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Elisabetta Kuky Drudi, Tiziana Paci
ID: 15076
Издательство: Hoaki

The seminal guide to figure drawing for fashion design in a completely revised, updated and expanded two-volume edition. Fashion drawing is the most important way to visualize ideas and concepts in costume and fashion design. This new and expanded, revised and updated two-volume edition of the classic title Figure Drawing for Fashion Design is a precise, topic-by-topic manual that will help readers acquire and perfect their skills in figure drawing for fashion design on the female form. Mastering the rules of figure drawing as well as stylistic techniques that add individuality and flair to the design is an essential skill for all designers and illustrators. In its approach, this book is ideal both for those designers and students who want to apply themselves professionally to fashion design and for all enthusiasts of drawing the female body in a fashion context.

About the Authors:

As a consultant, illustrator and stylist for renowned fashion companies, Elisabetta Kuky Drudi has planned and organised international fashion collections and shows. She has collaborated as an illustrator, fashion and textile designer with firms such as Baldessarini, Fuzzi, Hugo Boss & Hugo Boss Sport, Jean Paul Gaultier (Femme, Homme and Soleil) and Joop. Currently, she designs for various international fashion houses and collaborates as a technical knit designer with Emilio Pucci, Mary Katrantzou and MSGM.

Tiziana Paci lives and works in Pesaro, Italy, teaching fashion design and painting. In her thirty years of experience, she has invented original methods for design in general and for the improvement of drawing and painting techniques for fashion sketches and figures. All this material has been organized into a number of manuals which combine both educational and artistic aspects. Thanks to their innovative nature, effectiveness and wealth of images, the texts have been translated into many languages and used in schools in Italy and abroad. She is the author of Colour in Fashion Illustration.

Цена: 1980 грн
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Tiziana Paci
ID: 17992
Издательство: Hoaki

This book is a practical manual intended specifically for anyone interested in delving into the technique of granting colour to fashion figurine illustrations to give them more life and expressiveness. In a clear and educational way,

Tiziana Paci, autor of the well-know book Figure Drawing for Fashion Design, explains in detail the different themes examined in the work through images and examples along with concise and to-the-point texts ideal for neophytes as well as people who have been working in this field for years.

Цена: 1980 грн
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Elisabetta Kuky Drudi, Tiziana Paci
ID: 15108
Издательство: Hoaki

This completely redesigned and updated long-selling manual offers a comprehensive guide to acquiring and perfecting the skills needed to produce realistic and precise fashion drawings that accurately reflect a designer s creative vision. It covers all aspects related to male human figure drawings, male fashion figurines, colouring styles and techniques, as well the design and representation of fabrics. It also includes technical details and examples of different types of clothing and accessories. The best-selling authors, Elizabetta Drudi and Tiziana Paci, have decades of experience in the fashion industry and have created an invaluable resource for designers and illustrators.

About the Authors:

As a consultant, illustrator and stylist for renowned fashion companies, Elisabetta Kuky Drudi has planned and organised international fashion collections and shows. She has collaborated as an illustrator, fashion and textile designer with firms such as Baldessarini, Fuzzi, Hugo Boss & Hugo Boss Sport, Jean Paul Gaultier (Femme, Homme and Soleil) and Joop. Currently, she designs for various international fashion houses and collaborates as a technical knit designer with Emilio Pucci, Mary Katrantzou and MSGM.

Tiziana Paci lives and works in Pesaro, Italy, teaching fashion design and painting. In her thirty years of experience, she has invented original methods for design in general and for the improvement of drawing and painting techniques for fashion sketches and figures. All this material has been organized into a number of manuals which combine both educational and artistic aspects. Thanks to their innovative nature, effectiveness and wealth of images, the texts have been translated into many languages and used in schools in Italy and abroad. She is the author of Colour in Fashion Illustration.

