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ID: 11392
Издательство: Gestalten

Adding. Extending. Transforming. Upgrade breathes new life in forgotten architecture

Upgrade explores architectural and design concepts that seek to enhance and repurpose our surroundings. From slight changes to complete renovations, the spectrum of possibilities is vast. Extensions upon a rooftop. Factories turned into relaxing retreats. Wood additions contrast with antique brick exteriors. Through engaging anecdotes and inspiriting images, Upgrade provides vibrant exemplars and enthusiasm for revamping existing spaces.

Repurposing the unused; a dilapidated barn, a raddled townhome, a historical and fading building façade – these can all be starting points for stunning and inspiring homes. Upgrade displays transformations: be it sheds into playrooms, a garage to a guesthouse, or an alpine hut into a holiday getaway. Hidden in the walls of old structures are possibilities and inspirations that can be realized with any budget; charm and character become the criteria for titivating a residence.

Upgrade offers projects that succeed in finding the balance between the traditional and the modern. Architects share their experiences, motivations, and approaches. Before-and-after photos illustrate the metamorphoses. This is a volume for all who desire a new perspective, for those that prefer to preserve rather than to demolish. What are ruins to some become another’s architectural playground.

Цена: 1980 грн
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Tsypylma Darieva, Carola S. Neugebauer
ID: 13999
Издательство: DOM Publishers

Over recent decades, there has been a rise in the number of grassroots initiatives in urban spaces across Eastern Europe and Eurasia. A variety of groups and individuals are claiming the city space and its development and finding their own ways
to initiate urban change. This book examines central questions about these activities. What are its main features in contem­porary post-Soviet cities? What are the strategies and practices of an urban civic engagement that evolves both on a micro level and through larger-scale processes?

The volume challenges the prevailing simplistic view of weak, passive, and scared citizens in Eastern European and Eurasian cities – places that are themselves often seen as shaped by neoliberal and authoritarian structures. Here, the editors argue
for the vibrant diversity and dynamism in contemporary urban civic activism in Eurasia. Employing diverse sources such as photos, interviews with local activists, and scholarly reports from the fields of anthropology, planning, architecture, political sciences, and sociology, they explore the creativity and novelty of Eurasian grassroots activism. By drawing on these multi-disciplinary perspectives, they aim to overcome distances and initiate dia­logues among the interested public, activists, urban decision makers, and academics in the East and West alike.

With contributions from Levon Abrahamian, Nazaket Azimli, Esma Berikishvili, Jonas Büchel, Tsypylma Darieva, Olena Denysenko, Nadja Douglas, Alexander Formozov, Christian Fröhlich, J. Otto Habeck, Carola S. Neugebauer, Sergey Mayarenkov, Oleg Pachenkov, Lela Rekhviashvili, Andrei Semenov, Gayane Shagoyan, David Sichinava, Elena Stein, Lev Vladov, Lilia Voronkova.


В последние годы в Восточной Европе и Евразии наблюдается все больше низовых инициатив в городских пространствах. Различные сообщества и отдельные активисты стремятся менять и развивать общественные пространства и находят новые пути для внедрения изменений в городах. В этой книге рассматриваются основные вопросы, касающиеся подобных инициатив.

Издание бросает вызов популярным, но во многом ошибочным представлениям о слабых и пассивных жителях и городских сообществах восточноевропейских и евразийских городов, которые и сами зачастую видятся лишь отражением деятельности неолиберальных и авторитарных структур. Участники исследования анализируют динамичные течения современного городского активизма. Обращаясь к разнообразным источникам, проводя интервью с местными активистами и изучая научные данные в области антропологии, проектирования, архитектуры, политических наук и социологии, они исследуют креативность и новизну подходов низового активизма, а также призывают нас преодолеть дистанцию и начать международный диалог между заинтересованными общественными организациями, активистами, городскими администрациями и учеными.

При участии Левона Абрамяна, Назакет Азимли, Эсмы Берикишвили, Йонаса Бюхеля, Цыпилмы Дариевой, Елены Денисенко, Нади Дуглас, Александра Формозова, Кристиана Фрелиха, Дж. Отто Хабека, Каролы С. Нойгебауэр, Сергея Маяренкова, Олега Паченкова, Лелы Рехвиашвили, Андрея Семенова, Гаяне Шагоян, Давида Сичинавы, Елены Штейн, Льва Владова, Лилии Воронковой.

