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Benjamin Hossbach, Christian Lehmhaus, Christine Eichelmann
ID: 18249
Издательство: DOM Publishers

Planning competitions are used in public and private projects as an instrument for optimising the design and selecting planning partners. For both small and large projects, the organised, fair, transparent and specialist process helps to improve the quality of urban development, buildings, open spaces and art. Like its successful predecessor title, this book documents the competition procedures coordinated by [phase eins]. in recent years. Founded in 1998, [phase eins]. is one of the leading offices for project consulting and competition management in the fields of architecture and urban design. A total of

27 projects in Germany, Austria, Albania, Ukraine, Kuwait, Belgium, Canada and Lebanon are presented with extensive illustrations and explanations. The book also contains texts on fundamental issues relating to the competition system.

About the Authors:

Benjamin Hossbach, born 1966 in Darmstadt, Germany. In 1995 he completed his architecture degree at the TU Berlin. After having worked as an online editor of Bauwelt – Germany’s leading architectural journal – and as a self-employed architect, in 1998 he founded the firm [phase eins]. Projektberatung + Wettbewerbsmanagement für Architektur und Städtebau (Project Consultancy + Competition Management for Architecture and Urban Development). He is also an author of numerous specialist publications on architectural competitions and a guest lecturer, incl. at the ETH Zürich, Harvard University and the TU Berlin. Christian Lehmhaus, born 1963 in Bielefeld, Germany. In 1993 he completed his architecture degree at the TU Berlin. Since 2001, after having been employed as an architect, he has been Partner and Managing Director at [phase eins]. Projektberatung + Wettbewerbsmanagement für Architektur und Städtebau. He was also Professor of Project Management and Project Development at Bochum University of Applied Sciences. Christine Eichelmann, born 1959 in Werneck, Germany. In 1986 she completed her architecture degree at the TU Berlin. Since 2008, after having been employed as an architect – incl. at Studio Libeskind (Berlin), OMA (London) and Karen van Lengen (New York) – and as a project manager, she has been General Manager and Chief Representative of [ phase eins]. Projektberatung + Wettbewerbsmanagement für Architektur und Städtebau. She was also a research assistant at the TU Berlin und ran her own architectural practice from 1994 to 1997.

Цена: 3500 грн
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Sabrina Wilk
ID: 15573
Издательство: DOM Publishers

In recent years, perspective views have swept into the foreground in the field of landscape architecture. They have become the showpiece of any new design project, frequently overshadowing the plan as the principal graphic mediator of ideas. Perspectives communicate planned spaces, unlike any other orthographic architectural projections, easily connecting with ­human modes of vision and perception. Yet we have become so accustomed to seeing them that we no longer examine their underlying messages.

This manual examines the history of these multifaceted images and their power to shape our expectations and thinking. Moving chronologically from the Renaissance to the present day, the book charts their evolution and dissects the ­motives ­behind their construction. It also provides clear practical guidance on how to compose persuasive images for diverse audiences.

Presented in this book are numerous historical and contemporary examples, underscoring the perspective’s continuing importance in professional practice.

Key thematic areas include:
_ Introduction to terminology: Basics and principles
_Constructing and composing perspectives
_Transmitting messages: The landscape as a medium for ideas
_ Enduring themes of beauty, the sublime, and awe
_The future of perspective views


Для ландшафтного дизайнера графика является незаменимым инструментом, и в последние годы именно перспективный вид играет важнейшую роль в презентации проектов, зачастую затмевая план как основной способ графической передачи идей. Перспектива дает полное представление о проектируемых пространствах и, в отличие от ортогональных проекций, легко считывается любым человеком. И все же мы настолько привыкли к подобным визуализациям, что иногда недооцениваем их глубину и потенциал.

В практическом пособии «Чертежи для ландшафтных архитекторов 2» рассматривается история развития перспективы, начиная с эпохи Возрождения до наших дней, а также анализируются ее роль и возможности в современной ландшафтной архитектуре. Читатели узнают, как подготовить убедительную визуализацию для самых разных проектов, в простой и наглядной форме получат необходимые практические рекомендации, пошаговые инструкции по использованию масштабной сетки, грамотному построению пространств и созданию гармоничной композиции.

Также книга представляет коллекцию вдохновляющих примеров реализованных проектов, разработанных международными бюро и известными ландшафтными архитекторами. Она является бесценным пособием для специалистов и студентов, поскольку в ней уделено внимание и истории, и теории, и практическим аспектам.

