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Kylie Johnson, Tiffany Johnson
ID: 17056
Видавництво: Thames & Hudson

From clay to kiln and all the techniques in-between, this book is an exploration into the techniques and processes of over forty-five working ceramicists.

Earth and fire represent the two elements that produce a ceramic object. Without the other they are simply components; together they create both practical objects and pieces of art. Working as both primer and inspiration, Earth & Fire explores the techniques, practices and tools of over forty-five working ceramicists.

Creating everything from wood-fired and fine porcelain wares; sculptured vases; everyday cups, bowls, and plates; to jewelry and wall pieces, these artists work in a wide range of styles and mediums to create their ceramics. Although the methods vary, the overall sentiment is that the earth and fire that the artists use to make their objects are the ultimate masters. Just when they think they know one thing, the clay, glaze and heat will teach them another. There will always be more to learn. Working with clay is, quite simply, humbling.

Written and compiled by Kylie Johnson and Tiffany Johnson, Earth & Fire captures the diverse beauty and utility of ceramics, demonstrating that clay doesn’t just get under your fingernails: it gets under your skin.

About the Author:

Kylie Johnson is a Brisbane-based ceramic artist, gallery owner, and writer. Over the past ten years, she has curated more than fifteen exhibitions of both Australian and Japanese artists in her studio space. Kylie has published two books of poetry and a collection of quotes from her ceramic work. Tiffany Johnson has spent her professional life in book production and publishing for over twenty years. During the same period she has been by her sister Kylie Johnson’s side, working on paper boat press ceramic exhibitions and projects.

Ціна: 2500 грн
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Tiffany Watt Smith, Therese Vandling
ID: 16882
Видавництво: Laurence King Publishing

Ever felt an emotion that you haven't been able to find the right words for?

Dip into The Box of Emotions to find the perfect expression of how you feel. Each of the 80 cards contains a mini-essay on a different emotion on one side and a mesmerizing colour pattern on the other. Learn more about yourself and what makes your fellow beings tick, from anger and worry to empathy and courage. And with a host of less familiar emotions - dépaysement, fago, and litost among them - you may discover a whole new way of being.

There are 11 categories and within this there are 5 - 8 emotions described, these categories are: Zen, Bliss, Enjoyment, Possibility, Ego, Heat, Heartache, Angst, Loathing, Bitterness and Emptiness.

About the Author:

Thérèse Vandling is a London-based independent graphic designer and experimental screen-printer with a passion for all things printed.

Ціна: 900 грн
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Edited by Rosalind Pepall
ID: 12548
Видавництво: Rizzoli

The undisputed master of glass, Louis Comfort Tiffany created decorative works of art utilizing colour, light, and texture, forging a unique and spectacular style.

Tiffany began his career as an interior designer, but unable to find the types of glass that he desired, his interest turned toward the creation of stained glass. In 1878, he opened his own studio and glass foundry. His creativity and originality both as a designer of windows, lamps, and vases and as a producer of the material with which to create them quickly became renowned. He is considered one of the most versatile and talented artists of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. While exploring Tiffany’s domestic interiors,

A Passion for Colour focuses on Tiffany’s dazzling and dramatic work on religious and secular stained glass, vases, and lamps. Included in the book are 250 lavish colour plates that examine in rich detail the fine workmanship and inventive techniques of Tiffany and his studio. In addition, the book includes vintage photographs, drawings, and sketches that provide further insight into his creative process.

This book accompanies an exhibition of the same title organized by the Museum of Fine Arts of Montreal and presented at the Musée du Luxembourg, Paris, and the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond.

About the Authors:

Louis C. Tiffany (1848–1933), son of the famous American jeweller Charles Lewis Tiffany, was an artist and designer best known for his work in stained glass. He designed windows, lamps, glass mosaics, ceramics, jewellery, enamels, and metalwork.

Rosalind Pepall is Curator of Decorative Arts at the Musée des Beaux-Arts de Montreal.

Ціна: 2120 грн
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Camilla de la Bédoyère
ID: 12192
Видавництво: Flame Tree Publishing

A gorgeous new edition with the cover printed on silver.

Tiffany was highly skilled in jewellery design, ceramics, enamels, and metalwork but he is best known for his beautiful stained-glass designs. 

