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Louis Vuitton, Marc Jacobs
ID: 8469
Издательство: Rizzoli

Luxury and art have never been more closely linked than they are in these early years of the twenty-first century.

Virtually all the world’s major luxury houses have associated themselves with contemporary art through sponsorships, commissions, or foundations, and these points of exchange nourish the increasingly symbiotic relationship between fashion, art, and other design disciplines. Of all modern luxury brands, Louis Vuitton can claim to maintain the richest and most varied associations with the world of art. Included in this volume are Louis Vuitton’s important collaborations with an elite group of artists, architects, designers, and photographers, such as Jun Aoki, Shigeru Ban, Vanessa Beecroft, Olafur Eliasson, Zaha Hadid, David LaChapelle, Jean Larivière, Annie Leibovitz, Takashi Murakami, Richard Prince, Stephen Sprouse, James Turrell, Inez Van Lamsweerde, and Vinoodh Matadin.

The book is structured as a seductive anthology of the house’s most visible collaborations. Critical essays examine and position Louis Vuitton’s patronage — under the guidance of Artistic Director Marc Jacobs — during one of the most fertile periods of contemporary art and design.

About the Author:

Marc Jacobs is the Creative Director of Louis Vuitton Malletier and the chief designer of Vuitton’s ready-to-wear collections.


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Frederic Edelmann, Ian Luna, Rafael Magrou and Mohsen Mostafavi
ID: 7357
Издательство: Rizzoli

An exploration of the dynamic and innovative architecture and interiors commissioned by Louis Vuitton.  A prescient advocate of contemporary interiors and architecture, Louis Vuitton continues to encourage innovation and playfulness in the designs of their retail spaces without losing sight of the essence of luxury central to its identity. This process of designing places to display high-style objects has created a new venue for cutting-edge architecture and transformed city streetscapes.

This exploration of Louis Vuitton’s international stores, as well as industrial sites and unrealized projects, includes interviews with some of today’s most talented architects and designers who discuss the beautiful and complex structures they have produced in collaboration with Louis Vuitton. This book examines the physical aspects of these buildings as well as the ideas that went into their composition.

Acting as both a backdrop for luxurious retail goods and the physical manifestation of the brand, these spaces are a genre unto themselves that invite exploration. With luxurious finishes and unexpected textures, these fantastic buildings represent the intersection of fashion and interior design.  The book includes interviews with Jun Aoki, Peter Marino, Christian de Portzamparc, David McNulty, and Christian Reyne.

About the Authors:

Mohsen Mostafavi is an architect and dean of the Harvard Graduate School of Design. Frederic Edelmann has been the architecture critic for Le Monde since 1977. Ian Luna is an author and editor. Rafael Magrou is an architect, journalist, and curator based in Paris

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Поль-Жерар Пазоль
ID: 5813
Издательство: Слово

Книга, сделанная совместно с «Луи Вьюиттон» к 150-летию Дома, рассказывает об истории успеха знаменитой «фабрики моды». Сын плотника Луи Вьюиттон в далеком 1834 году взялся за ремесло сундучника и придумал первый в мире плоский чемодан. Новые виды транспорта: железная дорога, трансатлантические пароходы, автомобили, самолеты – вдохновляли фирму «Луи Вьюиттон» на создание багажа, специально приспособленного для каждого вида путешествия. Тут и чемодан-гардероб, и сумка шофера с отделением для запасного колеса, и чемодан для перевозки велосипедов, и дорожные несессеры на любой вкус. Превосходное качество изделий, собственный стиль сделали фирме имя. Теперь «Луи Вьюиттон» – крупнейший в мире производитель предметов роскоши. Вы познакомитесь с историей торговой марки и секретами мастеров-чемоданщиков, узнаете о новых направлениях деятельности «Вьюиттон» (одежда прет-а-порте, обувь, ювелирные украшения, часы), о тесной связи Дома с искусством и литературой, архитектурой и дизайном. А также вас ждет увлекательный рассказ об автомобильных шоу, ралли и яхтенных гонках, устраиваемых Домом «Луи Вьюиттон».

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