Цена: 980 грн
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Karsten Pålsson
ID: 15568
Издательство: DOM Publishers

Dense, organic cities with interconnected building structures and easily accessed common urban spaces. Cities that offer variety, vibrancy and architectural qualities that tempt people to go exploring on foot or by bike. Cities that have a sense of openness, make people feel safe and create opportunities for conversations in public spaces. Cities that are rooted in tradition and a respect for cultural heritage. Cities that provide meeting places in a setting conducive to cultural cohesion. Social and sensory cities.

This book points to urban blocks as the structure best suited to pro­moting sustainable building developments and cities. Its first part presents some urban qualities that have evolved from the urban block as a fundamental, flexible element. These examples have been selected from European block cities as well as from old and new urban districts in Copenhagen.

The second part of the book outlines the elements of the urban block city and its potential, proposing 10 principles that underpin an action-oriented platform for transforming older urban districts or planning new ones.

Цена: 2500 грн
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Lilet Breddels with Tetyana Oliynyk and Fulco Treffers
ID: 18245
Издательство: DOM Publishers

This publication reflects the work of the first year of Ro3kvit – Urban Coalition for Ukraine. The members are profes­sionals from Ukraine and elsewhere who have come together to rethink Ukraine’s future. In six chapters covering topics ranging from urbanism to housing and from identity to circular building and governance, the many different aspects of rebuilding and reconstruction are addressed in the form of longer essays, conversations, and project descriptions. All texts and projects are written or executed by Ro3kvit members. Sometimes the authors express their personal views and involvement, creating a rich amalgam of different voices while adhering to a common set of values that members of Ro3kvit share and cherish.

Ro3kvit’s work follows five principles:
• Civil society comes first
• Ro3kvit’s work is ethically sound
• Consideration of prudent use of sources and resources
• Education is crucial
• Ro3kvit’s work is network-based

Цена: 1250 грн
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Joan Busquets, Dingliang Yang
ID: 15471
Издательство: Oro Editions

Urban Grids: Handbook for Regular City Design is the result of a five-year design research project undertaken by professor Joan Busquets and Dingliang Yang at the Harvard Graduate School of Design. The research that is the foundation for this publication emphasises the value of open forms for city design, a publication that specifically insists that the grid has the unique capacity to absorb and channel urban transformation flexibly and productively. 

Urban Grids analyses cities and urban projects that utilise the grid as the main structural device for allowing rational development, and goes further to propose speculative design projects capable of suggesting new urban paradigms drawn from the grid as a design tool. Consisting of six major parts, it is divided into the following topics: 1) the atlas of grid cities, 2) grid projects through history, 3) the 20th-century dilemma, 4) the atlas of contemporary grid projects, 5) projective tools for the future, and 6) goodgrid city as an open form coping with new urban issues.

- Urban Grids, which is both historical and projective, explores the potential of the grid as a design tool in producing a multitude of urban processes and forms
- Aimed at both academic and professional audiences who are involved with city planning, urban design, architecture, and landscape architecture

About the Authors:

Joan Busquets, world-renowned urban planner and architect, is the first Martin Bucksbaum Professor in Practice of Urban Planning and Design at the Harvard Graduate School of Design, Dingliang Yang is currently a teaching fellow and research associate, as well as a Doctor of Design Candidate at the Harvard University Graduate School of Design. He is the founding principal of VARY Design.

Цена: 2800 грн
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Bertrando Bonfantini and Imma Forino
ID: 16689
Издательство: LetteraVentidue Edizioni

“Urban interstices” — their design — are the topic of this book. What are urban interstices? What different issues, opportunities, roles, and concepts do they deal with?

The book’s five chapters written by urban planners, architects and interior designers provide five different views and keys — Urban rewriting, Architectural threshold, Green rooms, Connecting publicness, Ephemeral devices — and draft a possible path to sound the spectrum of urban interstices’ design in Italy. Urban space can be “interstitial” in its ambiguous capability of signification in the sense-making process; that is, in the double valence of a mute void — space without signification — or meaningful room — a small and dense universe of suspension. Sometimes the project for interstitial spaces aims to transform the former into the latter. Sometimes, on the other hand, the project makes the interstice an interface, connector, exchanger, membrane, space of interrelation. So that urban interstices become alternatively thresholds and pulsating rooms, and urban catalysts activated by specific design moves and devices. And somehow they also speak of a general “interstitial” condition of urban space today. The critical path proposed here is based on the review of seventy contemporary Italian cases. A collection of sixty projects is provided in the second part of the book, while ten cases — two for each thematic key — are explored in brief monographic essays and by interviews with the authors of the projects. They are the subject of the photographic essay, Visual narration, put in the middle of the book.