Using opalescent glass in a variety of colours and textures, he created a stunning range of jewel-like Art Nouveau works, many of them presented here in this luxurious volume.

Ціна: 1500 грн
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Stephen Harrison, Emmanuel DuCamp, Jeannine Falino
ID: 10077
Видавництво: Yale University Press

Fabergé, Tiffany, Lalique — these great designers came together only once to display their goods in what was probably the most opulent exhibition ever mounted. At the 1900 Exposition Universelle in Paris, the three strove to position themselves ahead of their many competitors in the luxury market, each presenting his jewelry and home adornments as high art. Their success is explored in this splendidly illustrated catalogue, which elucidates the prewar pinnacle of European culture.

The array of displayed objects was mesmerizing: Tiffany glass, Easter eggs to dazzle the Czars, realistic insects created in precious materials as sinister decorations. Many of these bore influences of the advanced art of the time, such as Art Nouveau, Viennese modernism, and symbolism, and of styles from around the world.

Four essays discuss the works in the context of their times, illuminate the high societies served by the three masters, and trace the cultural trends behind their extraordinary creations. A treasure of accompanying photographs shows the individual exhibits, scenes from the World's Fair, and the glitterati who wore the jewelry. 

About the Authors:

Stephen Harrison is curator of decorative arts at the Cleveland Museum of Art. 
Emmanuel Ducamp has written and lectured widely on Russian and French decorative arts. 
Jeannine Falino is an independent curator, formerly the Carolyn and Peter Lynch Curator of Decorative Arts and Sculpture at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.

Ціна: 3500 грн
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Margaret K. Hofer, Contributions by Rebecca Klassen
ID: 16315
Видавництво: Rizzoli

The radiant and beloved masterworks of leaded glass from the Gilded Age. Louis C. Tiffany’s intricate and brilliantly colored masterpieces have captivated collectors for decades, and continue to inspire crafters who re-create them in home workshops today. This collection showcases eighty of the firm’s most iconic lamps, including rare and one-of-a-kind creations. These examples have all been newly photographed in sumptuous detail to reveal features in the glass and metalwork that have never been seen before in print. Intricate patterns dazzle with kaleidoscopic fantasies: wisteria that twists and curls with grace, peonies that explode with color, and dragonflies that dance with the light. Uniting a reverence for nature and a fascination with the artistic potential of glass, Louis C. Tiffany and his designers created a revolutionary design aesthetic that brought the beauty of the natural world into the home. This book explores Tiffany Studios’ innovative adaptation of electric light: sheathing the incandescent light bulb in a shimmering veil of leaded glass. Beautifully designed and produced in an intimate format, The Lamps of Tiffany Studios presents a jewel-box package that makes the perfect gift for any art lover.

About the Author:

Margaret K. Hofer is vice president and museum director at the New-York Historical Society, where she has been a curator for more than two decades. She cocurated the groundbreaking 2007 exhibition and publication A New Light on Tiffany: Clara Driscoll and the Tiffany Girls, which revealed previously unrecognized achievements of Tiffany Studios’ women designers. The New-York Historical Society holds one of the largest collections of Tiffany lamps in the world. Rebecca Klassen is an assistant curator at the New-York Historical Society.

Martin Eidelberg, Alice Cooney Frelinghuysen, Nancy A. McClelland, Lars Rache
ID: 8983
Видавництво: Thames & Hudson

This is the first book devoted to Tiffany lamps in more than 20 years. Experts in the field have made a selection of exceptional lamps - many of which have rarely been seen or published - and each one has been newly photographed with the latest photographic techniques to reveal in extraordinary detail the artistic quality and high craftsmanship of these masterpieces of decorative art.

Martin Eidelberg and Alice Cooney Frelinghuysen have contributed essays on the history of the lamps, enlarging our understanding of Louis Comfort Tiffany's achievement. They have drawn upon a host of previously unpublished photographs, paintings, and watercolors by Tiffany and other artists in his employ, as well as on working drawings and studio photographs, and images evoking the lost gardens and interiors of Tiffany's country estate, Laurelton Hall, that so inspired him. They outline the development and manufacture of the Tiffany lamp from freehand sketch to finished form, as well as the chief decorative themes in Tiffany's glass masterpieces and their relation to the work of other fin de siecle glassmakers.

