadis is a Greek artist and writer. She was born in Athens and studied art in Salzburg, at the Cranbrook Academy of Art in Michigan, and at the Slade School of Fine Art and the Wimbledon School of Art in London. Her interest in the Fayum portraits was kindled by working with the distinguished Greek painter Yannis Tsarouchis.

Цена: 2500 грн
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ID: 14779
Издательство: Dorling Kindersley

Enter the world of myths and legends with this unforgettable compendium that spans the centuries and crosses the continents to share the greatest stories of all time.

Sit back and enjoy more than 80 classic myths retold for the modern reader with engaging text and eye-catching graphics.

Part of the Big Ideas seriesThe Mythology Book introduces the great and the good, from the gods of ancient Greece to the stories of the Cherokee People of North America. Going beyond the ancient world, this book brings to life influential tales of Aboriginal Australians and the Aztecs, each packed with compelling characters, plot twists and turns, and incredible insight into human existence.

Discover the lessons behind every story and get to the heart of cultures far and wide through the inspiring narratives that capture the way communities work together to make sense of the world around them.

The Mythology Book is essential reading for everyone who delights in stories of imagination, action, and adventure, taking new generations back in time to love and learn from the stories of the past.


Пролистать книгу The Mythology Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained на Google Books.

Цена: 1200 грн
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Christopher Dell
ID: 18527
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

A complete history of the occult and magic around the world, from ancient to modern times, by the author of the bestselling Monsters

Our belief in some form of magic runs throughout human history. In fact, in an increasingly rational and scientific world, the idea that occult or arcane knowledge can give us access to another, hidden reality is as strong and widespread as ever.

The Occult, Witchcraft and Magic is a lively and fascinating history of all things cryptic, mystic and other-worldly, beginning with the earliest evidence of magical thinking amid the gloom of a Palaeolithic cave, and ending in the bright light of our digital age and its newfound interest in paganism.

With hundreds of images drawn from rare and unusual sources, in-depth explorations of cross-cultural themes and profiles of key figures from the history of magic, this is a bewitching and irresistible treasury of esoteric thought that will appeal to believers and sceptics alike.

Contents List:

Introduction • 1. Ancient Magic • 2. Greek or Roman Magic • 3. Northern Magic • 4. Medieval Magic • 5. Renaissance Magic • 6. World of Magic • 7. Enlightenment Magic 8. The Magic Revival • 9. Modern Magic

About the Author:

Christopher Dell holds a degree in the History of Art from the Courtauld Institute, London. He has written and edited many bestselling titles on art and visual culture, including FreemasonryMythologyMonsters and What Makes a Masterpiece?, all published by Thames & Hudson.

Цена: 1700 грн
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