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Andrew Alpern, Kenneth Grant, Simon Fieldhouse
ID: 17939
Издательство: Abbeville Press

An illustrated tour of the elegant entrances to New York City’s most celebrated apartment houses.

This handsome, oversized book introduces us to the grandest entrances of New York City’s residential buildings. These posh portals come in an array of forms and styles, such as the porte cochère, with a passage to admit carriages or motor cars; the classic awning, originally meant to be retracted in good weather; and Neoclassical, Romanesque, and Gothic revivals. 

Architectural historian Andrew Alpern highlights approximately 140 entrances, from the nineteenth century to the present, including those of the Dakota, the first true luxury apartment house in New York; San Remo, one of Central Park West’s most impressive apartment houses; and the Ansonia, at one time the largest hotel in the world. Each entrance is accompanied by a description of its signal features and the history of the building that surrounds it. All are represented in splendid color photographs, and many by charming watercolor drawings.

These ornate entrances offer a glimpse into New York’s past, as well as its future—for today, once again, entryways have begun to feature heavily in the marketing of residential buildings. Posh Portals will be an inspiration for architects and a delight for city dwellers.

About the Author:

Andrew Alpern has a background as an attorney, architect, and architectural historian, and is the author of numerous books, most recently The Dakota: A History of the World's Best-Known Apartment Building.

Цена: 3800 грн
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Anna Minguet
ID: 11689
Издательство: Monsa

How many modules do you need to live?

With this simple question we present this new book about prefabricated and modular construction. Showing options for expanding or downsizing according to each person’s need for space, and the ease with which you can move the home to a new place. Homes that are economical, green, and durable.

Цена: 750 грн
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Jutta Albus, Philipp Meuser
ID: 13990
Издательство: DOM Publishers

Prefabricated housing, often associated with blighted urban landscapes and monotonous grey boxes, has evolved into an approach to housing with a wealth of aesthetic and structural possibilities. Modern methods of constructing and assembling prefab buildings with large panels – methods that date back to the 19th century – are experiencing a renaissance. This is true across the world, from Vancouver and New York to London and Berlin through to Astana and Singapore. Moreover, prefabrication now also serves a wider range of purposes. In Moscow, Europe’s largest metropolitan area with 16 million people, it is primarily used as a means to provide affordable homes. But in certain developed countries, prefabrication is surprisingly also used to build exclusive, upmarket properties.

This construction and design manual presents a range of different production and assembly methods currently used in the field of prefabricated housing. The manual particularly focuses on efficiency, sustainability, and market relevance, and explores strategies for organising processes while presenting best-practice examples that reflect the latest trends. Furthermore, the manual investigates the potential of prefabricated housing on historical and architectural grounds as well as from a structural engineering standpoint. It puts forward ten design parameters for prefabricated housing and presents 15 noteworthy examples to make a fresh contribution to the debate on affordable housing today.

Vol. 1: Technologies and Methods
Vol. 2: Buildings and Typologies


Индустриальное домостроение уже давно перестало быть синонимом обезображивания городского ландшафта однообразными серыми «коробками». В частности, в Центральной Европе и России панельное строительство переживает период расцвета благодаря появлению современных методов строительства и 100-летнему опыту проектирования типового жилья и использования крупных панелей. В Москве - крупнейшей европейской столице с семнадцатью миллионами жителей – индустриальное домостроение является незаменимым инструментом реализации субсидируемого жилья, методы заводского изготовления в Германии и Швейцарии,например, применяются для возведения престижной недвижимости.

Этот справочник рассматривает потенциал индустриального домостроения с конструктивной, исторической и архитектурной точек зрения. Помимо детально рассмотренных методов производства и монтажа, в книге представлены двадцать наглядных примеров с широкоформатными фотографиями, детальными планами и наглядными диаграммами. Издание вносит значительный вклад в актуальную сегодня дискуссию о доступном жилье.