Цена: 1980 грн
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Lidia Gasperoni
ID: 15564
Издательство: DOM Publishers

After its golden age in the last decades of the 20th century, diagramming is still an experimental practice today, but it focuses on the synthesis of complexity and on new disciplinary territories on the edge between humanities, art, architecture, urban planning and landscape. This manual presents experimental diagrams through sensing, analysing and transforming space. The contributions critically delineate diagrammatic behaviours in architectural history, present the design practices of offices such as AZPML and MVRDV, take the medium to its extreme consequences, and outline future trajectories.

About the Author:

Lidia Gasperoni teaches architectural theory and philosophy with a focus on media philosophy, Anthropocene theories, and aesthetics at the Department of Architectural Theory of the Institute of Architecture at the Technical University Berlin (TU). She studied philosophy in Rome, Freiburg, Breisgau, and Berlin and obtained her PhD from the TU Berlin.

Цена: 4200 грн
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Carsten Wiewiorra, Anna Tscherch
ID: 13989
Издательство: DOM Publishers

The growing variety of materials available for ­interior applications makes the selection and sampling process evermore complex and ­time-consuming. This book in the Construction and Design Manuals series offers an overview of all materials suited for walls, ceilings, and floors, as well as stand-alone objects. Trad­itional and new materials are described in a knowledgeable and practical manner, providing information and inspiration for creating interiors.

It is not only the material itself that determines the appearance of a surface, but also the design and arrangement of the joints: next to the ­mate­rial surface, the chosen laying pattern is a key aspect that influences the spatial effect. This sampler therefore includes a large array of patterns. It conveys fundamental knowledge of materials and their applications, and thus serves as a reference book, a sampling guide, and a go-to compendium for students.


Растущее разнообразие ассортимента материалов для создания интерьеров делает процесс их отбора все более трудоемким. Это практическое пособие содержит профессиональный обзор многочисленных типов материалов, необходимых для оформления различных поверхностей и объектов.

Авторами книги детально проанализированы как традиционные, так и современные материалы, а также способы их сочетания и технологии отделки, в итоге определяющие качество поверхностей. Фактура материала и рисунок его укладки также играют важную роль в воплощении задуманного образа и достижении конкретного пространственного эффекта. Именно поэтому книга включает большое количество шаблонов, данных о свойствах материалов и методах их применения. Издание призвано восполнить недостаток информации по этой теме, стать источником вдохновения для дизайнеров и архитекторов и, конечно, настольной книгой и студентов.

Цена: 4500 грн
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Sabrina Wilk
ID: 13987
Издательство: DOM Publishers

Landscape architects rely on images to explore ideas and to communicate them to others. Their designs range from large-scale master plans and strategic visions, through to specific vegetation and precise construction details. Concepts and creative solutions are developed, refined, and explained on paper.

This handbook focuses on areas which, even in the age of ­digital media, remain foundations of the profession: drawing, graphics, and projections. Both instructional and inspirational, it covers the basics of landscape ­architectural representation in an easy-to-understand way, encouraging readers to sketch and develop their own graphic language and style.

Also showcased in this book are many examples from landscape architecture offices worldwide, offering practical help and ideas.

Key thematic areas include:
_Introduction to drawing tools, applications, and effects
_Symbols in different scales, styles, and abstraction levels
_Basic principles for presentation, layout, and lettering
_Fundamentals of orthographic and parallel projections
_Drawing in contemporary landscape architecture practice

Цена: 3500 грн
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Edited by Philipp Meuser, Scientific Advisor: Franz Labryga
ID: 13938
Издательство: DOM Publishers

This Construction and Design Manual showcases the wide range of planning hospitals, medical practices, and pharmacies. Around 50 projects are comprehensively shown with the help of large photographs, true to scale floor plans and coloured diagrams. This volume is completed by scientific contributions concerning methods of planning and questions of design. Additional essays on architectural history and typological classifications make this 440-page textbook an indispensable reference work for everyone with an interest in hospital architecture and health care design.

- Construction data, planning parameters and regulations for hospitals and medical facilities
- True to scale floor plans for different building types and scientific comments
- Essential for health care design, architecture, and medical administration

Цена: 4500 грн
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Edited by Cornelia Dörries and Sarah Zahradnik With contributions by Jutta Albus and Philipp Meuser
ID: 13937
Издательство: DOM Publishers

Prefabricated housing is a pressing issue –  for those looking for affordable homes as well as for refugees fleeing wars or natural disasters. In common with politicians, architects were caught unawares by the largest wave of migration since the end of the Second World War. However, are tent cities and containers the best solution for cheap, dignified, and quickly assembled accommodation for displaced persons? This challenging situation, along with the changing urban landscape, with its ever-diminishing space, calls into question existing standards in relation to serial housing. Bold and unconventional ideas are called for if architects are to offer high-quality solutions.