Пролистать книгу Urban Interstices in Italy - Design Experiences

Цена: 980 грн
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gestalten & Benevento
ID: 15001
Издательство: Gestalten

Envision the city as an infinite playground

Created in collaboration with Red Bull, Urban Playgrounds explores some of the world’s most thrilling places for urban sports. From Venice, Barcelona and Los Angeles, to Brasilia, Istanbul, Cairo, Lagos, or Jakarta, this book reveals an exhilarating marriage between space and sports.

Born from a need to challenge boundaries, or a desire for self-expression and entertainment, urban sports reimagine the city as a playground. Be it freestyling on a skateboard, riding a BMX, or stretching the human body in parkour, urban athletes demonstrate the possibilities.

Цена: 1980 грн
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Wolfgang Sonne
ID: 13933
Издательство: DOM Publishers

In the writing of urban design history of the twentieth century, functionalist and avant-garde models of the dissolution of the city are dominating. In contrast this book presents projects whose goal is the ideal of a dense and urbane city. Drawing on plans, built examples and theories of dense and urban cities and city districts in the twentieth century, modern examples of urban design are analyzed and highlighted, which until now have been evaluated more as fringe phenomena. These include examples characterized by functional mixture, social openness, spatially defined public spaces, urban architecture, historical reference and a cultural understanding of the city. The book's new evaluation of modern urban design history creates opportunities for current planning by offering best-practice models, which better reflect the striving for urbanity and density.

Цена: 4000 грн
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Karen Klein, Thomas Klein, Peter Haunert
ID: 13651
Издательство: teNeues

A unique collection of more than 60 vegetarian, vegan, and vegan-friendly hotels and bed & breakfasts from all over the world, made even more enticing by delicious recipes.

Even with the loveliest hotel room and a beckoning pool, the perfect vacation can be spoiled when the restaurant forces you to make a meal out of side dishes. For vegetarians and vegans, a hotel vacation suiting their culinary lifestyle can still be quite a challenge. But there are outstanding alternatives out there, you just have to find them! In 2011, travel writers Karen Klein, Thomas Klein, and Peter Haunert established VeggieHotels®, the world’s first network of entirely vegetarian and vegan hotels and inns, which now includes far more than 500 establishments around the globe. They added VeganWelcome® in 2015 as a hand-picked selection of particularly vegan-friendly hotels.

In addition to purely vegetarian-vegan hotels, more establishments are offering guests outstanding vegan cuisine alongside more conventional dishes, so the founders of VeggieHotels® responded to this trend in 2015 by expanding their selection of vegan-friendly accommodations with another new website called, VeganWelcome®. They shine a spotlight on wonderful places run with great love and enthusiasm that are paving the way for a kind of tourism based on ethical principles and sustainability. And their success shows just how right they were: today, more than 300 hotels and inns in over 60 countries are VeggieHotels® and VeganWelcome® members. Guests at these establishments can savor new and creative vegetarian and vegan cuisine that will satisfy even the most jaded palate. This volume introduces the best hotels from the VeggieHotels® and VeganWelcome® websites with gorgeous photos and detailed information on each property’s special features — from cooking classes to yoga retreats. From vegan surfing camps to luxury hotels, from exclusive Ayurvedic retreats to simple mountain chalets, and from Tuscan country estates to holistic wellness resorts on Bali, the hotels presented in the book are dream destinations for fans of plant-based sustenance — and a whole lot more. They are also highly recommended for anyone interested in a healthy diet and lifestyle as well as sustainable travel. Top chefs reveal their secret recipes as well, so your culinary getaway can continue long after you’ve returned home.

Every hotel presented in this book is unique, with a history entirely its own and often built on an intensely personal dream. In every establishment, guests come to enjoy new, creative, vegetarian, and vegan cuisines that will satisfy even the most selective gourmets.

 - P.E.A. Award 2017 in the category "Travel/Tourism"
 - With recipes that will make your mouth water just reading them

The perfect gift for anyone who cares as much about clean eating as they do about sustainable tourism

Цена: 1800 грн
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Clemens F. Kusch, Anabel Gelhaar
ID: 18232
Издательство: DOM Publishers

Venice has developed into a Mecca for international architects in the last few decades. The elite of contemporary architecture gather to celebrate the most prestigious architecture exhibition of our time at the Biennale in the shadows of St. Mark’s Place, the Rialto Bridge and the Doge’s Palace. It is all the more amazing that there is no current guide which covers the modern architecture of the largest open-air-museum in the world.