Том 1: Технологии и методы
Том 2: Здания и типологии

Цена: 4200 грн
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Philipp Meuser
ID: 13991
Издательство: DOM Publishers

Prefabricated housing, often associated with blighted urban land­scapes and monotonous grey boxes, has evolved into an approach to housing with a wealth of aesthetic and ­structural possibilities. Modern methods of constructing and assembling prefabricated buildings – methods that can be traced back to the 19th century – are going through a renaissance. This is true across the world, from Vancouver and New York to London and Berlin through to Astana and Singapore. Moreover, prefabrication now serves a wider range of purposes than ever before. In ­Moscow, Europe’s largest metropolitan area, it is primarily used ­­­­as a means to provide ­affordable homes. But in some countries, prefabrication is surprisingly also used to build exclusive, upmarket properties.

This construction and design manual presents a range of ­different production and assembly methods currently used in the field of prefabricated housing. It particularly focuses on ­efficiency, sustainability, and market relevance, and presents strategies for ­organising processes along with best-practice examples that reflect the latest trends. The manual also ex­plores the historical development of prefabricated housing in order to discover its full architectural potential. Finally, it outlines ten design parameters for prefabricated housing and presents 15 noteworthy examples, making a fresh contribution to the debate on affordable housing today.


Индустриальное домостроение часто ассоциируется с унылыми городскими пейзажами и серыми «коробками», но сегодня оно демонстрирует богатство эстетических и конструктивных возможностей. Панельное строительство переживает период расцвета благодаря появлению современных технологий и значительному опыту, накоп-ленному за более чем 100 лет. Это происходит по всему миру от Ванкувера и Нью-Йорка до Лондона и Берлина, до Нур-Султана и Сингапура. В Москве индустриальное домостроение является инструментом реализации субсидируемого жилья, но в Германии и Швейцарии, например, методы заводского изготовления применяются для возведения объектов элитной недвижимости.

Это практическое пособие содержит анализ ряда технологий производства и сборки, используемых в настоящее время для строительства быстровозводимого жилья. При этом наряду с передовыми примерами из мировой практики особое внимание в книге уделяется эффективности, устойчивости и рыночной привлекательности, а также стратегиям организации всех процессов. Индустриальное домостроение рассматривается с исторической и архитектурной точек зрения, кроме того автор приводит 10 ключевых проектных параметров и 15 заслуживающих внимания проектов. Издание вносит значительный вклад в актуальную дискуссию о доступном жилье.

Цена: 3500 грн
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Adrien Goetz, Ambroise Tézenas
ID: 17183
Издательство: Flammarion

Take an exclusive tour of three presidential residences in France — their histories, art, gardens, and architecture — discussed and photographed for the first time.

This volume offers a visit to the presidential residences of France: the Élysée Palace and its neighboring Hôtel de Marigny, the Lantern Pavilion hidden away in the park of Versailles, and the Brégançon Fort. These are the places where one can discover the excellence of French artisans, its art conservators and restaurateurs, and its famed gardeners. These sites of political theater and residences of the French president showcase France’s exceptional artistic heri­tage and present the great treasures of “French taste,” in perpetual reinvention from the eighteenth century through today, to diplomatic visitors from all over the world.

The text presents a new way of understanding these buildings and their history, one which puts in perspective their evolution in decor, public or secret, and which decrypts their symbolic power thanks to the author’s unprecedented access to the buildings and to archival documents.

About the Authors:

Adrien Goetz is an art historian and an acclaimed novelist, and a member of the Academie des Beaux-Arts in Paris. He currently teaches at the University of Paris-Sorbonne. Ambroise Tézenas has published several books and contributes regularly to magazines such as The New York Times Magazine, Architectural Digest, and W.


Пролистать книгу Presidential Residences in France на сайте издательства.

Цена: 3000 грн
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Wim Pauwels
ID: 14898
Издательство: Beta-Plus

Private Spaces is not only a luxury coffee table book or a beautiful decorative object.

