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Dawn Ades
ID: 4471
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

This is an opportunity to reassess Dali’s work as a whole and to explore, in greater depth than ever before, his so-called ‘late work’ as well as the early and surrealist periods.

The density and originality of Dali's paintings become ever more striking as time goes on, but should not be hived off from his other activities: writer, poet, printmaker, sculptor, filmmaker, inventor of objects, theatre designer and curator of exhibitions. Dalí made the two last great mysteries of his life his subject: the human mind and the structure of the physical universe.

Very few artists have been able to sustain the range of activities he undertook and it is not just as a painter that he will be remembered. His writings are now seen not just as ancillary to his paintings but as major texts. These are part of a continuous flow of ideas, optimism and ambition for which ‘success’ was an irrelevant or ambiguous concept.

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Robert Descharnes, Gilles Neret
ID: 2693
Издательство: Taschen

Picasso called Dali "an outboard motor that's always running." Dali thought himself a genius with a right to indulge in whatever lunacy popped into his head. Painter, sculptor, writer, and filmmaker, Salvador Dali (1904-1989) was one of the century's greatest exhibitionists and eccentrics - and was rewarded with fierce controversy wherever he went. He was one of the first to apply the insights of Sigmund Freud and psychoanalysis to the art of painting, approaching the subconscious with extraordinary sensitivity and imagination. This lively monograph presents the infamous Surrealist in full color and in his own words. His provocative imagery is all here, from the soft watches to the notorious burning giraffe. A friend of the artist for over thirty years, privy to the reality behind Dali`s public image, author Robert Descharnes is uniquely qualified to analyze Dali - both the man and the myth.

Посмотреть русскоязычное издание книги Salvador Dali. The Paintings - Сальвадор Дали. Живопись

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Robert Descharnes
ID: 941
Издательство: Taschen

Picasso called Dalí “an outboard motor that’s always running.” Dalí thought himself a genius with a right to indulge in whatever lunacy popped into his head. Painter, sculptor, writer, and filmmaker, Salvador Dalí (1904-1989) was one of the century’s greatest exhibitionists and eccentrics - and was rewarded with fierce controversy wherever he went. He was one of the first to apply the insights of Sigmund Freud and psychoanalysis to the art of painting, approaching the subconscious with extraordinary sensitivity and imagination. This lively monograph presents the infamous Surrealist in full color and in his own words. His provocative imagery is all here, from the soft watches to the notorious burning giraffe. A friend of the artist for over thirty years, privy to the reality behind Dalí’s public image, author Robert Descharnes is uniquely qualified to analyze Dalí - both the man and the myth.

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Robert Descharnes, Gilles Néret
ID: 832
Издательство: Taschen
Picasso called Dalí "an outboard motor that's always running." Dalí thought himself a genius with a right to indulge in whatever lunacy popped into his head. Painter, sculptor, writer, and filmmaker, Salvador Dalí (1904-1989) was one of the century's greatest exhibitionists and eccentrics—and was rewarded with fierce controversy wherever he went. He was one of the first to apply the insights of Sigmund Freud and psychoanalysis to the art of painting, approaching the subconscious with extraordinary sensitivity and imagination. This lively monograph presents the infamous Surrealist in full color and in his own words. His provocative imagery is all here, from the soft watches to the notorious burning giraffe. A friend of the artist for over thirty years, privy to the reality behind Dalí’s public image, author Robert Descharnes is uniquely qualified to analyze Dalí—both the man and the myth.
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Жиль Нере
ID: 674
Издательство: Taschen

Книга об испанском художнике, выдающемся представителе сюрреализма Сальвадоре Дали (1904–1989). Страсть к провокации и шокированию – важнейшая составляющая его творчества, отличительный знак его поведения, за что он даже был исключен из рядов сюрреалистов.

Фантасмагорические существа, самые абсурдные и противоречивые соединения на картинах Дали должны быть поняты как отражение бессознательного, а сама живопись - сравниться с галлюцинированием. Несмотря на теоретические рамки Дали в немалой степени черпал вдохновение в творчестве других художников-сюрреалистов, таких как Эрнст, Ив Танги и де Кирико. Можно найти также следы влияния старых мастеров: Рафаэля или Вермера. Опираясь на сюрреалистический метод «автоматического письма», который противопоставил творческой воле художника те свободные ассоциации идей, порожденные его бессознательным, Дали развивал свой собственный «параноико-критический» метод, который он сам определил как «спонтанный метод иррационального знания, основывающийся на критической интерпретации цепочек безумных видений». В этом раскрепощении бессознательного решающим было влияние психоанализа Зигмунда Фрейда, с которым Дали встречался в 1938 году.

Издание состоит из пяти глав, рассказывающих о жизни художника и об истории создания каждой картины, представленной в издании. Все иллюстрации имеют аннотации. В конце книги приводятся летопись жизни и творчества мастера, проиллюстрированная документальными фотографиями, а также подробный список иллюстраций.

Посмотреть англоязычное издание книги Дали - Dali

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