From eccentric experiments all the way to projects that have already been realised, international design teams present their work between the twin poles of unconventional developments and life-saving shelters in this volume spanning more than 250 pages. Introduced with articles on design principles, and divided into three sections according to the form the structures take when delivered – cuboid, panels and custom units – the book covers everything from playful follies to architectural constructions for the homeless and outpatient medical stations which offer a response to social problems and space shortages. The text, photographs and plans put forward ideas as to how more can be done than the mere assembling of containers. Should we not first consider notions bordering on the absurd in order to come up with workable solutions for housing today?

Цена: 2500 грн
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Natascha Meuser
ID: 13936
Издательство: DOM Publishers

Designing a childcare facility, whether it is a créche, kindergarten, or preschool, involves many challenges. The architect must focus on the needs of the users, who include both the children and the adult carers, while complying with a large number of rules and regulations, which are made all the more complex by the fact that they rarely reference buildings for children explicitly. But above all, the architect must create structures that optimally meet the contem­porary pedagogical and architectural requirements of an institution dedicated to children.

This is the first manual specially dedicated to the long-neglected kindergarten building typology. It presents 60 contemporary childcare buildings from across the world in detail, with large photos, plans, and drawings, providing deep insights into what is an exceedingly complicated design task. Moreover, the book outlines ten design parameters that architects can turn to for guidance. Finally, specialist articles by ­experts delve deeper into the practical consider­ations that are required to successfully plan, design, and operate a childcare facility.

Цена: 3500 грн
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Karsten Palsson
ID: 12460
Издательство: DOM Publishers

Taking examples from major European cities, Public Spaces and Urbanity is a practical guide demonstrating what urban development with a human face might look like. This involves renewing and enhancing humane cities using architecture on a human scale while taking their history into account. Thus the book follows the tradition established by Jan Gehl that regards urban space as a framework for people to live in and socialise.

The European tradition of the dense classical city marks the point of departure for this book. Special emphasis is placed on physical and spatial parameters, on development patterns and building types, on the guiding principles governing access, and on interconnections with public roads and pathways – all of which form the foundations of urban life as well as cities that provide safety and security.

The book is divided into ten thematic chapters, each providing a definition and general outline of core challenges together with proposals for meeting them. A historical outline of urban development and the practically organised thematic structure underlying concepts discussed allow the examples given to greatly broaden the field of understanding around this topic.


Книга посвящена современным и эффективным подходам к обновлению городов. Рассмотренные методы подразумевают глубокое понимание потребностей жителей, исторического контекста, традиций прошлого и грамотное включение новой соразмерной человеку архитектуры в существующую среду. 

Исследование берет свое начало в европейской традиции плотной застройки. Основное внимание уделяется пространственным отношениям, распространенным моделям развития городов, принципам создания доступной среды и усовершенствованию общественных пространств: словом, всем тем элементам, которые обогащают жизнь городских сообществ.

Эта книга - профессиональное руководство, которое предлагает практические примеры гуманных преобразований пространства, основанные на опыте крупных европейских городов. 

Главы структурированы по «инструментам», которые помогут градостроителям и архитекторам соотнести изложенные концепции с конкретными условиями и воплотить их в жизнь.

Цена: 2500 грн
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Volodymyr Babaev, Isaak Ievzerov, Sergiy Evel, Albert Lantoukh-Liashchenko, Valentyn Shevetovsky, Oleksandr Shimanovskyi, Valery Shmukler, Maria Sukhonos
ID: 13992
Издательство: DOM Publishers

This monograph presents the results of theoretical and experi­mental studies as well as the design and construction ­features of structural systems with rational parameters. It starts by outlining issues around the topological (bionic) optimization of structures and suggests ways to address them.

The computational compiler underlying the proposed approach incorporates the finite element method and the ­adaptive ­evolution method. Thus, this volume outlines new energy principles that speak in favour of the proposed methodology. The solutions presented here were verified experi­mentally using new methods for testing structures for the effects of force and temperature. The theoretical studies also provide a methodology for assessing the technical condition, ­durability, and service life of ­structures.

The book sets out the specific features of the design and construction of systems produced using the proposed approach. New reinforced-­concrete, steel-reinforced-concrete, and steel systems, as well as manufacturing and construction technologies, are described in detail. Designs for buildings, structures, and pedestrian and road bridges are shown. Examples of erected structures are cited, and ­issues with regard to designing large-span suspension systems with rational parameters are considered.
The manual is intended for engineers and researchers dealing with creating, studying, designing, and erecting engineering structures and systems thereof; structural- and civil-engineering teachers and students may also find it handy.