It is also a really useful reference guide, a treasure of information and inspiration for anyone looking to decorate or build a home, with reports of all aspects of living and design: the most beautiful entrances, hallways and staircases, living rooms, dining rooms, kitchens, home offices and libraries, bedrooms, bathrooms and spaces for relaxation.

Renowned architects and interior designers show their most remarkable new projects from all over the world.

Цена: 4000 грн
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Jesse Reiser
ID: 12926
Издательство: Princeton Architectural Press

Projects and Their Consequences presents fifteen key projects from leading architectural thinkers Reiser + Umemoto. Projects and Their Consequences traces thirty years of innovative, multidisciplinary investigations of form, structure, technique, and planning.

Projects include large-scale studies of infrastructure for the East River Corridor and Hudson Yards areas in Manhattan and the Alishan Railway in Taiwan, as well as schemes for cultural institutions including the New Museum, Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh, and University of Applied Arts Vienna. Also included are thought-provoking “textual projects”: narrative works that blur the boundaries of art and architecture.

Projects and Their Consequences balances incisive interviews and essays with more than 400 strikingly original drawings, collages, and paintings. Large-format and beautifully designed, it is a necessary volume for architects and those interested in the intersection of architecture, art, and culture.

Цена: 2200 грн
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Gerrit Confurius, Nuno Cera, Kenneth Frampton, Rafael Magrou, Yehuda Safran, Diogo Seixas Lopes, André Tavares, Ana Vaz Milheiro
ID: 16655
Издательство: Hatje Cantz

Architecture as Reflective Practice

This publication features projects that the partnership PROMONTORIO developed over the past 30 years. Together they constitute an impressive body of work for various places across Europe, Africa, the Middle East and the USA, ranging from city planning, to culture and education, heritage and conservation, commercial and mixed-use, in addition to hospitality and leisure. The idea of a reflective practice, set forth by PROMONTORIO, summons the ability to critically and ethically reflect on its own actions, while engaging in a process of continuous adaptation and learning. Perceived as a kind of "practicing school" for various generations in Portugal, the practice evolved, in both theory and practice, through the idea that deliberate reflection on experience is essential to cultivate a developmental insight on architecture.

Founded in Lisbon in 1990 by Paulo Martins Barata, João Luís Ferreira, Paulo Perloiro, Pedro Appleton and João Perloiro as an experimental practice, PROMONTORIO progressively grew into a multidisciplinary team of 60 architects, planners, landscape architects, interior designers, and graphic designers.

Цена: 3500 грн
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Ruth Rogers Clausen, Thomas Christopher
ID: 15499
Издательство: Timber Press

Garden with the confidence of a winner!

Proven Winners is America’s #1 plant brand. And now they are sharing their expert plant knowledge and creative design ideas in their first book, The Proven Winners Garden Book. This definitive guide starts with lessons on how to prepare a space, tips on choosing the right design, and a primer on buying the right plants.

Twelve garden plans provide simple design ideas that will add curb appeal to your home garden. They include:

- A welcoming entryway
- A butterfly and pollinator garden
- A fragrant flower garden
- A shady summertime retreat
- A deer-resistant garden

There are an additional twenty-five container recipes that add color and pizzazz to gardens of all sizes—even on balconies and patios. The creative combinations include holiday themes, solutions for shade and other concerns, poolside ideas, and much more.

About the Authors:

Ruth Rogers Clausen is the author of 50 Beautiful Deer-Resistant Plants, and co-author of Essential Perennials and The Proven Winners Garden Book. She received a Quill and Trowel award from the Garden Writers Association (now Garden Communicators International) and has written for the American Garden Guides series. She is the former horticulture editor for Country Living Garden magazine and a long-time contributor to Country Gardens magazine. Ruth lectures widely at horticultural conventions and symposia, flower shows, and to garden societies and clubs. In 2017, she was awarded the Garden Media Award by the Perennial Plant Association.

Thomas Christopher is the author of more than a dozen gardening books. He has written for The New York TimesThe Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society, and Horticulture Magazine, as well as serving as a columnist for House & Garden and a contributing editor at Martha Stewart Living.