Камила де ла Бедуайер
ID: 6286
Видавництво: Арт-Родник

Ослепительные, драгоценные, замысловатые, сияющие - вот лишь несколько из эпитетов, которыми обычно описывают работы Луиса Комфорта Тиффани, выполненные в технике художественного стекла. С книгой "Луис Комфорт Тиффани. Лучшие произведения" вы можете снова и снова погружаться в мир прекрасных вещей, а также узнать больше о жизни великого мастера и его поисках истинной Красоты. Здесь представлены лучшие работы - от радужных ламп Пионы и Стрекозы до больших "полотен", в которых стекло заменило краски, - витражей Попугаи и сосуд с золотыми рыбками или Времена года.

Эластер Дункан
ID: 5828
Видавництво: Арт-Родник

Прекрасно иллюстрированное подарочное издание большого формата в суперобложке, с односторонним золотым обрезом, упакованное в оригинальный подарочный футляр.

Эластер Дункан, эксперт всемирного уровня в области творчества Луиса К.Тиффани, написал замечательную работу о лучшем художнике-дизайнере Америки, исследовав каждую грань беспримерных достижений Тиффани в контексте его благословенной жизни, его собственных высказываний, относящихся к "Поискам красоты". Эта книга, в основу которой положены материалы великолепного собрания Музея-сада Луиса К.Тиффани, созданного господином Хориути, представляет собой уникальный обзор всех аспектов многогранного таланта художника. Читателю впервые предоставлена возможность охватить взором весь спектр дарований этого человека "под одной обложкой", начиная с его знаменитых ламп и витражей и заканчивая менее известными творениями в области живописи и мебели. Каждый предмет коллекции воспроизведен в цвете, некоторые сопровождаются откликами прессы времен Тиффани, материалами каталогов его компаний, рекламой и прайс-листами; фотографии дают возможность увидеть творения Тиффани в домашней обстановке, в салонах и демонстрационных залах его фирмы, а также на выставках, где изделия впервые заявляли о себе. В книге собран также фотоматериал о художественных мастерских по изготовлению продукции Тиффани и приведены эскизы и проекты дизайнеров-первопроходцев в разных отраслях производства. Богатейший иллюстративный материал сопровождается подробным и увлекательным описанием мастерских, материалов, производственных процессов, повествованием о богатых особах, покровительствовавших Тиффани, и об их заказах, о ярких личностях команды мастеров-художников, которыми окружил себя Тиффани. Книга дает великолепную и четкую панораму всех видов художественной деятельности, в которых попробовал свои силы Тиффани, и является подлинной энциклопедией выдающегося таланта этого человека.

Jeannine Falino, Yvonne J. Markowitz (Editors)
ID: 5262
Видавництво: ACC Art Books

The firm of Tiffany & Co. has long been regarded as America's premier maker and retailer of fine luxury goods. This is especially true in the case of jewellery, an area in which the company emerged as an arbiter of taste and style by the mid-19th century. Charles Lewis Tiffany, one of the founders of the firm, was astutely aware of the desire of newly emerged elites for high-style jewels that would rival those owned by European aristocrats. A savy entrepreneur, Tiffany would eventually purchase part of the French Crown jewels for his American clients, selling them along with outstanding diamonds, precious gem-set jewellery, and Swiss-made watches. All would bear the company's mark and by the end of the 19th century, the brand was firmly established.

While Tiffany & Co. lavishly met the luxury needs of America's well-to-do, they also passionately developed an American style, promoting American materials and motifs. Their displays at the International Expositions met with great success, further increasing their reputation in the world-wide market. They were also quick to adapt technological advances, including the raised diamond mount ("Tiffany setting"), new diamond-cutting techniques, and a system of hallmarking. Charles Lewis Tiffany's successors in the 20th century continued to create extraordinary adornments designed by outstanding artists such as Louis Comfort Tiffany, Jean Schlumberger, Angela Cummings, Elsa Peretti, and Paloma Picasso. This book, through a series of original essays, pays tribute to the firm's enduring ingenuity.