Цена: 2500 грн
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Philipp Meuser
ID: 13991
Издательство: DOM Publishers

Prefabricated housing, often associated with blighted urban land­scapes and monotonous grey boxes, has evolved into an approach to housing with a wealth of aesthetic and ­structural possibilities. Modern methods of constructing and assembling prefabricated buildings – methods that can be traced back to the 19th century – are going through a renaissance. This is true across the world, from Vancouver and New York to London and Berlin through to Astana and Singapore. Moreover, prefabrication now serves a wider range of purposes than ever before. In ­Moscow, Europe’s largest metropolitan area, it is primarily used ­­­­as a means to provide ­affordable homes. But in some countries, prefabrication is surprisingly also used to build exclusive, upmarket properties.

This construction and design manual presents a range of ­different production and assembly methods currently used in the field of prefabricated housing. It particularly focuses on ­efficiency, sustainability, and market relevance, and presents strategies for ­organising processes along with best-practice examples that reflect the latest trends. The manual also ex­plores the historical development of prefabricated housing in order to discover its full architectural potential. Finally, it outlines ten design parameters for prefabricated housing and presents 15 noteworthy examples, making a fresh contribution to the debate on affordable housing today.


Индустриальное домостроение часто ассоциируется с унылыми городскими пейзажами и серыми «коробками», но сегодня оно демонстрирует богатство эстетических и конструктивных возможностей. Панельное строительство переживает период расцвета благодаря появлению современных технологий и значительному опыту, накоп-ленному за более чем 100 лет. Это происходит по всему миру от Ванкувера и Нью-Йорка до Лондона и Берлина, до Нур-Султана и Сингапура. В Москве индустриальное домостроение является инструментом реализации субсидируемого жилья, но в Германии и Швейцарии, например, методы заводского изготовления применяются для возведения объектов элитной недвижимости.

Это практическое пособие содержит анализ ряда технологий производства и сборки, используемых в настоящее время для строительства быстровозводимого жилья. При этом наряду с передовыми примерами из мировой практики особое внимание в книге уделяется эффективности, устойчивости и рыночной привлекательности, а также стратегиям организации всех процессов. Индустриальное домостроение рассматривается с исторической и архитектурной точек зрения, кроме того автор приводит 10 ключевых проектных параметров и 15 заслуживающих внимания проектов. Издание вносит значительный вклад в актуальную дискуссию о доступном жилье.

Цена: 3500 грн
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Jutta Albus, Philipp Meuser
ID: 13990
Издательство: DOM Publishers

Prefabricated housing, often associated with blighted urban landscapes and monotonous grey boxes, has evolved into an approach to housing with a wealth of aesthetic and structural possibilities. Modern methods of constructing and assembling prefab buildings with large panels – methods that date back to the 19th century – are experiencing a renaissance. This is true across the world, from Vancouver and New York to London and Berlin through to Astana and Singapore. Moreover, prefabrication now also serves a wider range of purposes. In Moscow, Europe’s largest metropolitan area with 16 million people, it is primarily used as a means to provide affordable homes. But in certain developed countries, prefabrication is surprisingly also used to build exclusive, upmarket properties.

This construction and design manual presents a range of different production and assembly methods currently used in the field of prefabricated housing. The manual particularly focuses on efficiency, sustainability, and market relevance, and explores strategies for organising processes while presenting best-practice examples that reflect the latest trends. Furthermore, the manual investigates the potential of prefabricated housing on historical and architectural grounds as well as from a structural engineering standpoint. It puts forward ten design parameters for prefabricated housing and presents 15 noteworthy examples to make a fresh contribution to the debate on affordable housing today.

Vol. 1: Technologies and Methods
Vol. 2: Buildings and Typologies


Индустриальное домостроение уже давно перестало быть синонимом обезображивания городского ландшафта однообразными серыми «коробками». В частности, в Центральной Европе и России панельное строительство переживает период расцвета благодаря появлению современных методов строительства и 100-летнему опыту проектирования типового жилья и использования крупных панелей. В Москве - крупнейшей европейской столице с семнадцатью миллионами жителей – индустриальное домостроение является незаменимым инструментом реализации субсидируемого жилья, методы заводского изготовления в Германии и Швейцарии,например, применяются для возведения престижной недвижимости.