Цена: 980 грн
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Augustus C. Pugin
ID: 9598
Издательство: Dover

This classic sourcebook of decorative motifs contains 100 plates of royalty-free Gothic designs, meticulously reproduced from rare 19th-century engravings. Many are floral and foliate designs rendered from panels, capitals, borders, brackets, friezes, grotesques, and other decorative elements from such architectural landmarks as New College Chapel at Oxford and Rouen Cathedral.


Пролистать книгу Pugin's Gothic Ornament: The Classic Sourcebook of Decorative Motifs with 100 Plates на Google books.

Цена: 650 грн
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Annie Sloan
ID: 11900
Издательство: Ryland Peters & Small / CICO books

With this book in one hand and a brush in the other, you can learn how to create different paint finishes and effects to change everyday rooms and furniture into something special, all for the price of a pot of paint.

The first section of the book tells you everything you need to know before you start – how to prepare surfaces properly, choose the right paint for the right place and use the best tools. Then, the 50 projects are divided into five sections: Ageing and Distressing; Working with the Base; Working with Colour; Handpainting; and Crackle, Gilding and Decoupage.

There are step-by-step images showing how to achieve the finished look, before shots and inspirational photography showing the effects used on walls and doors, furniture and floors. Learn how to bring old second-hand furniture bang up to date, or how to give modern pieces a softly aged appearance, as well as ways to treat and transform floorboards, doors and plastered walls.

Whatever the style of your interiors, Quick and Easy Paint Transformations will show you the best way to makeover your home.

About the Author:

Annie Sloan is one of the world’s most respected experts in the field of decorative painting. She runs highly successful workshops from her store in Oxford, and teaches in the US and Europe. Annie has written more than ten books, including the bestselling Quick and Easy Paint TransformationsCreating The French LookThe Painted Garden and Annie Sloan’s Painted Kitchen (all published by CICO Books), and has featured prominently on PBS television and the Homes & Gardens TV channel. She also sells her own highly acclaimed range of chalk paint which is available from almost 300 locations worldwide, including over 200 outlets in the US. The author is based between Oxford, UK and France.

Цена: 1200 грн
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Beatrice Galilee
ID: 13835
Издательство: Phaidon

An important and fascinating collection of original projects by unique thinkers in the world of architecture and spatial design

Architectural practice today goes far beyond the design and construction of buildings — the most exciting, forward-thinking architecture is also found in digital landscapes, art, apps, films, installations, and virtual reality. This remarkable book features projects — surprising, beautiful, outrageous, and sometimes even frightening — that break rules and shatter boundaries. In this timely book, the work of award-winning architects, designers, artists, photographers, writers, filmmakers, and researchers — all of whom synthesize and reflect our spatial environments — comes together for the first time.

About the Author:

Beatrice Galilee is a London-born, New York-based curator, writer, critic, consultant, and lecturer of contemporary architecture and design. Formerly the associate curator of Architecture and Design at The Met in New York, she is currently director of 'The World Around: Architecture's Now, Near & Next', a New York-based architecture summit and cultural

Цена: 2800 грн
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Author Rafael de Cárdenas, Contributions by Felix Burrichter and Jesse Seegers and John Miller
ID: 16494
Издательство: Rizzoli

The first volume on the exciting work by one of the most cutting-edge architects and interior designers working today.

Founded in 2006, Rafael de Cárdenas’s firm Architecture at Large was created after a roundabout route to architecture. His experience as a menswear designer at Calvin Klein and a creative director at the special-effects production house Imaginary Forces led him to study architecture and blend his multidisciplinary background to create spaces that are artful and highly conceptual. He is known for his bold and eye-popping projects spanning commercial and residential interiors, art objects and furniture, and pop-ups.

With four thematically organized chapters treating his most stunning projects from a decade of work in vivid detail, this book is a must-have for those interested in contemporary spaces. From highly sculptural and geometric commercial interiors to some of the most sophisticated homes in Manhattan, de Cárdenas and his firm infuse their work with an energetic spirit that is less about a particular style than it is about a masterful shaping of atmospheres and moods. The book includes stunning photography alongside two insightful essays by thought leaders in architecture and art.

