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Colin Cruise
ID: 8346
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

The most comprehensive survey to date of the drawings, watercolours, prints and designs of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, provides a fresh and intimate picture of the most popular and enduring group in the history of British art

The book is illustrated with the most important Pre-Raphaelite drawings from public and private collections around the UK, including striking works by Dante Gabriel Rossetti, John Everett Millais, William Holman Hunt and Edward Burne-Jones that have never before been exhibited or reproduced.

The Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, a group of radical young artists who banded together in London in 1848, revolutionized British art. This book explores the vital role played by drawing and design, in all its variety, in the work of the
Brotherhood and their associates.

Alongside studies for paintings of religious, literary and medieval subjects are the group’s portraits, self-portraits and caricatures, often exchanged as gifts; meticulous depictions of nature by John Ruskin and his followers; captivating drawings of the iconic Pre-Raphaelite models Lizzie Siddal and Jane Morris; and original designs for stained glass, textiles and ceramics.

Art historian Colin Cruise explores the emergence of the Brotherhood’s graphic style, their theories of naturalism, their radical promotion of new subjects, and their highly original use of watercolour as a drawing medium. He also demonstrates the impact that Pre-Raphaelite drawing had upon turn-of-the-century British art movements such as Aestheticism, Symbolism and Art Nouveau, and explores the role of drawing in the work of leading Arts and Crafts designers such as William Morris, William De Morgan and Florence Camm.

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Colin Cruise
ID: 6529
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

The book is lavishly illustrated with the most important Pre-Raphaelite drawings from public and private collections, including striking works by Rossetti, Millais, Holman Hunt and Burne-Jones that have never before been exhibited or reproduced.

Pre-Raphaelite Drawing explores the vital role played by drawing and design in the work of the Brotherhood and their associates. Alongside studies for paintings of religious, literary and medieval subjects are the group’s portraits, self-portraits and caricatures, often exchanged as gifts; meticulous depictions of nature by John Ruskin and his followers; captivating drawings of the iconic Pre-Raphaelite models Lizzie Siddal and Jane Morris; and designs for stained glass, textiles and ceramics.

The author explores the emergence of the Brotherhood’s graphic style, their theories of naturalism, their radical promotion of new subjects, and their highly original use of watercolour. He also demonstrates the impact that Pre-Raphaelite drawing had upon turn-of-the-century British art movements such as Aestheticism, Symbolism and Art Nouveau, and explores the role of drawing in the work of leading Arts and Crafts designers such as William Morris, William De Morgan and Florence Camm.

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Michael Robinson
ID: 6467
Издательство: Flame Tree Publishing

The Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood was a group of English painters, poets and critics, founded in 1848 by John Everett Millais, Dante Gabriel Rossetti and William Holman Hunt. Their art’s romanticism, attention to detail and jewel-like colours have ensured their eternal popularity. This beautifully illustrated reference book is packed with exampes of work by the key proponent Millais, and that of his contemporaries, alongside illuminating information. Beginning with an overview of the movement it goes on to discuss the art in the context of society, place, influences, and styles and techniques. An ideal gift for art lovers or those new to the subject.

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Raphael Brandon, J. Arthur Brandon
ID: 6043
Издательство: Dover

Excellently framed and designed, with bold, receding arches, the open timber roofs of the medieval period featured massive mouldings, carved timbers, and intricate tracery. Today, these roofs are recognized for their striking beauty, rich ornamentation, and the consummate skills of the carpenters and builders who crafted them.

This excellent reproduction of a rare nineteenth-century volume includes numerous full-page illustrations and construction details revealing a wealth of information on the major roof styles (tie-beam, trussed rafter, hammer-beam, and collar-braced) of medieval English churches. More than 50 illustrations of 34 English churches are included, among them the exquisite double hammer-beam roof of Knapton Church in Norwich, the richly ornamented roof over Trinity Chapel, Cirencester Church, in Gloucestershire, and the magnificent roof over Wymondham Church, in Norfolk, in which hammer-beams, boldly projecting into the nave, are exquisitely carved into figures of angels with expanding wings.

These and many more masterly constructions are captured in the authors' own geometric and perspective drawings (done on-site), superbly reproduced here in detailed, highly accurate engravings. In addition to a wealth of pictorial detail, the authors also provide an informative general introduction to the major types of roof construction, as well as expert commentary on each individual roof, describing its distinguishing characteristics, ornament, measurements, and other details.
Artists and illustrators will prize these beautifully rendered plates for their beauty and detail, while architects, antiquarians, and lovers of things medieval will appreciate the authenticity of the plates and the knowledgeable commentary of the architect-authors.
Republication of the London, 1849 edition.

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Timothy Hilton
ID: 3870
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

Virtually every Pre-Raphaelite painting is discussed in detail and illustrated here, including works by the best known - Holman Hunt, Rossetti and Millais - and the movement’s many minor talents.

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Robert de la Sizeranne
ID: 3415
Издательство: Parkstone

143 illustrations

In Victorian England, with the country swept up in the Industrial Revolution, the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, close to William Morris’ Arts and Crafts movement, yearned for a return to bygone values. Wishing to revive the pure and noble forms of the Italian Renaissance, the major painters of the circle such as John Everett Millais, Dante Gabriel Rossetti and Edward Burne-Jones, in opposition to the academicism of the time, favoured realism and biblical themes over the affected canons of the nineteenth century. This work, with its captivating text and rich illustrations, describes with enthusiasm this singular movement which notably inspired the followers of Art Nouveau and Symbolism.

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Кристоф Тойнс
ID: 638
Издательство: Taschen

Книга о жизни и творчестве великого итальянского художника Высокого Возрождения Рафаэля Санти. Писал картины на религиозные и мифологические сюжеты, портреты и монументальные фрески, исполнял картоны для шпалер и декоративные росписи (в частности парадных комнат Ватиканского дворца). Руководил мастерской художников и граверов. Возглавлял ведение раскопок в Риме. Участвовал в строительстве собора Святого Петра. Основы профессиональных знаний он получил в мастерской своего отца в небольшом городке Урбино, затем учился в Перудже у Пьетро Перуджино. Его ранние работы отражают воздействие манеры Перуджино, но вместе с тем в них заметен отход от его художественных установок. Далее, переехав во Флоренцию, около 1502 г. Рафаэль создает свое первое самостоятельное крупное произведение «Распятие», в 1504 г. появляется его шедевр «Обручение Марии» и становится по стилю ближе к таким мастерам, как Леонардо да Винчи и Микеланджело. Не смотря на соседство с такими признанными мастерами, Рафаэлю удается получать заказы от флорентийцев, особой популярностью пользуются его мадонны. Но уже в 1508 году Рафаэль едет в Рим – по свидетельству Вазари, его пригласил Браманте, который в то время строил в Вечном городе собор Святого Петра по заказу папы Юлия II. Рафаэль получает задание расписывать комнаты (станцы) Ватиканского дворца. Над этими росписями Рафаэль работает с 1509 по 1517 год, в результате появляются такие шедевры, как «Парнас», «Диспута», «Афинская школа», «Месса в Больсене».

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