Tiffany Godoy, Ivan Vartanian
ID: 3248
Видавництво: Thames & Hudson

Tokyo Street Style profiles the daring and influential designers and labels at this epicentre of Japanese and global fashion. Offering a pop cultural history of the scene, a snapshot of where it is today, and a glimpse into its future, this dazzling book includes hundreds of images of innovative and astonishing fashions, ads, stores, models and magazines, plus the creators themselves.

    Commes des Garçons
    Sonya Park
    Hysteric Glamour
    Baby, the Stars Shine Bright
    Hiroshi Fujiwara
    A Bathing Ape
    Under Cover
    … and many more.

Jacob Baal-Teshuva
ID: 2696
Видавництво: Taschen

Tiffany's magical lamps and stained glass

This lavish volume provides an overview of the fifty-year career and the highly innovative and creative work of Louis Comfort Tiffany (1848-1933). The inventor of Favril Glass, an opalescent glass with deep, glowing colour that far surpassed, in quality and beauty, all existing techniques, Tiffany was one of the most original and influential designers and America's leading exponent of Art Nouveau. Tiffany Studios, founded in 1889, were well known for their use of sensuous, organic, natural and floral forms. Tiffany's iridescent coloured vases and his lampshades with their haunting colours became extremely popular and sought after the world over. Although known primarily as a glass artist, Tiffany was also involved in interior design, furniture, rugs, ceramics, mosaics, jewellery, bronzes, desk sets, mirrors and more. He decorated the White House, as well as the homes of Mark Twain, Cornelius Vanderbilt, Andrew Carnegie and others.

With some 400 colour plates, text by Jacob Baal-Teshuva, a documentary index, and an illustrated biography/bibliography, Louis Comfort Tiffany pays homage to the brilliant life's work of the man who revolutionized both the art and technique of stained glass.

John Loring
ID: 2563
Видавництво: Abrams

Tiffany Colored Gems, the latest in Abrams’ series with Tiffany & Co., traces the dazzling history of the company’s use of coloured stones in its jewellery design from the mid-nineteenth century to the present day. Organized by colour, stones of every brilliant shade, variety, and cut make an appearance, from emeralds, sapphires, rubies, and amethysts to tourmalines, opals, turquoise, and jade.

Lavishly illustrated with archival and contemporary photographs, Tiffany Colored Gems also includes paintings of famous stones and those who wore them in centuries past, as well as design sketches and drawings from Tiffany’s extensive archive. Prominently featuring the designs of Paloma Picasso and Jean Schlumberger, as well as many others, including Frank Gehry, Tiffany Colored Gems is sure to tantalize and captivate jewellery lovers around the world.

About the Author:

John Loring, design director of Tiffany & Co. since 1979, is the author of Abrams’ Tiffany Pearls, Tiffany Diamonds, Tiffany’s Palm Beach, Greetings from Andy: Christmas at Tiffany’s, Tiffany in Fashion, and Tiffany Flora & Fauna, among others. Prior to joining Tiffany, Loring served as the New York bureau chief of Architectural Digest. He lives in New York City.

Howell Conant
ID: 1904
Видавництво: Schirmer/Mosel Verlag

Recently sold at Christie’s, Holly Golightly’s black Givenchy dress (and its enchanting wearer) remain available for admiration in this volume presenting movie shots from Breakfast at Tiffany’s and fashion shots with Audrey Hepburn taken by Howell Conant, a long-time friend of Grace Kelly’s and the official court photographer to the Grimaldis.

Alastair Duncan
ID: 1290
Видавництво: ACC Art Books

This beautiful and comprehensive work illustrates a seemingly inexhaustible selection of the oil and electric light fixtures issued by the Tiffany studios: table and floor lamps, chandeliers and sconces. Also included are the other metalware items produced by the firm, including fancy goods, desk sets, miscellaneous household goods such as toiletry and smoking accessories, inkstands, candlesticks, photograph frames, book ends, tea screens, clocks, tobacco jars, humidors - the list is almost endless.

Tiffany Lamps and Metalware is the ultimate pictorial reference work for both enthusiasts and collectors of Tiffany. There is a comprehensive index that cross-references the firm's original model numbers to the illustrations.

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