About the Authors:

Rafael de Cárdenas is a New York–based designer and architect. De Cárdenas has been named a Featured Designer for AD France Collector and to the Architectural Digest AD100 list. Felix Burrichter is the creator of PIN-UP, a biannual magazine for architectural entertainment. John Miller is an artist, writer, and musician based in New York and Berlin. Jesse Seegers is a spatial practitioner and associate editor of digital projects at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation.


Пролистать книгу Rafael de Cárdenas/Architecture at Large: RDC/AAL на сайте издательства.

Цена: 3500 грн
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Author Violet Naylor-Leyland, Photographs by Andrew Farrar
ID: 16019
Издательство: Rizzoli

The private realms of well-known creatives reveal how unique personal style can color the home with a sense of history, autobiography, and, above all else, magic.

This lively book celebrates unique and inspiring British style and those who own it. Spanning generations—from Nicky Haslam to Alice Temperley, Beata Heuman, and Luke Edward Hall—this book is an irresistible tour through the homes and wardrobes of some of England’s most celebrated contemporary talents, each with their own distinctive and unconventional taste. All of the homes are original, stylish, charming, and authentic.

Author Violet Naylor-Leyland has profiled her friends and family—from society figures, titled aristocracy, and fashion and creative folk to a few wonderful unknowns—gathering together a mixed demographic with an emphasis on unique and inimitable style, represented not only by fashion but by interiors, possessions, and in some cases examples of the work of those featured. Marrying gorgeous design with Naylor-Leyland’s engaging and witty texts, this book provides rare access to the personalities featured, giving readers up-close insight into their personal tastes. Pairing gorgeous photos of interiors with engaging interviews with each subject, Naylor-Leyland shares how her subjects’ private spaces cultivate unique ways of living, working, and socializing. This book is perfect for lovers of interior design, fashion, and the distinctly English way of life.

About the Author:

Violet Naylor-Leyland is a freelance fashion stylist, journalist, and writer. She has written for numerous magazines, including Vanity Fair, the Lady, Tatler, Bloomberg Businessweek, and the Evening Standard. This is her first book. Andrew Farrar is a London-based photographer. His work has appeared in Vogue, Elle, Nylon, Tatler, the Sunday Times Style, and Marie Claire.


Пролистать книгу Rare Birds, True Style: Extraordinary Interiors, Personal Collections & Signature Looks

Цена: 2500 грн
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Volodymyr Babaev, Isaak Ievzerov, Sergiy Evel, Albert Lantoukh-Liashchenko, Valentyn Shevetovsky, Oleksandr Shimanovskyi, Valery Shmukler, Maria Sukhonos
ID: 13992
Издательство: DOM Publishers

This monograph presents the results of theoretical and experi­mental studies as well as the design and construction ­features of structural systems with rational parameters. It starts by outlining issues around the topological (bionic) optimization of structures and suggests ways to address them.

The computational compiler underlying the proposed approach incorporates the finite element method and the ­adaptive ­evolution method. Thus, this volume outlines new energy principles that speak in favour of the proposed methodology. The solutions presented here were verified experi­mentally using new methods for testing structures for the effects of force and temperature. The theoretical studies also provide a methodology for assessing the technical condition, ­durability, and service life of ­structures.

The book sets out the specific features of the design and construction of systems produced using the proposed approach. New reinforced-­concrete, steel-reinforced-concrete, and steel systems, as well as manufacturing and construction technologies, are described in detail. Designs for buildings, structures, and pedestrian and road bridges are shown. Examples of erected structures are cited, and ­issues with regard to designing large-span suspension systems with rational parameters are considered.
The manual is intended for engineers and researchers dealing with creating, studying, designing, and erecting engineering structures and systems thereof; structural- and civil-engineering teachers and students may also find it handy.

Цена: 2500 грн
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