Цена: 1980 грн
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Elizabetta Drudi & Tiziana Paci
ID: 7161
Издательство: Pepin Press

Figure Drawing for Fashion Design has been one of The Pepin Press’ most popular titles since it was first published in 2001. To accompany the publication of a new, revised edition of that title, The Pepin Press is introducing a new, companion title – Figure Drawing for Men’s Fashion – which focuses on the male form in fashion design.

As in its female counterpart, Figure Drawing for Men’s Fashion offers a concise, topic-by-topic guide to acquiring and perfecting the skills needed to produce realistic and precise fashion plates that accurately reflect a designer’s creative vision. The authors, Elizabetta Drudi and Tiziana Paci, have decades of experience in the fashion industry and have created an invaluable resource for designers, illustrators, and artists.

The breadth of information and attention to detail make this title ideal for students, professionals, and anyone who enjoys fashion design.


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Elisabetta 'Kuky' Drudi, Tiziana Paci
ID: 6096
Издательство: Pepin Press

Fashion plates are the primary means of visualising ideas and concepts in costume and fashion design. To give an accurate impression of what is in a designer's mind, it is vital to have complete mastery of the rules of figure drawing and grasp stylisation and exaggeration techniques that add individuality and style.

This new edition of Figure Drawing for Fashion Design - fully revised, updated and expanded - offers a concise, topic-by-topic guide to acquiring and perfecting these skills, concentrating on the female form. This book is ideal for those who want to apply themselves professionally to fashion design as well as enthusiasts of drawing the human body.

This edition contains the following chapters:

-  Drawing the female figure
A very comprehensive course in drawing all parts of the female body
-  The figure in the fashion
Teaches you how to draw specifically for fashion design and presentation
- Fashion design
Provides an introduction into what is required to design and draw new collections
- Garment drawing and design
What you need to know to make accurate technical drawings of whole garments, details, trimmings, etc.


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О книге Figure Drawing for Fashion Design

Figure Drawing for Fashion Design расскажет о создании моды на уровне эскизов, когда только создается будущий шедевр. Эскиз – является основным средством визуализации идей и концепций в дизайне одежды. Чтобы получить точное представление, что находится в уме дизайнера, жизненно важно полностью владеть правилами изображения силуэта человека и владеть навыками стилизации и некоторого преувеличения, чтобы передать индивидуальность и стиль.

Книга Figure Drawing for Fashion Design – это новое издание о изобразительном искусстве дизайна одежды, в корне пересмотренное, обновлённое и дополненное – оно предлагает краткое пособие, которое поможет приобрести соответствующие навыки и научиться концентрироваться на женской фигуре. Она прекрасно подойдет тем, кто готовится стать профессионалом в области проектирования одежды и тем, кому нравится рисовать человеческое тело.

Figure Drawing for Fashion Design содержит в себе следующие разделы:

- Изображение женской фигуры – подробный курс расскажет, как правильно нарисовать женское тело;
- Силуэт в моде – научит рисовать тело специально для разработки одежды и презентаций;
- Современный дизайн – представляет собой введение в проектирование и создание новых модных коллекций;
- Зарисовка одежды и дизайн – в этой главе есть все, что нужно знать о технических чертежах предметов одежды полностью, а также деталей и отделки.

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Elisabetta Drudi, Tiziana Paci
ID: 249
Издательство: Pepin Press

FIGURE DRAWING FOR FASHION DESIGN offers a concise, topic by topic guide to acquiring and perfecting these skills, concentrating on the female form. The coverage provided means that this book is ideal both for those who want to apply themselves professionally to fashion design and for all enthusiasts of drawing the human body. Fashion plates are the primary means of visualizing ideas and concepts in costume and fashion design. To give an accurate impression of what is in a designer’s mind it is vital to have complete mastery of the rules of figure drawing. Here, realism and anatomical precision are the chief values, whereas, for costume and fashion, stylization and exaggeration are ways of adding individuality and verve to a plate, and of focusing attention on specific elements.


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