This Architectural Guide is a ticket to a journey of discovery off the beaten tourist path through Venice after 1950. The boat trips and walks in the guide lead to new residential complexes and converted harbour sheds, to works by Carlo Scarpa, Tadao Ando and David Chipperfield.

This very practical travel guide also examines controversial new projects like the flood control barriers or spectacular conversions like that of the Fondaco dei Tedeschi by Rem Koolhaas. In addition to never-released designs by Frank Lloyd Wright, Le Corbusier and Louis Kahn, the authors present all the Biennale pavilions from the last six decades.


Venezia è ormai da qualche tempo la Mecca della comunità internazionale degli architetti. All’ombra di Piazza San Marco, del Ponte di Rialto e del Palazzo Ducale, l’élite dell’architettura contemporanea si ritrova alla Biennale per autocelebrarsi e presenziare all’esposizione di architettura più famosa del nostro tempo. Stranamente, non esistono guide aggiornate sull’architettura moderna della città – il museo open air più grande del mondo.

Questa guida è un invito a scoprire la Venezia dopo il 1950, lontano dalle rotte turistiche. Le passeggiate e le escursioni in barca conducono a nuovi complessi residenziali e capannoni portuali ristrutturati, a opere di Carlo Scarpa, Tadao Ando e David Chipperfield. Questa pratica compagna di viaggio illustra anche i progetti di nuove opere tanto discusse, come il sistema per la protezione dall’acqua alta MOSE, o di ristrutturazioni spettacolari, come il Fondaco dei Tedeschi di Rem Koolhaas.

Oltre ai progetti mai realizzati di Frank Lloyd Wright, Le Corbusier e Louis Kahn, gli autori presentano anche tutti i Padiglioni della Biennale realizzati negli ultimi sessant’anni.

Цена: 1980 грн
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Servane Giol, Mattia Aquila
ID: 15021
Издательство: Flammarion

Venice of a thousand reflections; Venice of mirror and glass, of silk and gold; Venice of light and lace, of transparency and porcelain.

With her expert knowledge and insight, Servane Giol takes us to the heart of the Venetian art de vivre, a warm and private invitation to meet some of the most creative people living in the city today. Accompanying us into historic private palazzi as well as more recently restored houses and apartments, she introduces us to a new generation of artists and designers who are attracted by the radiant beauty, energy, and lifestyle of the Serenissima — a charmed circle of talented friends who are bringing a fresh dynamism and elegance to the city, shining a new light on some of its rarest and most exquisite traditional crafts, and lovingly safeguarding them for future generations.

This love letter to the hidden beauties of Venice and to the skills for which the city is famed is brilliantly complemented by the photography of Mattia Aquila. It offers both a revelation and an everlasting memory for all those who will never forget their dazzling first sight of the domes, the campaniles, and the shimmering golden silence of this legendary city that floats between sea and sky.


Пролистать книгу Venice: A Private Invitation

Цена: 3200 грн
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Martin Gayford
ID: 17377
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

A visual journey through five centuries of the city known for centuries as 'La Serenissima' - a unique and compelling story for both lovers of Venice and lovers of its art.

Venice was a major centre of art in the Renaissance: the city where the medium of oil on canvas became the norm. The achievements of the Bellini brothers, Carpaccio, Giorgione, Titian, Tintoretto and Veronese are a key part of this story. Nowhere else has been depicted by so many great painters in so many diverse styles and moods. Venetian views were a speciality of native artists such as Canaletto and Guardi, but the city has also been represented by outsiders: J. M. W. Turner, Claude Monet, John Singer Sargent, Howard Hodgkin, and many more.

Then there are those who came to look at and write about art. The reactions of Henry James, George Eliot, Richard Wagner and others enrich this tale. Nor is the story over. Since the advent of the Venice Biennale in the 1890s, and the arrival of pioneering modern art collector Peggy Guggenheim in the late 1940s, the city has become a shop window for the contemporary art of the whole world, and it remains the site of important artistic events.

In this elegant volume, Gayford - who has visited Venice countless times since the 1970s, covered every Biennale since 1990, and even had portraits of himself exhibited there on several occasions - takes us on a visual journey through the past five centuries of the city known 'La Serenissima', the Most Serene. It is a unique and compelling portrait of Venice that will delight lovers of the city and lovers of its art.

