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Книги издательства Arnoldsche

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Carolus Hartmann
ID: 1962
Издательство: Arnoldsche
After more than ten years of intensive research, the first encyclopedia of GLASS MARKS from the 16th to the 20th century is now available; there has been no comparable publication until now! The starting point is the mark you are looking for. The enc...
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Vivienne Becker
ID: 5995
Издательство: Arnoldsche
The jewellery firm Süddeutsche Gold- und Haar-Bijouterie, founded in 1907 by Heinrich Henkel and Florentin Grosse, experienced its first successes with costume jewellery made of bronze, aluminium, wood, bakelite and galalite. Renamed Henkel&thin...
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Jochen Amme
ID: 1963
Издательство: Arnoldsche
450 colour plates and more than 1000 illustrations of marks. The more than 3500 items in this unique private collection of cutlery, illustrated with 450 large colour plates, present the expert and the amateur with an outstanding survey of changing s...
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Jochen Amme
ID: 1964
Издательство: Arnoldsche
450 Farbtafeln sowie über 1000 Markenabbildungen. Der über 3500 Teile umfassende Gesamtbestand dieser einzigartigen privaten Bestecksammlung wird auf 450 großformatigen Farbtafeln originalgetreu präsentiert und bietet einen einmaligen Überblick über...
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Wolf-Dieter Seiwert
ID: 5997
Издательство: Arnoldsche
Jewellery sets off beauty and reveals wealth. Moreover, jewellery had a magical function in traditional societies because it attracted blessings and warded off evil. Women were given most of their jewellery when they married. They wore it until their...
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Clause Pese
ID: 1965
Издательство: Arnoldsche
English This book provides the first comprehensive overview of the development of Jugendstil around 1900 in Bavaria's leading industrial city. More than two hundred and fifty objects from all areas of the decorative and applied arts illustrate the i...
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Dieter Zuhlsdorff
ID: 1966
Издательство: Arnoldsche
Dieses Markenlexikon, das sowohl über Porzellan- als auch über Keramikmarken Auskunft gibt, ist meiner Meinung nach momentan das allumfassendste als auch detaillierteste Werk in diesem Fachgebiet. Die Aufteilung des Lexikons in vier übersichtliche In...
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Alexander Koch
ID: 8412
Издательство: Arnoldsche
New edition of this seminal 1953 study of lighting for the modern era Showcasing mid-century modern design that is as relevant now as ever More than 250 original images show the design trends of important manufacturers from America, Scandinavia, Ge...
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Rainer Haaff
ID: 1967
Издательство: Arnoldsche
The very first comprehensive work on Louis-Philippe furniture, this book surveys the most important furniture types, stylistic features, woods, mounts and fittings and cloth upholstery. Establishes definitive diagnostic criteria for precisely disting...
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Gisela Jahn
ID: 1968
Издательство: Arnoldsche
300 illustrations in colour, 180 signatures. Pressure exerted by America in 1854 caused Japan to open its doors after 260 years of isolation. Virtually uninhibited receptiveness to everything Western was the driving force behind the modernisation of...
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Michael Koch
ID: 5998
Издательство: Arnoldsche
Kostbar veredelte Glasgefäße von Emile Gallé, Daum Frères und Louis Comfort Tiffany, subtil dekorierte Erzeugnisse der berühmten Porzellanmanufakturen Rozenburg, Kopenhagen, Nymphenburg und Meissen, neben reich mit Blütendekor geschmückten Haarkämmen...
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Edla Colsman
ID: 5996
Издательство: Arnoldsche
Das Museum für Angewandte Kunst in Köln besitzt eine umfangreiche Sammlung mitteleuropäischer Möbel aus vier Jahrhunderten. Diese besticht durch eine weitgehend vollständige Dokumentation der wichtigsten Möbeltypen und der maßgebenden künstlerischen ...
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Patrizia Jirka-Schmitz
ID: 1970
Издательство: Arnoldsche
Volume 1:  288 pages, 325 illustrations. Volume 2:  416 pages, 900 illustrations in colour and 342 signatures. The Japanese belt accessories for men known as netsuke aroused great interest in Europe already at the end of the 19th century. Today the...
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Ulrich Pietsch
ID: 6449
Издательство: Arnoldsche
The publication of the Said and Roswitha Marouf Collection focuses the viewer’s eye on the magnificent art works of the Meissen porcelain manufactory, which in 2010, on the occasion of its 300 anniversary, will celebrate the multifarious artistic wea...
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Fritz Falk
ID: 8372
Издательство: Arnoldsche
Sin and temptation, wisdom and deceit, death and damnation, but also eternity and renewal, protection and healing power - the symbolic meanings of the snake are as manifold as the myths, sagas and legends in which it plays a significant role. The sna...
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