Этот справочник рассматривает потенциал индустриального домостроения с конструктивной, исторической и архитектурной точек зрения. Помимо детально рассмотренных методов производства и монтажа, в книге представлены двадцать наглядных примеров с широкоформатными фотографиями, детальными планами и наглядными диаграммами. Издание вносит значительный вклад в актуальную сегодня дискуссию о доступном жилье.

Том 1: Технологии и методы
Том 2: Здания и типологии

Цена: 4200 грн
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Sabrina Wilk
ID: 13988
Издательство: DOM Publishers

In recent years, perspective views have swept into the foreground in the field of landscape architecture. They have become the showpiece of any new design project, frequently overshadowing the plan as the principal graphic mediator of ideas. Perspectives communicate planned spaces unlike any other orthographic architectural projections, easily connecting with ­human modes of vision and perception. Yet we have become so accustomed to seeing them that we no longer examine their underlying messages.

This manual examines the history of these multifaceted images and their power to shape our expectations and thinking. Moving chronologically from the Renaissance to the present day, the book charts their evolution and dissects the ­motives ­behind their construction. It also provides clear practical guidance on how to compose persuasive images for diverse audiences.

Presented in this book are numerous historical and contemporary examples, underscoring the perspective’s continuing importance in professional practice.

Key thematic areas include:
_ Introduction to terminology: Basics and principles
_Constructing and composing perspectives
_Transmitting messages: The landscape as a medium for ideas
_ Enduring themes of beauty, the sublime, and awe
_The future of perspective views


Для ландшафтного дизайнера графика является незаменимым инструментом, и в последние годы именно перспективный вид играет важнейшую роль в презентации проектов, зачастую затмевая план как основной способ графической передачи идей. Перспектива дает полное представление о проектируемых пространствах и, в отличие от ортогональных проекций, легко считывается любым человеком. И все же мы настолько привыкли к подобным визуализациям, что иногда недооцениваем их глубину и потенциал.

В практическом пособии «Чертежи для ландшафтных архитекторов 2» рассматривается история развития перспективы, начиная с эпохи Возрождения до наших дней, а также анализируются ее роль и возможности в современной ландшафтной архитектуре. Читатели узнают, как подготовить убедительную визуализацию для самых разных проектов, в простой и наглядной форме получат необходимые практические рекомендации, пошаговые инструкции по использованию масштабной сетки, грамотному построению пространств и созданию гармоничной композиции.

Также книга представляет коллекцию вдохновляющих примеров реализованных проектов, разработанных международными бюро и известными ландшафтными архитекторами. Она является бесценным пособием для специалистов и студентов, поскольку в ней уделено внимание и истории, и теории, и практическим аспектам.

Цена: 3500 грн
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Philipp Meuser
ID: 12664
Издательство: DOM Publishers

Accessible architecture is about much more than wide doorways and low-placed light switches. Accessibility means independent and self-determined living and mobility for people of all ages and in any situation in life. Achieving this requires a clear awareness of the related concepts and principles, which need to be adopted into the planning process at an early stage. This manual presents both accessibility design for public buildings and orientation systems for culture, transport, and education, as well as examples from the world of work and health. Informative essays provide an insight into the theory of signage, while selected projects are described from the perspective of Design for All.

- Large-scale images and drawings illustrate ten design parameters
- Best-of collection of the practical handbooks about accessible architecture and wayfinding
- Combined thinking about two areas of design to ease our daily lif


Доступная среда – это то, чему необходимо уделить внимание еще на ранней стадии планирования объекта. «Дизайн для всех» – не просто слова, а возможность быть самостоятельными и мобильными для людей всех возрастов и в любой жизненной ситуации.

В книге на примерах показаны основные идеи организации доступной среды. Избранные реализованные проекты; теория систем навигации в культурных, образовательных, медицинских учреждениях, а также офисах и транспорте; дизайн вывесок; подборка справочников по архитектуре доступной среды.

- Качественные крупноформатные иллюстрации станут дополнением к перечню из 10 лучших примеров «дизайна для всех».
- Лучшая подборка справочников по архитектуре доступной среды, вывескам и указателям
- Анализируются две сферы дизайна для улучшения условий повседневной жизни.

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Manfred Ronstedt , Tobias Frey
ID: 12616
Издательство: DOM Publishers

In this handbook on successful hotel planning, the authors present an in-depth planning aid for the design and construction of hotel property. In doing so, the requirements of both hotel operators and planners are considered. The book is addressed to architects, interior designers, property developers and hotel operators. Having implemented their own hotel projects, the authors are experts on this building typology. Accompanied by detailed drawings and explanations, this book is a true asset.

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