About the Author:

Martin Gayford is a writer and art critic. His books include Michelangelo: His Epic Life (Penguin), as well as Man with a Blue Scarf (in which he recounts the experience of being painted by Freud), Modernists and Mavericks, Spring Cannot Be Cancelled (with David Hockney), A History of Pictures (with David Hockney), Shaping the World (with Antony Gormley), and Love Lucian: The Letters of Lucian Freud, 1939-1954 (with David Dawson), all published by Thames & Hudson.

Цена: 1700 грн
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ID: 12469
Издательство: Gestalten

A maritime city, Venice has long lured travellers to its shores. Set sail and discover the romantic and magical charm of a city built upon the water.

Like the tide that laps knee-high against its fine palazzos, Venice is ever-changing. Since its bog-like beginnings as a collection of mini islands in swampy marshland, the city has been forced to use its initiative. Today, faced with floods of day-trippers and acqua alta alike, it continues to rely on innovative ideas. Whether it's a museum with groundfloor channels to cope with high water levels or a theatre in a warehouse once used for stretching sails, it capitalises on its lagoon location and spouts ingenuity.

The Monocle Travel Guide to Venice looks beyond the teeming tourist traps to discover La Serenissima's true charms, from classical and contemporary architectural wonders to galleries brimming with both Venetian and international works of art. We've wended our way through the city's willowy calli to find the trattorias offering the finest seafood, as well as the best bàcari to visit when you're craving a spritz. Venice is made for walking so we've mapped out four neighbourhood trails that will show you the way, as well as our favourite independent shops and the plushest hotels.

The magazine, Monocle, covers the world with its network of bureaus in New York, Toronto, Zurich, Hong Kong, Istanbul, Tokyo, and Singapore. It also employs more than 30 dedicated correspondents - in cities from Bangkok to Bogota, Sao Paolo to Stockholm - as well as a team of on-the-road reporters based out of its headquarters in London. This team's deep understanding of cities and all they have to offer has now been compiled in The Monocle Travel Guide Series.

Цена: 900 грн
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Graham Cleary
ID: 10667
Издательство: Design Media Publishing

With the progress of urbanisation worldwide, the conflict between architecture and green areas in the urban context is becoming increasingly pressing. The concept of integrated landscape arises as an important approach to increase green areas while not occupying valuable inner city lands, and thus finds its way in more and more cities around the world.

The book focuses on the theme of integrated landscape, addressing its two main categories respectively: green walls and rooftop gardens. Thirty-nine cutting-edge projects are selected to present the latest trends in landscape design. Graham Cleary, executive of Green Roofs Australasia and an accredited green roof professional, is invited to be chief editor of the book, in which integrated landscape design is discussed in detail, while technical key issues such as plant selection, irrigation systems and maintenance are involved.

About the Author
Graham Cleary founded Natural Habitats in 1978 in Auckland as a fledgling design build company under the mentorship of the city’s then only Landscape Architect.

Graham has worked on and led many outstanding landscape projects in the South Pacific, including resorts, golf courses, commercial projects and exquisite private estates & homes. Under his leadership, Natural Habitats has grown to be the leading provider of integrated landscape management within Australasia. Graham demonstrates coherent leadership of multi-disciplinary teams in order to achieve the innovative, high-quality outcomes that Natural Habitats is renowned for.

Graham is also at the forefront of thinking on the use of natural systems to mitigate urban development issues. He played an essential role in Natural Habitats pioneering green roofs and wall technology within New Zealand.

Graham has served as consultant and advisor to numerous landscape design and environmental groups. He is a founding member of Landscaping New Zealand, an accredited Green Roof Professional, an executive of Green Roofs Australasia, an associate of KEA, part of the Great Barrier Trust, a member of Forest & Bird and of the Native Forest Restoration Trust.

Цена: 1500 грн
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ID: 13492
Издательство: Gestalten

The best in vertical architecture from impossibly slender homes in narrow plots to the art of spacious design in compact infills

The era of moving to the suburbs is coming to an end. Instead, a growing movement of city dwellers are looking for grand architectural solutions in the smallest of spaces. Slender, slim, and tall structures are soaring in the limited land available, offering innovative solutions to a world with ever-growing urbanization.

Vertical Living is an introduction to the architecture and interior masterminds using skillful, clever design to conquer compact living wherever there is space. As we continue to expect more of our flats and houses, unexpected approaches are necessary for the future of our urban spaces.

Цена: 1980 грн
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